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Everything posted by orangenee

  1. They get 9 quid a month out of me for the subscription. I have 3000 plus coins gathered in the last 4 days alone for free. I have no need of any transfers, where would I move to? I'd have 3 options (I don't speak French or German) after the merge. If they move the EU servers to a far away land then they won't get the 9 quid even. With regards to collection unlocks I only really bother with mounts. What else would I spend coins on? May as well gamble seeing as I'm not paying for it. Guess it's a personal perspective thing but coins aren't hard to come by.
  2. OR just bring them back how they were before.
  3. Good job I won't be watching it ever then. I'm not helping Disney eat all the corporations with my money. There'll be Disney representation in the Military Industrial Complex one day, then we're in trouble. Disclaimer applies to that last sentence to avoid any "tin foil hat" stuff.
  4. Andromeda was a terrible pile of turd in my opinion. It was made for a quick cash in on a name and it's treatment confirms it. If you happened to like it, awesome. People liked Glee as well and some people think Anita Sarkeesian and the Young Turks are a good thing too. To circle back to my point, Andromeda isn't worth defending nor is it worth attacking. It is what it was made to be, if people were happy with the purchase then they got a good deal. I did not feel that way, in fact it was the last game I ever played on my now sold PS4.
  5. I love my PT, just not when he gets shot at. The Merc is a better DPS, Healer AND Tank. It has loads of things that should be on PT.
  6. SWTOR is to me the last gasp of Star Wars. Disney can go fondle themselves, especially as they keep employing that hack Abrams. I'd have ditched this game like a pot of mustard (I despise mustard) if it wasn't Star Wars. I've never liked WoW, only played SWG because Star Wars. Only play STO because Star Trek, that game barely qualifies as an MMO really aside from following the staple rules of F2P. You think GC is a grind? Play STO. The reason I say they're (MMOs) a dying breed is publishers are going right off making them altogether. Too expensive, too requiring of attention and resources, also a sizeable gamble as to the returns. What's here will stick around but there'll not be many if any new ones in a few years. MOBAs will stick around for a while though.
  7. MMOs are a dying breed. WoW will be around standing alone atop a pile of skulls of other MMOs eventually. This game will get what it's getting at it's own pace. Even if they tried it'd be a badly decomposed tortoise vs a jet propelled hare at this point.
  8. What he said. More specifically violet if they were a thing.
  9. Excellent choice. Manipulating things so the French get excommunicated is always lovely, then launching a crusade against them of course.
  10. Do you guys think a Garza Ghetto Booty love thread is going too far?
  11. No idea. I only know a few people who are on Progenitor but no idea who they are in game. Nobody knows my toons names either. If you ever see a Powertech doing the chicken dance in front of a vendor on fleet chances are it's me however.
  12. I've met him once. The first time you see him in the JK story, Quesh. Seemed a reasonable sort. Sadly I can't be bothered to drag myself through any more story stuff right now, so it'll be a long time before I circle back to it.
  13. Harkun? I didn't get to lightning that guy once, not once. He blows. I was always partial to Zash myself, Darth wise.
  14. Where'd all the Servers Go? Unsub now, we accidentally the whole of your characters
  15. To prevent desecration of the BRG thread you weirdos can have this instead. Worship your false and lazy god if ye must but there will be a reckoning. SUPPLEMENTAL: Watch this thread get wasted by the mods.
  16. Sad thing is I'm so new I don't even know how much has gone missing over the years.
  17. Think nothing of it Luna. This is my little haven away from my usual forum terrorism.
  18. Chair dude ain't nothing. I'd take random engineer standing around doing nothing over him any day.
  19. You lose man points doing it in locker rooms. Real men walk into Ann Summers parties and do it. If you survive you come out the manliest man that ever manned.
  20. I gave the thread 3 stars. I'll be outside with my umbrella if you have issues with it.
  21. Vaylin? Seriously? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I'd sooner insert myself in Skadge.
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