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Everything posted by Jozandra

  1. Why be so argumentative on this? I've shared my thoughts as others have. There are just as many guarantees that more people would buy more at lower prices as there are for high prices making up the difference. As in there really are none. Pretty sure most normal people want more for there money. Enough said.
  2. You obviously were fortunate enough to have subbed during the promo that rewarded that bonus chapter, otherwise you would know that that chapter allows you to revive HK-55 so that he can be revived as a companion character beyond the story. In my case, I did not have a pc that could support even the minimum specs of SWtOR during that time, so I for one would love the opportunity to be allowed to play that chapter, even if I would have to pay a little extra in CC to gain that access.
  3. It is great that you can afford to spend like that. I cannot. That is why I am voicing my thoughts on the subject. I cannot know whether they will care or not, but at least I have stated my case. If enough others speak up, why would they not see that as a way to make more money. Then that may change the business plan to favor the reluctant spender.
  4. You are missing the point. At least for me, I'd pay to unlock three different gold unlocks at 200 CC each but not waste 400 on only one. The company is losing out on 600 CC worth of sales because of the current pricing.
  5. Even for a few of us that shell out more for additional CC, the current prices for account wide unlocks is a bit prohibitive. Just yesterday, I broke down and bought a tuning, but when I looked at the unlock price, chose not to because 600 cc was just way too much even though I had enough CC to do it.
  6. Best example of seeing this work happens during the Life Day Event, when throwing snowballs at the overheated droids. The number of times you will actually "win" a prize is higher when there are a dozen players hitting the same droid compared to if you are the only one throwing snowballs. At least that was my personal experience last time, LOL.
  7. It is obvious you have never dated any cantina dancers. They make Vaylin look sweet, LOL.
  8. I remember coming across alternative variants, but cannot recall if it was the Tier 1 class sets that can be purchased on fleet, high level crafted sets, or possibly even sets in the Cartel Collection. Sorry cannot be more specific with set names.
  9. Confirmed with In-Game CSR. You do have to enter the code in order to be eligible for the speeder & armor, and only the fully inactive accounts are eligible for 30-day playtime.
  10. Is it just a matter of the account not being a paid subscription, or do you have to be unsubscribed AND completely ignore that account for that 90 day period? I'd also like to have it clarified that since "Plus, by popular demand, the SWTOR team is Sharing the Love with our Premium Players by giving everyone the Chiss Talon Interceptor Airspeeder and the Force Veteran’s Armor Set – these rewards will be available beginning March 1, 2018 through in-game mail." is a separate bullet point, that means a subscribed player does not need to refer anyone to qualify for the speeder and armor.
  11. Are the conversation influence gains for Treek and HK-51 ever going to be fixed? Also, when I first acquired a droid companion, I was under the impression those gained influence through combat when they are used to accompany you in battle, but that no longer seems to be the case. According to customer service, these are still considered a bug, but I've not found any info updating whether or not these will ever be fixed.
  12. Is there a known issue regarding purchasing Cartel Coins? I referred a friend and he's created an account, but when he tried to purchase the United Forces Premium pack, he gets an error message saying something about a delay in processing request. Gets same message when trying to purchase Cartel Coins. What is up?
  13. Why transfer 1 to test the lag? Wouldn't it be cheaper to just create a test character?
  14. I too am anxious to learn what progress has been made in correcting this now that it has been a week since the merger. While I have been able to access the resources while crafting, the only ones that are actually in the Legacy bar are the ones from Jedi Covenant, and there were a lot of items on my Ebon Hawk Legacy that are simply not visible/accesible to me which I'd really like to make use of, especially the items I spent CC to acquire.
  15. Ha! This is something I'd like to know, though. After and exhaustive day of going through all my characters on Star Forge, I discovered a number of effectively redundant characters, and have found one that would fit better (thematically) on the other server. Given the fact it was one created at level 60 and is now level 70, I don't want to go through the physical and financial hassle of re-creating it, not to mention that that particular character has several gold cartel items that are not account unlocked yet.
  16. It was my understanding that all your achievements would be transferred regardless of which Legacy they were under. If that isn't what happened, you should make a bug report and open a ticket to bring that to their attention.
  17. More to the point, the example they gave prior to the merger was that if one server had 19 basic metal chairs and another only had 7 basic chairs, then the total number of basic chairs would be a flat 19; not 26. Although I could understand the not going over the cap for that item, I was bothered by the idea of possibly losing items I payed either CC or credits to acquire on separate servers. While I cannot think of any CC decorations that were duplicated across servers, I was happy to discover that they allowed the Coruscant and Dromund Kaas strongholds to be duplicated in orders to leave the placed items intact, and since I wasn't maxed on anything of consequence, I still have all the Encrypted Terminals that I payed a couple hundred credits each for.
  18. Was it randomly picked or was it chosen based on which character the player chose to login into first? My heart goes out to those who got stuck with the wrong Legacy name. I was fortunate to notice the basic plan and had time to level up the one I wanted to keep. Still a little sad to have to decide. Both Legacy names set the theme for how the majority of characters were named on their respective servers. with one being an exclusive Lightside Legacy. Of the three Legacies that I had, the one that I would have gladly changed is the one that didn't get merged into any others, LOL.
  19. How are we to "prove" what was lost? I am not even sure of what was in the missing Legacy hold, only that every tab was mostly full. While I'm not going to stress about the missing resources (even purples), one of the tabs was filled almost exclusively with companion gifts and I know there were a number of Cartel Items that hadn't been unlocked yet, mounts, armor, toys, etc., things which I hadn't decided which character was best suited for which items. I'm not going to go into panic mode at this point, but it is probably not a good idea to tell people they need to prove which items were lost. With as much as I've spent on this game, that would be a reason to abandon SWtOR. I would like to believe that it was just a glitch with the "overflow" button just not appearing.
  20. That's what I thought but wanted confirmation. Thank you for the feed back.
  21. I have a character that started out at a high level and therefore did not apply any credits to the Advancement tree of Legacy Character Perks. Now that this character is level 70, am I right in thinking it would be a waste of credits to spend anything on Improved Warzone, Flashpoint, Exploration, etc? Or would these help increase command experience earned in those instances?
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