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Everything posted by Gibonski

  1. You don't need instant that much, since priming shot gives you this every few gcds. I always despised tracer getting that option and was saving power surge for fusion missile adds aoe. The raid buff can, and should be executed by A merc healer and nowadays you should always have one in group when doing hm/ nim content. So basically there is one choice: chaff flare. Although I will agree that these should be baseline, it's not that big of a deal as the damage output and sustained dps for Arsenal. These 2 points should be addressed, but again we are getting concentrated fire in implants and big no when it comes to our viability in raid rooster. Once again we are getting the same treatment, Shame
  2. True, true and one more time true! Operations gave nothing in form of incentive except for achievements but that was not enough as we were being used to the old system already. Honestly the only system that makes sense. Bosses need to drop gear/ tokens that are adequate to the level of a challenge. It was bad and it needed to be addressed. The sad part is, we will have to wait another 2/3 months to get that though, as raid is not the part of 7.0 release. Shame Coming back to the discussion, the whole Bioware is not at fault and ea to blame. I don't want to throw blame at any particular body. Let them share the responsibility to get us a product we deserve. They are equally at fault or to be praised for their actions. As it stands right now, 28.01.2022, we have 1/4 th of the expansion being dropped at launch. But it is still called major expansion. I beg to differ though. Nothing screams major really. Class revamp is just another patch they could have done, same with gear changes. And the amount of story is abysmal, even compared to what we were getting past 6.0. Unless they have some hidden gem or ace up their sleeve, there is nothing that could save this xpac from being called an absolute failure. I had such high hopes, that something would change. That once in the game lifespan we will be treated differently. Just a bit of decency really. I was working in a prison for 3 years and decency is the big part in there. Being human to the other person. Even though someone is A con you try to approach them with decency. More often than not you get it back. Obviously there are coonts ny nature and cant be changed but every place has them. That's how you build relations. I don't get that feeling here. I am far from being touchy - feely type, but what I hate the most is going back on your own word and not delivering on promises. That is basically what we've gotten. False promises and backing away from changes, content being pushed away for further patches. People in other games would absolutely destroy the developers and publishers of their games for such behaviour. Imagine WoW did not get raid in time, or not getting any new zone for expansion. How can we not getting anything exciting? And I know lots of people play for the story, but the amount we are shown is not en pair with the name: Expansion. Alas I will play this game because of the friends I have in the guild and nvause i enjoy spending time with them raiding in star wars universe. Hope is the mother of fools and dies last as they say, but what is there left for us than to hope for better days in a galaxy far far away.
  3. Quick solution to the problem that is mutually beneficial. I hope one out of all 5 people working on this already came up with it. Make barrel, mod and enhancement- weapon specific as it used to be before. You can't put it in any other slot like legs, head etc. Both sides will be happy. Players will still get to use their cartel market, gs2 weapons as intended and devs will have more time to fix this mess. It's that simple.
  4. With the introduction of the mandalorians civil war currently told in the form of brief story and flashpoints, do you think that we actually can see the planet itself. I mean there are tons of Mandos in all of the original stories and beyond, and they choose to have a small camp on dromund kaas? Seems very without logic and thought. I thought it would be released by now, instead of giving us Revan and Malgus... #Boring With the Mandalorian series and now book of Boba Fett I thought it would be obvious what will 7.0 bring, but nah, Manaan boys and girls and more Malgus. What do rest of you think? W
