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Everything posted by SillyTurtle

  1. I seriously had no idea this was even an issue or anything abnormal. I'm also really surprised something like this has such a deep discussion (no offense of course.) Had no idea people would ever unbind the S key either. Sometimes you just need to take a few steps back. I can't recall when I use it or how often but using it with the mouse to move the camera it works well for me when turning around quickly. Guess i'll have to pay attention more to when or if I even use it that much.
  2. Were you the guy on shadowhand I feel off the balloon with? lol... it was literally the 20 min mark when it happened. SOOO frustrating considering it was my 2nd go on it, and somehow missed the jump the first time. Regardless how all you may feel, I felt as frustrated as the OP sometimes on some of them. Some of them are quite annoying. The mechanics aren't exactly 100% meant for platforming - sometimes your char clips off invis objects no matter what you do. SOME luck is indeed involved. I was body type 3, so maybe it's just harder for the bigger types. *shrugs* My only advice is take a break and come back at a later time. Get a bunch of other easier ones and come back to it with more confidence.
  3. He's right, they have “sales”. However, when the computer products are 1200 or more, 1-5% off is what they call a “sale”. Quite pathetic.
  4. HOW is there 8 pages for this topic!? It's called a sale. Anything and everything will go on sale somewhere. Have you people not lived until yesterday...?
  5. Yep, pieces of it during bigger fights and such. Not sure if it matters, but i'm a Sith Warrior.
  6. Yep. She appeared in III and the clone wars as well. Her padawan, Barriss Offee in II and clone wars was also Mirialan.
  7. This. Also some of you need to understand something... this game is NOT based on the movies, nor are the species shown in the movies at all relevant to the ones in this game. The ones in the game are based on ”The Old Republic“ lore, and the KOTOR games. The more important species of those times are what represented. Also, playable races had to corelate with the entire storyline for all classes as well from planet to planet. You guys act like they will never have future races. there WILL BE once expansions come. You HAVE to start somewhere, and what races we have now is what they started with. When they work in the storyline, and expand the game THEN they will fit other races in. Remember, this isnt a generic storyline fitted to whatever character you look like - each class (and species chosen per class) was all intended and placed for a reason, individually. You sound like a professional. Are you? You sound like you have some personal experience.
  8. But some of these people aren't providing constructive opinions... and (thank you) THIS is exactly my problem, and what I was referring to in my above posts. There is a difference between constructive criticism based on opinions and just attacking the game developers, calling them such words as “lazy” and dumb. When it comes to the gaming industry and even the movie industry, budget and time alotted/deadlines are huge things to work around. Things WILL get cut, things will HAVE to be sacrificed. They pushed out as many races as they did which was great. But it was either a small amount of very different species, or high amount but more similar to others (but still different.) It cant be both... if it WAS both (many many different races, crazy different looks) then something else in the entire project would have been sacrificed. Everyone understand? Now, either case, everyone would be making complaints regardless about the opposite. 5 races, complete different species - why not more races? Lots of different races, somewhat similar - why no different looking species? Lots of different races, complete different species - why was there no mini games like ANY kind of space combat/mission? (or insert other feature here...) See where i'm going with this?
  9. I also heard there is a white crystal schematic you can get from a world boss. Not sure if it's in the game or not yet though. Think it was Alderaan? Anyone know if you can get it yet?
  10. Yea I think the purple is PvP only. Magenta's are kind of a pain to get also, and go for about 400k on my server. Thats for the NON endurance ones. I would think they would go for more. To get it (loosely), you have to do some kind of mixture on tatooine and hoth to summon a tough mob to fight on ilum for a piece of crystal for crafting. The schematic drops off a world boss or 2 (cant remember where, higher lvl planets though) and I think you also need a material from a high level flashpoint to craft it. The color is not that noticeable until you get close. I kinda thought it was a purple at quick glance, but then you'll see the difference. Still pretty nice, but personally i'd only use it for one of my female characters if I had one.
  11. It's all good, i'm just get cranky on the forums lately lol... the negativity just flows through you eventually!
  12. This wasn't directed at the OP at all, sorry. I'll edit my post. it's at some of the replies in the thread. Yes, other races will be coming in future expansions when they are ready to. It also gives something for people to look forward to when they finally arrive. Really, in response to the OP, there is only so much time they can invest in everything before launch. I do feel like they have a acceptable number of different ones to at least suffice for the launch. Regardless how similar.
  13. Because its NOT as easy as 1-2-3. Just because it's in the game, it doesn't mean you can just transfer the skins and make it work for a player. There is so much developing and time involved you guys have no idea. This is not directed at the OP, but please, unless you are experienced game designers, don't make ignorant comments. Stop acting like everything is simple and can be done instantly, you just look like immature fools. It's so tiresome. No offense, but really. Think before you start attacking BW, or any other game company.
