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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. Here's the OP for your perusal. It was such a big deal that the OP posted an apology for posting it in the first place.

    I'm not the OP. You are responding to my posts, not the OPs. Or didn't you notice that?


    You complain about alleged "cherry picking" from your posts, and then bring in third-party postings as if I have some responsibility for them? Geez, how desperate are you to avoid admitting you've lost the argument?


    The selection of all-male images to represent the SWTOR class options for use in BW's 12x XP Event marketing was stupid. Inexcusably stupid: the art being free does not excuse it (better free artwork exists and includes female characters), and having the art lying around for years does not excuse it (it is actually a good reason to NOT use it).


    It's because I like this game that I am critical of such incompetent marketing of it. If you like this game, do you really think that artwork does it justice? Compared to, for example, the fan art that's out there? Or even the in-game graphics of the better-looking NPCs ?

  2. No, it does not. What shows is her appearance item. Which is why it would never have occurred to be to try to see if she could equip female only clothing in the first place.


    I have some of the Dancer outfits unlocked in collections, and wanted non-Legacy shells for gearing Treek up.

    That's when I discovered the limitation. Wound up putting her in Casual Vandal instead (also unlocked).

  3. I didn't say women don't enjoy violence. I play this game, so me saying that we don't enjoy violence would be ... Silly.


    But when we look at adverts of people playing those games, who's player voices? Men, usually.

    And this is precisely the issue I have with the 12x XP Class Mission marketing material: the examples given for every single class are males. That's stupid marketing, not only because it fails to appeal to female gamers who want to run female characters, but also because it fails to appeal to male gamers that like to run female characters. (e.g. "Because if I am going to watch the backside of my toon all day, I'd rather watch a female backside.")


    Why are they selling the game so short? There's plenty of great artwork out there they could have used instead. Even in-game stuff, like Satele Shan as the iconic Consular, and Darth Marr as the iconic Warrior.

  4. Cherry picking is FTW. It makes it so you don't have to address the post, but instead can try to come off as "cool". What do you see when you go to character creation? ...


    What does in-game character creation have to do with a critique of SWTOR marketing material that said material may lead people to believe, falsely, that the game does not allow you to create female characters?


    If you are trying to argue with an assertion that SWTOR is biased against female characters, you are arguing with a strawman of your own invention. What differences there are IMO are relatively minor (e.g. female toons only having one romance option, whereas some male toons have two) or a result of culture-imposed limitations (e.g. no totally bare chests for females, and males cannot where the skimpy Dancer outfits*).


    *Note that Treek, tho female, also cannot where "female-only" clothing. Not that it matters, just an interesting ... bug?

  5. You might level faster on Illum if that is where you are in your class quest [EDIT: which you are not, sorry]. Illum also gets 12x XP.


    My wife and I just stuck to the class missions. Corellia goes pretty fast as long as you have the 10 minute CD on Quick Travel.

  6. A few things to note is that there are areas of the game where I can tell that it's taxing my GPU, where I'll see the usage spike to 100%, or thereabouts. I can also run BF4 on ultra at a steady 110 fps. So, I don't think it's my card's overall performance. For this fight it was sitting at about 40% usage.


    That's one reason I mentioned the NVidia game-by-game optimization utility as something to investigate: it applies different settings to different games, without your input on the matter.

  7. Because we have three main genre of games:

    • Games with some kind of violence (cartoon or not), seemingly targeted primarily at the Male Population

    There aren't any games really, truly, targeted with women as the target audience.

    You are assuming women don't like games with violence. My wife is a data point to the contrary. She's been playing games with violence pretty much continuously since DOOM was released. In fact, DOOM is why we bought her her own computer, so we could play networked together.


    Sure, DOOM wasn't targeted exclusively at a particular stereotype of women that abhor violence. So what? I am not sure such women are even a majority of women.

  8. That blog used concept art for fillers rather than having a artist spend time creating stuff just for a blog.

    And you know this how? I didn't see any mention of that in the blog post or anywhere else from BW.

