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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. I fail to see how an Agent wielding two pistols instead of one sniper rifle is any different than it's Republic side equivalent which wields two pistols instead of a sniper rifle.


    Do you realize how much effort it would be to change Operative animations to something appropriate for a shotgun or blaster, instead of a knife? And similarly for gunslingers and smugglers. I'd rather BW go introduce new bugs, uhmm, I mean features, somewhere with a little more impact.


    The different weapons also make a big difference when you are sharing Bind-to-Legacy weapons, especially since once an end-game barrel is installed in a vibroknife, it is bound to "knife" and cannot be moved to a shotgun or blaster pistol. Similarly, an end-game barrel installed in a shotgun cannot later be moved to a vibroknife or blaster pistol, and an end-game barrel installed in a blaster cannot later be moved to a vibroknife or shotgun. Skill users are at a slight disadvantage compared to the other classes because of this.


    And I am fine with that, BTW, even though I make extensive use of BtL weapons and armor. I have a lot of different end-game Skill barrels in a lot of different BtL weapons as a result. I do, however, miss having Bound-to-Legacy Techstaffs and Electrostaffs, for my companions.


    Anyway, I am against this change, just as I would be against allowing Sorcs dual-wield blasters (it's not as if a Sorc ever actually hits anything with a lightsaber, they just wave them around, so in theory they could be waving around anything. I've had Sorcs wave swords and axes, for example. Perhaps someday BW will give them a wand instead. Or a giant foam finger like you see fans waving at sporting events. LOL)

  2. And I was looking forward to picking this one up, even though I usually only use BoL armors ...


    With such poor QA, I will never buy again any CM armor in the first couple of weeks it is out, much less buy a CM pack with CC in the hope of getting it.

  3. I note that when buying stacks of companion gifts at the vendor, a confirmation box pops up if the purchase is over some threshold amount of credits.


    Adding such a confirmation box to the GTN, with an option to disable it (and at best an option to set the threshold in your preferences, either as an absolute amount or a relative one) would not hurt anyone. Of course, where it ranks in the dev's priorities is a good question.


    I've always suspected, BTW, that this issue is one reason we have not seen a Legacy credit account. Accidentally spending all the creds you have on one toon is bad enough. Accidentally bankrupting your entire Legacy would be a disaster.

  4. There is no pressure in my guild to participate in Conquests, yet we've placed on the leaderboard every week, have fully unlocked our Empire Flagship, and our alt Pub guild will be buying a flagship as soon as we decide on the name.


    Some weeks, 40% of our points came from two players who have over ten alts each, and only five or six players participate at more than the "getting points doing what I normally do" level. Other weeks, the points came from more diverse sources.


    If you are on the leaderboard, the rewards are not bad: 110K credits, jawa scraps, and an encryption worth about 50K. Plus whatever you get doing the Conquest activities, which can be quite a lot on some weeks. Other weeks, you spend so much farming mats that you might lose money.


    I have enjoyed it, and I have never played SWTOR so much or been so rich. Will I play again next week? Who knows.



  5. It's not impossible, but is it worth forgoing the bug fixes, new content, and so on that could be done with the resources it would take to implement it?


    And probably it isn't as simple as you think either. Changing complex software rarely is, and MMOs are some of the most complex software there is.


    So, it's a stock answer but it's still true: I'd rather the devs spent their time on something else.

  6. Just as other posters have been telling you, there is a full transcript of the Developers discussing the adjustment to DPS. It is word-for-word accurate, I should know, I wrote it myself.

    I expect someone will challenge you to prove the transcript is word-for-word accurate. All reasonable people will understand that you cannot prove that to be true -- just as a scientific theory cannot be proved true, but instead can, by definition, only be proven false.


    So, let's just try to preempt an avalanche of potential illogic and stupidity: the burden is on the skeptics to prove that your transcript is not word-for-word accurate. And that's easy for them to do: they just have to find one word in the transcript that isn't what the devs said in the stream.


    Go to it, skeptics. And please remember to provide a timestamp on any alleged error if you want it to be taken seriously.


    P.S. Thank you so much for that transcription, Levram. I am sure many people appreciate it!

