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Everything posted by Ryenke

  1. IKR Hold tight for what? More of these 'tweaks' that are like giving Aspirin to a person suffering from Appendicitis?
  2. Wow, we define awesome differently. Good for you, tho, I guess.
  3. You know what? thanks. Somehow your post gave me that closure I was needing. Yeah, I was playing out my time till sub expired. Given my inability to get any set gear on my main in Tier 2 or 3 and BW announcement that they are going further down this grind go rng crap fest I'm not even going to do that. I'm done. Done in game, and done here. BWA doesn't give a crap if players don't like GC grind + RNG. They are not going to make any meaningful changes to the 5.0 system, they are happy to stay the course. I've finally had those facts beaten into me and will find some other use for my $$ and time.
  4. God, you don't even read what you reply to, do you. Your experience isn't worth crap to the next player who may have completely different luck. And YOU are the one who claimed it was easier for PVE'ers to gear in 5.x. Now you say, well it is easier to gear for PVE'ers when they also pvp. LOL, more way to completely change your mind. My main is level 230 ish. She has 0 240 pieces of set gear (or gear that can be RE'd). She just filled out the blue enhancements in her own set and is now filling up a legacy set with blue enhancements. Purple 240's? that could benefit a legacy: ZERO. One 234 set piece of gear (bracer, so no enhancements that could be RE'd) 4 pieces of 230 set pieces. Oh, I should be all geared up by mid 200 levels? GUESS AGAIN, your luck is worthless to determine how easy/hard it is for someone else to gear. And 3+months after 2.x dropped, 3.x dropped, 4.x dropped my alts were in a mixture of purple/blue com gear with some lucky set drops. 3+months into 5.x they are all stuck (and will forever be stuck if my luck remained as is) at starter gear. It was MUCH EASIER to gear multiple toons via PVE pre 5.x. Anyone who says otherwise is full of crap or has the best RNG ever.
  5. Peddle your crap to someone who is dumb. PVE 'rs can't gear alts. 4.x my alts would be in a mixture of 216/220 gear right now. Most without set bonus, yes. 5.x they are all in 230 gear 3+ months later. Only now can they start to get the blue 240 enhancements passed on via legacy gear. No ear/implant relics tho, because I only get tank schematics in the crap crates. 5.x only play my main, can't even gear her at level and can't craft any armor/mods enhancements that I couldn't craft the first week 5.x dropped (starter gear). My alts have ZERO ZIP gear better than starter gear, and in the 5.x system my alts have ZERO ZIP chance to get better gear because 50 crates into Tier 3 on my main and I don't actually believe any purple set gear (or mh/offhand) exist. They certainly don't drop in crap crates.
  6. Your original post said PVE was easier to gear alts in 5.x compared to 4.x, (FYI,I don't pvp). That is crazy. My alts used to pick up coms like crazy and were geared without even the need for legacy shells. They had comm ear & implants, and com mods (enhancements usually dropped from Fp's, I admit) and if lucky some set armoring's, otherwise com armorings. Easy peasy. Now, blue enhancements are really the only things worth passing along, and I've only just (at level 240 ish) filled out my main with 240 enhancements. So now, I could (if I were going to resub, which I'm not) pass on some blue armorings and enhancements, but 3 months in in 4.x, I would have already had my alts headed into purple com stuff. I barely have one toon (my main) in 240 enhancements and that toon has 1 240 blue armorning, 1 220 set bonus from previous expansion armoring, and 0 240 mods. That toon has had 50ish tier 3 crates opened. And it is easier to gear alts? I can't even gear up a main in 5.x How can I easily craft 240 mods and enhancements? 50 boxes in I haven't seen one purple drop that has a mod or enhancement to RE. You are just full of crap.
  7. In what universe? Not the one I play in. My main 240ish has 4 pieces of set gear 230, 1 piece of set gear 234 and 0 pieces of 240/242 set gear. Can't craft 240 (because I've had 0 purple 240 drops to RE), the couple of 240/242 pieces I've seen can't be legacy shifted (relic/ear). Sure I can gear my alts in 230. That is the 208 equivalent. But I could easily get all my alts into 216+ in 4.x - much easier and less costly in 4x. PVE is EASIER to gear alts in 5.x, you say? you are certifiable.
