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Everything posted by Rusah

  1. I got a response to the ticket i put in. This is the reply i got. We appreciate the time you took to send us your impressions and ideas, and we can assure you our development team is always interested in hearing constructive feedback from our players. To ensure that your ideas are seen by the right people , we reccomend posting them on our suggestion box forum. I sent in a ticket saying i was concerned using it would be classed as an exploit, and they have not said using it was exploiting in their response, so it must be fine to use it. If it wasn't they would have said something.
  2. I am wondering this also, i bought one off the gtn earlier used a couple of stacks of tokens in it. Then i came to the forums and saw all the threads about it being an exploit. I put a ticket in stating that i was concerned that i had accidentally exploited, told them how many stacks of tokens i had used and that the mats were in my chars inventory unused, and if it was an exploit to feel free to remove them. Then went on to say if it was working as intended to let me know. I wish they would give an official response on this. After the ravagers issue and the fact they said they were going to handout punishment it has made the community twitchy about if things are exploits. Given what this has done to the community they need to be a bit more prompt answering questions like this.
  3. The tactical flashpoint weekly is not giving credit for missions, details below. When i logged on i had one 1/3 tacticals on the objective since i had it from last week. I qued random got athiss. I completed it no credit for that it was still on 1/3. I then qued specific for just the czerka tacticals for my cz198 weekly. I ran Czerka corperate labs and completed it. The weekly was still on 1/3. I looked at the description in the log and it said you earn credit for blood hunt and battle of rishi. So i figure maybe the quest was updated with the patch and i have got an old version.So i abandon the quest and pick it up again. I look in the description and it still says blood hunt and rishi give credit. My thought on this is that while the tactical flashpoint queue had been updated with a wider selection, nobody updated the weekly quest so that it gave credit for all the tacticals available via groupfinder after the patch.
  4. The hilt 37 on my server has dropped to what i consider a reasonable price on the GTN, and i really want to buy one. I am hesitating because i am concerned that if i buy one and it turns out it was made with a schematic gained through the ravagers bug that would make me a participant in the exploit. Is it safe to buy them, or is it better that i wait until after the situation has been dealt with and punishments have been handed out? I avoided doing ravagers op entirely in order to make sure i would not become involved even accidentally, i would hate to find myself sucked into this mess by buying an item off the GTN. If only it were possible to tell who earned their schematics legitimately.
  5. ON the issue of punishment i think fair would be to strip them of any gear (and not replace it with lower just leave the slots empty, they can grind old heroics for comms to replace it), cash, mats, basically anything at all gained through this exploit. Then slap them with a 1 week ban. Yeah the raid was broken, but so what, that is not a valid reason to take advantage of it. If everyone said hey it is ok to rob a few corner shops would you. Of course not because it is wrong, just as this was wrong to do just on a smaller scale than the example i just provided. End of the day people had a choice, do the right thing, or do the wrong thing. Those that chose the wrong thing (especially those that chose it because it was got away with last time), made a choice to do something they should not, and now there are consequences to that action. The only ones i have any sympathy for are the ones that did it by accident and owned up to it straight away (and by straight away i mean the same day it happened). The rest deserve to be punished. Personally i have not done ravagers raid yet, i learned about the exploit on the forums here from one of the many threads that popped up. Once i learned of this i stayed away from that raid so that i did not even accidentally become involved. I had the choice to exploit for easy gear, i chose not to do it. I'm sure some people will say that myself and others that think like me are being harsh, but when it comes down to it people have free will, you make your choices, you deal with the consequences. Just the way it is.
