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Everything posted by Rusah

  1. I am in two minds on this one, can see both a pro and a con on it. Pro: As dps only player (do not like tanking, and suck so bad as a healer), it would mean shorter queue times for dps players. Con: Back when WoW introduced this it led to people need rolling on everything if no one from there server was in the group. With it per server we can ignore people who do that, but with cross server we could not. On the one hand i would love the shorter queue times but on the other it would increase ninja loot issues. If the ignore option was widened to account along with this change then this would work very well. Plus it would reduce ninja looting since they would be at risk of all their chars being multiple ignored resulting in longer queues.
  2. Personally i am happy with this, i used treek with heal and tank legacy gear, and ear and implants crafted for each char. Now I can have HK as a dps as well. SInce them 3 comps are available on every char i can get sets to share to start then get em individual sets as the weeks go on. Not gonna do all my companions, so long as i have a tank/heal/dps so i can choose whichever role i want for my companion that is good enough for me.
  3. Agreed, i block them on one character, then when i change toons i see them on the fleet again. Would be nice to block them and not have to see posts from the person i blocked once i relog a diff toon.
  4. Relevant passage bolded, underlined and changed to red. With this single statement op has made it clear beyond a doubt he is not interested in discussing this, thinks he owns this thread and expects everyone to bow down to him. Sanity has now officially left this thread and so will i. I fail to see the point in trying to help mold this into a valid suggestion, when the OP has sunk his own idea beyond all hopes of salvage with his abhorrent behavior, ranting and foaming at the mouth, and actiing like a 8 year old throwing a tantrum, instead of discussing it like a rational human being. I'll still drop by but only to see how out of control this thing gets, not wasting any more of my time posting on sunk idea like this one.
  5. I know, every time i post i know. I have no idea why i keep coming back here and trying to have a civilized discussion for a reasonable compromise that is effective for both sides, when the response is just more insults and accusations of trolling thrown at me. Guess i am just a glutton for punishment. The sad thing is i do think that his idea of a delay is valid to help people, i agree with that part, i just disagree with there being no option to turn it off for those that do not need it. Why can we not discuss a way to suit both sides? The op coulda seriously replied discussed the merits/drawbacks of my tweak then i coulda read it gone of that suggested a way based along my and his post and so on until we came up with something that worked for all, instead slander and trolling accusations and repeating the same statement over and over.
  6. Maybe you missed this below, yet again you didn't comment on what i said and made more accusations of trolling against people, tho how making a suggestion based on your idea and responding to your comments is trolling i would love to know, and you ignored a direct question i asked you, also quoted below, care to answer it this time? You are just saying that anyone that does not agree with you is troling and not staying ontopic, you just refuse to discuss it, refuse any modifications and try to twist things to make anyone that does not agree out to be bad guys/gals. You clearly do not want to discuss options and suggestions you just want blind agreement on everything you say. This is a suggestion forum., ie a place of discussion, you post your idea people discuss it until a way comes up everyone agrees with, that is the whole point of a forum, and has been way back to the times of the aincent greek forums back in bc times. How exactly is that not contributing, is is a suggested tweak to your idea. How is that not on topic it is a suggestion for a reasonable compromise, based along the lines of your own idea.
  7. Agreed, i liked starfighter, but having to start from scratch put me off. Having a maxed ship on one toon, then playing another jumping into a match and having a base level ship was beyond irritating. I would suggest by legacy and faction, rep ships shared across all rep chars, same for imps.
  8. Ok you want ideas then i will post the one i have posted again find it below, maybe this time you will actually read it instead of ignoring it. But first a four point response on what you have said in the quoted part. 1. I have come up with an idea to improve it, a modification to your idea, you have ignored it, not even commented on it at all. So claiming not contributing is false on my account, i have contributed you just ignored it. 2. As for saying we are insulting victims, no we are not and i find that offensive, they choose to click off the confirmation without reading it, they choose to turn the confirmation off. If they choose to use it that would not happen to them. It is the consequences of their own choices that cause this. Just as the time i made it i choose to click it of without reading, was i a victim of the system no, only a victim of my own inattention, and i was sure not to do it again. 3. As for insulting people, your one to talk, you have insulted others in here (the lightbulb and waldo comment, accusing everyone that does not agree with you of being trolls, saying everyone that does not support how you went it are selfish, which also constitutes squabbling). 4. So trying to say if you do not consider it reasonable you don't care about the community, another backhanded attempt to say everyone who does not agree is selfish. I do care that is why i suggested a modification that provides safety for those you support and does not inconvenience the rest. My idea takes the well being of the people that make these mistakes and those that do not want it it into account, so i would say i am looking out for the best interests of a larger part of the community than you are. Since i am looking at the well being of two groups not just one. Now for my idea Make the confirmation delay an option to turn on and off, this will satify both sides of the equation 1. Those that make these accidents: They turn it on, that way they have the delay which by your own reasoning will mean they read it, and it will stop most mistakes. 2. Those that do not make these accidents: Can turn it off and not have to deal with an unwanted confirmation because of people who click it off. 3. Make it turned on by default and people have to choose to turn it off, that way they are disabling the failsafe themselves, of their own choice, and the action led from that will ber though the choice they made. This satisfies both sides, those that click off the confirmation have their safeguard which supports what the op wants. Those that do not want it can turn it off. This gives you your safeguard annon, without inconveniencing the rest of the player base. If people turn the time delayed and regular confirmation off then they would not be victims, as the safeguard would be firmly in place and they would be choosing not to take advantage of it, with both the current and your time delay one in place the transactions would be as safe as they could be. The only thing that could mess it up would be people not using it, which would be their own choice, and the consequences of their choice. So i offer you a challenge, do you want to discuss ways to modify your idea to achieve your goals while satisfying those that are against it, or do you want to stick to your inflexible mine is the only way and refuse to consider other options, your call. I'll check back later, if you want a serious discussion i will help you mold the idea into something that works for both sides, your choice.
