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Everything posted by Talkarr

  1. Didn't expect to see this. But if you guys enjoy low population servers, that is great! Everyone should play the way they want to
  2. Seems it looks like you all have excellent computer specs, maybe the loading times are caused by slow internet speed? I have a 50/50 mbit connection and i don't have any problems with long loading screens.
  3. They said from the beginning this would happen over time. Stop feeling self entitled and wait like the rest of us.
  4. I wish i could have entered. Well i guess i have to move to the US now... xD
  5. CE doesn't mean "Feel exclusive Edition" it is for, you know, Collectors! I'm fully satisfied with my CE as i got it because i wanted to collect the very very limited Malgus statue.
  6. Right now, same sex relationships are not possible. However, Bioware have said they really want to implement it, so just hang in there ^^
  7. The plague can theoretically linger forever, however i'm guessing it'll die out in a day or two.
  8. I'm going to keep a Character infected, just to log on a few years from now on that alt and infect the whole fleet
  9. On the Empire side i pretty much only hated Nar Shadaa. I hate clustered city like areas :/ On the Republic side it was both Nar Shadaa and Coruscant, where Coruscant is due to the same reason as Nar Shadaa. I absolutely loved Tatooine, Alderaan and Hoth due to the extremely well done landscapes. I can't get enough of big open landscapes that are just screaming for you to explore them ^^
  10. I'm guessing either your HDD, CPU and/or RAM are slow. I've got no problems loading those planets, the load time for Tatooine is what? 15-30 secs depending on what else is running on the computer.
  11. Yeah, they are really missing as a playable race, seeing as how common they are in the Star Wars lore...
  12. Achievements as they exists now in SWTOR is just fine. If they start adding acheivements like it was done in WoW it would ruin the game for some. For example: I level a lot of alts, and have 1 main of course. The main character may have done all the operations that are in the game, but my alts obviously haven't. Now, if i were to try and find an Ops group they would require me to link to a certain achievement, proving i've done it before. I of course wouldn't be able to do so on my alts, and thus i wouldn't be able to do any ops with my alts. Which IMO would be bad, since i do know the strategies for each boss in the given Ops, but because i don't have a shiny e-peen i can't join any Ops.
  13. What?! Are you telling me the collectors edition was ment for collectors? How rude of them!
  14. You forgot the part about how it was changed, from the version of it in the beta.
  15. After doing some research i've come to the conclusion of it being possible to have 2 lightsaber crystals, disregard my last post The original design for the Double bladed lightsaber is very very sophisticated. It wasn't until later on that it was simplified, and basically were two conjoined lightsabers that the wielder could detach and use one lightsaber in each hands. The first famous person to have a lightsaber to do this, must be Darth Maul. But again, that is again several thousands of years from SWTOR xD
  16. Double bladed lightsabers only use one crystal according to the lore. I can't even recall if someone has tried to use 2. However, even if that had been succesfully done, i doubt it would work in SWTOR. Because, the technology for double bladed lightsabers were first used during the Great Sith War, which ended at 3,996 BBY (before battle of yavin). And SWTOR is taking place at approximately 3,643 BBY. So, as you can see there has only been about 350 years since the discovery of double bladed lightsabers, and it wasn't until 137 ABY (after battle of yavin) that the blade was longer than that of a standard lightsaber, and thus maybe even better. So it took several thousands of years just to extend the blade, so i really really don't think it would be possible to just discover how to use 2 crystals in one lightsaber the few hundred years from the discovery of the blade and until SWTOR takes place
  17. I made my Sith Pureblood with blood red skin, bald head, and two tentacles hanging from the sides of his mouth. I did this, because i'm an avid fan of the Star Wars universe, and i'm a roleplayer. I wanted my Sith to be truly pureblood, so if he didn't look the way i described, he wouldn't be a pureblood, he would be mixed blood. I hope this helps you understand some of the thoughts behind it all
  18. So far, all the class quests i've done seemed about average in difficulty, maybe a bit too easy. I've got a lvl 50 Sith Warrior, 50 Sith Sorcerer, 50 Mercenary, and i'm lvl'ing a Jedi Shadow. I haven't had problems with a single class quests, and i've done every one of them solo.
  19. Here you are http://www.swtor.com/test-center/patchnotes/313976 Happy reading ^^
  20. They don't refuse to give char copies, they just don't have the system yet to mass copy. Right now they have to manually copy each and every character. Next time, try not to jump to conclusions. http://www.swtor.com/test-center/news/313754
  21. One is your average FPS and the other your actual, if i remember correctly.
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