  5. Hello, I have seen many players here on the forum, Reddit, discords and decided to write this TLDR. As closer we get to the release of an "expansion" we get less excitement and more hate, criticism towards it. Not one post from the developers adressed this issue, as if they were following this philosophy: "Let's go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over."- If you know, you know. I am amazed, truly by the lack of any acknowledgment for the real issues. I am a founder player and I have witnessed this many times in the past. But never before I have seen such negativity being poured over the developers and the team behind swtor, and for the right reasons too. Usually it's the cry of either Raiders, pvpers or casuals and the constant war of who should be prioritised. But this time it's a unison of all the community against the sheer ignorance and lack of content we will be getting in 7.0 Here are a few examples: 1. No daily area at launch. As we are getting only one new( realistically old, refreshed ) planet to enjoy some gameplay it is being pushed back to 7.1 2. No operation at launch. - Big no no. 3. Non modable gear until at least 7.2/ 7.1.5. That is when The master mode for R4 will come out and we will get mods. 4. No weapon in designer. With a combination of lack of mods, this is something that got the biggest outrage. Who fought it would be ok? You just shanked yourself in the gut with this as cartel market will see a downfall in usage. 5. Change of gear progression- casuals went crazy, 80 % stating that they will unsubscribe if this go live. Some of the changes are good, some abysmal. Get your own opinion on the type of content you are playing. These points mark the biggest controversies among the players and dissapointment overall. We have been nothing but fair to the developers. They stated that we don't get anything new and exciting because of covid for 2 years. As universal as this excuse is in every branch of business and services, it can't be used forever. Now after 4th or 5th wave the office life has gone back to normal. Everybody are sitting in their cubicles again and should be doing their jobs. What is the excuse now? How can you announce an expansion In mid 2021, with a fixed date for December, than postpone it to February( which was good call, last resort type of situation ) and still not deliver a bare minimum for an expansion to be called as such. This is an utter disgusting managing your own plans and materials. False promises and shouts of amazing content. Where is it Then? Launch is in 2 weeks and so far, apart from story which most of us will devour in one sitting that evening there is nothing. Yes people will still play the old content with gear changes but you call that expansion? Shame on you really. I have been trying to defend some of the points made by others too. I actually like how the gearing will work in theory. I was tired of getting bis from hammer station or toborro and amassing millions of useless mods in my inventory. I was looking with an open mind to class pruning, that could potentially increase the difficulty of operations and pvp. I feel dumb now, because of the fact that you take away everything you promised us and you won't even show us the middle finger. Instead we get cold shoulder and complete silence. I will quickly mention the 10th year celebration. The day came and went without an echo. We got a vague post and more false promises with nothing solid, no dates and praising how amazing combat styles are. Vendor has nothing new, there is no event, no message in the screen, no npc shouting, zero. Just shoot me now please. So community of this game, do you agree? Have you also grown tired of this treatment? How long til the game is dead, because every month, it is spiralling out of control and rocking downhill. I encourage you to post your opinion, your anger, happiness, rant, praise. Anything really that would get attention of the team. This is me, fighting for what I love, as should you. This game gave me lots of great memories. I don't want to end my journey with a sour taste as I currently have. May the force be with you.
  6. Hey There soldier, let's pause a second. When did you get those numbers that 90 percent of players give only negative feedback and dislike the new gearing system? And saying that 6.0 was best of all time... well you just baffled the rest of us here. It was probably second to worst, with everyone getting his within a week or two of constant spamming Hammer station and Toborro. This is not the way. This is trash system. And I am not saying here that I completely agree with everything they are introducing, but tokens and vertical progression is good stuff. We used to have it before and it was working great.
  7. I agree with this player. We need to have old carnage and what It offered. Although it would have to come with old ravage animations to make it spectacular. I wouldn't mind simple flat damage boost. Just like Arsenal, carnage marauder suffer for nearly 5 years not being reliable in operations. Even if you spam your keyboard like crazy, you won't compete with annihilation. Sad truth yes, will it be addressed by 7.0 ? Who knows...
  8. Your opinion stays valid if you post your operations achievements progression. You can't possibly talk about bosses being easy without clearing them first. And although I agree partially I must point out that raiding is not main point of this game sadly. In wow they do it perfectly and raids always have different, thematic and engaging mechanics. Here are only thematic at best. Leave the circle, cleanse, avoid aoe, interrupt. That's basically it. We would love to see some more challenging mechanics. Something niche or extravagant even. Something that would intrigue us to a point of wanting to keep spamming that operation for the pure fun of it.
