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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. Ditto....I am sooo tired of the Lana Show. Ever since I first met her in the SoR storyline, she's been almost stalkerish. She's everywhere, always tagging along like a puppy dog, hovering over you when you wake up, always with the "I'm your friend and I care so much about you!" lines, even if you don't act like you like her. I'd have loved the KotFE/ET storylines 1000x better if they'd just subbed Lana for our character's respective LIs...because she freaking acts like one, whether you romanced her or treated her like the dirt under your shoe.


    Seems rather like two other BioWare creator's pets whose names begin with L and end with A. :p Liara and Leliana, Mass Effect and Dragon Age respectively. Apparently even if you treat them like dirt, come the second or third games in their series and they're automatically your best friend forever. (If you KILL Leliana, she shows up alive and well in later games. ...well, okay, in Leliana's case, that's actually justified and plausibly explained - at the last minute in the third game - but still.)

  2. If these beloved characters ever go unvoiced - nope, that's it, I'm out of here. Screw it all. I can tolerate the Alliance Alerts, because they're just short side missions and I can imagine my characters' voices over the dialogue options, but if ever that was extended for the *main* story...yeah, I'd leave.


    It's what makes these characters so endearing - and for me, in some ways, helps shape their personalities. My beloved knight wouldn't be the same without David Hayter's utterly amazing voice. My female smuggler, my first character ever, wouldn't be her without her cheerful, bubbly, quirky voice. My consular would be a stranger if he didn't have that soothing deep voice, etc. etc. They wouldn't be...well, them. Their voices help shape who they are. If that was ever taken away for main story reasons, most of the enjoyment of this game would be gone.

  3. So I have decided to take a look and test the "black" hairstyle in multiple lightings. It appears that black is the new green!


    As this is the result of my little test.


    Green. It's green, no one can say "no it's a shade of black" or "you can see a bit of black in it". This is plain and simple green and it's a bit scandalous that after all the posts and comments the devs still have decided to not listen to it and implement their own vision. We have been asking for true black and what did we get? Even a worse shade of green for a black hair colour option. I hope the Devs will come out and a say "haha, this was just a joke tomorrow it will be true black" I honestly do.


    "Anne Shirley, what have you done to your hair? Why, it's green!"

    "But I didn't mean to dye it green, Marilla. [...] He said it would turn my hair a beautiful raven black - he positively assured me that it would."


    ...okay, in all seriousness... what even. o_o It was vaguely understandable with the dark greenish-black seen in some other hairstyles, but...that can't even be called brown. That's greenish-blonde in some lights, just flat-out green in others. What? Wow...that's...bizarre.

  4. I was faintly hoping the fix might have slipped in under the ptach notes radar, but... no luck. 5.4, and the bug is still present.

    There goes another month or more of not playing my cathar characters.


    BioWare, please...it's been eight months since 5.0 went live and this jarring bug happened. You said that you sent a report on to the dev team. What happened to that? :(

  5. Thanks for that. *passes it to 2V-R8 to clean up.* No need to risk our safety on a wet floor, eh Grand Admiral? :D


    *cackle* "I know he's here somewhere"--peers into the bedroom, under the bed and sees a pair of baby blues under there and a faint hissing sound ensues. *Darth Lunafox narrows her eyes and smirks.*


    I know just the thing that'll do the trick to lure him out. *runs off and returns with a stack of reports* "Dearest Major...these are the latest mission reports that Pierce filled out...I'm sure there is a typo or two around here...somewhere." *waggles them under the bed and pulls them back before he can snatch them*


    Quinn: Oh, you think I can be lured out by reports that were--wait, WHAT!? PIERCE FILLED THEM OUT!? *scurries out from under the bed and stands up, rigidly at attention, heedless of the dust bunnies glomping him - like the one standing on end at the top of his head, looking for all the world like a pompom on a hat* Pierce is entirely incapable of filling out complex reports like that! He's more suited for field work, when the Empire needs a blunt hammer to swing at its foes. For the love of the Sith...knowing Pierce, he's filled out intelligence reports with accounts of how he brushed his hair this morning. *twitch* My lord, please, let me correct those forms! ....wait, what's on my... *finally notices the dust bunnies* ...........after I go through extensive decontamination procedures, that is.