  6. I don't get why some people are complaining about this. Yeah sure some stats like accuracy are a bit off balance, but if you want stats sorted to that level augments can sort it. Personally i am looking forward to this, especially since their is droid armor. Currently i have full legacy armor, main and offhand weapon sets for tank and heal for treek. I keep an individual set of implants and ear for each spec per char. Now i can just have two complete sets. My first set i will gather will be for HK then both treek, that way i have treek heal/tank and HK dps, so i can have any role comp on any char. After that i will just get a set to keep on my other companions for if i fancy a change. Eventually instead of having just treek i will be able to choose any companion i want. Gearing up all my comps on a sage/sorc/sin/shadow is beyond what i can be bothered to grind for. Now in just 23 weeks i can get my story comps their own gear and shared sets for treek and HK.
  7. This quest is fixed i have been doing it fine without a single bug for weeks now as the weekly. In fact i have done it twice today on different characters. As well i have completed it 4 times as part of the quest chain, the first time bugged (which was a pain). Then after they fixed it on 3 more char story lines first time no issue.
  8. If it was a global unlock i would spend either the 2mil credits or 400cc on it, but not on a per character basis. I have 16 characters so the cost would be: 400cc X 16 = 6400cc 2mil X 16 = 32mil That level of costs to get a such i minor improvement is just too high to pay. Defiantly going to pass on this one, if i need an instant speed boost to get to a node or such i can just hit my rocket boost. That is global unlocked, works while moving, activates instantly, has the same speed as mounts, and does not involve spending huge amounts of credits/coins.
  9. I agree on this one. My main characters are either gathers of mission professions so that i can farm/send out companions while i do other stuff. The problem i have is when i am on a char that has 3 gathering professions i see nodes on the map all over but do not know which prof they are for. Since two of my mains were done during 12x exp and still need their profs finishing this is a problem. For scavenging and bio i can just google and find areas with droids/creatures silver or gold that do the job. But with archaeology i cannot do that. Since it is such a pain node farming this prof with nodes for all 3 showing i level it up through missions instead to save the hassle of node hunting. I would like to see it so you can turn different prof nodes on/off. That way i could have all 3 on on a maxed char and turn off the display for two and just have the one i am working on with others.
  10. I'd like to see this myself. Easiest way would be to have a legacy credit bank. In order to make sure f2p/pref cannot use it to bypass credit cap make it so that it can only be accessed if you have an active subscription. If you do not you can still have them as decorations but when you click on them it brings up text on screen saying you must be a subscriber to use this feature and does not let you access it. On the issue of what if a sub goes pref, that again is simple. Once they are no longer subscriber the credits in the legacy credit bank go into escrow and are accessed in the usual escrow manner. People going preferred for any reason simply need to log their toons and transfer what they can hold as preferred per char before their sub expires.
  11. I'm going to take a shot at replying here but before i do, i would suggest reformatting that whole post. It is one giant block with no punctuation and i am unsure if the reply i am giving is to what you are asking, since i am having trouble understanding your post. From what i understand you bought some items from a vendor to send to an alt, then tried to sell them back to the vendor for full refund and did not get it. Some items do have a refund timer usually items bought with commendations others just sell back for 10% of the original value. In future i would suggest you just mail the credits to buy it to the alt instead. That said i would be ok with a refund timer so long as it is a short one (say 5mins or so).
  12. I would say it is very worth getting one of the cross faction ones. I have the Nar Shaddaa one. All i have done with it is put the following in the area where you enter i havn't decorated anything inside. Gtn Terminal Mailbox next to gtn. Personal Storage Legacy Storage Guild Storage Mailbox next to the three storage lockers. The three decoration droids to sell junk and repair my gear. Mod Station Appearance Change Station That combined with the taxi giving entrance to my ship makes it very good for Qol. I use alot of legacy armor so i go there before logout and put my legacy armors in legacy storage. That way if i log onto a different toon i can grab the needed legacy armor immediately. Plus with the Gtn terminal and vendor droids there i can put anything worth selling up on the gtn once i am done for the day (or go there buy stuff i need on gtn then travel back to my previous location), and vendor the rest at the droids and repair my gear before i logout. Leaving my inventory clean of junk and my armor fully repaired. Then with the mod station i can make/buy augment kits then just travel to my stronghold and add them in right there instead of hunting round for one. The whole decorating for the look of the place and for conquest doesn't interest me at all, but having the ability to do all that in one place is brilliant. All that said, right now for the 3 year anniversary you can get the Dromund Kaas and Coruscant ones for 3 credits each. They are faction linked ones so Nar Shaddaa is better since it is faction Neutral. But at a cost of 6 credits you might as well pick them two up as well.