  9. Agreed, the op is not interested in discussing ways to make this valid, not interested in discussing alternatives, completely ignores any suggestions for modifications to his idea, and acts like the fact people turn off the confirmation entirely or just click it off is a problem in the game and not just user error. All this is going to be is people trying to discuss this while the op dismisses or ignores anything that does not go along how he wants it, insults people who do not agree, and accuses people who do not side with him of trolling, in one earlier post the op even stated what kind of changes people should suggest while ignoring other suggestions and points of view. My advice to everyone is to let this thread die, if it is seen by the support team they will see how it has no support in six pages. No point responding to the op as he will just say again how it has to happen because of people having accidents, while ignoring that it is because they do not use safety features. Having the safety features forced on everyone is not the answer, people using them as they are is, if they do not is not the games fault is theirs. As i stated in a previous post i made this mistake myself once, and once only. I did not moan and cry out, i accepted i had messed up, learned from my mistake and can now safely use the gtn without even needing the confirmation. Learn from your mistakes i did.
  10. Look people being accused of trolling, yet more insults stating that everyone that does not agree is selfish (which i guess makes everyone that has posted here except the op selfish lol), no discussion about a reasonable solution, and comparing it to restrictions that are there to save lives in the motor industry (talk about out of proportion), and just stubbornly sticking to an idea and refusing to consider anything other than how you have decided it should be. To address a few points here 1. Would increase player satisfaction by a huge ammount: So if this would make players more satisfied by a huge ammount then why are all these players not here supporting this. What actual data do you have that it would cause a huge satisfaction increase have you personally asked over half of the population of this game in order to obtain enough data, proof on that statement needed or it is just speculation based on your opinions with no facts to back it up. 2. People not wanting mandatory confirmation are selfish huh. SO having it forced on us because a portion of the population cannot read the popup confirmation is ok, not selfish to us in any way. People wanting them to read the confirmation instead is selfish. Well i guess thats that, expecting people to use common sense is selfish then. 3. It is not comparable to vehicle safety in any way, it has to be more strict there or people can y'know die. People cannot die from accidental purchases of ingame items using virtual currency. In non life and death situations adequate measures (a confirmation box telling you what you have clicked how many items and how much) combined with people using common sense (reading it to be sure what you are buying) is enough.
  11. Wrong. They have the responsibility to give reasonable safety features, which the confirmation window, the price sort features, and mix/max price sort provide. They are not responsible however to idiot proof things to make sure that people who do not use the safety features are safe from their own short shortsightedness. It is a two part system, one part on bioware's end. The other part on the players end. 1. They provide clear information on the confirmation box so that players can clearly see what they are paying for. 2. The player is responsible for checking what they are buying before confirming it. SO AS YOU CAN SEE THEY ARE NOT PUTTING ALL THE RESPONSIBILITY ON THE BUYERS, AND ALL RESPONSIBILITY IS NOT DOWN TO THEM. They have done their part, buyers have to do theirs. The system that exists is already safety feature from bioware and responsibility to use it by the player. If the players do there part and use the freaking confirmation and sorting options then everything works. Bioware did their part, the player has to do their part. There is no need for this, players just need to use some common sense. You don't check and just click off then you loose due to your own inattention. You check the damm confirmation and you can see in literally 2 seconds if the purchase is too high. The confirmation box is doing it's job perfectly fine, it is the players not doing their part by not checking it. If you tried discussing the idea to come up with a reasonable compromise then a modification (e.g it as an option to turn on/off) would stand a chance. But your not gonna get much support while sticking to this everyone should have to have it because of people who habitually just click it off stance. Come up with a way that people who need it can have it, and those that don't will not have to and you will find more support. As i have stated it is not your idea itself, it is having to put up with a mandatory box because of people who cannot check the freaking confirmation that i object to. Make this idiot proofing an optional setting and i will give you my support, but while it is mandatory for everyone idea i will argue against it.
