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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. These explanations are dumb lol. It's probably similar difficulty to take a barrel off one gun and put it on another to make it more powerful.

    No, it isn't. Rechambering a gun to another (often more powerful) caliber is relatively routine gunsmithing. Recovering a dye from a piece of clothing and using it to dye another is impossible at worst and impractical at best, because the dye has chemically bonded to the fabric.


    BTW, some guns can be had with multiple barrels, each for a different caliber.

  2. And tell me, how does that help *after* I've finished Yavin? Was there a warning that said "buy xp boosts or you're ****ed" somewhere that I missed? I thought xp boosts were invented so f2p scrubs didn't need to grind mobs but I guess that is too much to expect.


    You got to 55 without using XP boosts? How unusual.


    I've taken 12 toons from 55 to 60 now, and I use 25% XP boost (a pair of 3-hour ones is easily enough), 10% guild XP boost, 30% Legacy class mission XP boost*, 30% Legacy FP XP boost, and 30% Legacy Exploration XP boost. Plus I run with my wife (2-man group seems optimal for XP/sec) and do all the bonus quests. At worst, I had to run a few Oricon dailies (a 15 minute faceroll for a L59 toon in 180/168 gear) to get the final XP I needed.


    So, it's working as intended, IMHO. If you didn't buy all the XP boosts, do all the bonus quests, and so on, that was your choice.


    *edit: yes, the Rishi and Yavin storyline missions count as class missions.

  3. One of my raid groups was wiping on Underlurker last night, and after about 5 pulls the bugs (such as instant red crosses and the boss not returning to the tank) were constant, occurring every time for 5 pulls in a row, causing a wipe in less than 1.5 minutes each time.


    For our last pull, on the theory that the game was not properly resetting the state of the boss at the end of each pull (a phenomena you see in many new boss fights, such as when adds persist into the next pull), we exited the instance, reset the phase, cleared all the trash, and pulled again. For that last pull, no bugs occurred.


    Has anyone else had a similar experience, where the buggyness increases with each successive pull and resetting the phase seems to help fix things?

  4. The Aim and Strength tanking implants start with the following stats at the Premium level:

    Anodyne Reaction Implant MK-1 (Strength): Strength 172, Endurance: 177, Shield 79, Defense 84;

    Anodyne Response Implant MK-1 (Aim) : Aim 172, Endurance: 177, Shield 79, Defense 84;


    However, the Willpower tanking implants have surge instead of shield:

    Anodyne Resistance Implant MK-1 (Willpower): Willpower 172, Endurance: 177, Surge 79, Defense 84.


    This makes no sense to me, so I think it might be a bug.

    I have not equipped one of the Willpower ones yet so I don't know if it is a display bug or a bug in the actual stats. However, the Surge is present in the Prototype and Artifact implants derived from the Premium ones.


    This is still bugged (if it is a bug) in 3.0.0a

    Which means all the crafted implants for 'Sin and Shadow tanks are markedly inferior to those of the other tank classes.

    Was this intended or is it a bug?

  5. The Aim and Strength tanking implants start with the following stats at the Premium level:

    Anodyne Reaction Implant MK-1 (Strength): Strength 172, Endurance: 177, Shield 79, Defense 84;

    Anodyne Response Implant MK-1 (Aim) : Aim 172, Endurance: 177, Shield 79, Defense 84;


    However, the Willpower tanking implants have surge instead of shield:

    Anodyne Resistance Implant MK-1 (Willpower): Willpower 172, Endurance: 177, Surge 79, Defense 84.


    This makes no sense to me, so I think it might be a bug.

    I have not equipped one of the Willpower ones yet so I don't know if it is a display bug or a bug in the actual stats. However, the Surge is present in the Prototype and Artifact implants derived from the Premium ones.

  6. So glad I already spent a couple million credits on those places plus mroe for decorations.

    3 credits - WOW.

    How about refund the ones I spent and lets call it even?


    Post your server and an Imp and Pub toon name and we'll take up a collection to raise the 4,997 credits per faction you seem to think BioWare should send you, since that's the difference between the original price and the sale price of each home-world Stronghold.


    Heck, I'll send it to you myself if you are on Harbinger.

  7. Here in my household, we have six machines (for three users, each having a desktop and a laptop with SWTOR) that will need to be updated. If there was a way to download the patch to a network share or USB fob and then patch all six machines from the one download, it would be mutually beneficial for all involved.


    BioWare, please, is there a way to do this ?


    Mr. Musco? Mr. Watson? Anyone?

  8. My guess is that the game will not change much for those that has not active expansion.
    I believe you are incorrect. Whether you get Early Access or not, tomorrow you will be playing the game using the new version 3.0 Disciplines system. All your skills will be reset, most have been changed, some skills are gone, some renamed, some new. And some of the animations have been changed too.


    So you can spend the next week re-learning how to play your toons.

  9. Just wondering if anyone knows how KDY will compare with other levelling options in terms of speed?
    If it is even possible, I think that depends on how many times you can repeat KDY before your brain melts down and flows out your nose. After that happens, you may not be able to level any further.
  10. To put a more positive spin on this: What can I do while I wait out those 7 days?


    I'm a returning player who didn't even know there WAS a new expansion before resubbing. I'm level 53 right now, on my way to 55. So what can I do that will be helpful while I wait for the new content?

    You may be able to train your crew skills to 500. Not really sure, but crew skills are not dependent on level.

    Could people who did not buy RotHC get their crew skills above 400 when 2.0 launched?

    Or did that require buying the expansion?

  11. I have decided to give everyone I have on ignore a new chance in 3.0

    Do you dare do to do the same? :tran_cool:

    Why would I bother? I have enough friends already, thanks, and those on my ignore list all deserve to be there.


    Plus, they probably don't know or care whether they are on my ignore list, so who benefits?

    To me it seems like a feel-good-about-yourself-for-accomplishing-nothing sort of thing to do.

  12. Not at all, it is pretty common, and it was the deal everyone was offered.


    Plus it makes economic sense: BioWare got to use my money for (over) a month, and in exchange for my "short term loan" to them, I get early access. Look up "time value of money" if you don't already understand the concept.


    At this point, BioWare cannot change the deal without cheating the people like me, who loaned them $20 for a month or more, out of the quid-pro-quo we were promised: access one week earlier than those who did not "loan" BioWare the money. And as you already know, that early access brings in-game advantages -- which I paid for and you did not.

  13. We'll see what we'll see in 6 days. Going all Drama Agent now is a bit premature IMO.


    I tried Operative healing a few times. Too boring compared to Sorc healing, so I respec'd my Operative to DPS and love that. But maybe now that Operative healing will actually be interesting, I may try it again.



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