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Everything posted by Axe_Faktor

  1. Also, still not seeing anywhere whether or not this is a one shot deal or we will now be getting an additional 500 monthly. Can someone please address this? Even if the answer is "we haven't decided" or "we aren't saying at this time."
  2. Good point ^ This number was OK in the beginning, but the majority of exciting items on the cartel market are way more than this, even with discounts. As it stands subscribers have to rely on a lot of luck in terms of timing, or they are forced to save their stipend up in order to get the things they want. I think at least 720 a month would be better. That's two cartel packs right? Or 3 or 4 quality unlocks a month?
  3. Yes, but is it a good thing? We as subscribers have been conditioned to accept things that are "not bad." Does anyone else think that we should be able to say things are good, great, or awesome as a subscriber instead of "not bad?"
  4. I think you're missing the point. I think many subscribers resent the fact that CCs are part of the game at all, or at the very least, they don't understand why they, as loyal paying customers, should be expected to use them. They want to feel unique and appreciated, and like their investment means something. And all they get is a little of the thing that represents the polar opposite of that. If you went to an office party with your wife, and made out with every woman in the room, but made out with her a lot more, do you think she'd feel more appreciated than the other women?
  5. ^ You're leaving out the big picture though. No I don't agree that this is a slap in the face. I fall in the camp of "hey, better than nothing. Thanks!" But the feeling is understandable. You need to add a few lines ahead of your imagined convo: "Here's a fun game. You'll love it. Just give us $15 a month." "OK wow, this is fun. Hope you're enjoying my $15 a month." "We are, thanks. Hey! We think it would be fun to let other people have it for free, but don't worry. It will be way better for you. Trust us." "...Well, OK. As long as it will be way better for me." "OK great. Oh just a heads up, we're adding some fun stuff into the game. We're going to let you and the folks who don't pay to play have equal access to it. That way it stays fun for everybody. It's still going to be way better for you though. Trust us." "...That's fine I guess, as long as its going to be way better for me. How will that happen again?" "We'll let you have a little bit of the stuff the free players can have for free." "...stuff the free players have for free...OK well I guess that makes sense. Wait a little bit of it? You mean all of it right? "Nah, we don't want the Free players to get upset. But it's still better for you right?" "Well yeah I guess. I mean, I can't really argue that getting more than a free player is bad or else I'd look like an idiot. So I guess this must be a good thing over all. I sure wish I felt more appreciated though. Something about this doesn't sit right with me." "No worries pretty soon, you're gonna feel appreciated. Get excited. 'Cuz bro. This is gonna be cool." "OK great! What is it?" "..." "um...any word on that cool appreciation thing?" "..." "hey um...still feeling pretty under appreciated here. Starting to second guess why I even bother subscribing." "..." "Come on anything? All these guys have all the same cool stuff I have? Can't I get some acknowledgement that I'm a loyal, dedicated, invested customer that maybe these guys won't be able to get?" That's more accurate...
  6. ^ I'd argue that just because you can't die doesn't mean you can't be defeated. I think in terms of the class stories, the warrior comes off as the more powerful individual. But the OP asked about inquisitorS and warriorS. With that in mind, I tend to think of inquisitors as far more powerful than warriors. Politically and in terms of raw prowess with the force, I'd bet on an inquisitor over a warrior most of the time. There are exceptions, sure. The Wrath, Darth Marr, Darth Malgus. Clearly hugely powerful warriors, and in no small part because of the influence they hold. But if you look at who pulls most of the strings, and who does most of the whacked out super duper dark side stuff, inquisitors take the cake, imo.
  7. Is this a one time deal or will this bonus be added to our monthly stipend from now on? I didn't see that answered in the staff posts on this thread but if it's already been addressed sorry for asking again. While something a bit more unique would have been good, I'm happy with this subscriber only grant at the moment. My hope is that this isn't a one shot deal. I don't think 500 bonus CCs is much better than the 600 I'm already getting each month, but it is appreciated and I certainly will find a use for it. I'd love to see subscribers get, say, a permanent percentage increase to credit rewards and Rep. Or an increased chance for a schematic on reverse engineering. I would feel very appreciated if that were the case. And you wouldn't be taking anything away from your F2P players, just letting those of us who have been loyal subscribers to this game for over a year and a half now know that we are still your MVPs. Because it's starting to feel more like we're just a nuisance preventing you from making this game exclusively F2P.
  8. Looks like a new HK customization coming soon via a new event reputation vendor http://dulfy.net/2013/06/28/swtor-bounty-broker-association-reputation-rewards/
  9. I will definitely be playing TESO. Gotta clear through some other games first so I can dedicate more time too it though. Daggerfall Covenant all the way.
  10. I would love to come to this, but I gotta ask, will it even be fun for a Republic player who only just started gearing 55 PvP gear (like I only have 1 piece)? Seems like I might just spend a lot of time waiting for my medical droid timer to count down...