  12. Yes there is something, it is called reading the info before clicking ok. If they do not take the time to vnote and varify it that is their own fault for not being sure. That is players own fault for blind dismissing it, forcing people to put up with an unwanted popup becuase people click it off is unfair on others. It's the responsibility and choice of the player to check the confirmation. If they click it off before checking the window that is on them, a lack of propper attention is their own fault. It is not the confirmation that is insufficant, it is players attention that is. Weather players are still doing it is most certainly not the deciding point. The deciding point is if people are using the confirmation properly, if they are they do not make accidental purchases. If they are not then they are failing to utilize the system already in place to prevent this. Apathy and victim abuse huh, not apathy just trying to explain how the current system will work if people just use it right. As for victim abuse, not wanting a mandatory box and wanting people to pay attention is not victim abuse. It is wanting people to use the feature, if you blind click the confirmation off then you are only a victim of your own impatience. As for color coding for prices too high how is that decided then. For example resolve barrel 37 is 4mil on gtn on my server, they sell so people clearly consider it a reasonable price, but i consider it too high so i am waiting for it to drop since i will pay 2mil max. SO by my deffinition 4mil would have to be coded as high for that item, whereas for others it would not. Now i will say again what i said in my opening post. If the confirmation delay is an OPTION that can be turned on or off i will support it. But i will not support being stuck withba mandatory window because of people who cannot read listings, use the search tools, and just blind click off their confirmation.
  13. I decided to make it quite clear that something is already in place. So i turned the confirmation back on, did a search on an item i have to sell then clicked to buy it. I then proceed to make an image and upload it, see link below. http://postimg.org/image/o4v1942ab/ If you take a look at this image it does the following. 1. Ask if you are sure you want to buy it. 2. Shows the total price you will pay. 3. Shows a graphic of the item complete with stack size. 4. Shows the item name. So from this message i get, i can clearly se it is asking me if i want to buy 3x Cybernetic interface jack for 2000 credits. Now i choose wether to click yes to buy it, or no not to. Also note how i used the sort by unit price option which put the scam listings at the bottom, leaving the non scam cheapest per single item ones at the top. There is your safety feature, use it and you have no issues.
  14. Yes it is unfair because they are being inconvinianced by their own inattention. Before i buy something i check if it is a price listing scam trick, and i check the price per unit and total. If people do that they do not make the mistake of buying over priced items. If they do not then it is their own fault for not paying attention. Let me ask you, why should others be inconvinianced to appease those that do not pay attention, instead should those people not be more carefull in reading listings? Also yes i know you said rhetorical question (not requiring an answer), but i decided it needed a response anyway. It is not a problem, it is a lack of propper attention on the part of the buyer, the figures are there just read them. I made this mistake once and only once. I accepted i had messed up, and learned from my mistake, from the ONE time i made this mistake i learned to check listings carefully which is why i can use the gtn without the confirmation and without any accidental purchases. So i say this, just as i did once you did not pay attention, yeah it sucks, it certainly did for me. Learn from your mistake be more carefull in the future and it will not happen. I do not say this as an insult, i say it from personal experiance. Or alternitivly there is those boxes in the bottom left of the gtn window where you can specify min and max price, use those and you will never buy over priced items again because you can set it to the max you are willing to pay, and it will only show prices in the range you set. You already have the following to resolve this 1. Eye's, use them to read the listing carefully. 2. A purchase confirmation, turn it on and read it before clicking ok. 3. The ability to set min and max prices which filters out the over priced, and only shows ones in the price range you are willing to pay. 4. Sort by lowest total price, make sure you have the filter sorted to lowest not highest. 5. Sort by lowest unit price, make sure you have the filter sorted to lowest not highest. With all that you can filter out the over priced, sort to the lowest unit and total price, and have a confirmation box to be sure. All it takes is reading the information.
  15. I have it switched off and do not have no issues, i double check prices before buying things. As i said in the thread u made, i disagree with having to deal with unwanted confirmations just because people cannot take 2 seconds to check the price of what they are buying. End of the day if they switch the confirmation off and do not check prices right that is players own faults on two counts. The first not checking prices right, the second turning off an option that they need since they do not check prices properly. Sidenote: 2000 credits per unit is not exactly expensive.