  9. They mentioned something about celebrations starting with 7.0, but it is true that lack of anything other than one vague as hell post is a catastrophe. We are not given the treatment we deserve. Players need to be informed, teased and shown, what they can expect. So far nothing though. Is anyone actually thinking this is ok? Why the silence, why the constant dissapointment you are delivering. I have unsubscribed from this game many times and went to play something else, exactly because of that. Lack of information when it is needed to keep the players in the loop, being excited at what's to come. When I saw the news about 7.0 and celebrations I was intrigued, but the vague and false promises did not make me to subscribe again. Now I came back with a group of friends and we were all theorycrafting the new stuff. But it seems like it will end on that. Speculations... we get nothing in terms of news, flashy posts. Every other dev tracker entry is about the stuff that won't make it to release and will be laid out later. I agree to the teeth with the guy above. We want something solid and interesting. Players deserve something better and will not settle for anything less than what we used to have 5 years ago. I remember the dread masters operations era. I had so much to do then, there was actual content. Now for 3 years we were getting 10 minutes of story and a flashpoint every 5 months. It is not something to get exciting about, and this is not great news. For the love of God, give us something. My best memories from this game were around Makeb and DF/ DP operations. I have met some real life friends I'm in touch to this day. I have formed my own raiding group and remember weeks of wiping draxus on nim. I remember dropping that sweet tokens of gear that increased my dps by A few, but it did matter. I remember loosing to other players when auctioning loot through dkp.
  10. At this point I hope it is March, because we will get nothing when 7.0 drops. Combat styles and class pruning. Custom unmodable weapons + gear. As i did not cry about the gear, the weapons are just a punch below the belt. No Manaan, operation, nothing really that keeps you invested. No new activity, event for celebrations of 10th year anniversary. We get jack, with a side of squawk.
  11. This is not fair to the player base. This is outright disgusting. Bioware, with Ea can't put together competent group of people to fix issues in 3 months time? Give me a break. Weapon outfiter should not be that complicated. The whole excitement has gone down the trash for me. I am not hyped at all. With this news came sour taste for the 7.0. We will get nothing new to keep us playing My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
  12. A bump from me. Now we don't get any new feature apart from class pruning which could have been added in pre patch for the expansion, not being the main feature. Where is new stuff? Where's Manaan, operation even at story mode? And now this ******** wirh weapons? Come on, as I was really excited for gearing changes this again brings me down to where I was: ready to unsubscribe
  13. We do not yet know the 7.0 live version as pts will be updated and changes made after 28th of Jan. We will know after it launches, however from what I observed and what people have said, there is little to no chance that Arsenal will ever be competitive again. Maybe IO will ha e some use. Unless they give us flat damage increase, it will be just more of the same I'm afraid.
  14. I protest too, but let's be realistic. It is going to happen no matter how much we raise our voices. It's not a democracy, and given the fact that they had over half a year to do something about it and did nothing just proves it. The changes will go live, but i hope they will tweak it a bit, so that we don't loose class identity or should I say combat style now? Pruning is never fun, neither is necessary in this case. We should have gotten a new ability, some interesting new way to implement it in the rotation and then remove things people don't use. Like explosive dart on merc or stealth scan. Garbage abilities should be exactly where the name indicates. "Know your place, trash!"- said some random guy from the internet, but this is what should have happened. Most of the changes don't affect classes that needed a change in order to become competitive again, some of them got better treatment than others. Bioware just fails to see the problem with some cases, or deliberately chooses to ignore them. Also the remove of the set bonuses so far and transforming them into legendaries does not look good. It weakens the character, that goes along with the trend of this xpac. I have spoken
  15. Well, I do not know if you stay on the fleet long enough to notice, since you are doing heroics only, but currently there is only two operations that people are doing. EV AND TC. The same with flashpoints, people only doing hammer station farm to get tons of gear and spam command crates and levels. I believe this change was made to adress this issue. I am not entirely sure why the heroics got the axe as well, but it might have been the case, if we're doing these two, let's throw in another as well. As all pve content will be on rotation now, it doesn't give much freedom to the players and it sucks, especially with heroics. But operations needed that change. And flashpoints could get some love too. How many times I have entered some of even older fps and people were completely unaware of tactics, hidden passages, shortcuts and avoiding pulls. Just blasting through everything like it's hammer time! And don't quote me with, let people play how they want. No. They can, but it just diminishes the overall level of a player of this game. It doesn't give a chance for new players to reach for newer content, learn it, enjoy it. Quoting someone from the fleet: " Just spam TC and HS m8, you will get gear faster than any other path." So yeah there was something terribly wrong and it needed a change. That's it Peace
  16. Grind? Grind?! Doing conquest is a joke and it will continue to be. 100k points from 50 isn't that big of a change. If u have stronghold bonus it's laughable how quickly u can smash conquest to get weekly rewards. And it's not twice as hard, as it's not hard at all. You play the game for 15 minutes and boom, it's done. Some of the objectices are designed to do them fast. And lots of them are repeatable through legacy. And if you have million alts, who's fault is that? Yours alone mate.i have lots of alts and I don't do conquest on all of them. What's the point? You want these 3 trashy decos or get 100k u will spend on repairs in no time. There are other, better ways to make money.
