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Everything posted by Rusah

  1. So i got this companion, and gifting amounts are seriously bugged. For a purple rank 5 that is supposedly her favorite i get 144, and for a blue rank 5 i get 60. This is with her affection bar at zero. So i did some googling around on her gifts, and i found that on male characters you can get decent affection gain, but as a female character you get it in small amounts. I also read in one that this bug was known and was going to get sorted (in a post from 2012), but since i cannot find a single bw response i cannot say that is accurate. Fact is, if you choose a male character skin you can get decent affection from the none romance favorite gift, but as female skin you get next to nothing. How is this fair that people get severely penalized in affection for a choice made during character creation over 30 levels prior. This is either a bug that has been well known and ignored for years, or is a case of make a female character model and your going to get the shaft down the road. Had i known this i would have rolled male. How is it fair that one gender gets preference over another in non romance gift point amounts, this is either a bug or a bad over sight. Either way please fix this.
  2. I am somewhat mixed in my views on this. 1. The mob density - On this i have to agree lessening it was a good move. 2. Bolster - Not a fan, but so long as it works on makeb only not really bothered either way. 3. The Auto healing thing - Strongly disagree, no other planet has auto healing, this combined with the bolster pretty much makes makeb pointlessly easy. If people want better heals play a healer or gear up a healer comp decently. Makeb was easy enough as it was, at level 50 i would farm planet comms to get a full set that server me fine there. Then at 53 i would equip as much 156 as i could craft/afford to buy. I never had any issues. As i stated above, the only thing i disagree with strongly is the healing thing. Companion healing plus auto healing, why not just make every player invincible while they are on there and be done with it, since the combo of comps and this will virtually do that anyway ffs. The bolster and mob density ok, but this heal thing is a freakin joke.
  3. So i was on illum, on a PVE server, and i was not in the pvp area, and i was not flagged for pvp. I was doing the heroic, i toss out an aoe on the three gold droids. Upon seeing this a group of opposite faction players who are flagged for pvp intentionally run into my aoe. The result i get flagged for pvp, and they proceed to kill me. Players who are flagged being able to activate a flag on non pvp flagged players is clearly an exploit. How is it fair that someone on a pve server in a pve area can have someone choose to force a flag on them by running through an attack aimed at a pve mob. If someone is not flagged for pvp then their attacks should not cause flags if they are not aimed at other players. If they specifically target a flagged player then ok they chose to pvp. But if they are attacking a pve target and a pvp player runs through it on purpose or by accident, it should not flag the pve player.
  4. Thanx for the info, since this is my first gree event was not sure. Will grind rep tokens and get the armors i want next week then.
  5. Agreed with this, would love to see them more often on a monthly rotation out for two weeks each. Like for example first two weeks of the month gree, then no events for the rest of the month. Then the first two weeks of next month bounty, then no events for rest of month and so on. This way people would not feel pressured to grind rep on them since they would know in a few months it would be back, plus the two weeks between one event finishing and the next starting would give a break for doing normal stuff between each event.
  6. Speaking as a player who does not do pvp i do not see the problem with these two quests or the pvp area. Yesterday i was doing a full run, joined up with a couple of guild members for the pvp quests, got one of them done easily, got killed by opposing faction players a couple of times, but whatever i was in a pvp zone. Then on the other quest we could not do it because there was a group of 10 plus gankers camping the area where you take the orbs to. After about 4 times being killed we switched instances to one that only had 27 players in it and got the quest done without any further problems. Yeah you are always going to get people who think it is fun to spoil things for others by camping objective points in order to prevent others finishing, but just do as i did if you got gankers round, switch instance to avoid them. When i did the pvp quests on my second character i just made sure i was in a low population instance before starting, only got killed by other players once while doing both quests.
  7. I missed the last gree event since i was pretty new then and didn't realise it was a bad idea to skip. I want the red scalene armor but with the weekly rep cap will not make it during the event. I have enough 55's to farm and save the rep tokens to use after the event to get the rank so i can buy them, but will i still be able to, or is it only the helix vendor that will be available. Grinding to get them after i am ok with, but grinding then having to wait a year is a bit much.
