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Everything posted by Gibonski

  1. This class needs a rework. I did not mind spamming tracer missile until i have a proc like it was prior to introducing priming shot. I believe this ability completely messed up our class and balancing. We are bottom of dps list every single patch. Please make merc great again. Why we cannot see any of the developers answer these threads? I wish we got some attention.
  2. Well, it kind of is, since you can just send those mods in a legacy bound armor. But if this is possible I do not understand, why isn't it done like the OP said altogether. +1
  3. Hello dear community, I am a noob when it comes to such changes and terminology. Can someone explain it to me please in a manner that my mother would understand? xD 1. In what way is 64-bit better? How will this improve things? 2. Same goes with the amazon web servers, how this all works? If someone can give me an explanation and invest few minutes to write it, I would be immensly thankful.
  4. +1 here Calling me a Commander was an insult on nearly all my toons. I am Emperors Wrath, Darth of the Dark Council, Great Champion of the Great Hunt, but no, I am now a commander. Like what the hail? It is the same situation like in wow, when they keep calling you champion. It is beyond riddiculous and utterly outrageous. I believe they started to move away now from these and I hope we will cut Odessen altogether and move forward. Regarding Lana Beniko, I only found here interesting when she was paired against Theron Shan in the begining. Now she is as bland as british humor.
  5. Thanks @EricMusco, I really appreciate coming out again to speak to us. clarify things. This surely is a step in the right direction, bravo! We as a community should encourage you, the devs to come out and communicate more often, as you have nothing to fear. Or have you? I wish the posts, clarifications and sneak peaks were always this quick right after the other. I think we are on a good trend here from Bioware, and this keeps us full of hope for the future. With Mando, Ahsoka and possibly Skeleton Crew coming out this year, I think it could be also amazing year for our game. It has to attone for its transgression <wink><wink> and give us something to look forward to and enjoy playing. To comment more on the changes themselves, I still do believe they may not be as agressive as I would hope them to be, but I understand the point of view of the developers. They came under a lot of fire when they tried to implement changes fast and in a drastic manner, and I am willing to wait and see how this will come out in the long run. Moreover, they said some of the points we were making in this thread are already worked on, you cannot help but wonder which? Just for the love of god, save the new players and make the quick travel payments from level 70 or beyond certatin story progression, because it will simple kill them newbies. May the force be with you all
  6. You have it, its called Escape button, you can spacebar to the point you left of.
  7. This can serve as a good money sink. Add this stuff for them roleplay freaks and charge milions. +1 from me
  8. Welcome back bro, stay for a while and fuel your hype with Mando Season 3. It will pair up with Rhunuk quite nicely I imagine.
  9. Ban all win traders. There were enough submissions to identify them all. Same with raid sellers and all people who sell credits to 3rd party sites. But you will not, since most of them play the game. Cost of stronghold and heroic travel makes sense, but quick travel? Tell that to new player level 24 on naar shadaa. He will run every single time, trust me. Make character customisation cost credits instead of cartel coins. Tons of credits, like you did with new gear. Bring back old gear and put a big credit sum on it. Maybe get ranked pvp recolors so that pvers can have their version as well. They did all that in wow, why can't you steal those ideas? If they can, so can you. I don't know who came up with quick travel but Aakurb summed it up quite nicely:
  10. I actually loved the new gearing paths, that so many people found disgusting and quit. It is this way for nearly every game. You have different ways of progression, whether you're doing pvp, world content or pve. No one gets best gear for doing easiest content, as it was with the hammer station spam. People loved it because it was easy and there are so many of us that prefer being lazy and getting everything. I am not being judgmental here. I am stating a fact, it's human nature. If some of the people that were whining about it tried other games. Let's take wow for example. Now you have different currencies for: - Raids (tokens, boe, catalyst) - Outdoor pve( greens, blues, world boss drops, event drops, which are different by the zone and type of renown) - outdoor pvp - storm tokens gear - conquest pvp - bg pvp gear a.k.a. honor gear - rated arena gear - mythic plus gear and upgrades That's at least 8 different ways of getting gear you need to keep track of, pay attention to and follow news on. And they claim that swtor has complicated systems? I mean come on. I am trying not to loose my bricks here. But the system was the same prior to introducing Galactic boxes drops or whatever they were called during revanite expansion. I didn't play much then. I understand also that community is not made out of hardcore raiders, because they left the game during first months of release. But I raided with so many passionate and talented people. And I believe it was meant for them. People that if they choose to do more, they would get awesome gear for it. ( And I meant numbers wise, because "nightmare fuel buzz lightyear" design we got now is disgusting- subjective opinion) You care about story? Amazing, do it in your greens. The gear floor was made for you. But if you want to apply yourself, reach out for more, there should be a reward waiting for you as well. And titles and one mount per year are not enough, they never were. Anyone else likes new gearing? Or maybe you don't care at all? Maybe you decorate your strongholds every day and couldn't care less about the stuff on manaan or rhunuk? I believe every single player doing their own thing deserves this: new updates, posts, getting hyped on whats to come to their favourite part of the game. Not snoozing in game or on forums. May the force be with us all