  13. Sorry but you do not represent massive profit in any way. You'll come spend maybe 100-200 experiance the storylines then are gone. 1. As a sub for a year i spend 180 (on current exchange rates that is 287 in your currency) on sub, plus have purchased two expansions. So in one year as a sub that is more than any story tourist will spend. 2. All the storylines can be done as a free player, you do not need to spend anything at all to do them. Yeah there is the free play char slot restrictions but since you just wanna see the stories and leave you can just delete and remake to bypass that. Where is the profit exactly in something that story tourists can get for free? 3. The real money maker is the cartel market, i forget the exact figure, but i think it was around 130mil made off the cartel market in the last finincial year. I see on the forums people buy 2-3 hypercrate packs whenever one comes out. That is an average of $20 worth of cartel coins for every one of those packs sold, and they sell a ton of em. As someone who doesn't use the cartel market just pays sub and nothing else i am a small fraction of the earnings. As a story tourist there is no profit because all the storylines are available for free. Sorry to tell you this but you came and bought stuff to experience something you could have gotten for nothing. If you had not pre ordered played the game without the 12x boost you could have experienced every single story for nothing at all. Cartel market spenders are the ones that pump over 90% of the profit in plain and simple. Finally on your gearing issue, the side quests provide gear, to stay geared without a pool of creds you need to do em, once you have a char done you can do dailys earn creds and have enough cash to gear alts whenever you want. When i started the 12x i have 6 55's and 3 in the 30's. I now have: 11 X 55's, 1 X 50 4 between 11 and 13 just off the starter worlds In total i am about 1.2mil down in credits from what i had at the start, but i still got plenty of credits left.
  14. I've made this mistake once, and only once, i was on the gtn half asleep and did not pay attention and fell for this one. After falling for it i learned two things: 1. Do not go on the gtn when too tired or influenced in any other way in such a manner that you cannot focus. 2. Read the price for the listings to make sure, two numbers after a seperator is a part credit, three is not. I didn't complain and kick off about it, i made a stupid mistake accepted it was my own fault for being too tired to pay attention and learned from it. Yeah the listing was an attempt to get way more than the item was worth which isn't the nicest thing to do, but i was dumb for falling for it too.
  15. I'd like to share some further points from the implementation of the legacy storage and the 12x exp event. My sorc/sage dps are my mains, during this event i have leveled up a sin/shadow also dps. Now after looking over stats they are the same for dps and the only difference in gear is the saber-staff. With the legacy storage it is a simple case of putting the gear in there and taking it out on login and putting it back before logout making using legacy gear alot more user friendly than the old mail across system. I have one tab devoted to just legacy armor. So i had the legacy armor and offhand that works, so i buy a legacy mainhand for that class. Now i have the following upgrades that work for four of my chars Armour - 7 pieces upgrade once for 4 characters Offhand - 1 piece to upgrade for 4 characters Mainhand - 2 pieces to upgrade for 4 characters. Earpiece - 1 per character (4 total) Implant - 2 per character (8 total) Relics - 2 per character (8 total) Total - 30 pIeces to upgrade 4 characters If i used non legacy cartel market armor that i bought instead of legacy the figures would be as follows Armour - 7pieces x 4 chars = 28 pieces to upgrade for 4 characters Offhand - 1 piece x 4 chars = 4 pieces to upgrade for 4 characters Mainhand - 1 piece x 4 chars = 4 pieces to upgrade per character Earpiece - 1 per character (4 total) Implant - 2 per character (8 total) Relics - 2 per character (8 total) Total - 56 pieces to upgrade 4 characters. So really there is no point in me buying cartel market armors because on this character set i have used as an example it would nearly double the amount of upgrades i would need to do. Having to do nearly twice the work for the same effect i can do with legacy puts me off buying cartel armors. On the other hand if i could equip them in a slot that gives me their appearance only with no stats from the gear used i would get more armors so i do not have 4 characters with the same look. But when it comes down to it i will choose the shorter upgrade time over the diff looks, with appearance tabs i could use the legacy shorter upgrade and would have incentive to buy armor sets from the market too.