    Just because it is poorly done artwork, that doesn't mean it was concept artwork. Or that they did not pay for it.


    Also while concept art is never designed with marketing in mind, its traditional to use concept art as promotional material for games / cantoons / movies.

    Again, what's your source for that? And when the images sell the game short, by not showing the variety of characters possible, and not looking anywhere near as good as the in-game graphics, it's still an act of stupidity. Marketing material is supposed to make the game look as good as possible if not better, not make it look more limited and more amateurish than it actually is.


    Given the quality of the work, I'd guess it is more likely the artwork was done by some manager's teen-age child and added to the blog post to make the child happy and/or give them a resume bullet item, rather than being the work of a professional artist. Do you have any source that demonstrates that I am wrong?


    And as I said before, they could have gotten better, more iconic artwork from the fan base, for free, if they had just asked.

  9. I think I mentioned somewhere earlier that it was red. Either that or I meant to include it.

    ... I did manage to find one CS rep back in 2012 saying that red is GPU.


    If it is GPU bound you may want to try running a GPU benchmark, such as 3Dmark from http://www.futuremark.com, and comparing it against published results for your card to ensure that your card is operating properly.


    And if you have NVidia's game-optimization utility running, you might want to look at what settings it is applying. I know the new NVidia cards have a mode that runs games at 4K resolution and then downsamples for the lower-res display, and while it is supposed to look great it is a major performance hit. Make sure that mode is off.

    And you might also want to turn off the NVidia video capture utility if it is on, see if that helps.

  10. I would like BioWare to expand the Guild Falgships.


    Specifically, I would like them to add another hanger deck with two more hangers so we can have one of each large ship model in the hangers. Right now we can only have two (in my guild, it's a Fury and an Interceptor).


    Adding more of other types of rooms would be fine too.

  11. I have one room in my stronghold set up with access to everything that I may need or want. The only thing missing is a Training Dummy, which isn't available to my knowledge.

    BioWare says they are working on adding a training dummy you can place in your strongholds. Hopefully on Flagships too.

  12. It actually is a very good rule of thumb. I really hate it when people say, "You're missing the point!" but you're missing the point. You're not only being pedantic, you're not seeing the forest for the trees. These differences in components don't mean diddly squat in the greater scheme of things because the shelf life of any given component is measured in months, not years. Given this rapid pace of change it makes no sense to quibble over details that won't matter in another year or two. You may LIKE to do it for the sheer joy of it (and that's fine), but from an efficiency standpoint you're wasting your time.


    The lifecycle of a PC in industry today is three years, five years for cash-strapped non-profits that can't effectively amortize equipment anyway. At that point you're going to lift up the radiator cap and jack a new PC underneath. The whole thing. You're NOT going to swap out a GPU or spend time grappling with how many registers or cores it has. It's a moot point because you're darned lucky if the buss interface is even the same for a new card. It's the same for the OS. Does anyone ever upgrade their OS? Of course not! You just buy a new computer that has a new OS installed. And once again, it might be smarter to get one less than the newest fad. You really don't want to get stuck with Windows Millennium. Windows 8 might be stable enough by the time Windows 10 comes out.


    The bottom line is that OP did just fine here, and this pedantic criticism of his decisions, including his motivation for even posting, is just awkwardly silly. This should be a lesson to him on why never to post here because you'll get a load of ignorant crap no matter what you say. OP is going to get a new computer in three years anyway, and so will you. Meanwhile nobody but the OCD-impaired really gives a rip about the differences between a 680 and a 780, Just buy the latest known good working one and be done with it. Otherwise you'll never have time to play the game.


    Spoken like a dedicated ignoramus. You are every tech-industry con-artist's dream customer. Quick, go buy some oxygen-free HDMI cables, they cost more!


    Thanks for your advice, but no thanks.

    I'd rather put some thought into how I spend thousands of dollars.

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