  8. Ok, you got me, coffee spit-take. LOL
  9. That bad thing (galactic command rng grind & gear) is so omnipresent in the end game, I'm not sure anything will make the subs who don't care for that type of play stay subbed/resub. I loved the game, but I don't have time to make it a full time (unpleasant) job. ,And since the new content is likely going to be gated behind the high tier gear, and alts play at end game can never be supported in this system - well, really nothing short of scrapping the whole rng grind and gear would make me consider a resub. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of others like me out there too. But whenever SWTOR does die (no judgment here: we can't expect a MMO to last forever) I fully expect it will be 5.0 that was the death blow. Oh, other stuff contributed (slow trickle of minimal content since 3.0 hit) and it will survive on life support for some time... Only time will tell, but I'd put money on 5.0 being the "jumped the shark" moment.
  10. Or let your subscription expire because the game no longer lets you play the way you like. Mine will expire here in a short time, and I find that I'm actually looking forward to that date. I find what the OP wrote to be very true for my experience in the game since 5.0 and if that's the type of game BWA wants (and it sure seems like it is) then it's not for me. OP, it genuinely upsets me that the game I invested in and loved died in November and was replaced with the galactic command game. I'm not being snarky when I say let your sub expire, I'm being honest. If you are anything like me it may just be a large relief to compensate for the missing the game, (a game which at max level only vaguely resembles what I played last year and the year before etc).
  11. TLDR: Players who are unlucky need an RNG fail-safe. Mitigate the RNG with something like an unassembled token every 10 gear piece disintegrations. My experience (aka the reason I think unmitigated rng should be changed) I feel frustrated and lacking in agency, not rewarded or thrilled, with the unmitigated RNG in the Galactic Command gear system. The accelerated cxp (which does arguably minimally lessen the grind problem but that is a different issue I'm not addressing here) has not lessened the frustration. My frustration boils down to the fact that every time I open a command crate I feel like I'm one of the unluckiest players in swtor AND I have no way of changing the odds, which already feel stacked against me. Now, I know all the answers to this: Gear via pvp (I don't pvp), Gear with ops (I pug ops and have not gotten one rng loot roll in my favor) ignore Galactic Command when you play (my brain doesn't work that way, and I like better gear, and I'd feel like I could join one of the 'looking for healer HM - please have gear' messages if I had gear). And I know that my experience might be one of average luck. (We don't know for sure, because you (BWA) don't release loot drop table percentages, and my disapointment and frustration leave me to assume the worst). And the kicker (as in kicking a dog when it's down) is that lack of agency. I can't effect luck at all. That streak of 50+ green/blue drops I had from Command level 1 to 5x? I could be in the midst of another one, nothing to do about it. Am I unlucky? I don't know. It sure feels like it - if you are interested in what has dropped for me, check out the spoiler. Unlucky or just a perception problem on my part exacerbated with needing to guess at what the drop rates actually are, I dunno. FEEDBACK suggestion So, as this may be my last chance to give feedback, and you said, BWA, repeatedly you said: "keep the feedback coming" - so here is my feedback. Mitigate the RNG. Players need a fail-safe! I WANT to have fun in the game, I WANT to subscribe. But since the implementation of GC I don't have fun, or feel rewarded by unmitigated rng drops of practically all crap. What I do feel is frustrated and extremely unlucky. I'm not going to pay EA/BW for a game to make me feel frustrated and unlucky - I get more than enough of that in real life. Many players have written on this and other boards saying that this system is was put in place by BW to make people sub for lengthy periods. I don't see how having an RNG fail-safe (tied to a certain number of GC levels, like 10 gear disintigrations = 1 unassembled token or something like that) would impede that goal at all. And it would make some of us (who are unsubbing due to unmitigated RNG) at least consider resubbing. So long and thanks for all the fish So, goodbye BWA and forum folks. If any interesting discussion occurs in this thread, I'll follow it and may reply if I'm still able. For kicks, I'd sure love to hear if you think my drop rate (in the spoiler above) is lucky/unlucky/average. Oh, and my stuff is already spoken for.
  12. I agree. Perhaps a post limit for preferred players, like 10 posts a month? That would minimize trolling and make the preferred players have to make their posts count. It's never going to happen, of course, but I think it would be good for this community and for the game.
