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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. According to some people who've talked to Matt, it was a deliberate choice to remove Veteran's Edge from Gods NiM, just one of those 'not in the patch notes' things so not a bug. It's just knowing where their tuning is with our scaling is what I wanted to know.


    In my conversations and discussion on it I was informed it was a unintentional bug.I don’t know who these sources are but those sources are highly suspect as I’ve not seen or heard nothing to the contrary.

  2. We're assuming right now that each boss instance and trash in Master Mode/Nightmare Gods from the Machine will have us scaled to a particular gear rating- could we get an official anwser to the scaling ilevel we will have in Tyth (which we currently assume is 248), Aivela and Esne, Nahut, Scyva and Izax.


    Thank you.


    The scaling for Gods MM is tailored separately from normal 70 scaling you see elsewhere to account for it being on a different tier than other 5.x content. So you will be boosted higher more or less. Currently there is an unintended bug where you don’t get Veterans Edge buff but that will be fixed at some point. Once that’s fixed it will be much easier than it is now and easier than in 5.x.

  3. 1) But Hive Queen has a lot of AoE phases. Or maybe some of the fights for the new op.

    2) Maybe there would be a tactical or set bonus that would make these attack abilities that place this aoe debuff on targets more rotational?


    I mean Force Sweep/Smash is rotational for guardians/juggs even in single target encounters. I'm not sure its good ability design to have to create a tactical or set bonus just to force an AoE ability into a single target rotation, but isn't that sort of the point of this new horizontal progression? To change your gameplay in meaningful ways?


    I'm just brainstorming I don't really have skin in this game, but I always hate the idea of taking stuff away from players. I don't even have an updated list of the debuffs per advanced class, since I prefer to tank or heal.


    I’ll go to your last point so we are on the same page, I agree I don’t like taking away either a better one or have AoE be sort of a tertiary Debuff to the primary and secondary (Primary being -Melee, Ranged, Force Tech and Secondary being- Armor, AoE, I/E debuffs with each spec getting a Primary and Secondary, note tanks and heals have their own 3 Primary’s which is another topic.)


    On the topic of add fights there’s plenty but in all those cases there’s still a primary target for most part and my point is that for it to be worth it would have to be a fight where the majority is AoE on to enough targets to warrant it vs providing Sunder or Assailable. Not including the fact of BW design of making AoE unsustainable for long periods but that’s a minor point.


    Like I said, I hesitate too for complete removal but if having a choice I would give Lightening Sunder and Madness Assailable in lieu, Concealment trade out Assailable for Sunder, and Hatred Get Assailable. I think something unique for the classes with a third dps spec something unique to fit both the flavor and had some uniqueness would be give them two primary debuffs in that Fury would provide Force and Melee and Engineering providing Ranged and Tech debuffs. This would serve the goal to make it unique and at same time flavor since Fury is suppose to use both force and Melee in their flavor text and same with Engineering. But like I said I would want to keep the Debuff if possible but I have no idea how to without upsetting balance. Then again it’s not that big of an issue with class variety. I too have not much stake in this as a visitor just checking PTS forums. So whether they remove or keep isn’t really a big deal for me if done right to maybe promote more class diversity as was original intent with this but heh lol. (Writing in phone super tired so apology for spelling or grammatically mistakes).


    Off topic, Personally I was hoping the Tacticals to be things that modified abilities to be AoE or single target but looks like that’s

  4. Is the AoE debuff actually useless though?


    I don't do enough high-end raiding to be sure of the numbers, but I favour dot-specs in pve and every one of them has at least one aoe ability in their single-target rotation.


    Short answer Yes.


    Long answer: It is inferior to other debuffs particularly the armor Debuff in the amount of abilities it affects. Also, without going into too much detail no fight has a profile for that would benefit from this over the other I.e No fight where your perpetually using mostly AoE abilities for the entire duration of the fight. So yes it is vastly inferior to the others. On a side note I think the other issue is that it makes Lightning and Madness along with Lethality and Concealment have the same exact debuffs. Concealment and Lightning imho should get the Armor Debuff to have more raid utility.

  5. Do you offer any complimentary ones for Birthdays? It's my friend Muha's New Year Birthday and wanted to know if he could be sung happy birthday during the run as well. Also feel free to @ him to wish him a happy birthday or a new year he'll appreciate it. Much thanks.
  6. Hey folks,


    I just wanted to ensure that all of you saw our announcement yesterday on Twitter. Game Update 5.9.3 will be going live next Wednesday, Sep 26. One additional timing of note is double XP. The event will not be starting right away on launch day. Instead it will start one week later and run for a week. The dates are:

    • 9/6: Game Update 5.9.3
    • 10/2 - 10/9: Double XP

    Thanks everyone.




    Hey Eric,


    Any update on when the PTS will be live for 5.10 and Master Mode GFTM or is it still TBA? Thanks and appreciate any update on it.

  7. You forgot the second part for arsenal mercs. Plus, the alacrity buff for arsenal is 3%, not 2%.

    And Lightning/TK also gets an alacrity buff, I don't think you want to go the 1857 alacrity-route with that spec.


    For the 1.3 Threshold for Lightning (with its 5% boost to Alacrity from a stacking passive from LB) It's +1097. However, with Polarity shift on top of it with +1229 Alacrity you can get the GCD to 1.1 during the PS window.

  8. Never gonna happen. Things I have done so that I wouldn't have to learn IO on my already 248 geared merc:

    1. Gear up an operative to full 248 dps gear and learn both Lethality and Concealment

    2. Gear up a jug to 248 dps for Vengenace (already knew it cause Kephess reflect memes in 4.0)

    3. Level up a mara and have geared it to around 244 ilvl and learned Anni.


    Things I would do (but have not had to do yet):

    1. Learn to play both sorc specs and gear one up

    2. Gear up a sniper

    3. Jump off a cliff

    4. Become a tank/healer full time.


    I'll take that as a maybe then. ;)

  9. Reposting my same question from another thread here.


    Hey Eric and Keith, I have a few questions about the special Izax Title for defeating Izax in VM before 5.9. How will we receive the title is it by mail or is it a vendor? Will each toon that has completed the requirements by beating Izax VM receive the title or does it go to all toons or just one? I'm curious so I know if it was a good idea to transfer toons to get more titles I if that's how it will work. Also, will we learn more info about what the title will be soon? Thanks! :)

  10. Hey Eric and Keith, I have a few questions about the special Izax Title for defeating Izax in VM before 5.9. How will we receive the title is it by mail or is it a vendor? Will each toon that has completed the requirements by beating Izax VM receive the title or does it go to all toons or just one? I'm Curious so I know if it was a good idea to transfer toons to get more titles I if that's how it will work. Also, will we learn more info about what the title will be soon? Thanks! :)
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