  17. Hello Jackie, devs, First of all, being true to what I wrote in one of the feedback topics I need to thank you. For giving us a post( hopefully a big one) of all the changes that were made after the feedback. Could you tell us respectfully which day will it drop? Thanks in advance for keeping us informed. Fingers crossed that you have listened to your community.
  18. You stressed the fact that you don't do operations, so you won't take this path of progression. And that is fine. Bioware said in the post that they will progressively add better gear say 340/ 350 and you will be able then to reach a threshold of 334 by doing conquest, heroics what have you. 334 is when the modable gear vendor will become available. I don't understand why would you need modable gear if you are not doing operations on higher level? Min/ Maxing, editing mods, reaching stages of alacrity, crit helps out the players who do vm, mm content. It was the case in 6.0, when casuals went to get their optimal stats, tactical and set bonus advice to us, players who know the bis setup. You mentioned the enjoyment of clearing content itself. But how much more enjoyable it was, when you knew that a piece of gear was waiting for you once you did it. And truth be told, I don't remember the exact name of the gear that dropped. Lets be realistic, it was more than 5 years ago when it last happened. But I do remember the excitement that went with it. I was waiting all day, looking up on dulfy which boss I need to take down to get the upgrade I need and then going in and doing it. It felt incredible I remember the DKP system that was part of this very game before Kotet in many guilds. I remember the feeling of worry, when I missed just one piece of gear to get my bis, but someone else might take it away from me. And hate me for it, but i loved it. You are partially right, when you speak about being happy with the time I invested with friends on certain boss. But there is a difference between first clear and having the operation on farm. It's the farming process that was missing in this game. It was not fun any more to meet every week to clear the same content, because you could have been well off just spamming TC / EV to get the same stuff. And look where it got us. You barely cannot get a group of 16 people on the fleet for any other ops than these 2 I mentioned above. Its constant spam of TC and EV farms. This is what's killing the game. Lack of incentive for going inside that operation. Ofc you can buy clears, and get your achievements but you will be scrutinized on the raiding scene. Yes people talk and we know who buys runs. There is a lot of people that share my point of view and you will not understand, since you got bored of the operations, or won't do it for any other reason. I hope you do give it a try once 7.0 operation hits and maybe, just maybe something will change.
  19. What I'm reading is just a lot of hate and no constructive criticism. I get that everybody is entitled to their opinion about the subject but come on. Stop spreading doomsday when it's really not that bad. Wow does not have mods in the gear and they have way bigger raiding scene than this game has. The raids in there are also way more complex and people gear up toons according to the systems provided. Yes they constantly be beetching about the game but new systems always bring mixed opinions. At least we don't get tons of borrowed power as they are destroying amplifiers which were exactly that. Although we won't get modable gear before operation hard mode / master mode is released and we get 334 gear it's not that bad. We will be able to farm 326 and 330 gear waiting for the operation to drop. And you still will be able to tweak your stats through augments. 14 slots to fill and not all of them will be accuracy. I know people are used to modding everything, min maxing their gear, adjusting stats and trying new builds, but honestly the amount of mods 6.0 introduced was too damm high! This was true rng. Waiting weeks for the right one to drop was a total massacre. We want modable gear, of course, but it's not the end of the world if we don't get it at the start. I believe it's a bit better that we don't, which will smooth the transition for newer players and casuals who are not used to tokens and vertical progression. I honestly dislike the change but it's not the end of the game and stop proclaiming it as such.
