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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. I recall buying new schematics from the trainer every 10 skill levels above 400, and making 7 or 8 or so of the new thing before buying another new schematic. Nothing more. Same as for every other craft; I have all of them to 450 on at least one toon.
  2. Those where not marketing material tho. Those look to be concept art that the model makers use as a guide when creating the gear sets. The actual marketing material (such as the class section on the holonet) makes sure to show a even representation of male and female.


    That blog post isn't marketing material? Sure reads like it:

    If you pre-order the Shadow of Revan digital expansion, and you are an active Subscriber, ... compelling content ... whet your appetite ...


    If you are saying they picked random images to go in a marketing communication without considering whether those images were appropriate for marketing the game, we get back to BW doing something just plain stupid, don't we?

  3. Same can be said for cunning + defensive stats gear pieces, however, we used to have at one point in development sniper tanks (which didn't work). .

    We still have Ranged Tank companions, and at least one of them has a Sniper mode as an alternative to tank mode.

  4. I think the critique is legit, not because of feminist issues or because the game itself sexist. That's not the issue.


    I think it's just stupid of BW to put out marketing material that doesn't appeal to large portion of the gaming population.

    A person, male or female, with no prior contact with SWTOR or KOTOR might think, on seeing that blog post, "I can't run a female character?" And they might then decide to go play Wildstar or something instead as a result.


    And a lack of female examples is not the only way that this marketing material sells the game short: I also note that there are no alien races shown in the artwork.


    I'm guessing whoever oversaw or created the images has never played SWTOR (as evidence by the use of the wrong weapons for some classes) and therefor has no idea of the enormous variety of toons and outfits that people have created. Again, the artwork sells the game short.


    It's also simply not very good artwork: look at the Trooper, for example, that pose says "someone just shoved a stick up my nether regions." Hardly attractive. And were they just too lazy to have an actual activated lightsaber, the iconic symbol of SW, instead of just having people holding metal sticks? There's tons of better fan art they could have probably got permission to use for free.


    TL;DR: The artwork is amateurish, does not do justice to the awesome variety of experiences possible in SWTOR, and should not be used to publicly represent this awesome game. Not even in a blog post.

  5. People have elaborated numerous times that ineffective builds are not a problem, but overpowered builds that were not intended have impacts on multiple parts of the game. While PvP as a primary form of play in this game is in the minority, the majority of players still take part at times. We can't have specs that vastly outperform others in a game mode which puts players against other players. This alone is reason enough to balance based on what a spec is capable of in skilled hands and not what the typical person will do with it.

    It matters in PvE too. When one advanced class has an over-powered build, competing advanced classes have less opportunities to join group activities, because the group is looking for someone from the over-powered advanced class.


    Merc healers had this problem until the recent buff: no one wanted them.

    If you were a player who loved running a merc healer, this lessened your opportunities to enjoy the game.

  6. Stupied posts like I think yours is don't belong here since you do not offer any opinion except for a single player that would be me, but you have my offer above here and NEXT time, post something usefull or not at all.

    You haven't posted anything useful, so why should anyone else?


    Besides, I think asking you to please quit is useful. Follow the logic:

    • Getting rid of annoying nuisances is usefull.
    • People who create a lot of noise on the forums over things they know nothing about are annoying nuisance.
    • QED: trying to get rid of you is useful.

  7. This petition is premature.


    The new system goes live on the invite-only PTS in a week or so, and while I am pretty sure it will be fenced by an NDA, I am also pretty sure rumors and impressions will get out. After that occurs, then the opinions expressed on this thread might have an ounce of credibility and relevance. But right now it's just a bunch of ignorant posturing and the occasional sane rebuttals thereof.

  8. What's with the obsession with ECC ( memory I assume? )? Second time I've seen you mention it ( previous being as though it was a bad thing if the OP hadn't bought it ).


    The performance will be slightly decreased over non-ECC with the same timing specs, but only slightly because Intel Core processors are substantially insulated from memory speed by their caches. I doubt you'd notice it unless you ran a synthetic benchmark (something I used to do for a living, BTW: simulating and benchmarking processor designs).