  7. Two days ago In GF HM Czerka Core Meltdown, Assassin tank says in chat "I have Sorc-X (not their real name) as my focus target and only ever see them channeling Force Lightning (FL). We will never beat the rage timers with low DPS like that."


    Now, Sorc-X is spec'd into Madness; I was on a sorc spec'd into Corruption but who respecs to Madness a lot. As people who have played a Madness Sorc know, you can do a very nice rotation with FL as the only channeled cast, because FL reliably procs Wrath, and 3 stacks of Wrath makes Crushing Darkness (CD) and Lightning Strike (LS) instant. So Sorc-X was doing a rotation of FL - CD - Affliction - Death Field - Creeping Terror - FL - LS, approximately, and parsing over 3000 DPS (she checked the last single-mob fight after the tank complained). But the instant abilities, that is, everything but FL, weren't going to show up on Sorc-X's castbar, and the tank was too ignorant to look at the dots on the target. The other DPS was a Merc, and while I am not an expert on Mercs, I don't think they put Death Marks on targets like Madness Sorcs do.


    Sorc-X and I both tried to politely explain all this to the tank, who promptly quit the group. "Don't try and defend your friend," the tank whispers me. LOL.


    Anyway, we put the arrogant idiot tank on our ignore lists, cleared trash, waited a minute or two more, thought about switching to one of our tank alts, got a new tank just about then, and cleared the rest of the FP fast and easy just as you might expect. The new tank did a great job.


    LOL hilarious. We weren't even angry about it, just flabbergasted

  8. This has been said a couple of times in this thread, and I have a hard time believing this is actually true. Is it? Because that seems awfully odd that they would let a cash shop item be reverse engineered for mats. Can you do the same with other CM items like the armor sets and other weapons? Or is this just a glitch with the Socorro ones?


    It would be a potentially-game-breaking exploit if you could also unlock it in your collections, create as many as you want for free, and then RE them all for mats. I'll have to buy one and try that, but if it is possible it is a bug that needs fixing [edit: unless the mats you get are practically worthless].

  9. Brings to mind an amusing anecdote:


    Two days ago In GF HM Czerka Core Meltdown, Assassin tank says in chat "I have Sorc-X (not their real name) as my focus target and only ever see them channeling Force Lightning (FL). We will never beat the rage timers with low DPS like that."


    Now, Sorc-X is spec'd into Madness; my sorc was spec'd into Corruption but respecs to Madness a lot. As people who have played a Madness Sorc know, you can do a very nice rotation with FL as the only channeled cast, because FL reliably procs Wrath, and 3 stacks of Wrath makes Crushing Darkness (CD) and Lightning Strike (LS) instant. So Sorc-X was doing a rotation of FL - CD - Affliction - Death Field - Creeping Terror - FL - LS, approximately, and parsing over 3000 DPS (she checked the last single-mob fight after the tank complained). But the instant abilities, that is, everything but FL, weren't going to show up on Sorc-X's castbar, and the tank was too ignorant to look at the dots on the target. The other DPS was a Merc, and while I am not an expert on Mercs, I don't think they put Death Marks on targets like Madness Sorcs do.


    Sorc-X and I both tried to politely explain all this to the tank, who promptly quit the group. "Don't try and defend your friend," the tank whispers me. LOL.


    Anyway, we put the arrogant idiot tank on our ignore lists, cleared trash, waited a minute or two more, thought about switching to one of our tank alts, got a new tank just about then, and cleared the rest of the FP fast and easy.


    Hilarious. Not much to do with the OP's post, of course, for which I should probably apologize. ;)

  10. Because none of you can point to where in the stream the two individuals confirm your claims.

    I think you are confusing "can validate" with "is willing to spend their time validating, for the nth time."


    Transcripts of the stream are available in this forum; no, I am not going to spend my time doing your work for you by providing a link. Using the location of the text in the transcript you can estimate where to find the statements in the video, and then verify the accuracy of the transcript. Let us know if you find any errors, so they can be corrected.


    Feel free to demand I validate my claim that the transcript is available -- I'll just ignore your demand.