  13. Nice price on those blue gifts. Exotic Isotope Stabilizer is still selling well at around 200k on my server. So 10 blue scrap for one EIS brings me in that 200k
  14. So, I'm halfway through Tier 2 (@level 137 to be exact) on my main. I have exactly one single piece of Tier 2 gear - a relic (SA). To be extra frustrating, I had a purple relic (SA) drop then in next box or two after I claimed it, the gold relic (SA) dropped. It is going to be sad to say goodbye to SWTOR, but not gonna spend good money for this junk.
  15. Hmm, 15 greens 60k, gotcha. 10 blues, I can double what you are getting easy. 3 purples I can't imagine that return - I would be lucky to get 125 to 150 for 3 purples. I wonder if my server's market is that different or if you know something I don't.
  16. Exactly how I'd describe 5.0 (1.25 tons of elephant dung) and what we have now: a ton of elephant dung. So, me, I'm not going to be paying Bioware for: Elephant Dung/***** in a box, etc. even if it is less Elephant dung and more ***** in a box than in 5.0.
  17. Command crates are supposed to be the primary way to gear our toons, (via the dropped schematics and gear drops) yet the material drops (jawa scrap) are useless for this purpose. While it is true the top level materials have not always been put on the Jawa Vendors immediately, I think in this expansion, because Jawa scrap is a command crate reward, that these vendors should be updated immediately to include grade 10 material. One thing I have found the green scrap to be good for, since it drops 15 scrap of that type, I never claim or disintegrate it immediately. I hold on to it until I have a large number (over 50) as it only takes up the single command stash place. Then, if I'm looking to get a level at a specific time to get another light/dark side token I always have a good amount of disintegration points to take me over the top.
  18. The CXP rate is much better. But opening 35 Tier 2 crates with only one piece of Tier 2 gear that was an actual upgrade to show for it doesn't make it feel much better to me. My suggestion, if you are going to keep RNG crates as is you need a fail safe. Instead of disintegrating the GEAR that drops in the crate, make it "convert" - to 1/10 an unassembled token. That way, every 10 crap gear drops would guarantee a player the piece they need. I don't like this command system, especially that Tier 3 gear is gated behind SO many hours of playtime per toon (yes, CXP boost helps, but honestly, even if I resubbed, which I still do not plan to do - I can't see ever getting more than one toon up to Tier 3) but this suggestion of a guarantee 10 crates of crap gear can turn into one crate of good gear might get you where want to be. Still a nice "thrill" if you get a great gear drop, but no one who plays for dozens of levels feels like they totally wasted their time.
  19. 1) I stand by my assessment and make it more specific. LOL, you obviously don't try to heal raids, particularly Hm or NIM on a sage healer. I'd pay to see your stream of you doing so without the set bonus. LOL. 2) I don't see I made any complaint in this thread. I said set bonus is critical for some specs if harder content is to be done. That is ALL I said. So, as far as I'm concerned you can keep your unfounded accusations and ridiculous assessments of the unnecessary nature of every single set bonus out there (you have full sets and experience playing with of each of the 48 (if my math is right) sets? - Yeah, I believe that).
  20. LOL, obviously you don't play a sage healer. Seriously folks, some set bonuses are critical if you want to do the harder stuff.
  21. I think the amounts could be tweaked, but on the whole this is certainly the right idea. Wholehearted agreement with disintegration MUST be % of next level, NOT a fixed pidly 200 cxp when you have over 4000 cxp to next level. That's stupid.
  22. Oh, you tease me with the possibility of wanting to resub... I do wish y'all had started these 'tweaks'" pre-live and you were getting this feedback from PTS participants, because I'm afraid many people I know are gone for good. To keep me, the changes need to be significant. Tux has good ideas, and the unassembled token idea is a good one as well. I'd also say that if we are stuck with green/blue gear (especially in Tier 2 and 3 where it doesn't belong at all because it absolutely isn't a true upgrade) then you need to boost the disintegration rate - I'd make it a flat percentage of the cxp level progression: i.e. disintegration of the gear piece yields 1/2 a cxp level.
  23. You are missing Ziost and Yavin and Oricon for sure, but your toon needs to have those missions unlocked iirc for them to appear in the GC
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