    That WORKED? :eek:

  6. Just saw the movie for the first time tonight. The fangirling started when the Death Star first fired, heightened exponentially when Mustafar appeared, kicked into overdrive when Vader came on-screen, and didn't let up until the end. The whole battle of Scarif, I had my knees drawn up to my chest, grinning like a madwoman in pure glee. And then the Death Star showed up and I instantly knew what was going to happen. Went right from :D to OH NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOO and actually cried a little when Jyn and Cassian were hugging on the beach...

    ...and then went right back to a slightly horrified grin at Vader's end scene.


    My mom and I both said: "I loved the movie! ...and then EVERYBODY DIED, THAT'S NOT OKAY. >_<" Other than that, the movie was everything I wanted to see in a Star Wars movie and then some. And on a visual level, dang...yes, Krennic, it is indeed beautiful. All of it.

  7. Shameless plug... but if you want your attention on something...;)


    (NSFW, so keep an eye on whoever could be lurking over your shoulder)




    My mom has the uncanny ability to teleport to my side when I least expect it, so... I believe I'll pass on seeing that? :D

    Quinn: Thank goodness.

    What, did you look?

    Quinn: *deadpan expression*

    ...right, that'd be mildly impossible for purple Quinn... :o

    Quinn: I'm getting the hang of this meta stuff.

    After eight months.

    Quinn: eight months of fangirling by the Knights of Eternal Quinnmancing. EIGHT. MONTHS. Of insanity! It's taken this long just to get used to the fact that I am a pixel character in a video game-- *fourth wall begins to crack*

    Uh, Quinn--

    Quinn: --that there are apparently alternate-universe versions of me-- *fourth wall fractures*

    UH, QUINN--

    Quinn: --and that in some of those alternate-universe versions, I'm potentially dead or in a state of eternal torture-- *fourth wall explodes* ............................whoops.


    Quinn: Is this what it looks like beyond the computer screen? ...everything looks strange... What is this orange/yellow text in the post you quoted? *click*

    Ahaha, uh, well--

    Quinn: :eek: BY THE EMPEROR'S SACRED KNICKERS, WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING *turns beet red and flees for his life*

  8. A'right, cool. :) Thanks, Eric, for the heads-up! And thank you for taking the time to make sure the launch of 5.4 is as bug-free as possible.


    To everybody complaining: Guys, really, if they *had* released it tomorrow - or today - with giant bugs all throughout, you would've been complaining about the poor quality of the patch. Instead they delay it so they can work like insanity on fixing these bugs, and you complain that it's delayed.

    ...oi. *facepalm*

    And as for "well why didn't they spot this bug sooner"... I don't know much about the world of coding and games, but I *do* know: this, like all technology, is not perfect. This is also a very strange game engine they're working off of, and it gets its little tech-pants in a bunch at completely random times for completely random reasons. Stuff happens.

  9. More Skadge sacrifices are needed! Our Lord Ptach provided us with the beloved patch-notes but has forsaken us by delaying the actual patch!


    O GREAT LORD PTACH, HEAR OUR PLEA, RELEASE UMBARA BUG-FREE! *sacrifices a few Kaliyos, Thana Veshs, Tanno Viks, and Broonmarks along with every Skadge ever*

    Maybe that'll finally fix the darn cathar skin color bug. *eye twitch*


    Edit: A Skadge love thread? ...well okay then. XD

  10. They do mention them? Okay. As I said, I don't *recall* them, so I wasn't completely sure. And seeing as BW went pretty silent in the last couple weeks and they haven't had any livestreams, well I tend to expect the worst. *shrugs* Still, I'm going to check my Alerts tomorrow. I won't EXPECT one, but I won't be completely surprised to see one, know what I mean?



    Yeah, I get it. Well, we can hope. :D You check the Alerts, and I'll check Dulfy (none of my characters have even finished KOTFE yet! XD), and eventually somebody somewhere will know what's going on. :p


  11. Because I don't really recall BW mentioning any Alliance Alerts in any of their patches. They just happened to be there. So we still don't know for sure until tomorrow :/




    they do mention Alliance Alerts in the patch notes. As there's nothing for this one...hm. And they didn't talk about anybody returning AT ALL in the weeks leading up to said patch, so...it's probable we won't get our LoveBug back until later.


  12. Here's hoping our wish is granted as there is nothing in the 5.4 patch notes about his return. Maybe they have read all of our feedback (and the feedback on Reddit) and are revising male love interest returns to be a bit more satisfying (we can only hope).


