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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. Interestingly, my green eyed Republic Zabrak is just fine.


    Really? My green-eyed Republic zabrak went from looking like this (spoilers for consular Corellia story), to looking like this.

    If you somehow managed to escape that, I envy you. :(

  2. Sorry for the non-Quinn squee'ing, but I really have to squee about this...the overloaded-with-joy squeals will not contain themselves. So, remember the stray kitty I was worried about, a month ago? Well, final update on him after he was adopted. Spoiler'd for length alone.



    He's living like a king. :D His new owners adore him, and he adores them in return. He's a cuddle-muffin - or so one of his owners described him. XD He'll run right up to them and jump on their laps and snuggle down and purr himself to sleep. He loves his new home, his new playmates (two other cats; they get along great, they're playing and cuddling together), his new owners... He's healthy now (he's fixed and has all his shots), perfectly safe, and loved. He's looking at a long, happy, comfortable (spoiled! :p) life.


    That literally could not have had a better ending. :D


    malavai quinn is a traitor, *spoiler* and should never be trusted again.

    trow him in the airlock lol.

    oh sorry a love thread. well i love peaches.

    If I said that Quinn loves peaches, would you hate them now? :p

  3. BW already acknowledged the eye color bug. Don't need another 30 threads about it.


    No, and this thread isn't solely about the eye color bug.

    Even if it was - the last time this happened, with shiny eyes, all those threads got results. The bug was fixed. (Even if another bug was introduced in its place.)

  4. ...so if people are getting (rightfully) mad about the eye colors abruptly changing, can we get these other long-standing "cosmetic" (AKA not game-breaking, but still highly irritating) bugs finally fixed?


    http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=713930 Imperial zabraks, unlocked on the Republic side, have double the skin colors available to them. By that, I mean that they have eight skin color options...and then those eight options repeat. Options 9 - 16 are repeats of options 1 - 8. Republic-side "Imperial" zabraks are also missing one skin color available to Imperial-side "Imperial" zabraks.

    This has been, apparently, happening since the game was released.


    http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=927084 Female cathar skin colors are severely messed up. I've provided picture evidence (along with a thorough explanation) in the thread I linked to. This affects every single female cathar player character. It's going on a year now, despite assurances that the issue has been sent on to the dev team. A supposed fix, back in 5.3, did absolutely nothing - there were literally no changes.



    • "Black" hair colors, for most of the newer hairstyles, are not black. They're a sickly greenish brown. Could we have actual black as a hair color?\
      - Similarly, black dyes are often a strange greenish color.
    • Proficient Hitman armor is invisible, both in equipping it and using it in the outfit designer slots. Please give our characters their clothes and dignity back; it's difficult to be intimidating in your underwear. :p
      - Bionic Warrior pants and boots are also invisible.
    • Some armors clip through some body types (for example, Hallowed Gothic vestments clip through body type four females' rears).
      - Similarly, when on a speeder that has the character sitting down (for example, Roche Ice Cat), some armors clip through the characters' rears. This can be...unfortunate...when using a set of pants or robes that is colored very differently from the coat/tunic. This seems to happen with long robes and coats.
    • The "shaggy" hairstyle often clips through the back of the character's head (when the character is moving)...and stays there. This can be "fixed" by jumping, but if the character is in a cutscene...they're stuck. The hair remains clipped forward, leaving a sheaf of hair sticking out through their neck and the back of their head is bald.
    • Default Vector & Scourge STILL wear unitards and bras under revealing outfits. Add the Gamorrean guard to that list now too.
    • Outfit designer no longer lets you dye stamped armor that didn't originally have a dye slot.
    • Companion's matched to chest armor shows up unmatched in cut scenes.
    • Some companions (Lana & Theron) show the wrong faction when wearing faction specific armor. And then show the correct one in cut-scenes.
    • Companion customization for Elara Dorne and Malavai Quinn still do not work in the Iokath storyline.
    • Resolute Guardian, Temple Guardian, Jedi Stormguard, and many similar robes tend to balloon out at the rear.
      This was an issue that was fixed once...and then promptly broken again.
    • The collars on the Dark Advisor and Elegant Duelist chestpieces have a small gap at the bottom of the back where they meet the shirt (on body type 2 females, at least).
    • The Darth Malgus armor has levitating shoulderpads, a chestpiece that is hovering off the chest on the edges, and when the hood is removed the collar is incomplete in the back and floating.
    • Vector's companion conversation "One People" is broken. With a romanced female agent, he is supposed to show her what he looks like without the nest's influence - his pure black Joiner eyes are normal gray ones. Unfortunately, after a recent patch, his black Joiner eyes...remain pure black, despite dialogue indicating they are different.



