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Everything posted by EranofArcadia

  1. Don't think this could ever happen, but it would be cool: Combat droid. A combined race/class. All your companions are droids as well. Only 1 AC, but there would be 1 tree for heals, 1 for tanking, and 1 for ranged DPS, so field respec would be even more useful. Sort of a jack of all trades. Heck, maybe get an extra crew skill slot. ETA: While I am wildly speculating, you could even have a legacy requirement of some sort of unlock it a la WoW Death Knights - like have at least 1 55 on each faction, or whatever.
  2. Going for the overwatch achievement. Having tremendous difficulty, of course. I think I managed to fail at every step of the way, even the easy ones. No matter. In the home stretch. Approaching his platform. I could walk across, but better play it safe and jump . . . and I jump past him . . . and past the platform . . . onto the hangar floor below. As I fly past him, "Achievement Unlocked"! So it's not so much "Meet the Sniper" as it is "Glance in the Sniper's General Direction as You Plummet Hilariously to Near Death."
  3. That's a really cool idea . . . that may be basically impossible to implement.
  4. Yeah, we are probably not going to see too much more variety with playable races, but it would be cool to see all the other stuff.
  5. I would love to see rebuttal posts from the subjects of some of these stories some day.
  6. Eh, I've never had trouble looking for people for a "social run" through Ess/BT. And being able to run around most of the mobs just makes it easier. To each his or her or zir own I guess . . .
  7. Okay, a dramatized version of a conversation I have had whilst Kuat-ing more than once: me: "okay guys, we should kill the elite before we take out the guys by the security console. (alt: before we destroy the last command console, before we kill the station defender, before we open the last holding cell, before we try to assemble the starship*)" PUGs: "okay" me: "see, I marked it and everything" PUGs: "yeah, we'll kill the elite, don't worry" PUGs: /proceed to take out the guys at the security console, then activate it, officially "ending" the scenario and losing the bonus PUGs: /proceed to attack the elite, now that we have missed out on a couple thousand extra XP for killing it Now, I love KDY more than is healthy - I probably spend about 90% of my time in-game doing it. Quick queue, doesn't take too long, I know what I am doing, etc. And it still is pretty rare to miss out on the bonus just because something was done in the wrong order. And it's mostly user error. But it happens, and I don't know why the bonus quest doesn't stay until the elevators. So, as persnickety as I sound, I would like to suggest that you keep the bonus quest available in KDY scenarios all the way until everyone has clicked on the exit elevator. Please? *I have never actually had a problem with this one, but I have with all the others. In order of frequency it's probably hanger>cannons>[huge dropoff] holding cells>armory>[never] assembly. But the assembly thing could happen, if people don't know about that one droid down the hall.
  8. Why do you need to turn off XP gains for that?
  9. Eh, so far 2 of my 8 eligible characters have bothered to pick up the free tokens and run through them, which has given me a total of 1 kingpin token for my efforts. But I might do that with the others on the off chance I get lucky. Not gonna BUY any tokens, that's for sure. On another note, the Twi'lek lady in the cutscene (at least Pubside) who does the ad is speaking Huttese . . . based on the real language of Quechua (which I took 2 semesters of in college) . . . and I actually recognized a word she used, which is part of a phrase I have used in other games as a username. So I like to pretend she was talking to me specifically.
  10. It would be nice to pick up a certificate or two, but I am not going to play any more than the 5 smuggler's luck tokens I get for free, because I don't gamble even virtually. But hey, flashing lights are pretty.
  11. Plus, haven't there been a lot of complaints about US-centric scheduling? At any rate, as per usual I am going to be busy for most of that time period. But oh well!
  12. Eh, I'll pass. I have too many alts to make it worth it. Cool thing to have though, I guess.
  13. Well here's a comment: I wonder what you think the word "criminal" means . . .
  14. If a 90% discount on something that's useless even at 90% off replaces a chance to get something good at 90%, I could see the annoyance of that.
  15. Is that what this thread was about? Well, I, um . . . offhealed 2 vantanks and a slinger last night in KDY with a TK Sage, no deaths until the final droid. It was quite an experience, made me consider buying field respec on that alt, but nothing too weird.
  16. I am probably only going to be able to log in a couple of times (I am at work now and have plans later) so I hope those are the good hours . . . probably not, with my luck.
  17. I am secure enough in what passes for my masculinity to admit that I am so inept at manual labor that I never use my hands. I have a desk job, and I get other people to do stuff around the house that needs fixing.
  18. Eh, a necessary break from reality - or if it bothers you, just do the class quest. Or go all out and have your IA wearing gear with the Imp logo on it while undercover . . .
  19. I have an even mix of both, and in most games where it's an option, I pick female characters even though I am male. I have never been on the receiving end (or the giving end) of any of that sort of behavior, or even witnessed it. It helps that most* of my characters are dressed appropriately I guess. I have even been identified as male when with a female alt, I suppose as the result of people just assuming. *(What? I assure you, I have a perfectly valid, in-game RP reason for putting Vette in slave girl gear. Really. Nothing to do with me as a player.)
  20. You eventually realized it, though . . . I've run into people at level 50 who hadn't yet.
  21. Now try the second part, the moving on. Just ignore it. Don't obsess over it. And if the mods don't take action, consider the possibility that they understand the rules of the forum better than you do.
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