  8. I agree that the legacy sets are way too limited, i suggest posting in the thread linked above, as i have. With the limits now i find myself building legacy sets using pieces of different sets and dye modules to create new looks while being able to use legacy gear. But even then that is not too great, for example when i made a sorc i made a legacy set early on for that character out of pieces of 5 differant legacy sets with a dye and color unification. I love the look on my sith, but it is not going to look at good on my sage as her current non legacy outfit.. But since they are both same ac and spec it is either use it for both or gear up twice. Since i made my sage as my second char i didn't need legacy, and was a bit of a noob so didn't realize the long term progression gimp. I put a lot of work into that outfit, musta spent two hours on the gtn previewing pieces to get it just right. Now when my sorc hits 55 it will end up in the bank, just as my agent and marauder ones will too, two more sets of gear i spent ages making. Personally i would love to have the appearance tab, so my sage can keep her current outfit, and my sorc would continue using the look of the mixed legacy set i made for her, and my merc can use the rakghoul armor while my trooper is able to use my cyborg set once again.
  9. I am a crafter, with every crafting, gathering and mission profession and several dedicated gathering characters. You do not need guild banks for crafting at all. All i did was made a spreadsheet with a table indicating which char has which skill and how well stocked on mats they are. Then i just make sure i keep them topped up on mats either from my gatherers or by buying the mats off the gtn. No guild bank needed at all i just log into the character i want to craft, pick up any mails i have of stuff sent from my gatherers on and get on with it. No messing about checking characters, when i gather i check the sheet see which has the lowest stock of mats so i know which to mail the stuff to, if i can't be bothered gathering i just send the credits to the char to buy them. I can read up on what mats all my crafters have in literally a minute or two no re-logging between characters needed. Even the program i used to make the spreadsheet, openoffice was free, so i didn't have to pay for that since it is an open source program.
  10. I agree that crystal crafting in artifice is worthless now, but even making all crystals useable at level 10 wouldn't make much differance. The cartel ones can be unlocked account wide, i have power, crit and endurance crystals unlocked account wide. Even if the crafted ones were level 10 i would still not use them since i can get infinite free crystals. The same would go for a lot of others. The only ways (in my opinion) to make crystal crafting is to put a second crystal slot in for color, that way you get stats from the main crystal and color only from the other.
  11. If people queue as healer then of course they should make sure people are healed, that is the role selected so it should be fulfilled. Unless of course it is not needed in which case the healer should speak to the group and see if they would rather you mainly dps and just off heal as needed. If there is no healer but dps specs that can off heal, it is considered polite to toss a few heals on someone if they need it. If a pure dps group struggles i usually ask if the dps that have heals can drop a bit of healing as needed. But do not expect dps with healing abilitys to heal, if you want dps off healing ask them if they can help out by doing so.
  12. I'm going to say no to this one. It would cause a mas influx of players who do not know how to play there class, making group content a nightmare. See the below example. During the xp event, around level 20 i came across a healer during a fp that was rolling need on and equipping all sorts of different stats, upon checking his gear he had aim, cunning and strength gear on an agent. I spoke to him, let him know what his main stat was and that he needed to use that only to get the best out of his character, i was polite to him and he thanked me for the help. Now imagine players coming to the game not knowing how to play their class and equipping wrong stats because they did not learn the character they bought it. This would cause problems in raids and flashpoints, and lead to the bought 55 being given grief for rolling on wrong gear and not knowing his class. Sure some people would help but a lot would get annoyed and give grief over it, leading to a bad experience for the player that bought 55 and the others in the group.
  13. Personally i wish it would be given as an item you activate so you can choose if or when you use it. Put a two month timer on it to prevent people saving them and getting a double xp fortnight or something like that. Players who's schedules don't work well with the times (due to work or other obligations) of the events get it at their preferred time. Players who are fine with the timing use it immediately Players who do not want it can just destroy it or dump it in their bank till the timer expires and it dissapears. Everyone wins.
  14. Surely by now they must realize the income they are cutting themselves off from by not giving us this. Take me for example. I am working on getting 16 chars, each class and ac on each side. Now given that means i can share a lot of gear between characters, i use legacy gear. Given the choice between faster gearing and cosmetic i will choose faster gearing every time. But if we had cosmetic tabs i could do that and have different outfits, if that happened the first i would get is the cm imperial uniform for my trooper (for the laugh of having republic military in imperial uniform). I would look at other stuff and make outfits i liked so i am not stuck looking at the same stuff constantly. I am not interested in pets, titles, mounts or any of the other cm stuff (apart from treek that i got and account unlocked), just the weapons and uniform. Since i buy the weapons off the gtn, there is no incentive for me to pay any more than my sub. If i could have appearance changes then i would start looking at the various outfits. Many other legacy gearing players most likely ignore cartel armors for the same reason.