    I hope. I really, really hope.

    Should we sacrifice unwanted Kaliyos and Skadges to the Great Lord Ptach in hopes that our wishes shall be granted? :D

  13. *paints rust colored frame with ritual markings, then offers inactive account as burnt offering upon the Altar of Ptach*


    *the flames ignite with great intensity and the people start chanting and dancing their ritual chants and dances*


    *sacrifices Skadge*



    *bows down to Lord Ptach*


    Thanks for the patch notes, Eric. :) Ooh, the "enhanced shadows" option sounds cool! Wonder what it'll look like...I'm excited to find out!

    Still, er... the, ah, female cathar skin color bug?? You said you had passed that on to the development team...no fix yet?

  14. Yah....he's stinkin' adorable.

    But gads, it's like having a toddler in the house again! He has to be constantly entertained, potty trained, and he keeps me up all night because he's not used to being alone at night yet, so he cries and howls and barks off and on all night long. And every time I sit down to write, he decides he wants to start chewing on something he shouldn't (or he curls up under my chair and cranks out a really stinky fart....which he just did this very instant! :eek:)

    Reminds me why I opted to have only one child and stop. :rolleyes::p


    oH MY GOSH

    look at the cutie

    :eek:So amazingly adorable! Awwww!


    Ooh, did somebody say eclipse? ...I really thought that I wouldn't be able to see it - I thought my area was right outside the eclipse's range - but, sure enough, the sun's halfway blocked out already and it keeps advancing. It's kind of cool. I wasn't too interested in the eclipse, but seeing it is, admittedly, pretty neat. :D

    Hope you're able to see it too, Nightfrogger!

  15. He's just such a fascinating character and I really do wish Bioware would do better by him than just dropping him on us in a disjointed fashion when he does make his return

    Nothing's been confirmed yet, so...we can still hope. :o

    because we all know that's what's going to happen because BW only likes their female characters and only THEY get awesome stories and reunion scenes :mad:

    They like their female characters and hate their female players. I'm the last person to call anything or anyone sexist, but...it's starting to get rather blatant in BioWare's games.


    Anyway, all this talk about headcanons for Vector and his personality before he was made into a Joiner is fascinating! *props head on hands and kicks feet in the air* I'm listening! :D (Oh, on another note, Anora's voice actor...isn't that Lana's voice?)

  16. When you accept Chapter I: The Hunt, a warning pops up, informing you that if you start this new storyline, you are locked out of:

    - all of your class story

    - all companion conversations/quests

    ...due to how the Knights of the Fallen Empire storyline is structured. What isn't outright stated (I think; been a while since I started the storyline), but highly implied by the opening scroll/intro text of KOTFE is that it also locks you out of Shadow of Revan and Ziost, as they are essentially the prologue to KOTFE.


    Sorry, but...there's no bug here. Starting Knights of the Fallen Empire (or Eternal Throne) storyline locks you out of the Ziost storyline. (And when you get to level 65, DO NOT accept the starter quest for Knights of the Eternal Throne just yet. That will lock you out of everything mentioned above PLUS the entire Knights of the Fallen Empire storyline, even if you have not completed it yet. I highly recommend finishing the entire KOTFE storyline before moving on to KOTET, or a lot of story in KOTET won't make sense.)

  17. It's also possible that it's bugged. My friend tried to run a warrior who is mean to absolutely everyone, including him. The romance was still triggered. I'm not sure she chose even one flirt option.


    You don't have to find that convo we had. The gist is that we talked how little closure you have after the Quinncident, if you romance him, how little seems to be connected, and in addition permanent attachment to the class story nonsensically puts his "I love you" convo immediately after the Quinncident.


    As if no one expected him to be romanced, so who cares where those convos are, right?:rolleyes:


    Ooooh...that's how it is now? e_e I guess I was lucky to go through the warrior story before -- was it 4.0 that converted affection to influence? I think it was... hm. My warrior got married in the middle of the Voss storyline...finished Voss and then--QUINNCIDENT.

    That made it hurt even more, actually, since in headcanon it was barely a few weeks/not even a month since they were married. OUCH.


    Now it doesn't even make sense, does it? :/ They couldn't have configured the conversations so the "I love you/marry me" convo comes before the Quinncident?? Oi vey...


    Wonder how they butchered other conversations now. :(

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