  16. To answer your point on making loads of dps toons. 1. As stated I do not like tanking, do you expect me to play a spec i do not enjoy? 2. I pointed out i suck as a healer, do you think me rolling a spec i am bad at then joining content that others depend on me using that spec well would be a good idea? On your second paragraph opinion of me. You couldn't be more wrong, i make sure my rotation is optimized so i can pump out as much damage as possible, use stims to buff my stats, adrenals for extra burst when either needed or when it is optimum for extra dps on my rotation. In cases like on my focus guardian if the sundering strike debuff is not applied i use it which helps the whole group, In places like the gree event boss i press the panels and go into the input circles, things like that. But thank you for judging me as a likely not putting in the effort player, just because i am dps and prefer 16m for the extra comms does not mean i am a slacker in any way.
  17. I was not happy when it went and after a few frustrating weeks doing the 8m gf i gave up on gf raids and went back to fleet organized 16m runs. Personally i am glad of the return of the 16m group finder, for several reasons. 1. As a dps only player (i hate tanking and suck as a healer so bad it ruins groups), i never got queue pops when it was 10 ults reward, even when it was increased to 30 it still took ages. The 16m version pops alot faster. 2. More ults, in the 16m you get ults from the boss in 8m you do not. As a player with 10 max level chars (plus a 20 and 33 being worked on) the quicker i can cap elites and ults the better. 3. Better chances of completion. I have seen posts saying that 16m falls apart more often than 8m. My experience has been the opposite, i have had alot of 8m fall apart on dp last boss and on df second boss. In 16m it is very rare that the full run is not completed. Ok there might be a wipe here and there, and the odd people rage leave when it requires some challenge to down a boss, but it is easy enough to get a replacement, where in 8m the group just collapses completely. The only bad thing on the return of the 16m at this time, is the fact i am determined to get 16chars so i have each class and ac since i have the 12X boost. So i gotta wait till the new xpac to return to the 16m gf. My choice true but wish i could do both lol.
  18. How is gear a concern at this point, December 2nd early access comes out for pre order, a week later non pre order upgrades can join too. They will not leave people without way to get the new entry level gear for SoR. Once you got your entry gear you level and are set for the new flashpoints. Like with makeb they will most likely put entry level mods on a vendor like the makeb planet comm one, or provide gear on the lead in quests for the new xpac, as well as providing gear at crafting trainers that was reverse engineer only this xpac. Those are just my guesses but they will have some way of obtaining entry level gear for Sor which will sort your characters out. As for fp and ops and such current that is your choice to try em on the fresh 55's. But my view is why bother, they will become classic content and be replaced with new stuff in 6-7 weeks. I want each class and ac, so for me this is old content done time to level until the new stuff comes out.