  11. I would love to start this thread just to explain that I have no sympathy to the way this game was handled over the years. I raised my concerns and try to act with my wallet, but time and time again it did not prove successfull. I have witnessed tons of players quit never to return, and saw some familiar faces pop up ever so often just to catch up on the scarce content that was released. I belong to the second group and every time I was coming back I told myself, this time it is for good. But it simply cannot be done. I believed nothing can be done from my side, but I was wrong. Then an @OlBuzzard opened my eyes to the possibility of open conversation and calm approach, which I have now incorporated into my casual way of playing and treating of this game. It is true, I have become, what I feared the most, a casual. And it supposed to make me feel less frustrated over the lack of updates and communication with players, but it did not. Thank god it did not increase either. We were longing for a next update, a sneak peak into the future of what is to come to swtor. And I think we finally got something. Whether it was planned all along to be released on this exact date, or was it due to our constant nagging, I do not really care. Thank you that you did something to ease our minds, to help with the pain of starring at the neverchanging news window. We are the community that will handle a lot, but you have proof all over these forums, that everyone has their breaking point and will eventually leave if you do not deliver on promises and keep open dialogue with your players. Do that, act on the hype of the Mandalorian, pick up the slack from the previous years and press on while you have the initiative. To me it was always important that this title succeed. I genuinly love most aspects of the game. From story, through combat, pvp, pve and even lately starfighter. I bought the box edition and even the book guide to increase my swtor nerdness. I enjoy mmorpgs and I rarely play solo titles. I enjoy talking and interacting with new people, friends, guildmates and foes. I will try to maintain calm and collected over the course of the forseable future, but who knows how it will all turn up. Thank the community, to keep this game alive, thank the devs, who still care about this title, and I hope this message will reach some people, who think this game is not worth investing into, or working towards. We need star wars online, many people do not want to play a solo campaign and then wait for another title to sprung. I invite every player who still thinks we have future to look forward to, to drop by, write his peace here and keep the conversation about swtor going. Sincerely, Hopeful Swtor Player
  12. Did I miss something? Are we expecting a post or are we just being hopeful as always? I don't expect for them to answer from one simple reason. They would think of replying as submission to our calls, whereas it's entirely the opposite. They will gain so much more in our eyes. But You, the community already know that.
  13. We have to give credit when it's due. Definitely 7.2 is big improvement, both story and gameplay wise. The area is huge and this is what you call a planet. I had the same satisfaction as on oricon, minus the operations of course. Rewards from deco to mando set are really amazing. Thanks and we wish more these to come soon. Give us a roadmap already.
  14. I am talking about dps, not overall. Past oricon, it never was the same spec. Especially when they introduced the priming shot. Always bottom of the meters, no matter how good of a player you are. Never can you see Arsenal merc on parsly being dominant. We need merc buff pretty Please!
  15. It will come down go the point, or are we already here that this game will be compared to Lotro. At least they are experiencing somewhat of a renaissance era and we are still stuck in the dark ages. And they posted a road map believe you me... The community is a huge part that drives people to this game. It was for me at least since the beginning. I came as a star wars fan, and stayed for the people. I ran guilds, been an officer, did shady stuff and made so many breaks along the way but the memories and nostalgia is bringing me back every time. Since they (devs) dropped the ball with the communication and updates I lack the initiative to stay subbed all the time. I really want just that, keep the hype train going throughout the year, it will make huge difference in your active payer numbers. I am happy to see other positive people still making this game alive, but how long it will be so? Will they ever wake up? Where is our New Hope?
  16. Appreciate the comment my friend. Maybe if we tag them, they will hop in on this? I do not mean it as taunting them, but a small nudge on the shoulder, a poke if you like. To the devs that I know and hope they are still with the right mind: @JackieCao, @EricMusco, @CommunityTeam, @CommunitySupportwe need a post, video, roadmap, anything really. You may remember me as being a communications advocate, or nuisance over the years, but I really would just love for this game to get back on track. And as I stated before, I am a casual now. I have a son and a happy family, visiting the game every other day for 1-2 hours in the evening. But still I visit the forum and the page during work time, to seek news and excitement which was ever present in the past. With the mandalorian season 3 just under a month away, i believe this is the time to enter the hype train and bring some people back for a while. They will flock eventually, because nothing brings people back better than new star wars releases. I hope I am here to stay now, because in the past it was 1 month of solo play, and 3 month when I used to raid at best. Give us a reason to stay, talk about this game, inspire and improve communication both with us and amongst ourselves. Bring back the good, stop being silent watchers.