  15. When it comes to the cartel market packs people should know by now what to expect. Every time one comes out, threads pop up about how people have bought loads of packs and got nothing. If everyone got the top items wanted in the packs they would be less packs bought, less money made from them, that is why they make them low drop, it is a business and they are trying to make money. This is a way to increase sales. That said, personally i do not like these packs myself, i read up on them and decided it was not worth my hard earned cash gambling on low odd items. Out of the last two packs there was one item i wanted, the cannon from the first nightlife pack, so i just bought it from the gtn instead of opening packs hoping to be lucky. The only time i have bought them is when i have had a build up f complimentary cc and was low on cash, i bought em then sold them unopened on the gtn. It is well known that the more popular items are hard to get, it is also well known most packs drop items that are so common they are worthless. So it comes down to three basic choices Are you willing to spend real money on the chances of getting what you want? Are you willing to farm credits and buy it from the gtn instead? Would you rather save yourself the hassle and not do either? Make your choice, that what happens happens, but remember people call them gambling packs for a reason.
  16. If you like double exp, are an altoholic or have a class your not fond of but need to level it then this event is good for you. If you don't like the double exp, then work on gearing up some of your max level characters instead, since they are already 55 the double exp won't do anything for them at all.
  17. I agree that it is annoying, personally i think it is a balance problem since people with for example droid tank companions cannot use comm mods in them but people with humanoid ones can, this puts classes with droid companions at a disadvantage. Have a look at the thread link below, it is one of my suggestions to fix it using already existing game mechanics. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=748591
  18. The F2P restrictions are more than fair, in this world you get what you pay for. They are taking up server space, bandwidth ect without paying They get access to the expansion for free, something alot of us paid for They can farm credits to buy unlocks for nearly everything limited off the gtn They can bypass credit limits again by buying them from the gtn So given this there are four choices for F2P people 1. Accept the limits they have 2. Farm credits and get unlocks that have been paid for by others to gain access to just about everything for free 3. Make a one time small spend to have even less restrictions 4. Sub and get everything I started as F2P then i decided to sub, i get the six month package, which works out at less than one hours wage per month. That is not a high sub cost, even the more expensive packages can be afforded by a kid with a paper round or pocket money. If someone does not want to pay such a small fee for unlimited access then ok, i got no issues with that. But since they are playing for free then they should be happy that they get as much as they do plus in-game ways to bypass the restrictions, they are treated more than fairly and should not have the restrictions relaxed. It is the people that pay that support keeping this game afloat, be it by sub or buying coins, a F2P is someone who has not contributed a penny and as such should either be happy with what they have, sub or find a game with F2P restrictions more to their liking.
  19. I see alot of complaints on the forum regarding droid companions not being able to be geared up like normal companions because of the slot name differances. I think this is highly unfair, take for example the class that has a droid as a tank companion, they canot 180 it, but classes that have the same tank type in humanoid can. All this balancing goes on with abilitys in order to keep things as even and fair as they can, but how is it balanced that some classes cannot gear up certain role types of companions as well as others. To me that seems like a major imbalance in calsses that needs correcting (note i use only healer comps so this is not something i want i just think it is unfair on certain class players). Simply make the mod-able droid parts duel slot, for example sensor and head. This would not take much work as this feature already exists in the game. On my merc i have Athiss Custom Holdout in both the main and offhand slots. If you hover over the item you see that it is listed as two slots, Mainhand (Ranged) & Offhand (Ranged). Given it has already been done it is clearly already possible, and most likely would just require modifying the adaptive droid armors in the game the same way. This would put an end to this problem for good and make droids more viable.
  20. Not read most of this but i understand the problem with droid companions, it is highly unfair and it is fixable using mechanics that already exist in the game. Simply make the mod-able droid parts duel slot, for example sensor and head. This would not take much work as this feature already exists in the game. On my merc i have Athiss Custom Holdout in both the main and offhand slots. If you hover over the item you see that it is listed as two slots, Mainhand (Ranged) & Offhand (Ranged). Given it has already been done it is clearly already possible, and most likely would just require modifying the adaptive droid armors in the game the same way. This would put an end to this problem for good and make droids more viable. Anyone that agrees on this check out suggestion forum pls, as i have wrote this i realized it would be a good idea to put in there.