  19. It is not really needed. The problem is not gear so much as the play style people have got used to. As it stands people are used to upgrading with blue level comm gear as needed and basically blowing through leveling content with little thought to tactical playing. When i first started leveling with this bonus i did the same thing, i was too used to upgrading full set with planet comm's every 4 to 6 levels. Sufficed to say i died a lot and struggled with content that i had considered in the past easy. I started to put some thought into it, played a bit more tactically, avoided mobs where i could, used my cc on packs of mobs that were difficult, used stuns to give me time go get a heal or two in from myself or my companion, interrupts on higher damage attacks that i used to shrug off, that sort of thing. Once i started playing this way i found i could last a long time just using the reward gear before needing and upgrade, using green quality stuff instead of the blue i was used to. Yeah some fights were hard and i would die a couple of times before nailing them, but i must admit i like the challenge leveling like this gives me. The storyline only gives more immersion and the lower gear gives it a challenge in difficulty that did not exist before. As well sell anything you can on the gtn, say you are a willpower user and get a green strengh piece off a mob, instead of vendoring it sell it on the gtn for some extra cash, you may only make 500-2k depending on the level of the piece but over time all those pieces add up. Even schematics that only go for a few hundred still extra cash to help offset. I am currently working on a shadow dps, it is level 41 and i have done complete green quality (with the odd blue if cheap enough) upgrade twice so far on myself and my healer companion, plus single piece upgrades on real low level gear. Plus i do not even loot mobs unless it is green quality drops since i do not consider the small value of the cash and trash drops pre makeb worth the looting time over all the planets. I started with 300k i sent to this char when i made it, bought the 40k speeder perk, and now have 182,793. Meaning that i am down in total 77,027 credits from gearing and have kept myself in gear using only the gtn and quest rewards. Just play tactically use your support ability's to help you and it is entirly possible. The only way this would not be possible for you is if you didn't have a 55 to sort you some startup cash to see you through. Plus once i hit makeb and get the higher value loot and quest cash i expect to break even since bolster means no gear upgrade needed.
  20. I used to have this problem as well, i always logged in from the same computer at the same location and every time it asked for this. Wouldn't matter if it was 24 hours or 1 hour since my last login it did this every time. My solution was to get the authenticator key app for my phone. That way instead of messing about, i just, tap the app icon on my phone home screen then tap the one time password button. This way logging in is no longer an annoying long chain, just username, password, two clicks on my phone to get a code and am set. Plus 100 free cartel coins a month for using the mobile app.
  21. That's why it is a pre order perk. I pay for my sub, i paid for the expansion. Your friend did not so why do they deserve it. I pay money for access to this stuff your friend has never, if they had made even some market purchase they would be preferred status not f2p. So you can stuff your snarky attitude mate, in this monetary driven society people get what they pay for. Your friend pays nothing to the game then they do not deserve access to this perk simple. They want it then pay for the sub and pre order like all of those that have it did. Maybe you should go into a restaurant and tell them your friend deserves free food because other people in the place have food but your friend is not paying for it like they did, see how far that gets you. You could even try suggesting one of the other customers pay like you sarcastically replied to me about your friends sub for it see how that works too.
  22. If you want the x12 perk you can buy it, just pre order. Adding it as a separate cartel item would take away the major perk of pre ordering which would be unfair to those of us that have. Lets face it, a decoration and access one week early are not that big perks for this. Just under two months of such large gain is the main perk. Adding it as a cartel item would be a cash purchase, pre ordering is a cash purchase, if you want it that bad just order. This perk is why i did without it i would not have. Either way you are paying for it so why add it separate?
  23. Change? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Now i can't just google builds so that i know i have the right one without putting a second of thought into it. How dare you force me to use my brain. A full week i will have to spend actually thinking about it before new ones get posted on the internet for me to copy *sob* /sarcasm
  24. there is no buff on the bar, you just get it added to class missions at turn in. I pre ordered, then went to turn in two quests i had. Non class quest mission: 13k exp rewarded Class quest mission : 170k exp earned No buffs on bar it just gets added.
  25. It's simple either you consider it worth buying or you do not. Personally i think it is worth it for the massive exp boost and the expansion. Converted into my currency it works out at about 1.5 hours wage. For that i get the expansion, insane leveling speed for just under two months, a week early access that i am not fussed about, and a decoration that i honestly don't care about. For me i consider that good value on my personal time spent earning the money vs what i get so i buy it. If you do not consider it worth it do not buy it.
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