  11. Hey, don't give up on it! If the guild you joined isn't doing it for you, go into general chat on the fleet and say something like "LF Guild who can help a new player learn how to PvP better." Ignore the first 5 idiots who respond saying "go home n00b" or whatever nonsense they come out with, and see if any guilds actually respond to you. Someone looking to learn makes for a promising new member. In terms of players trashing you for not being good, that's what the "ignore" feature is for. The majority of players, hey I'll even go further and say the majority of PvPers, are not jerks. It's just a vocal minority who get their kicks from putting others down.
  12. 1. More CM discounts for subscribers/Vendors who sell CM goods to subscribers for in game credits 2. All codex bugs fixed 3. More...well any incentive for Open World PvP PS - love 2.1, finally have a look I could be happy with for a long time
  13. New look for my Main {Axelson Dredd - POT5 - Vanguard Tank} https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=490654981008250&l=4cccca2bf4 Basically threw a White/Deep Red module on the Dreadseed chest piece, unified the rest. The gloves are War Hero Supercommando gloves, gun is Kashyyyk's Legacy, Belt/Bracers are Black Hole Demolisher. Boots, Legs, and helm are various orange modifiable pieces. Boots and Helm were found on GTN, Legs were a drop or mission reward or something. TD-17blahblahblah
  14. I just read this rather disturbing thread about Bergeren Colony, so I'd say steer clear. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6275375
  15. Gotta read the thread man. Problem isn't that they can't use ignore, the problem is that the griefers have ways around ignore, like using irritating items, emotes, or just running around like jerks in the middle of an RP group. Imagine you're trying to eat at a restaurant with some friends, and some tool bag at the next table keeps bouncing a giant beach ball off your head, but all you can do about it is either choose to act like it's not happening or give up and go home. Bottom line, your good time was ruined, no matter how hard you pretended like it wasn't being ruined. I also do not roleplay, but I find it disturbing that this happens. We're all nerds aren't we? How is it possible that different activities within the already insanely nerdy activity of playing a Star Wars MMO seem to be granted varying levels of social acceptability? Griefers, if you're reading this [waves hand] you want to go home and rethink your life...
  16. This has already been covered in a lot of detail elsewhere. check out those threads and add to them if you think you have something new. Stuff like this should really be in the Spoilers sub-forum anyway
  17. Lol well I guess that kills this thread. idk, I would worry about adding too many more factions. We've got Republic, Empire, Jedi, Sith, Mandalorian, Rakata, Hutt, Dread Masters, and I'm sure others that I'm missing... Not to mention all the little Sub factions like SIS, Czerka, various planetary groups, pirate gangs, revanites...that list goes on for a while. I'm not sure the galaxy really needs one more group to deal with, unless they knock out a few first. I do agree that empire has been the focal bad guy for too long. And the Hutts always felt a little obvious to me. Let's have a rogue Jedi faction or something.
  18. Haven't played all the way through Empire, but I do believe I know at least one of the twists the other user is talking about. Republic story was most excellent, and I doubt you'll be disappointed either way
  19. But I had thought that the tweak they made in 2.0 where you can now kill Malgus without blowing him off the edge was to clear up any rumors that he may have survived.
  20. Maybe Camper from the KotOR series he was a master tinker and inventor. I think it would be fun to have a character from outside the game. Odan-Urr or Vodo-Siosk Baas could be cool characters, both of which were associated with crafting in some capacity. If it's an in game character...maybe Gnost Durall. Not really a crafter, but he's master of lore and such. I'd get a Gnost Durall craft statue
  21. Dewback, Bantha, Hutt, Fat tick/cow thing from Naboo, and a flying rancor...that's all I ask I don't even care if you don't make them fast. I just want to ride a bantha around the fleet
  22. While I often drift away to level and roll alts, my first toon, and my main is my Vanguard Tank - Axelson on Prophecy of the Five
  23. Agreed. All's fair in my book. People cursing you is par for the course. They will try to make you feel bad about yourself and tell you what a loser you are for picking on them. Bottom line, if they can't handle ganking, camping, etc., they should have joined a PvE server.
  24. IMO this game already has faster levelling than others. In a 2 hour play sesh, I'm usually able to level at least 1 - 1.5x just by solo questing. You want to double that? You'll have a ton of capped players and very few people enjoying the levelling experience, not to mention a lot of inexperienced players who capped out too fast and end up bringing down the endgame environment. The levelling is paced to let you learn your character and your skills, but if you speed it up too much, you'll have folks who are still learning mechanics while they're trying to tackle Ops and HM flashpoints. Not fun for them and not fun for people who have their act together.
  25. I've thought about this too. It wouldn't be a problem except that my inventory is slowly filling up with all these Cartel Market toys. If I'm out grinding Dailies for a while, and sending out gathering missions, and picking up trash and crap greens from mobs, that fills up an inventory pretty quick. A couple alternatives: Make toys into abilities instead of items Allow for infinitely expandable inventories which increase in unlock price at a geometric progression after a certain point, and are tied to legacy level Add pouches to the inventory, which are essentially expandable mini-inventories which can store specific things, like a toy pouch, a mats pouch, a consumables pouch, etc.
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