    ...and oh yes, could we change the eye colors back? :D


    If you think these should go in the bug report forum - they have been posted there already (that's where they were originally posted), and nothing has happened. At least in General Discussion, people might actually see these threads. :/ I'm surprised there's not more people speaking out about it.

  5. It seems to me that the majority if the complaints is because colors were changed (some not even offered anymore) and only a few about the texture. I haven't seen a single one about the DS I, II, III, and IV (which I find awesome finally). They should worry less about reprogramming whatever they did offer more colors and give everyone a free eye change...


    And how would that work when the eye color I originally chose for my characters IS NO LONGER IN THE GAME?

    Dark brown eyes don't exist, for any species. My zabrak now has bright yellow eyes; my twi'lek has green-gold eyes.

    Dark blue eyes are light blue/turquoise now.

    Purple-gray for mirialans is a hideous green-white. Purple for twi'leks is now pink.

    Red (again for mirialans) is now fiery gold/orange. Sure, it looks interesting, but I *want* red. Just. Simple. Natural. Red.

    Sith grey/pale eyes? White so blinding you could use it as a searchlight.

    Yellow eyes are now, again, blindingly bright white.

    Green (for any species)? Depending on the species, it's either yellow, SO bright green it looks like laser beams, flat painted-on bright green (it looks like a doll's eyes), or a pale green-yellow that still manages to be brighter than a traffic light.


    I want my original eye colors back. And the texture? On most of them, it looks unnerving, jarring, and squarely in the Uncanny Valley. I want it gone.

  6. This was on the fleet, at the appearance designer kiosk, just this evening. Are those reflections supposed to be there? They're faint, but...still. Right now it looks like the sparklies have just been muted, not entirely removed.


    Am I seeing this incorrectly? I'm looking at older screenshots and...there's something reflected in my characters' eyes (before the shiny eye bug), but I can't tell what it is. Were those odd reflections always there, and I just never noticed?

  7. Quick question, can the sith only use red sabers? or if they are a good sith (which don't make sense lore-wise) they can wield other color sabers?


    Sith or Jedi - anyone - can use whatever color crystal in their sabers or guns that they like. You're not limited by how light or dark you are, or what faction you're in. So you could have the darkest of dark Sith with a blue lightsaber, and the most purest and holy Jedi with a red one.

    ...or white or red-black or charred orange or green-brown or turquoise or pink-purple...

    There's a lot of color options in this game. XD

  8. Theron does not look fatter to me at all. The face might look different as a result of the haircut though, optical illusion since it's such a drastic change.


    Not the best comparison perhaps but I think nothing, besides the eyes and haircut, was changed. Well, save for the more defined scarring if you meant that, which I assume was the person who fudged his hair thinking "hey while I'm at it..." ... I kinda like the more defined scars though. :o


    He does seem a bit different. :/ Aside from the hair, eyes, and scars - I don't mind the scars, though - his jawline and cheeks seem to be wider than they used to. Huh. Odd.

  9. Did anyone else notice that they made Theron a little fatter & altered his face (in addition to his eyes we mentioned earlier & lets not mention that hair..)? The designer seems intent on forcing a new Theron on us no matter what. Purple Quinn is going to need to keep that dart gun handy. Silver Theron is going to go nuts.


    They did...what now??? o_o Could I see a picture?

    Theron: . . . ?

    Quinn: *frantically loading dart gun*

    Theron: ...

    Quinn: *aims dart gun*

    Theron: ...

