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Everything posted by EranofArcadia

  1. I have to admit to being a little disappointed that the tunnels are the exact same here as last time - keeping the layout is fine, but there shouldn't be near enough moisture on Tattooine, even underground, for that much plant life.
  2. Why I like KDY, besides the fact that it's the most efficient, optimal, synergistic way to maximize my XP gain: 1. I like doing group content, but I play at odd times and am not super sociable, so I don't have guildies to accompany. At least half of my alts aren't even IN a guild. 2. Quick queue pops - I only have 1 alt that I run through GF that isn't a DPS. 3. (Related to the above) I often don't have a lot of time to play, and I have found that a KDY run will take anywhere from 30 minutes (if everyone is going all out on speed, and knows what they are doing) to a half hour (if we need to stop to heal a lot or someone goes AFK.) So I can start playing, knowing how many KDYs I am going to be able to do. 4. The mechanics are simple enough that they are fairly hard to mess up TOO badly. I mean, sometimes people make everyone miss the bonus because they are idiots who don't listen, but regular FPs can turn into a never-ending nightmare of wiping if people do that. KDY only does that on the droid boss, really. 5. The different scenarios/bosses turn something I have done like 200 times into something that's a little different each time. 6. I still have the chance to try out different techniques for playing my class - and the penalty for suboptimal play is not death, just slightly longer pulls. That's why I spend so much time Kuating. And why I am unapologetic about it.
  3. That would be an issue if you could buy things with fractions of a credit . . .
  4. I am a little surprised that neither in this thread (that I could see) nor in the game have I seen a trooper named "Major Major Major."
  5. Way too complicated for them to ever bother implementing. Cool idea though.
  6. Implausible as it may be to implement, it WOULD be cool . . .
  7. As far as I am concerned. Star Wars wears its fantasy roots so blatantly on its sleeve that I can overlook something like this. They don't have strong enough claims to realism to bother me.
  8. My male trooper is holding a torch for a particular quest-giving NPC (Officer Anstiss, the one who got beat up trying to arrest that one crime boss in that casino on Coruscant) so he turned down Jaxo's advances. And ignored them until I learned that I HAD to do that whole thing.
  9. Someone once suggested not removing these achievements, but moving them from being part of the planetary achievements to their own category, so you can still get 100% on a planet even if you can't find enough other players to kill. That, to me, seemed far more reasonable.
  10. There is one forum I post at that censors "alot" as ****. I just imagined that was what happened here.
  11. When I did the Theoretika (and when I do the Waste Disposal Czerka daily) I can get the light probe, but it isn't actually DARK. Is it a graphics setting thing, and am I missing out here?
  12. I had a dream the other night that Manaan would have a 15-51 TFP version as well as a 55 TFP version. I was disappointed when I learned this would not happen. I mean, KDY is all well and good, but having another option there would be interesting.
  13. There's a big bridge on Taral V with the same thing - except, even better, there is an explosive fuel tank, so you don't even NEED to use a knockback skill. Last time I ran it, I was wondering what had happened to those jetpacks . . .
  14. . . . no, no I haven't I don't have any idea if it was right before the wookiee boss, since I had to leave right afterwards. But there was a patrolling gold there. Anyways, neither sneaking past the silvers nor fighting them would have taken anywhere near as long as the strategy we ended up using . . . nor would it have been as memorable.
  15. I actually wasn't excited (and a little discouraged that the one feature I wanted, legacy storage, would be either much more expensive or much less extensive, than I had hoped) . . . . . . until I saw the previews of each stronghold on Dulfy. Looks good!
  16. SM Cademimu, on my scoundrel healer. Don't remember details of who else was there. As a strange aside, I am pretty sure that I have actually completed no more than about a third of the Cad runs I have started. I have nowhere near as high a failure rate with any other FP, but with Cad I will inevitably have to quit playing, or 2 people will drop and no one else will queue in, or we all get frustrated by the cop/droid or General Ortol or something. So yesterday, just before the first boss I realize I won't be able to finish before I have to quit playing and go eat dinner. I mention this in chat. I am hoping to at least level up, since I am almost there. We take the first boss down easily. I, and one other, hop on the taxi as is normal. We are halfway through the trip when one of the others said he sliced the cruiser as a shortcut. So we have to get to the end, then make our way back, THEN take the cruiser. Which I had not ever realized was an option. So that shortcut took a little more time, total. Oh well. We get to another part where there are 2 possible routes - one that requires killing 2 silvers, and another that requires jumping over a gap in the platform. The 2 DPSs jump over the platform and tell the tank and me to take the shortcut. We both plummet to our deaths. They insist it's still easier that way, so we try again. And again. And again. I think I fell 3 times and the tank 4 times. I finally got it, but one of the DPSs wanted to show the tank how to do it, so they jumped back to the other side and demonstrated - except they missed and fell to their death. Which demonstrated something I guess. Anyways, we all finally made it across. Sure, it took us like 5 or 10 minutes, but we avoided having to fight those 2 silvers, so I am SURE it was all worth it. I had time for just 1 more pull before I had to leave and add another failed Cad run to my collection. The whol thing wasn't bad, as such - more weird and funny.
  17. Is their planet the only one in canon that consists of more than one nation, or what?
  18. Given the actual use of the word "inception" in the movie Inception, it arguably should never have been a thing to begin with, but that's pedantic nitpicking that I bring up every chance I get for some reason.
  19. There are a handful of here changing would make more sense than keeping things the way they are now - BH being able to use rifles (if we are playing archetypes, why does Boba Fett's class not get a rifle?) and Ops being able to use pistols (James Bond IN SPACE wouldn't use a rifle!) There are a couple here that don't make much lore difference, but would make things look better for some people - like letting Commandos use rifles for the same things as cannons. And, of course, having suggested a few changes that would make sense and be unobtrusive, I can then follow it up by being silly and taking things to an extreme. Why SHOULDN'T my sniper dual-wield double-bladed sabres?
  20. Update: I sent another Pub character through Balmorra; when he got the whole map it gave me the achievement. Of course, I didn't have top explore any other planet twice, so the underlying issue is presumably still there, but my problem is solved.
  21. I am trying to get the Explorer of the Galaxy achievement/title. On the achievement itself, it tells me I have done everything except the Republic Exploration of Balmorra. The problem - I have, on one character. If I look at the Republic Exploration of Balmorra achievement, on any character but that one, it says I haven't gotten it, and none of the sub-areas are checked off. If I look at it with that character, it still tells me I don't have it, but all the sub-areas are checked off as being completely explored, and the map is completely filled in.
  22. It's been a known and complained-about issue for a while.
  23. I wouldn't pay for this - I want to use pets/mounts as a reflection of my characters' personalities - but it would be a cool feature for many.
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