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  • Location
    San Ramon, California
  • Interests
    I like gaming more than anything. currently I play DC UNiverse, battlefield 3,StarCraft2
  • Occupation
    Sprinkler fitter.
  1. This should be pinned to the start of this post along with detailed instructions on how to run the fix. I just went through several pages of forums trying to find a fix for this. EA needs to get on the ball and make this an official fix with an official post explaining how to run this fix. Thanks to who ever finally got this fix out there. I am now watching the installer load the game onto my New PC. Once the installation has completed what exactly do I need to do. I am reading that I need to uninstall the bitraider folder. Is this all I need to do? Then moving forward can I just use the desktop shortcut that was installed when I first downloaded the game?
  2. I quoted the wrong quote and there is no option that I see to delete my original post so I am editing it to say that I deleted it
  3. How hard would it be to modify the PVP dogfighting and introduce pod racing into the game? Or to just add Pod racing as its own form of PVP? I see this as a huge missed opportunity to breath new life into SWTOR. Imagine a whole new Pod racing quest line where you compete in different Pod races with each planet having its own track. You could have PVE races that reward you with upgrades for your Pod racer and cosmetics for the pod racer and the pilot. Also have PVP pod racing with a leaderboard. There could be billboards on the different planets that have the name of the current leader for their track a long with that characters picture and a picture of their pod racer. You could sell cosmetic items for the Pod racers and cosmetic pilots gear in the cartel market bringing new revenue in for the devs. You could have seasonal cosmetics that could be won or purchased as limited time Items in the Cartel market. I think it could be a great way to get new and returning players more interested in the game. What do you guys think? I'm curious about others thoughts on the idea and what else could be added to a Pod racing add-on for SWTOR.
  4. I too would like a code to start sharing on the RP server that I am on
  5. I want to post my Idea for the Dev's to see. I'm pretty sure that it has been asked of already but I think it makes total sense for SWTOR. They need to implement Pod Racing into the game. PVP Pod racing would be great. it would add a new player base to the game. and all sorts of new content. they could either alter the space combat and adjust it to be multiplayer and make it Pod Racing or they could completely remake it and have it so that people could watch the races. The perks for racing would be all Pod Racer and credit based. Money would be the main reward for winning but they could also have pod upgrades making it similar to Forza or Gran Turismo but with pod racers. If done well, it could become an E-sport generating all sorts of followers and revitalizing SWTOR and making millions of dollars for EA and Bioware. Just trying to throw my Idea out there for the Dev's in hopes that it will give them some idea of what to do for a future expansion pack. I posted back in December 2011: I was thinking about how great it would be to create a racing pvp like the podracing in the movie on tatooine you could use the ship battle system that they're using now but just make it racing instead and then you could win a currency that would allow you to get new parts for your pod. Essentially modding it to make it your own. You could do custom paints for it. One of the perks of being one of the top racers in the game would be that your image would be placed on random billboards throughout the galaxy
  6. I have recently came back to playing SWTOR a few weeks ago. My main toon is a level 54 Inquisitor DPS. I have some tionese and rakata gear. Infact leveling to 54 I have only found 1 or 2 pieces of armor that seem better than what I currently have. So my question is what flashpoints should I be running to get geared up for the 55 FP's and Operations? I have completely forgotten how to do all the flashpoints. I'm pretty sure that once I get back into them I will remember some, but in the mean time I don't want to just jump into some flashpoints that aren't going to help me get geared up. I think the worst part for me is I've tried using the group finder and never had any luck because I am a DPS. I've read in the forums how people have waited in que for hours as DPS. I am currently also leveling a tank and a healer but I still prefer my inquisitor. I think its a very fun class to play. Any advice would be appreciated. also if anyone has any links to other forum posts about this question I would love to get a link to them to read what others have said. I did a search for people who have recently came back to playing SWTOR but the list seems endless.
