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Everything posted by DarthVengeant

  1. Alot of trolling, immaturity, and childishness. Way more than there is now.
  2. I agree. Anything in this game that involves jumping is nothing but frustration. Also, EVERYTHING should be available for EVERYONE no matter your class as far as collectables. I fail to see how they make a collectible Codex entry list, but you can't get them all. A few are glitched, and some can only be gotten by certain classes, so, there is no way to get 100%. Who thought THAT up? Sort of defeats the purpose of a collection if you can NEVER obtain them all. And, I really see nothing fun in obtaining them. Wandering around all over having to travel and get into places and having to even buy things just to get them. Some require you to have other people. And don't even get me started on the Tatooine one. 20 min to ride a stupid balloon? How is THAT not boring? id fire the person who came up with that. It's beyond ridiculous. I read some people saying that getting datacron's stops the boredom? I find the entire thing boring. As is alot of this game for that matter. After you hit 50 it's one long snorefest. I guess people like paying 15 bucks a month to do the same things over and over and over and over and over again.....
  3. And, why are all the weapons only for one pretty much class? I fail to understand why there is not something for ALL classes. No freakin light sabers? SERIOUSLY? It' s ridiculous. Honestly, there really isn't much worth getting. All I have to choose from is the clothing, speeder, and pet. That's it. The rest is of no value to me since I cant use it at all. And, why are these area's not in instances? 30 people crowded around trying to do the exact same thing doesn't work well Bioware. The lazer room quest is frankly idiotic and nearly impossible to do BECAUSE of all the people in there trying to do it at the same time. I think developers are forgetting that games are supposed to be fun. There isn't much fun in this event. Just traveling all over constantly riding taxis, your speeder, and your ship. I am so sick of the time wasted traveling and riding speeders or elevators it's not funny. It RUINS the enjoyment of playing. Searching for stupid loot boxes. That's ALL Bioware could think up? Real FUN! Why nothing new with our supposed romances? After you marry them that's the end? Seriously? Nothing new for our ship decor? How about adding DYE for clothing heh? They really need to add ALOT more to end game. It's a SNORE.
  4. There are quite a few that are unobtainable. Such as two on Korriban, no matter your class. And you said " unattainable at the moment"....uhh, things not being available 8 months later is not "at the moment". And, why would they make a codex system for people to get, but only have some be class specific? Utterly stupid. It's like having a collection of cards but not being able to get them all because your not a specific class. It makes no sense and defeats the purpose of even having things to collect if you cant complete it. Armor and items should be class specific, not codex info. The entire thing is broken because of it. You also don't need any out of the box thinking, there are plenty of site that show all the ones available, even youtube videos.
  5. 1) Broken Codex entries. Even after 8 months of being released they still can't fix them? Seriously? 2) No Dye System for armor. No, matching everything to chest piece is not good enough. I want the color/colors I choose. Guild Wars did it great. 3) Lack of high end armor that doesn't look like utter crap. Rakata and Columni gear, whoever designed it should be fired. It's UGLY. I want armor that looks like Darth Maul, Darth Talon, Darth Vader, etc. THAT is what high end armor should look like. I mean, this is supposed to be the stuff you work hard to earn, yet it all looks like a 2 yr old would didn't know a thing about SW designed it. Please, add some armor that actually looks cool and nice, not jagged garbage sticking out, cyborg crap, and dunce hats. 4) Quests that go on, and on, and on, and ohh...bonus...and ohh, a cave with a boss fight at the end. I played two beta's and got two characters to lvl 18 or so. I had a Sith Marauder to 50 but deleted him. I now have a lvl 43 Sith Sorcerer and lvl 8 Sith Warrior who will be a Jug. I can tell you right now that the questing is so boring I actually get pissed off and sick of how utterly repetitive and BORING it is. They need to make them more engaging and draw you in, more fun to them, not just go to point A, do bonus, go to point B, find item, holocall, go to point C which is a Cave, get bonus, get second bonus, third bonus, get final bonus, go all the way back and fight boss for main quest. Over and over again. I am so sick of it it is not funny. It's beyond boring me to tears. I just want quests over the second I get them because they are all the same. And, why is it that you have to talk to someone who then tells you to talk to ANOTHER person just to turn some quests in? Isn't one enough? 5 ) People actually say leveling is EASY in this game. I disagree 900%. As I said above in #4, its utterly boring 75% of the time, and mostly after you hit lvl 30 or so does the utter terror of mind numbing boredom set in. It takes a good few weeks to get to 50. I fail to see how that is easy. Unlocking Legacy Perks helps a little, and that is something you earned, so you deserve it. 6) Lack of end game content. All there is are dailies, PVP Warzones, and Flashpoints, EV's. Wow, all my time spent....for that. Again, the boredom set's in quickly. We need to be able to decorate our ship as well as dye it, have our own home on our home planet, further our romance with who we marry, stuff like that you can do and earn. Armor that you actually want to wear. Not just boring repetitive dailies. 7) No group finder for specific quests. Such as Vehicle quests, World Boss fights, etc. You should be able to have a que for every type of thing in the game. I can never find a group for World Bosses, or Vehicle quests. Even being in a guild doesn't help with that. And, what about the pets too.