    Everyone else either has already seen that transcript or can find it themselves if they care, so your demand will simply reflect poorly on you, and my ignoring your demand will reflect well on me. After all, we post to make an impression on the entire audience, otherwise we would just use a PM.

  11. Progression is about becoming more powerful, on a relative basis, against current / old / lower level content as you gain stats through gear and / or levels.

    I disagree, Progression raid teams do not measure their progress using parses or TTK. They measure it using boss clears, as in "10/10 NiM DF/DP." Since that's the metric, I would say that progression is about progressing through ever-more-challenging content.


    Getting more powerful gear is only part of accomplishing that, and not even the most important part. Mastering your spec, raid awareness, knowledge of the mechanics of each fight, and teamwork are at least as important.

  12. What is the mechanism being used to reduce damage? Perhaps people in the closed beta know better (and cannot say) but the reduction of DPS may have nothing to do with stats or the coefficients used to compute damage from stats.


    We have a whole new system (Disciplines) replacing the skill trees. Lots of everyone-took-it skills, perhaps including damage buffs for particular attacks or procs, are being altered or eliminated. Some of these skills may only really matter in the hands of players with at least moderate skill levels (for example, those who take optimal advantage of Cascading Power or who can keep their Tactical Advantage at 2 most of the time). Nerfing that class of skills may not affect the damage output of casual players at all.


    Is this what they are doing? If so, most players may not see much reduction in damage output: only the more skillful players will.


    Well, this post is mainly speculation on my part, I guess we will see ...

  13. havent had must time to play lately other then login and do crafting or such. but i got more time and been finishing my my trooper on nearly 55 now. my question is do i need i need to do side quest to help level up on like like lvl 35 or 42?

    Not if you pre-ordered 3.0 and are a subscriber. The 12x XP on class missions means they are enough. And then at 47 or higher, go to Makeb, the story missions there gets the 12x boost too.

  14. 12x is a little too much for a first time player. You have to stop and grind out some money.

    Kind of agree, although then the first-time player needs to choose what other quests to run ... decisions are hard when you are new and know nothing about the game.


    If BioWare offers improved class mission experience on this sort of scale in the future, I'd like it to be in the form of a boost to the Legacy class mission boosts you can unlock now, but bigger: 2X on the first unlock which might require Legacy Level 10, 3X on the second which might require Legacy Level 20, and so on, going up to 5X for the final unlock. Costs might be raised compared to what they are now.

  15. Most players making use of the pre-order bonus xp are returning players -- people who used to be subscribed, but now aren't.

    How do you know that?


    Most players I know that are making use of the pre-order bonus have been subscribers the whole time, such as myself (leveling four more alts using 12x XP). A few are returning players, and it is good to see them back, but they are a minority. That's just in my guild, though. I have no idea what fraction of 3.0 pre-orders are due to each of continuous players, returning players, and new players.


    BioWare does of course, but have they released those numbers?

  16. So it happens all the time against other players?

    Wouldn't know, but I was tanking a pug op last night that chain-pulled three groups of mobs in a row because one ranged DPS or another executed an attack on a died-too-soon mob and wound up auto-targeting a mob in a nearby group instead.

  17. Look the GCD is more than a second, there is no advantage to pressing buttons that fast, slow down.

    Totally wrong. You'll never get decent DPS if you wait for each skill to finish before triggering the next one.

    That's guaranteed by the typical quarter-second human reaction time and the inherent lag in an MMO.


    Heck, when the lag is bad, a mob can be dead for multiple GCDs before your client displays it as dead.

    I've seen lag so bad that an Orbital Strike didn't activate for several seconds after it should of, and then all the ticks came at once: boomboomboomboom mobs dead. You don't stop fighting because of lag if you want to survive.


    You do not seem to know much about how to play this or any other MMO involving real-time-ish combat.

  18. Yes, the problem is that you don't know how to play the game and you want to skip all the learning.

    I don't think that's a fair assessment. The OP's inquiry about how to know when the mob is casting something that should be interrupted indicates to me that he or she is trying to learn to play.


    If you run enough pugs, you might think half the players in the game do not know they even have an interrupt ...

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