  7. This is a good Idea. But I think it should be posted somewhere else. I have wrote 2 different posts in the forums about Ideas for Pod racing in this game along with several other people I think the first 1 I wrote was back about a year and a half ago. The way I see it the more people ask for it the better chance that it could make it into the game. If EA or Bioware see enough people wanting it then they might see it as a way of getting more people playing the game. I actually wrote that into my post. That could be a whole new crowd of players if they did it right. Fully customizable pod racers with all sorts of cool upgrades kind of like Forza but for Pod racing and having it as part of this MMO they could make special custom skins that they could sell for cartel coins. That's what it really comes down to. Is how much of a profit can they get and at what cost to them.
  8. Really your going to punish a kid because he wants to learn something and just doesn't grasp the concept? I don't think punishing a kid who is trying to learn something is going to help them learn it in anyway. Maybe have him watch some youtube videos on the different flashpoints. Or have him play an easier class or just run 2 man heroics with him and teach him some of the different strategies in there. He's still young he'll probably get better as he gets a little older. But you don't want to punish him. Tell me how pathetic that sounds "yeah my dad grounded me because I couldn't hold aggro on the last flashpoint we did"
  9. I actually just created another post about pod racing. before I found yours I also think this is a great idea I'll resubmit what I wrote on your page. I posted this today : I want to post my Idea for the Dev's to see. I'm pretty sure that it has been asked of already but I think it makes total sense for SWTOR. They need to implement Pod Racing into the game. PVP Pod racing would be great. it would add a new player base to the game. and all sorts of new content. they could either alter the space combat and adjust it to be multiplayer and make it Pod Racing or they could completely remake it and have it so that people could watch the races. The perks for racing would be all Pod Racer and credit based. Money would be the main reward for winning but they could also have pod upgrades making it similar to Forza or Gran Turismo but with pod racers. If done well, it could become an E-sport generating all sorts of followers and revitalizing SWTOR and making millions of dollars for EA and Bioware. Just trying to throw my Idea out there for the Dev's in hopes that it will give them some idea of what to do for a future expansion pack. and this I posted back in December 2011: I was thinking about how great it would be to create a racing pvp like the podracing in the movie on tatooine you could use the ship battle system that they're using now but just make it racing instead and then you could win a currency that would allow you to get new parts for your pod. Essentially modding it to make it your own. You could do custom paints for it. One of the perks of being one of the top racers in the game would be that your image would be placed on random billboards throughout the galaxy
  10. I want to post my Idea for the Dev's to see. I'm pretty sure that it has been asked of already but I think it makes total sense for SWTOR. They need to implement Pod Racing into the game. PVP Pod racing would be great. it would add a new player base to the game. and all sorts of new content. they could either alter the space combat and adjust it to be multiplayer and make it Pod Racing or they could completely remake it and have it so that people could watch the races. The perks for racing would be all Pod Racer and credit based. Money would be the main reward for winning but they could also have pod upgrades making it similar to Forza or Gran Turismo but with pod racers. If done well, it could become an E-sport generating all sorts of followers and revitalizing SWTOR and making millions of dollars for EA and Bioware. Just trying to throw my Idea out there for the Dev's in hopes that it will give them some idea of what to do for a future expansion pack.
  11. I was thinking about how great it would be to create a racing pvp like the podracing in the movie on tatooine you could use the ship battle system that they're using now but just make it racing instead and then you could win a currency that would allow you to get new parts for your pod. Essentially modding it to make it your own. You could do custom paints for it. One of the perks of being one of the top racers in the game would be that your image would be placed on random billboards throughout the galaxy
  12. I have the perfect solution for dealing with this situation. Everyone here (who is on the helm of Graush server) should boycott the game for the next 5 days. Then I will use that time to log into the server with no queue at all. giving me a chance to actually play this game. :):):)
  13. I wonder if guild wars 2 will have queue issues like this. hmmm the game does look pretty fun.
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