  21. The fact is gambling is a chance game, you get no guarantees of anything, you are wagering your money against a chance of getting the winnings you desire. This is plain and clearly a gambling event, there is a chance for you to win on your very first kingpin spin, there is also a chance that you will not get it after 2000 kingpin spins. You choose what to risk, but that risk guarantees you nothing. Personally i don't want the mount i don't like huge mounts, i like smaller ones so i can see more of what is around me. I decided i wanted: 2x legacy blasters (for treek heal and tank legacy set) 1x legacy pistol (for cunning heal/dps since all except trooper use same gear so i can use them for dps, and for heal when i need a break from treeks wittering) 1x companion appearance item. So i put 300k in got 9 of the 10 tokens i needed, i was quite happy, 100k a piece for my legacy sets well worth it. Then i spent another 100k trying to get that last golden cert and got nothing. I gambled my money hoping it would go the way it did previous but it didn't, but i want one more cert so i am choosing to risk more money against the chance to get it. I'm not complaining that i was averaging 33.3k per cert then had my luck go sour and got nothing, i gambled i lost that's just how it goes with chance games.
  22. I have to disagree on tactical being put back to basics. The idea behind comms is to get gear plain and simple, the isotopes are just something to use up comms once they become useless for gearing. Even when gearing basics are not much use at all, when i got my commando to 53-55, i made a full set of mainly156 with augments with earpiece and implants being 154 augmented, the only thing i was missing was the relics. Then i started doing 16m raids, and within 2 weeks i was geared up in 162 with set bonus, simply because a lot of people who are grinding elite and ults run the 16sm raids for the comms, so there is not as much competition as their used to be. At this point i just stopped running tactical, and 50hm, the comms were worthless, now that tactical gives elite i run them again. Basic comms become worthless for gearing very fast now, so having them in the group finder is pointless. You can still get them easy enough if you want them, 50hm, dailys, weekly's, tactical flashpoint boss drops (except kdy that still drops planet). Yeah elites become useless once you have geared up too, and so do ults once you have geared up to 180. All comm levels pass onto useless status as you gear up. At 53 i had 156 set, classic comms worthless Two weeks after hitting 55 had 162 with set, basic comms useless Currently upgrading using elite and ults together, once that's done there useless Lowering the ability to gather 168 gear through comms as easy in order to support people being able to farm more low level basic comms to buy stuff to sell will not be implemented. The point of comms is for gear not to make money. My thoughts would be this Classic comms - Get rid of them, you can get better at the makeb vendor for planet comms anyway. Retool the classic operations to level 55, awarding at the same level the current 55 ops do in gear and comms both in op and for the weekly. Make quests that award classics give basic instead. Basic comms - Exotic Element 35 comms Elite Comms - Isotope 35 comms Ultimate Comms - MMG 50 comms
  23. nope you can at level 10, so long as you purchase the legacy speeder perk. As for claiming form collections, you get the mount only, the speeder pilot skill that comes with buying it is one time only.
  24. On the ops thing, that is more a case of poor planning than anything else, the player should make sure they have an ops pass ready to use before even trying to join. The credits to get one for the week can easily be earned from doing part of a days dailies (a full run of all nets aprox 500k per day without weekly). If the credit cap is an issue on this, then either a one time purchase of $5 on something gets preferred with a lot more features and a cap that lets him save enough credits for it. It is not hard to get that, for an adult it is like 30-45mins worth of wage, for a kid pocket/paper round money saved up for a week. On the trade, that would make credit sellers worse since they would be able so set up infinite accounts for free to sell and trade it. FInally customer service, note the word customer, which is someone who is paying for goods/services ie subscribers. I would be ok with f2p having access to that but only on condition that paying players got priority on the service.
  25. I like the tactical flash points, and since it is a new(ish) feature then then it will take time to add a decent number, but the problem is while level 55 have a selection of 5, players level 15-54 get one. 39 levels stuck with the same flashpoint over and over again is beyond dull. Even with the different scenario choices this quickly becomes very mind numbing. Since the two Czerka were re-tooled as tactical for max level, why not do that with some of the lower level ones too, give us a bit of variety. In all honesty the only reason i still run the pre 55 is for the planetary comms, if it weren't for needing them to upgrade gear i wouldn't touch tactical until i hit 55.
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