    ECC is Error Correcting Code: extra bits that accompany the data in memory, and on the busses between the processor and the memory. These extra bits allow the hardware to detect and pretty often correct errors that occur because of noise, cosmic rays, hardware failures, and so on. Servers use them because they improve stability and reliability: one bad bit can crash a system, and might have been the cause of your last SWTOR bug or crash, it is hard to know unless you have ECC. Importantly the ECC hardware can alert you to a failure in your memory system early on, thus allowing you to replace bad memory hardware before your software gets too screwed up.


    I don't just game with my PC, I also do real work, so that kind of improvement in reliability and stability is worth paying something to get. That's not to say that a chance at reducing the frequency of SWTOR bugs and crashes isn't worth paying for in itself, of course. :)

  9. My take is that this week, they want to make it more difficult for people with lots of alts to dominate the Conquests.

    I have been consistently getting at least 10 toons to target every week. This week getting 10 will be harder to do. But getting 5 would be easy.

  10. 50k when the main things to do is WZ, GSF, and crafting...

    1. I don't want to play WZ

    2. I don't want to play GSF

    3. Crafting, I'm not wasting my mats to build COMPLETELY USELESS things that have no purpose (except mat sink and useless points), if companion missions for mats didn't exist (and they shouldn't) there wouldn't be the crafting problem with Conquest in the first place


    So to get my "Points" I have to do things i don't want to do or I WILL NOT make the goal...very disappointed.


    There is always someone who has to do things they don't like to make their Conquest target.

    This week, it's you.

  11. I do plan on playing other games. Here is what I went with finally.

    Power Supply

    SilverStone® 750 Watt Modular


    Asus® X99 Deluxe


    Intel® Core™ i7 5960X 3.0GHz


    16GB - 4x4GB - 2133MHz - DDR4

    Video Card

    NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 980 4GB

    Hard Drive

    Crucial® M550 SSD 512GB

    64-Bit Operating System

    Microsoft® Windows 8.1 Pro


    Anyone with a clue could build a faster gaming PC, for SWTOR and every other game, for way less money.

    You spent more to get less, and do you think that gives you bragging rights?


    And you didn't even get ECC, did you?


    By the way, wanna buy a bridge in NYC? I can give you a great deal.

  12. Glorious is the perfect word for it.

    I may have to shell out the dough for a couple extra character slots.

    Unfortunately, BW will only let me buy 5 more.


    I may level some toons and throw them away, just to experience The Class Stories As They Were Meant To Be Experienced. Or level them on a different server without my guild perks. Not as much fun. :(


    Been a long long time since I did the JK or Trooper ...

  13. Week 1 complete, Gunslinger level 55 is complete. Enjoyed the story more than I have ever since I could focus on it and play it without interruption.

    ^this. Just finished my third sorc, now working on my second Operative. Playing the class quests is a much more "cinematic" experience without having to do planetary/Kuat/WZ in between.


    Let me add that I am glad I did the planetary quests a few times, but the 10th time through just wasn't as much fun. And FPs just become a race to see how fast you can be done with them once you have done them a dozen times.


    OTOH, Lowbie PvP is fun, I try to make sure I have enough WZ comms for my Obroan relics before I hit level 30. :)

  14. This is not just directed at you, but at many people I've been discussing this with -- how many different ways do I have to explain that for some people, it's not the raw damage or the raw heals they like about a spec, and not the maximized numerical output that meshes with their play style?

    I knew a player that had a sorc healer in all 180 com gear, no set bonuses, who told me Dark Heal was the only heal he needed to "heal any fight in the game." Spent all his time getting carried in 16m SM pugs. So I guess he'd have been upset about BW forcing Resurgence and Innervation on him. But do we need to concern ourselves with people who misplay their toons that badly?.


    There's always pros and cons, but for Disciplines the pros may outweigh the cons.

    We won't know until patch 3.0.1b is released, I figure, if even then. ;)

  15. You are never going to get everything you want, unless you are a billionaire and willing to pay for it.


    So figure out your priorities: Legacy datacrons, or more content? Legacy datacrons, or a hood toggle? Legacy datacrons, or better class balance? Legacy datacrons, or not having cloaks drag beneath speeders? Legacy datacrons, or Traditional Jedi Robes™? Legacy datacrons, or 16m SM GF Ops? Legacy datacrons, or 1faster PvP queus pops? And so on ...


    IMO, because there is so much else that would be better to have in this game than Legacy datacrons, Legacy datacrons will never happen.

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