    Quinn: ...no explosion of angst this time around?

    Theron: Xibu?

    Quinn: I...beg your pardon?

    Theron: Xiz?

    Quinn: -_- Behold, the baby Shan-bird makes a return. This time he's devolved to gibberish.

    Theron: J epo'u voefsuboe.

    Quinn: I swear you're trying to communicate. This is getting annoying, Shan. Make sense.

    Theron: XIZZZZZZZZ!?!?!

    Quinn: *fires dart gun...and actually catches Theron on the way down this time, easing the twitching agent down to the floor* You were becoming...unnerving... what, did Copero break you?

    Theron: eehh [yes]

    Quinn: o_o

    ...this is a problem.

  10. But look at the gorgeous new blue eyes of Moff Regus, look at how beautifully designed they are, the depth and realism. I really love it so much and I am so saddened that others don't feel the awe I feel too, because really I have high praise for the person behind the new design!




    Those would be my human smuggler's eyes, too. I don't hate that design - but they're not the eyes I chose at the beginning. I've had this character for over three years now. Her dark blue eyes are now different. They're not her eyes.


    If we had the OPTION to change to these new eyes, I'd be all for it! But KEEP the option to KEEP THE OLD EYES. I want my smuggler's dark blue eyes back, not this.

  11. Just popping in to say that even though I was sorely disappointed by Copero as a whole...and was initially sad to see that the armor drops were BoP...I am pleased to find that Quinn looks super-spiffy in Chiss armor!




    ...I...I need this armor... :eek: Holy crap.


    Does anyone know if the Copero flashpoint is like Umbara? Cutscenes are edited to be spoiler-free if you haven't gone through it story-wise yet? If so, I am *definitely* running that flashpoint to get that armor for my chiss lady, because holy crud that is amazing.

  12. But do you want a full return to what we had and nothing else? Or would you also be satisfied if the devs heavily improved what we have now? Because with the new design I have come to hate what we had previously, which in my opinion looks too simplistic and plastic-y. The new design has a lot more beautiful texture and depth to it :)


    Full return to what we had previously. (Well, minus the hideous sparkly reflections, of course. Gah...that was a nightmare.) In my opinion, there was nothing wrong with the eyes beforehand - now they look flat. You think they looked simplistic and plastic-y beforehand...? That's what they look like to me now. And yes, I have my graphics settings turned up quite high. The "depth" in the eyes looks hideously fake and jarring to me.


    You'll forgive me if I seem a little tense, I hope. I'm not angry at you - I just hate these new designs.

  13. I know most people won't be bothered about this however brown-eyed Quinns are no more :mad:

    eyes 1

    eyes 2

    eyes 3


    Based on the lack of response in the brown eyes for characters thread I'm betting this is intended.


    My brown-eyed Quinn now has this ugly greenish-gold color to his eyes. >_< I hate it! (And for the record, so's my brown-eyed twi'lek. His skin is supposed to be green, not his eyes! My brown-eyed zabrak, on the other hand, now has bright yellow Sith eyes. Uhh...what.)

    This is insane and they had better change it soon. :mad: I want to enjoy Quinn's various customizations without eye glitches screwing everything up. First the shiny eye bug...now this crap. AAAGH!!


    @Cowoline: Congratulations on the job! :)

  14. No. I despise the new design. My characters' eyes have all changed into bizarre, hideous colors that are not what I chose at character creation. I hate to use this dead-horse parody, but don't choices matter? ...nah, never mind, not sorry. I'm mad about this (to give the understatement of the year).

    Brown eyes are now an ugly shade of greenish-gold (or bright yellow, in my zabrak's case). Green eyes are either puke-yellow or so intensely green it looks like someone replaced their eyes with laser beams. Red eyes (natural red eyes, like for the mirialan species) are now a fiery orange/gold (admittedly, this looks interesting, but again - not what I chose). Blue eyes are now either a flat, opaque shade of blue with jaundice around the iris, or flecked with strange lighter blue/hazel spots. Purple eyes are pink.


    I want my characters' eye colors back. This is unacceptable.

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