  20. However not all the changes are good, going back to the vertical progression, tokens is amazing. For nearly 5 years, since command system was introduced we ( people doing operations and flashpoints alike) were given the middle finger. It was all about everybody getting the best gear and it's not how the mmo should function. People that do harder content should be awarded with better gear. And that's the 7.0 philosophy which I adore. Most of people in my guild share this opinion and I don't get why it's being hated so much. I understand that casuals, rp guys and people that want to chill and relax will not be able to get bis gear. But for the content they do, it is definitely enough. If you want to try something harder, you will get better gear and that's fine. Now for the things I don't like: 1. Not being able to swap combat style inside the phase. 2. Non modable gear at launch. Although its again not that drastic as with the release of the operation this will be addressed. Shame is that we have to wait another month or so to actually get it. 3. Some classes getting better treatment than others. I mean snipers are getting axed the most, alongside juggernauts. Mercs with arsenal still don't get buffed with damage and class will be ok playable for the next 2 years. This is not fair class balance. As I mentioned above, we would have to wait and see if this system will be something to he excited about. But as far as it is fleshed out on the pts it's alright. People on the internet always preaching doomsday, and it was the case with every expansion.
  21. Another good idea would be, when Bioware would introduce new currency. Say a "crystal coin" would be it's name. You can swap one billion credits for the coin and then buy goods at specialty vendor for it. They would be some new decorations, cosmetics etc. Rich people would definitely sink their money into it. They have money in order to show off stuff they can buy. It won't affect all, as some of them are just straight up selling credits or saving it up like hamster. But it would eliminate some of the credits from the game.
  22. You're not missing anything. Tech and force users won't be allowed to mix and match their combat styles. And lorewise it may work this way that you described, that a jedi can use blasters I doubt that every powertech or imperial agent will suddenly become proficient in using the force. With these changes they allowed us to have 2 classes in one, while doing story of the third. You can be sage/ marauder playing inqusitor story line. They called it separating story from gameplay. It is what it is mate.
  23. That's a bump from me too. I have always wanted to play as pt or merc with blaster rifle. Yes just like boba fett, duh! But I don't like vanguard animations. It's stupid and I believe now with combat styles it's a perfect occasion to get rid of these restrictions. I don't believe it would create tons of work. I may be wrong, I'm not a programmer. But we were shouting this for years and it didn't happen. Who knows, maybe now...
  24. We put up constructive criticism, but is anyone listening? It just seems like they stand there, let it all wash away and then they will go ahead with these "AMAZING, GROUND-BREAKING, NEW IDEAS" for legendaries, amongst other things. It is so sad to watch, read every piece of important feedback that is being cast on the devs and there is no response. With xpac being just little over 30 days away, my hands are dropping and I am not excited at all. They managed to do the opposite of that with their attitude towards the changes. Someone would say: " you shouldn't be surprised, it's their usual spiel. Promise amazing things and then we get re-heated steak from the xpac before". But we are still hopeful, we care for this game and judging by A number of opinions and input people are providing, they should adress it in some way, shape or form. I thought that 10th anniversary would be something different, a new fresh look at how the creators and devs look at this game and us the players. Don't disappoint us again. We are at our lowest as it is and hanging to this game just because we get hyped once in a while by new star wars content and we have friends that keep us going. Please devs, say something, give back to the community. We are paying your wages ffs! Without us you will go to Microsoft working on new wow expansion. May the force will be with you all Peace
  25. The modable gear will be available once they release the operation. Which should not be far more than 1 months after release. So that is not that huge of a deal. The problem comes when they will postpone the release of the operation, for some reason. Whether it's going to be lots of bugs on the 15th of Feb or something else. We will be stuck with it for longer which will suck big time. But we will have to wait and see. So far they are staying silent as per usual. Nothing is being said about keeping the release date, no new teases, absolute garbage. They have achieved the complete opposite and the trend is just getting deeper. So many people hating on 7.0 and there is no damage control, no communications except the ones that they will fix bugs like Kai zyken and guild perks. Give us a full blown post saying that you listened, this and that will be done, you can expect the following and we will put out some more of that. Currently the hype has gone down to a minimum and I believe there are only 30 percent of players actually looking forward to 15th of Feb. While this game is amazing and big part of my star wars identity, it just hits all the wrong boxes sometimes and makes me want to unsubscribe. I want to get some more, concrete info about what is going to happen. Give us at least that.
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