  6. They really need to fix these. I fail to see why they would add something like this in a game and STILL not have them fixed. Like Korriban, the FIRST PLANET, you cant even get them all there for crying out loud. Yet, they can add new content. "scratches head". I'd rather they fix what they have before they add more. There is a new planet coming soon in an update, so that must mean MORE codex...yet what they have is broken.
  7. Not surprised with this. I play the game and subscribe, but it gets old and boring real fast after 50. All there is to do is repeat repeat and repeat dailies to earn higher gear. And, the way the game drops items is ridiculous sometimes. 75% of the time is garbage you have no use for and just sell it. The other problem is that once you get to about lvl 24 the game gets really tedious about missions and quests to the point where you just want it to end already. Not to mention the Bonus's for the quests going on and on and on. They need to make it more fun and entertaining, like it is more on the first two or three planets. Most of the high end gear looks like utter CRAP. Horrible outfits that don't fit Star Wars at all. Seriously, most of the Colimni and Rakata gear is just horrible looking, whoever designed them should be fired. Some of the PVP is not too bad, but they need to implement some of the actual Star Wars outfits in to the game. Like Maul, Vader, Talon, etc. Those are outfits that a Sith should be wearing. not jutting out shoulder pads and coned top hats. Maybe the possibility to earn outfits like the ones I mentioned, at least similar to them.
  8. I think it's a bit unfair that these people get all these special rewards for transferring when I just transferred a month ago. Anyone who transferred should get the rewards,
  9. 1) The Ability to make any gear you get comparable to high end Columi/Rarkata gear. Meaning, you can pick the gear you like the look of and make it exactly the same stats as the Columi/Rakata Gear. Because let me tell you, Columi and most high gear is flat out UGLY for all classes. I hate the way I look. I want to look like a Sith, not some anime reject cyborg (Marauder). Whoever designed some of this high end gear should be fired. There needs to be a great deal more variety. I would not mind at all to pay a fee and copy the stats from the high end gear to the gear I like the looks of. The lvl 40 PVP Gear looks 10 times better than ANY high end gear, across the board for all classes. I hate spikes and sharp angles jutting out, I want robes and more tight fitting attire. Think Luke Skwalker in ROTJ with black robes. Darth Maul. Darth Talon. Vader, Palpatine. Maris Brood (not a sith but has cool clothes), Asajj Ventress (perfect clothes for Inquisitor), Komari Vosa. THOSE are what Sith should look like. Maybe people could have the ability to earn armor like that? Why not? I think that's a great idea. The ability to earn gear that is like characters in Star Wars you enjoy. I really don't understand the look of this high end gear, it's atrocious. I don't say this to "flame". It really is all ugly to me and not very "Star Wars". I prefer clothing like the ones I mentioned. 2) Armor dye system. Not what they have now with the Armor color chest synch, I want to be able to dye my armor the color I choose. And, this is something I thought was lacking in this game way back in the beta's, and it's still not added. At least a two color system. Black main with green highlights, for example. Similar to what you can do in Guild Wars. 3) End Game content and further character story line. Those need to be added ASAP. Doing dailies and raids get's old real fast. So boring. I want to continue my characters story already. To further my marriage to my companion, etc. 4) Specialized group finder addition for specific gear/items. People looking to earn the vehicles, pets, etc. I am yet to earn any vehicles because no one is ever wanting to do it. It would be nice to have a que for these things. 5) And, please. Let the Twi'Leks have hoods again!!!
  10. I agree. I want to be able to zoom out and look at my character without being in-game. Zoomed in looks horrible.
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