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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. Odds are the effort needed to do this -- altering the structure of basic records in the game database and the bottom-level code that handles credit transactions -- is substantial and creates a pretty high risk of game-breaking bugs and exploits (like the gold-duping bugs some other games suffered), especially given the complexities of credit limits on F2P and Preferred.


    And what's the benefit gained from taking such a risk? You don't have to manage the credits on your toons? Don't have to occasionally mail credits from one to the other? Those are trifling hassles, compared to, say, trying to find which toon has that last bit of Beryllius you need to do a crafting, or that Reflex barrel you were saving for when you leveled an Aim based toon -- problems Legacy Storage helps address, BTW.


    I'd rather the devs spent their time on changes that brought substantial value to the game instead of implementing a Legacy credit store. Even just preventing cloaks from dragging on the ground when using speeders would be more valuable, in my eyes.


    And as to Legacy-shared comms: I'd actively oppose that, if it had a chance of happening. But it doesn't.

  2. Commendations have no real value outside of the equipment you can buy with them.

    Not true. Basic Comms are worth about 2500 credits each, at present. Elites, on the other hand, are nearly worthless to a lot of players, except for gearing companions. Best you can do is buy Elite gear, wait for the buyback period to expire, and sell them to a vendor for around 150 credits, I think, per Elite commendation.

  3. I don't have a lot of alts, but im playing sith pure blood. But i think races are kinda meaningless in this game.

    All they replace are the head and skin color, all animations and bodies look the same, so you cant really tell what race it is with a helm on anyway.

    In the Agent story, the dialogue on Hoth is very different if you are a Chiss. And there is lots of other dialogue on the Imperial side (and dialogue choices) that are different if you are not playing a human or Sith.


    I cannot recall any such dialogue differences on the Pub side, even though the Republic still has plenty of racism (such as allowing young Twi'lleks to be sold into slavery ...)

  4. Respectfully ... You earned "ultimates" not the new comms ... super comms ... super-duper expresso or any other type. If you want the new stuff ... then earn it like everyone else. You obviously are good at what you do. Use the other resources you have to continue to build on what you already have established.

    No, being capped on Ultimates does not indicate a player is good at what they do, no more than being fully geared in 180s does. I personally know of players who are terrible, but manage to get carried through enough 16m SM ops to max their Ultimates every week on every toon.


    For example, I know a player that was always complain-bragging about being capped, but who parsed 730 DPS on a 180-geared DPS toon on trash mobs in a 16m SM op.

  5. So what ? i'll wait for level 65.

    You are going to skip the L60 content to wait for level 65 ...

    So why not wait for level 70? It will be out some time after level 65.


    Seriously, why don't you just wait until, say, 2020. I'm sure we'll be at level 100 by then.

    Probably using the same game engine tho. lol


    P.S. When they release the L65 stuff, you'll probably be able to buy L65 stuff with Ultimate comms.

    And they will convert all your old L60 Ultimates to Basics.

    So you'll be right in the situation you are in now, but 5 levels higher.

  6. I will hit level 60, but i am keeping my level 55 gear, simply because i don't want to do this anymore. Level 60 gear will be obsolete in 8-12 months anyway.

    You will be kicked from L60 ops if you try to join them, you know that, right?

    And rightfully so.

  7. Over in my thread on the impact of 12xXP we have been sharing stories on running Kuat. Pick a few of the :( KDY stories you have.

    I pair with my wife for FPs. We haven't had a bad run in KDY in months. Instead, we have had a lot of ordinary runs and a few stellar runs when we were grouped with other players (who we suspect were raiders running alts) who knew their class and the op. With some of them, taking down the final boss was actually fun, that's how awesome the team was.


    If you aren't having that kind of experience, I suspect that either your luck is bad or you are. Two good players can clear most tactical FPs (Manaan's water boss maybe being the exception) even without companions.

  8. Chain pulling isn't what we are discussing here. What we are discussing are petulant children who can't wait a few seconds for the tank to do what tanks do.

    No, we're talking skilled, over-geared DPS pulling mobs they know they can solo. Guys that can 4-sec stun a strong and kill it before the stun drops. Be grateful when you get to run with DPS like that, you're going to have a fast, easy clear.


    As another poster pointed out, the problem is with players who just cannot accept that they aren't necessary, and decide to feel all insulted even when no insult exists. Tanking is not special in this regard: I've healed plenty of FPs where the other players were so skilled and geared that I rarely had any healing to do.


    But what can I do, whine that they aren't letting the mobs damage them? No, I just contribute my modest amount (compared to them) of DPS to the team effort and keep an eye out for a situation where my special talents are needed -- just as I do when I am the tank in a tactical or a HM50 and the DPS is rockin' it on their own.


    No wipe, no foul. That's all there is to it.

  9. Yea but i don't need them at level 60.

    It's like having level 50 gear and you're level 55, useless.

    Are you expecting to be Level 60 after 3.0 launches? You won't be, you know: no matter how much content you run between now and then, you won't be level 60 when you login that Tuesday morning. Similarly, you won't have comms to buy level 60 gear either.


    Guess you will have to earn both the levels and the gear after 3.0 launches. Feel free to go on hiatus until then.

  10. Some people seemed to have assumed that playing story mode 55 content would get them comms that could be used to acquire close to best gear at level 60, but I frankly don't know why they were assuming that.

    They feel entitled to that because of how they were raised as a child, I suspect.

  11. This is ridiculous. You are in effect devaluing the currency. Ultimate comms were earned doing HM content and should purchase HM gear.

    Nonsense. HM50 content should not provide a means to get HM55 gear, and HM55 content should not provide a means to get HM60 gear (other than by earning credits and buying gear from crafters).

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