  17. The scarce communication or lack there of between devs and community is really the biggest problem of this game, in my subjective opinion. For me it would be fine, to wait another month, two or five for content, if it was spoken about openly and clearly. Bring the monthly video updates! Something along the lines of: "Listen guys, we have this coming up for pve, this for pvp (RIP) and this for cartel market. Stay tuned, next month we will bring you more news." Communication and feedback. And I am not talking about private YouTuber programme forum when they all cheer and clap the devs, fearing being booted at any point they begin to disagree. Constructive criticism is being ignored or just being misjudged as hate. But if you consider yourself a good developer, or creator in general, do you really ban or mute players making good points in an angry fashion? They are sick and tired about not being heard and spoken to, and they have a right to be. But they love this title and are passionate about it in their own way. Be the better man, reflect on stuff being said and do something about it. I still hope someone with the right attitude will see these messages and YouTube videos, which there are a few and act on it. May The force be with us all.
  18. I would like to add a bit to this topic. Arsenal merc has been a joke since revan expansion and I do not understand why it is so. A simple burst spec that needs to have a bit more consistent damage in it's build. Just buffing it a bit more would not hurt the balancing. I love sending out them heatseeker missiles and seeing big crits. I was maining that class until end of dp and It felt amazing. Now whoever plays this class is a laughing stock of their fellow guildies. Can we get a buff, whether it will be 5 percent damage increase or otherwise. In wow they are doing rebalancing every other day. We couldn't get one for years ? Up this thread lads, let the heatseeker find it's mark.
  19. These season type progression are the best thing this game has ever offered in terms of keeping players invested, without making them perform mindless grinds. I believe improving on the quality of some of the armors would be a good step forward. Make it more epic, like the ones you sell on cm. Ever since the release I have not seen one good armor added, being either a shell for pve or pvp gear. Maybe oricon/ dread master is an exception for that. Rhunuk mando armor is amazing and I think this is the direction u should aim for when it comes to the design and quality. When it comes to difficulty it ever depends on who is playing. Myself being a casual these days will not be mad about stretching it out, but someone who plays 8 hours a day may find it tad short. There are no simple answers here really. Just keep it as it is for now I guess. Diversification of content to achieve points is also fantastic in my opinion. Making me go out of my comfort zone to jump in to the space battle or starfighters which I came to like after a while of hating it makes it worthwhile in my opinion. Please just release stuff on schedule and be transparent about future updates and changes. We don't want to wait too long for the news.
  20. Can any of The devs come in to answer the question at hand? Will we get a roadmap soon, or at all? Every game is releasing one. Wow just teased big good changes, hell even Lotro released one. Why is it always our game that lacks communication? We want it to be good, we want it to shine, even if it isn't for top end pvpers and raiders. I believe we deserve some attention. After a failed year long anniversary celebration you can actually get your act together and start making good progress to improve relations with us. That is all we need really, active communication and consistent updates. May the force be with us all...
  21. Yes I know this game is not focused on content these days. There is nothing new to be exact. We just grind old stuff. But I bet it would be something to do, when this feature would be added and may spice things up with affixes and stuff. There is enough trash in the dungeons and it could be a breath of fresh air. And if you worry about balancing it all, let me stop you right there. Throw it live and let us test it, like everything else you do. Can't be worse than start of 7.0. Cherio.
  22. This just proves what many have already spoke about. EA is loosing exclusivity and thus, loosing the interest to invest in this game. If it isn't dead within 2 years, like announced sever closures I will be in awe. They said they will give us something, that they are laying foundation, but the house stays barren like those Greek houses to avoid taxation. If you know you know. Swtor Is going down the drain and if I don't see anything by the end my sub ends this month I am simply never subbing again. No king rules forever, and this game was far from being the best. For me it was as i am big star wars nerd, like most of you. No game last forever and we clearly seeing a slow and sad passing of a great title with endless potential.
