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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. I haven't looked forward to a swtor patch in years, this is the first.


    About time we prioritize end game group content in both pve and pvp. No updates to ranked but I'll let it slide since east coast will finally have a viable competitive pvp server again. Hasn't been one since Pot5 season 2.


    I couldn't care less about a vocal subset of the game's lessened ability to dress up Theron Shan and pretend to be The Dark Lord. The fact that RP and solo players in an MMO was ever catered to was a waste of resources and time. The stories post 50 vanilla class are cringe-worthy B sides from a high school writers club. Give us more competitive group content in the form of raids and ranked and the game might just grow again.


    Server merges have been needed for 2 years, better late than never I suppose.


    Cap is my City

  2. There's a difference between having group content as a side thing and having it be the main focus. You're missing the point - which seems to be a common raider thing, to come in, mock solo players and discount their concerns. "Cake" in this case simply refers to something extra - I'm not commenting on difficulty, and not interested in a "who's a good player" p****g contest. I have no interest in achieving anything in raids or PvP, I think they are useless activities.


    When you paid for the original SWTOR, in terms of time and content, the bulk was solo. The same has been true with all the expacs. There's no question about that. Yes they had variety with flashpoints and PvP, but you could play solo without feeling excluded or shortchanged.


    With this update, 95% of it is for raiders/groups. There's no variety in telling us that our choices are nothing but group activities, plus maybe 10 minutes of story in a flashpoint. As a solo player, you can't continue to feel that you're actually paying for meaningful content with that.


    And I'm the Pope and Santa Claus. People will play and come back game will be fine including Solo players. If you feel that upset about the game and resort to belittling others then maybe it's time to take a break and chillax. :)

  3. No, it was NOT primarily group content when it opened. It was eight class stories, all of which were completed solo.


    It was followed by an expac which again was solo story.


    And another set of flashpoints which were quickly adjusted to be solo-able and yet more solo story.


    Followed by yet two more expacs of...wait for it...solo story.


    The flashpoints, PvP and Ops were cake, were not necessarily to advance and were not the center of attention. ys, they were there, but NOT at the expense of solo story content. The game was known for its voice acting and quality story, not raids. This was not a game that was ever primarily about raiding or PvP and it is foolish to pretend that it was. And as we have said her ad nauseaum, MMO is not synonymous with "must group." it simply means many players co-exist in the same place.


    They've made their decision. If they want to cater to the raiders now, they will, but it is a mistake. The game cannot survive on raiders alone, and when they've alienated and lost all their solo players, they will have realized that too late.



    I once dreamed I was a goat in space. Didn't make me a goat irl and neither denying that we got 1-3x Variety of content from Solo to Group. Only 4.x took that away. Piece of cake go do MM Brontes and report back. Or a ranked match against good players. If you want the true raider experience then you wouldn't be getting any content for 2 years. Have fun with that. :)

  4. Both uprisings and Ops are running in a pack with other players and killing bosses, and then doing it again and again. What does it matter what they're called? It's the same thing: pack killing of bosses, I'm not sure what more there can be with that. And the hardest mode for Star Fortresses was not meant to be completed solo.


    Poor rewards? Talk to us about CXP, "poor rewards" didn't just affect PvPers. And you guys actually now have the ability to gear more easily than story players due to the unassembled components.


    Also, I'll point out that the game was originally story based. The class stories and the two expansions are all about solo story content. So really if you are a raider - that is the game you came into. Something that was primarily story. In a perfect world we'd all get what we want, but at the least the original game format should not be sacrificed so raiders can run around and kill bosses.


    Yet it was solo'd with ease by any casual player. This game was first and foremost an MMO with multiple content including Ops. As for gearing as it should be, challenge should reward more. Nothing sacrificed except delusions that this game was Single player. This game always was an MMO only 4.x tried to destroy that at great cost to the game. The real Swtor is back. :)

  5. Did you get uprisings, which were new content not for solo players? Why yes, you did. Several of them. Were there master modes/veteran modes on the flashpoints including Star Fortresses, which was new? Were there several seasons of PvP where you could earn rewards? Were there social point rewards? Were there DvL world bosses? I believe you were given all of those things during that time frame.


    Are any of those Ops? No. Those uprisings only came with 5.x and the failure of two years of nothing. Star Fortesses really? Any person could solo at the highest level that with a comp with ease

    Pure solo content with an optional group me. We got zero FPs from Battle of Rishi to Umbara that was December 2014 to July/August 2017. PvP seasons way terrible rewards zero balance as story got updates and two horribly bugged maps with an arena that could insta kill you if you jumped funny. DvL World Bosses also only came with 5.0 after the failure of Story only.


    I had nothing to look forward from 3.x to till Keith took over. Now the Swtor feels much better to me. If you don't like that feel free to go, but please don't tell me the past 2 years untill 5.x and Keith taking the helm was enjoyable content or any content for me. Maybe for you but the future is now. :)

  6. It's not my fault that you don't have the discernment to realize that stating an opinion in a thread to BW, where they are soliciting feedback, is not a request for emotional validation from other players. The only confusion here seems to be on your end, in that regard. I'm just putting you on ignore after this, so you can waste as much time responding as you wish.


    As noted, you had ops, flashpoints, uprisings and all manner of group experiences during the past two years. You were not excluded during that time. AND you had the same opportunities for grouping during the class stories, RotHC and SoR, which were all rich in solo content.


    BW's made it clear which players they're going to cater to at present time; I've made it clear that unless there's a change for the better by the time my sub runs out, I'm not renewing. Easy peasy.


    We got an Op in between 2014 and 2017? I must have missed something cause I totally did feel totally excluded with no new content for me during that time. XD

  7. A simple solution to Op healing lacking Interrupt and Pushback immunity would be to give Interrupt and Pushback Immunity while Stim Boost is active. Zero effect on the heals but improvement in PvP especially Ranked.


    The actual heal changes are fine and Ops will remain viable Healers in PvE and Regs (Ranked without Interupt immunity does make them very weak there but as mentioned above an easy fix of they so desired)


    At the end of the day all 3 heals will be fine as they were overturned.

  8. Anyone that plays at prime time has the same experience as him. :rolleyes:


    Which is a joke of a prime time compared to 3.x and 2.x. But that has more to do with 2 years of "episodic storytelling" and lack of real substantial MMO content. CXP in its original intent by Irving was just a reaction to the oh this isn't working how do we stall for time.

  9. Buoware, why is Harbinger the only server hitting standard lvls now during a Saturday prime time. This is just getting ridiculous, fix the game and the population won't keep declining this fast :mad:

    At this rate they'll shut the game by January because there won't be enough people to keep the lights on. I wonder if that will be in Kieths roadmap?

    I wish we had an idea of how many players are needed for it to read standard.


    Cause content drought since 3.x. No reason for me to log on outside raid time. At the rate it's going Gods won't be finished till 2018 and still no word on MM versions despite a promise of the last producer we would get MM Tyth with A&E.

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