  16. Having it as an option to turn on or off i would be ok with. But with a mandatory confirmation coming up over a certain price absolutely not. I have the confirmation turned off and i do not fall for scams, this is because i double check the price, and the decimals to make sure it is not a rip off con post, and i do not want an annoying pop up window just because some people don't check what they are buying right. Make it so the confirmation is only when the confirmation option is switched on in the persons settings and i will support it. But i will not support a mandatory no choice confirmation window, i shouldn't have to deal with an unwanted 5 second unavoidable confirmation just because of people who cannot take 2 extra seconds to double check the price of what they are buying.
  17. As the title states. I am encountering this problem on a scrapper scoundrel. In the tooltip for this ability it states that it grants an upper hand. But i am not getting one, only getting them from Bludgeon. Is anyone else having this problem or is it just me?
  18. There is a setting in the options that turns on companion comparison. I forget where exactly, but once turned on it compares equip to both your char, and your active compasnio n on mouseover.
  19. I bought mine for the rep maxing and certs to buy the trainer statues for each faction so i could legacy unlock them. Even if the nerf is here to stay i can live with that since i got them. I considered the mats tokens a bonus, woulda still bought it even if they were not in at all. I am just annoyed that they take time to go through threads and delete mined posts, yet will not take a small ammount of time to make one small sticky thread letting people know if this is another bug or as intended. Given the number of threads, it should be clear by now that the players want to know.
  20. What i find ironic about the deletion of data mined info on the odds, is the fact they have time to go through threads and delete stuff, yet cannot take 30 seconds to post stating whether the nuclear nerf was intended or a bug to be fixed. I know they have the keep it quiet till fixed to stop people exploiting bugs policy. But i seriously doubt people are going to say : 'hey the slot machine is bugged and pays out naff all, quick abuse it before it is fixed'
  21. As stated in the patch notes at http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/1212015/3.0.2a-patch-notes 3.0.2a Patch Notes Cartel Market The Contraband Slot Machine’s Jawa Junk drop rate has been reduced and Faction-specific Walker mounts have been added to the potential rewards. So does this mean the cartel certs, assorted droid parts and scavenged scrap are just bugged. According to the official notes put out just the Jawa Junk has had it's drop rate reduced. But based on mine and others experience using it, everything that is not a rep token has been reduced to nothing. Is this a unintended bug, or are the patch notes not accurate. After all the patch notes do not match what is going on.
  22. I heard about this machine from a youtube vid. I decided to get it off the gtn because i have never, and i will never open a cartel pack as i do not trust the rng drop rates on them. If i was going to get something from buying packs, i would sell unopened packs and use the funds to buy what i wanted off the gtn. I only get cartel items that have practical use, the following is what i had from cartel packs pre slot machine: Power crystal account unlocked Crit crystal account unlocked Endurance crystal account unlocked 1x Autocannon (only have one ac that uses it so legacy no use to me) MIsc cheap armor and weapons not unlocked for leveling shells Now i would like to say that i do agree with ajusting the drop rates but not to the degree they did. When i got it i had it maybe 2 hours before seeing on the forums that it was bugged. After reading that i put in a ticket detailing what i had used on it and where the items were unused, and stated if it was an exploit using it to feel free to remove the items gained, as i did not want to be part of an exploit and was concerned i unknowingly was. I then waited TWO DAYS for a official response and ticket response from bioware during which i did not touch my machine that i spent 4mil credits on. Then i saw the post saying it was working as intended. So i used it I agree with lowering all the crafting token drop rates, i agree with lowering the cartel cert drop rates, i agree with raising the token cost. But i do not agree with nerfing them into the ground. You have gone from having the drop rates too high to making them too low. This is what i got from a one stack test: green 23 (11.5k) blue 22 (22k) purple 3 (7.5k) 1x Jawa Junk Fifteen minutes spent clicking plus 34k in the negative for 1 jawa junk, from one extreme to the other. So that means i need to do that 6 times for enough mats to craft 1 augment lol. My suggestion is you need to re-balance them again, you have had them both too high and too low, so find a middle ground between the two that makes it a worth having item, but not an economy destroyer.
  23. Quick question sorta on topic. I bought the trainer holos with certs from rep vendor then went to unlock them and could not. Is this because they can't be unlocked, or is it because like the armors i have to wait for the refund timer to expire? I refunded them because i grabbed em on max level chars, but if it is just case of bind timer will buy em again then wait 2 hours to unlock.
  24. If you were given the option to not be able to be attacked by other players it would not be a pvp server anymore. On pve servers people can choose to have the pvp flag turned off or on as they choose, you are asking for the same thing. Which means you are asking for it to be turned into a pve server. You want the ability to disable being attacked by other players join a pve server. They have that option, pvp servers do not and should not since putting that it would mean they are no longer pvp servers. By asking for this you might as well just ask for pvp servers to be removed instead since that is what your idea would do if put in. I understand your frustration, i had that alot on WoW, which is why when i moved here i joined a pve server. The problem isn't the server rules setup, it is that your on the wrong server type for your gameplay style.
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