  23. But its not about transition at all my friend. I get that many people dislike this and that about the patch. You cant please everybody and that is normal. But I bet my hand on this that everybody unanimously will agree that lack of new and exciting content to play is what is really missing this time around. Having to replay old content for new gear is fine, once you have enough of new things to try as well. I mostly like the gearing and changes like loadouts. And although I miss mods and being able to carry my favourite lightsaber, it is not as sad as apparent lack of content and promise for more. We got jack with a side of squat. I mean comparing to any other triple A game, it is absolutely abysmal. Wow has several, at least 4 new zones to explore on day one. That is 4 different stories, avenues of gameplay, interesting easter eggs, monsters and more to enjoy. Tey release 8 dungeons ad 1 raid. and then consecutively one raid every big patch. Bioware said we got 2 new planets ?We got none! We cannot walk on Manaan besides the main mission which is linear and does not go out outside the instanced missions. Elom is a planet? No, it is a flashpoint. Just like Umbara, just like Nathema. They are not planets like Taris, Dromund that you can walk on freely and explore to your liking. FF14 I believe has multple new zones too. I do not know this game that well, sorry. Where is the meat Bioware? Where is 10 year celebration? Is that vendor on the fleet the best you could do? Seriously let someone come in, anyone, if it will be Jackie or someone above. Come down from the pedestal and deliver the good news. Give us something to get excited about, because at this very moment, every player is feeling exactly the opposite. I was hyped in December for the new patch. But then when it was postponed I got into forums and read the reality of the update. It is nothing like an expansion. I understand you needed to release due to EA breathing down your necks and massaging your backs in the office cubic crawl. But come on! You should not postpone story content after 2 years of releasing 15 min conversations every 4 months. This will not fly and you definitely see the players running away to other games. You are basically feeding your competitors. Is this the business model going to continue forever until you have 1 server for EU and America? And then you are going to announce that the project is not profitable anymore because no one falls for your cashgrabs? Being realistic here. There are a ton of different things that could have been done better. But nothing, not missing weapon designer, nor gearing changes is so appaling as not delivering enough content to call this patch an expansion. We have 1.3 h of story at best, 3 hours if you play two sides. And a flashpoint. No new planets, no new exciting things, no news for the future and most important: no 10 year celebration the way we deserve it. Something is still better than nothing. Please keep improving instead of going down this dark hole of silence and despair that you present to us right now
  24. Yes I did. Because they were complaining about conquest being too hard or the game being too hard. It is not. And we do not need these type of players. This game is not and never was in any capacity hard. Especially not for the people who do not play nim opses. And yes I am writing swtor players because I am one. Go be funny somwhere else
  25. Hello all, Players, developers, haters alike! I am writing this post because I just would like a straight answer. For once, no jibber jabber, no vague news, no false promises. TLDR warning. I have been wondering for a good part of 4 monts now that I am back playing my favourite mmo, what happened? There are a lot of old timers here. Players that stuck with this game through thick and thin. There are people that remember big expansions with lots of new features and content to explore. There are also new people, drawn by the newly revived hype for star wars. I envy them a lot. New players have tons of content to play and stuff to experience. But where is the meat? Where is the content that drives every mmo game? Where are zones/ planets/ missions that make such games. I made a lot of memories playing this game, met amazing friends, played everything there is to play. Solo stories, planetary missions, side missions, heroics, flashpoints, warzones, ranked, gsf and operations on all difficulty levels. This is a ton of content. It's countless hours doing that stuff, but I dont consider that a wasted time. Yet, it is something that I already experienced and it gets boring after a while. Repeating that stuff for new gear brought little bit of that old feeling back, but lets be honest here, it is not enough. While pushing through Manaan and Elom questlines I finally felt the fresh breeze while i plowed through enemies and did not skip cutscenes. Everything was great again, while it lasted, the whole 1.30h. And again I was left with that sad feeling that I would not see anything new until who knows when. And thus a question, something that a lot of players have on their mind: When will we see more story, new content beyond 7.1? Yes, I am aware of manaan daily area and operation. This is 7.1. What is beyond? What more awaits us after so-called laying the groundworks for new things in swtor. As the developers said this patch is changing the direction for the game. The foundation has been laid out in 7.0. Foundation for what? Please developers, I am asking you as a consumer, player and dedicated fan of this game. Throw us a bone. Give us something to get hyped about. Put our theorycrafting minds to a brainstorm mode once more. With the release of so many tv series, comics and books for Star Wars this is definitely the time to play this game. But we cannot live on the hype of outside projects alone. After a catastrophe of an update, that a lot of players hate, don't you think it is good to come up and show what is behind the scenes a little bit? Don't we deserve to know what is in store for the future of our game? Celebrations, pvp revamp, more story? When, what, how? These are the things that keep the players wanting to come back, wanting to re-sub and continue their journey. I myself enjoy the patch, gearing my chraracter and re-playing, re-visiting content I havent touched for years, like GSF for example. I like that operations are on rotation and that instanced toborro has been nerfed. I am also not saying though that this is a great fix, not at all. But it is a good start. And then my mind goes back to the same question. Start of what? I wish we had more, things were better, but we cannot have everything. You cannot please everybody. But what you can do, and all people would like is: the news. A roadmap of what is to come with some nitty gritty details and teases. Get us hyped, excited for the games future. All I have seen is the doomsday yellers and people unsubscribing. There are a handful of people that enjoy the patch. Can you do something about it devs? I wholeheartedly believe you can. With Regards Swtor Players
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