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Everything posted by Axe_Faktor

  1. There is no way Luminara could best Shaak Ti. Remember in season 1 of the Clone Wars where Luminara gets pink eye and Ahsoka has to rescue her from Ventress. gimme a break. Also, she's a terrible Master. Her punk *** Padawan turns to the Dark Side and she does nothing...has no idea. At least Obi-wan went to go kill Anakin. Luminara is just absent. Meanwhile Shaak Ti survives Order 66 and the majority of the Purge. She would own Luminara any day.
  2. If it's meant to be, then she already plays TOR, but you just don't know it because you're too much of a pu-- *ahem* too cool to talk to her about TOR IRL.
  3. Ditto what Pistols said. Here's the link to Cilas youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrZtx6rOIDwGLfThCk-76Cp4_MNfKshir I have yet to attend one of these myself due to a weird work schedule, but I have enjoyed watching them immensly.
  4. Best way I can think of to really own this guy would be to turn this into a thread about things we love about TOR. Dear BioWare, EA, and LucasArts. I love your game. In my opinion, it is a Star Wars fan's dream come true. I have enjoyed PvP, PvE and the story content in the game immensely. I have found the most frustrating thing about the game to be users like the one who started this thread. I have been with the game since launch and, as a person who plays at a healthy pace, I find that the game still has a considerable amount of content that I have not even started delving into yet. I look forward to what you have in store for the years ahead. Sincerely, Axe_Faktor
  5. Definitely hope this returns. Last time through I was too busy taking advantage of Double XP to get over to it. On a side note, as great as the Rakghoul event was, I hope they don't rehash it annually. I think it's nice for players who have been around for a while to have some unique things to show off for all their time in the game. Pets and cosmetics that were kind of one shot deals.
  6. You know what I'd really like to see them do? Open up some of the WZ/OP/FP worlds for exploration. Belsavis, Hutta, Alderaan, Ilum, etc. are in the game as playable worlds, why can't Denova, Asation, Kaon, Cademimu and friends get full planets. In terms of being realistic, it's an easy option. The texture packs and environmental elements needed are already in the game, and the stories already exist. Couldn't be too hard to develop. By that same token, it shouldn't be hard to create flashpoints, ops, and wzs themed around worlds that don't have them. If I could pick one planet that should get its own FP/WZ/OP based on it it would be Quesh. Something needs to be done to make that place more interesting.
  7. yup. here it is http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6039971#post6039971
  8. http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=349 This is the suggestion box forum. It can also be accessed via the General Discussion forum. Good luck getting your voice heard. A lot of folks want the game to have a lot of stuff in it. I know I have seen threads in there mentioning a racing mini game. May have even suggested one myself at some point.
  9. Oh how I hope 2013 becomes the year of the guilds in TOR. Please let every major update between 2.0 and 3.0 have a significant benefit added for guilds. Things I'd like to see: Guild housing - doesn't need to be capital ships only. I'd be happy with a large suite on Coruscant, or a casino on Nar Shadda. Guild logos - I know this would probably never happen, but wouldn't it be cool to give GMs a cluster of say 100-200 shapes to work with, and let them layer and color a simple logo, eg CoD emblems? They could be displayed on players armor, or name plates, if the guild was at a certain rank or something. Guild influence - give guilds the ability to feel immersed in the world. Have a featured guild screen on the fleets. Have displays on the planets listing the top 5 guilds for each planet (3 categories PvE Kills, PvP Kills, Time spent on Planet. 3 totals weekly, monthly, all time). And titles that go with it (All members of a guild that has the most logged hours on Tattooine get ", the Tattooinian" title) Those guilds get +% exp on the planet, % discount on all planet vendors, % bonus credits on items sold to vendors on planet. Open PvP world where guilds battle for control of sections of the map. - Free-for-all like Outlaw's Den. Must be guild affiliated to land on...oh...let's say Mygeeto (you can never have too many ice worlds). Daily/Weekly Quest objectives for taking sections, holding sections, enemy kills. SO MANY MORE!!!!
  10. People keep saying this about PvP. I haven't queued up yet in the new brackets, but I'm wondering...is it exclusive to the lower tiers, or is lv. 55 affected by this as well? BTW loving Makeb so far, and my Vanguard says thanks for the shoulder cannon. It's pretty dope.
