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Everything posted by flem

  1. flem

    Low PVP gear

    Also, most people probably have some Rakghoul rep. The THORN relics are on sale all the time at the GSI vendor on Nar Shaddaa's Upper Promenade.
  2. flem

    Low PVP gear

    Yeah, there is some expertise on the PvP weapons vendor, but you actually don't want to use those. A piece with sub-109/150 (for weapons) expertise actually screws up bolster and makes you weaker. Use 162 or lower PvE gear until you hit 60.
  3. It doesn't matter, if you pay attention to where they spawn. http://i.imgur.com/qphoByC.jpg Just send one person to each spawn point as he's channeling (or have the tank cover both back ones if he can hear the dropdown sound). If it's the pack of regulars, AOE stun them or use an AOE attack with a knockdown. Btw, group comps are either 4 regulars, 2 silvers, or one gold.
  4. No. The nerf took Sorc DPS to about Sniper levels, which mostly outrages those who hadn't played other RDPS classes as well. Now if the proposed changes to heals goes through, that's another story.
  5. 0/10 Let's try to keep it a *little* plausible.
  6. Scrapper/concealment scouperative takes zero damage, thanks to the spec talent to resist all damage during the GCD of a roll.
  7. Eh, depends on time, people, etc. I usually win in Pubside regs.
  8. If you can't imagine how this could be exploited to only play favorable matchups...
  9. ... when they never respond to serious inquiries and concerns.
  10. It's not reactive shield, it's the DCD added to Battle Focus.
  11. Many Bothans died to bring you this scoreline... Well, OK, no. Just a PvE-geared Nigerian prince.
  12. This really is the simplest method and one your melee-heavy group should practice before you move on to other, more complicated strats. One thing I've seen people do with this is instead of killing the same adds in order each wave, go back and forth wave to wave so repositioning time is minimized. So go entrance-to-exit, gang-killing one by one and hiding/setting up cross near a rock by the back add. Then for the second round go exit-to-entrance, hiding near a rock on that side. Then entrance-to-exit and for the fourth round you drag the boss into a corner. Also, take an op healer. The amount of effective healing one can get on a raid that stays close is crazy.
  13. Crinn the Dread Forum Poster... Best thread of the season.
  14. ^ this Op is a great raid/AOE healer (particularly for PvE) but has inferior burst now. And as PvE DPS they have the disadvantage of being melee.
  15. It will take a while to contribute much with *any* class, because the number and nature of things you have to pay attention to is greater. Learn the maps. Playing in the lowbie bracket gives you a good chance to understand the basic objectives, the terrain, and some basic strategies without people raging at you for stinking. You probably won't see more than rudimentary strategy, because coordination in this bracket is usually nonexistent. Learn to keep an eye on your minimap. Even if you are pretty bad in the actual fighting, being in the right place at the right time can help your team greatly (and is something that will only get more valuable as you become better). Eventually you have to learn the wrinkles of your class and everyone else's class, but understanding the objectives is foundational.
  16. So I did my usual round on Nar Shaddaa (High-Sec Lockdown) for level 4 scav mats. Noticed that today, droid corpses *only* turned scavable when they dropped other loot (credits, junk, random greens/blues). If there was no loot light, the corpse wasn't gatherable. I can't help but wonder whether this was a sign of the Marko Ka droid change unexpectedly breaking stuff elsewhere in the game.
  17. Only the toughest fight in the game: hardmode Revan.
  18. flem

    pug tanking trends

    This is for the best, since Master and Pearl actually require paying attention, unlike SM Blaster/Cora. You pug TOS!? You're a braver man than I am. (Raises hand sheepishly.)
  19. For those of you tanks who switch to DPS for Underlurker, which spec do you find most useful or natural? Tactics? Plasma? Does stacking DPS stats (except accuracy) in tank cell work at all for VG as it does for Guardians?
  20. I think he means Pulse Cannon/Ion Storm (blue-white) vs Flamethrower/Firestorm (red-orange).
  21. The super-short version is this: Before 55, wear the highest-rating gear you can find. At 55+, don't wear anything over 162. Use the free greens from the Shadow of Revan prelude until you buy Exhumed.
  22. Yes there is... You *get it for free* during the expansion. OP forgot the most irritating part: these PVE heroes yell at you when you tell them they should switch to lower gear.
  23. Keep the 162 gear for PvP. This is your starting set before you get Exhumed. If you queue in 172 (or worse, raid gear), you will die incredibly fast.
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