  14. Most things were said already so I don't have to reiterate. But seriously, 550 exp and you are getting hit for 6k damage “regularly”??? Either this is a complete exaggeration or you face the same marauder in full BM thats a rage spec. But even then, wouldnt your gear just equal itself out? If he has equal to or close expertise, you shouldn't be getting hit for that amount. Either way, a 6k is anything but normal everyday amount of dmg per hit. To even do this move, you have to land a force jump, do a force choke/crush and let it tick the 4 full seconds, and THEN hit smash, which by the way, the AoE is only 5m, and is tricky to hit sometimes due to people constantly moving. The entire process will only even happen if no one else is attacking the marauder that is attacking you. The buff wears off after a short while, so we have to play smarter to even pull the combo off. You make it sound it's instant hit where it's anything but. It's also ONLY rage spec. With ALL these circumstances, is there really a problem with it? Many other classes can hit a couple of buttons in a quarter of the time and do the same amount of damage or more.
  15. Its all about gear, nothing else. It's all about the expertise. 5% only is a HUGE difference. You will murder a mara without any expertise, yet full BM they will be like punching a rock. However, any class in full BM is like hitting a rock usually... so it's not class specific. Just a class with better defensive gear (heavy armor) and defensive abilities are... thicker rocks.
  16. It must really be different every server. A lot of you are overlooking what the OP is saying. He makes fair complaints and there are indeed times where I feel the same way. If the OP is talking about lvl 50 pvp only, he has a lot of good points. Maybe a lot of you, and others I have seen in other similar posts, have really crappy opponents and/or full pvp gear against those without any. On my server, marauders don't put out 400k dps, not even close. Only once I saw a mara hit 300k damage and it was against a group of ungeared 50's. I'm usually the highest damage mara most times but even then I don't think I ever broke 200k damage with 4-5 pieces of expertise gear. SI, IA and BH ALWAYS have 300-400k damage a warzone on my server. Why? Because they are really good at their classes aside from gear. Without expertise, you really get facerolled against those who have a decent amount. We don't have the survivability like other classes to close that gap from no gear to earning gear. The road is just harder for us. It all comes down to this: Like others have said, we are seriously gear dependent. I have about 300 expertise and only now can I even compete with others with equal or higher than that. I do pretty dang well as of now. But aside from expertise, we really are at a disadvantage, and we indeed need some kind of change to fix whatever the underlying problem is. Every server and situation is different, so don't jump on the guy so fast without thinking of all the circumstances.
  17. I'd go for this. I'd hope the character creation was top notch though. Gear is already in place so that wouldn't be a problem.
  18. The champion/battlemaster (or is it just BM?) vest has hood up. If you choose to wear a helm, it turns off the hood which is nice. Or, if you have one of the helm items that only cover the lower jar area (like Malgus's jaw thingy), the hood will be up with the helm piece. Looks pretty cool.
  19. I like the space missions currently in the game. I don't care if they add something like this or not, but i'll be happy with whatever they are planning on adding. The lack of “combat” in space was never an issue to me - I was grateful there was any type of side missions at all. Man... I loved battlefront. Still waiting on that 3rd one... Canceled, picked up, canceled, picked up again, transferred companies... maybe next gen consoles :-p
  20. EDIT: My mistake, I was looking at the wrong link. Ignore this post... :-o
  21. No idea where you get your numbers, there is 90 minutes of original catina music alone in the game. Also, why would they have the same track with a different name at each cantina? To think that is silly - there are different songs all over the galaxy. Add that, plus other original music in the game and/or the collectors edition sound track for those who bought it, there is PLENTY. If it was ever implemented obviously there would be a “OFF” button.
  22. It's really only a phrase, a matter of opinion, both or neither. Generally you put the most into your first character because you are more inclined to enjoy everything the game has to offer. However, you may start another character and love that one more and rarely go back to the other. Your main will be whatever you choose to call it. No one says you can't treat ALL of your characters with the same respect.
  23. Holy crap people... you guys can't be satisfied with ANYTHING! These were even better than last weeks, and they talked about a lot of great stuff thats incoming. Seriously, they can only answer a FRACTION of the amount of questions they are asked, and you call that dodging??? They have their reasons why they picked the questions they did. Stop whining like selfish kids that you didnt "win the lottery" and have your question picked. You ingrates are even LUCKY they even do this every week AT ALL. Your demanding answers, they are giving answers. Oh but of course, that's not good enough now. Please remove heads from asses. :-/ If the "Giving Tree" wasn't written yet, these threads would surely inspire it to be.
  24. I always got good gear from the bonus missions, and I never knew if there was anything for doing them all so I always made sure to do them. Also, in many of them, the characters imply you will keep in touch and have some kind of future encounters. My best guess is for one of the expansions they will build upon these bonus series. They left it open probably on purpose.
  25. I really dont understand where people are coming from. This was a really good change... Since centurion gear was useless to me since I had better gear from elsewhere, I relyed on “luck” to get tokens for champion gear. Fortunately, I got 3 pieces before the change. Now every time I get a bag, i'm guaranteed progress toward getting champion gear, with still a chance of a token drop. I got my first token in probably 15 bags, but I also was able to buy 2 pieces of gear with it. Either way, I EARNED what I got. It wasnt by luck anymore. I did my daily and weekly pvp mission and collected the normal amount of bags you get from warzone commendations. So what's the problem??? People just want crap handed to them without that much effort? I don't understand the fuss...
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