  11. Seconded. Dear EA: I would pay $10 for this. You could make a free version where you can have access to say, only your crafting skill, and then in the full version you get access to both of your mission skills and a cross faction GTN as well. Hey want more of my money? (listen, I actually want to give it too you, all you need to do is give me an excuse!) Add a cartel market feature where you can fill up on cartel coins, spend them, etc. Want more? (You don't even have to try just...seriously, just have it!) Make unlocks in the cartel market giving the app more features. MATH TIME: Free app=$0 Free app is good, guess I'll buy the full version=$10 Gee this free app makes the overall experience of the game even better, guess I'll subscribe=$14 (1 month) Oh they added this neat cartel market feature? No harm in trying it out=$10 Huh, you can unlock access to your cargo hold for only 500 Cartel coins! Oh but I've already spent my coins on packs. But that would be a really cool feature...=$10 Man they come out with some USEFUL new feature for this each month, but my monthly stipend of cartel coins from subscribing isn't quite enough for it, but I'll just buy some coins, then save the left overs for the next cool thing=$10 Oh...It's a year later=x 12 I just gave you $500ish.
  12. Not sure I would be on board with joining Malgus. But it would be cool if there were some neat faction things we could do rather than just stick with our original choice. I think they should make 'Advanced' Factions like they have advanced classes. Like at the end of the story, while you are still officially with the Empire/Republic, you could join an Advanced faction that would have specific benefits. Like an 'Underworld' faction option, which could give smugglers and bounty hunters the opportunity to queue for ops together...now I'm just being ridiculous...
  13. I would be surprised if we didn't see Kashyyyk added at some point in the life of this game. I think it's by far the fan favorite for planets that they want added. And in spite of its appearance in the movies, tv shows, video games, etc. there really is a huge amount of unique stuff they could do to it. I mean it's a huge forest. You can hide anything you want in there.
  14. I have to say it is nice to see a bunch of folks who all still feel a good amount of enthusiasm for this game.
  15. I think the point isn't that they haven't done any, but just that the galaxy is so huge and SWTOR is a perfect opportunity to explore parts of it we haven't seen yet. Remember too that of the six you mentioned, two are WZ/Operation exclusive and one is Quesh, which is pretty meh.
  16. Been here since early access. I love the game. I know many think it's flawed, but as a life long star wars fan, I think it's a dream come true. I will say this. Every time they add some new thing to the Cartel Market, I feel a little bit irked. Look I get that you have to make money, but I know I'm not alone when I say that the rewards for being a subscriber are slowly diminishing. It's very simple: The monthly stipend of coins (550 or something) is simply not enough. If that's how you're going to play it, then subscribers deserve at least 2000 coins/month. OR Everything in the cartel market should be always 50% off for subscribers, in addition to any other sales Bottom line though, as a subscriber, I should not have to pay any extra money for anything in the game. Period. You're already making $144ish/year off me. I am therefore entitled to everything in your game. There needs to be a vendor in game who sells everything on the cartel market to subscribers only for a reasonable fee. For example, a pack (360 on the cartel market) could sell for 360,000 at said vendor. There are still people who subscribe who would rather just buy it from the cartel market, and that's fine, but this game is already an investment to subscribe to. Don't drive away your most loyal customers!
  17. Oh god I'm loving this thread so I want to react to a ton of you in one big post: Love the idea of Onderon/Dxun! We already have a moon/planet combo with Hutta and Nar Shadaa and I think it would be sweet to have another one. Given the apparently small size of the expansion packs, I'd think they could make one based on those two worlds. "Return of the Beasts" or some such nonsense. I get why Dantooine would be an obvious choice, but in terms of interesting planets, it's pretty low on my list. We already have Hoth (a big ice ball) and Tattooine (a big desert), and I don't see a big field being that much more interesting than those two. Next! I like your attention to canon! Also, I think for a planet story on Kashyyyk it would be neat to have the wookies in a state of civil war generated by imperial and republic agents trying to gain influence on the world. While technically neutral, the war would very much be alive on Kashyyyk. Similar to the Voss story I guess. If they did this planet, it should be much more vertical in design than past planets have been. Next! Yes. So much force and dark side stuff going on here, and all those big temples to explore. Could easily do some tie in with the whole Exar Kun story, Massassi, etc. Next! Yup. Either a warzone in a Geonosis coliseum with rotating game modes (TDM, Hardpoint, King of the Hill, etc.) Or a planet similar to Ilum's original intent where half of it is Daily oriented and the other half is Open World PvP except with actual rewards this time. Geonosians are already in the game on Tattooine, so this one should really be a no brainer. Next! In spite of everything I've said above, yes I agree with this most of all. There are particularly lots of quality planets in the EU that could make great additions to the story. Particularly, I'd like to see planets included that could bring new playable races with them. Falleen, Kiffu/Kiffex, Shili. And finally, I'd add Boz Pity. A graveyard planet. Current canon says it is untouched by most conflicts up until the New Sith Empire and the Clone Wars, but how hard could that be to overwrite. I liked the whole "scary" vibe of Rise of the Rakghouls, and I think it would be cool to add some more of the fright factor to the game
