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Everything posted by Jozandra

  1. I may be amused by the way you make your points, but I totally am on board with your advice. Even though the audio method wouldn't work for me (volume issues, paper walls), I have literally found the part within one meter of my character was standing which was where the last scan's range had ended. After having grouped with other individuals that would dart around sporadically leaving gaps, I do believe your "seven footfalls" is spot on.
  2. TRUTH! I've opted to just re-create select characters from scratch because those prices were not worth it and unlocking CM items was cheaper option.
  3. Now this is great advice. Much more precise than my method of trying to pinpoint where the green line appeared last time I used the seismic scanner. It might seem like you are overlapping too much, but in my experience of doing this for a dozen characters, it prevented me from ever backtracking. Also, try to pay attention to Chat as well as the area around you to see if anyone is in the same area looking. Most are willing to group with you for this endeavor. Excellent advice! The only thing different I'd suggest is to begin making general announcements when you first get an alert telling you you are close to allow more time for people to get to your location. Funny man, LOL. Yes, you should take breaks whenever frustration sets in. Just be aware that you will probably end up having to go back over the areas you had already been over for the very reason Steve mentions. Tight grid pattern, polite communication in general chat, no stone unturned level of focus, plus a lot of patience, and you will eventually find every part you are looking for. This is one task where trying to cover more ground in less time will result in spending twice/thrice/four more times longer than you would have. Best of luck.
  4. Not exactly what I am saying. After unlocking the Kingpin contract, I wasn't given a reason to look directly at the separate terminal. At that particular time, I had several crew missions being returned which caused me to click through everything rather quickly without reading them fully. My natural assumption was that there would be a log entry in the Missions UI. Thank you for asking about the terminal. Indeed, that was the missing step that I had not considered.
  5. This is first time to purchase any Kingpin bounty contracts, and I did this after completing/turning in a henchman contract on Nar Shaddaa. It shows up in both Achievements and Conquests as having been unlocked, but there is absolutely nothing to tell me where to go, who to talk to nor how to complete the actual bounty contract. Is this a bug or what? *edit* Kingpin contract I purchased was for Tatooine, not Nar Shaddaa.
  6. You've actually read it to know it is a little dry for reading? No wonder you are so cynical. LOL
  7. Unless the change happened yesterday when I didn't play the game, then no, they have not changed how CM items become unlocked for an entire account. What item does it appear that happened to?
  8. I agree 1.5 mil seems way more than what it is worth, but that is my preference. In my experience, you may be shorting yourself by not trying to sell it for that same amount. When I first began selling things on GTN, I probably lost a a couple million credits on several different items because I went exclusively on what I would pay. Then I learned to play around with prices by selling high and work down till something sells. For example, before the Ultimate Pack came out, I began selling a couple Random Dye Packs on the GTN for that amount several times. Never sold. But it did sell consistently at 1.25. You never know what somebody else is going to be willing to pay for something.
  9. Considering SWtOR was based on KotOR I & II, this would not be a bad idea. As with the original series, each class would/should get bonuses or penalties for using different weapon types. Personally, I would love that option as I have tons of cool looking weapons from the CM sitting unused because I don't want to play a ton of Commandos/Snipers etc.
  10. Cantina Crates? What are cantina crates? I first played this game for a couple months in 2013 and then officially played regularly when I got a laptop of my own 2 or 3 years ago, and I have never heard of those. Was that part of a limited time thing or what?
  11. The same thing happens during the Life Day Event. Based on my own experience, the higher the number of players in the area increases the odds of getting something for your effort. My best guess is that the algorithm is less about individual's random chance and more about whoever happens to be next in queue is the player that gets whatever item was next in queue to be handed out.
  12. I truly doubt this is the reason. Everquest II has had weapon appearance options as a feature ever since they first implemented Appearance Tabs. The only difference that might actually play a part in providing this feature in game is the fact that SWtOR has very strict restrictions on which class uses which type of weapon. Beyond that, speculation is meaningless until a Dev decides to comment.