  18. Interesting ideas. I would be happy with a multi-player racing mini-game. I don't think it should be an upgrade style game though, where if you've done a bunch of them your bike is better. Everyone should have the same bike stats, but you get to customize a load-out before you start, sort of like Mario Kart 7. So, let's say you get to pick one thing from each of three categories at the beginning of the race. You could have: Engine: 1-High acceleration, low top speed 2-Medium acceleration, medium top speed 3-Low acceleration, high top speed Weapon: 1-High rate of fire, low damage 2-Medium rate of fire, medium damage 3-Low rate of fire, high damage Defense: 1-High armor, low maneuverability 2-Medium armor, medium maneuverability 3-Low armor, high maneuverability That way you could learn your skill set and customize your load-out to fit your racing style. For example if you were the type of player who likes to win by maintaining an early lead, you might pick engine 1, weapon 2, and defense 1. But if you liked to win by eliminating enemy competition, you might pick engine 2, weapon 3, and defense 3. You could select a vehicle from your own collection to ride during the race. Rewards would be purely aesthetic. Racer's Uniform social gear, pit droid pet, swoop circuit reputation, titles, unique bikes.
  19. I'm ok with mine because it's hard to tell when it's firing out of a gun anyway, but I do agree that the dark aura should be a bit more obvious. Particularly in dark environments, you don't notice it at all...
  20. Trying to follow the initial thread instructions. 3 on top = 3 votes for species as I understood it. 3. - Togruta [Jedi, Sith classes only] 2. - Devaronian [smuggler, Bounty Hunter only] 1. - Anzati [imperial Only]
  21. Gotta go with Tattooine. I know it wears on folks for being a big tan landscape, but I really love how open it is. I often feel like the map is guiding me a bit on city worlds or in places like Belsavis. But Tattooine really has the (pun very much intended) sandbox feel to it. Plus there are usually a good mix of levels there doing different things.
  22. btw those smilies are supposed to be K : D (kill to death). Should have previewed the post...
  23. I hear you on this, but there still needs to be a way for a PUG that has crumby DPS to win the Zone. Maybe K:D ratio could be used. That way, lets say you have a team that's tank/healer heavy, you're rewarded for both picking up a few kills and staying alive. Or you could go the purist route, and have a Zone where the winning team is determined strictly based on medal acquisition, with no objective medals granted in the zone, only protection, healing and damage. Or as I mentioned in my previous post, the zone could randomize the mode, so that you could have a mode where least deaths wins, a mode where most kills wins, one where K:D wins and one where medals wins. That way a team of all stealthers couldn't win every time just by staying stealthed.
  24. I like this idea a lot. In fact I was thinking the other day: "gee wouldn't it be fun if the next WZ they release were just a big arena on like geonosis or something, and it was straight up TDM." yes I said gee in my head. Once you had a basic arena style map, you could add all sorts of different game modes that could be randomized for that map: Straight up TDM, Small group multi-team TDM, Hardpoint (stealth players would have to be limited on stealth inside the Hardpoint), Kingslayer, etc. In addition, I think there are other opportunities to really expand the WZ experience in the game. It would be really easy to mix it up so that the game mode randomized between NC and ACW. I don't see why you couldn't do Majority Domination on ACW just as easily as you could do standard domination on NC. You'd have to make a few tweaks in terms of capture mechanics because I think ACW is a larger map, but it would be nice to mix it up a little bit. By that same token, I think Huttball could easily be adapted into a two flag Capture the Flag style game mode, and it would randomize between that and huttball. Finally, I'd do something with mountable turrets. They had them on Ilum before the Gree showed up, and I think there could be a warzone where the teams battle for control of a mountable turret. Not sure of the mechanic, but since having the turret is such a huge advantage, it would have to be difficult to defend once you got a hold of it, or it would have to have an overheat mechanic that was tricky to manage or something like that. What do you think?
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