  13. Best guess...Probably designed that way by developers to combat spam.
  14. What a bunch of bunk! No, you did not pay $210 for HK-55 and the bonus chapter. First, you are conveniently forgetting the 500cc you got each month as a sub. Second, you are also forgetting to adjust the price for your premium game time that you played during those months. Yes, you were rewarded for your financial loyalty, but ultimately, the incessant need for keeping this amongst the "elite" demonstrates how pitifully insecure certain people are. If the original promotion said those bonuses would never be available to other players in the future then that would certainly call into question how trustworthy this company is with regards to its word. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that this is just a game and that as owners of this game's content, they are the ones who are really entitled to make changes to content and promotional material if they see it as financially favorable to make those items available again. That is simply their prerogative. To the developers and anyone in the position to decide if this will be made available again, please know that I have no problem maintaining a subscription if the bonus content required similar sub requirements. On the other hand, should you choose to sell the HK-55 w/bonus chapter for a one time fee of more than 2000cc, please know that it would fail to inspire me to spend extra cash for it, and loss of incentive to maintain my sub would end up leaving the door open to the idea of taking breaks from this game.
  15. I have often wondered if the Legacy ban affects that one account or if it affects every account with that same Legacy name. It wouldn't affect me personally, but my niece's account shares the same Legacy name as some of her friends in our guild.
  16. Mostly true. I recently transferred a character from a server where I owned the Tatooine SH with a couple areas unlocked. After moving the character, I decided I wanted that SH on the new server. After purchasing the SH, I discovered the same areas that had been unlocked on the previous server were now already locked on the new one. True with the minor exception that you lose those 20 CC's that you get for completing certain points in the game. This may or may not be a big deal but good to know before you commit.
  17. An obvious bug and not the only pet to display the incorrect name when summoned in game. Although, since the Model SGS-45 Quarrel is still labeled as Model SGS-41B Comet Breaker despite having been reported as a bug last year, I would not expect this to be corrected very quickly (except that the droid affects everyone that qualified for it).
  18. Correct. The OCT will autocomplete all of the class and companion storylines that occur prior to the Outlander storyline, but it does open up all those areas to allow your character to do dailies. I first began playing back in 2013 while staying with my niece who let me borrow her laptop just so I could join her in this game. My own pc was too low-end for SWtOR at the time, and it wasn't until around the release of KotET that I was able to upgrade. Since I already had characters designated for each of the crafting classes, I opted to use the OCT's to create characters who could harvest resources on planets my other characters were still too weak to go to. At that time it was definitely worth it as it allowed me to level my crafting faster than would have otherwise. I would like to disagree with this assertion... ...but I cannot. I in fact bought a Masterdatacron when it was first released even though I had enough level 70 characters to gather all the resources I could possibly need. She is still sitting on Ord Mantell waiting for me to take an interest in her, LOL. My suggestion to anyone just getting started is this. The OCT will advance force users into synthweave with related gathering/missions and other classes will get armormech with its matching resource missions, so you could use the OCT for the characters you want to use for crafting those types of armors. If you are impatient like I was in terms of leveling up your gathering, the characters you create using the OCT do not have to lose all their companions if upon creation you escape out of the initial cutscene movies that signal the start KotFE/KotET and immediately exit the Chapter. Assuming you are a subscriber, that allows you to send out all of the companions your level allows.
  19. Me too! I was a little more enthusiastic. Why not? <Imitates a krayt dragon roar> Indeed. M4=May Fourth. Y7=year seven, Right? They are getting better at how these look, LOL.
  20. Nope. I have one that I got the first year it came out, but I ended up not liking the character the guard is now bound to. Since I failed to replace him last year, I am absolutely thrilled I won't have to waste days trying to win him a second time, LOL.
  21. Just checked it here in the US. The 60 and 90 are available but the 180 days is not. Seems that the codes for each card are unique even though they are downloaded electronically so perhaps Amazon needs new sets of codes setup for each country that sells them. Just a guess, but perhaps Amazon just needs to contact EA for that the same way any store needs to contact the manufacturer when they sell out of stock.
  22. Incorrect. Command tokens ARE shared across Legacy, even on toons that are only 1st level.
  23. It is probably the offer of credits that is causing people to ignore you (the OP) since there are too many scammers that fail to deliver. If you are able to get enough people in game to help you, just surprise them afterwards.
  24. You should contact customer service in-game so that they can confirm what you actually have and then guide you through troubleshooting from there
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