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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. It seems strange how the conversion rate for planetary is the same as for ultimates :o

    It's to accommodate sub-55 toons. This may indicate that leveling commendation mods are going up in price. Or not: since the cap on Planetaries is 100, this is not game breaking. We will see.

  2. What they are describing in the article is that after completing the Yavin 4 World Story Arc, you will be given 2 paths to complete the storyline. You can either group up [Operations] and do "Temple of Sacrifice" OR you can do a series of daily missions to gather allies to lead an assault against Revan. Basically there will be 2 different fights for Revan. One will be the Operation fight the other will be a Solo Fight.


    And I will want to do both. Good thing I have a few alts, just in case the solo fight is a one-time-only one. :)

  3. No. Packets are received and processed as total units. No modern network hardware makes decisions on a packet that is only partially received.

    But they could, correct? I was talking about the information the router must have before it can start routing. This places a limit on the minimum effect of bandwidth on latency.


    You're treating bandwidth as speed again. It's not. The maximum bandwidth for a line is dictated by a combination of physical and protocol limitations. A 10Mbit/s line can transfer 10Mbit of data in a second. That works out to 1 bit every 0.9ns. However, that is an averaged rate. The actual transmission occurs in bursts, with the rest of the time spent handling the protocol on the physical layer and allowing for the signal to return to a "quiet" state. The data arrives far faster than the declared rate, and that rate is determined not by business policy, but by the physical medium and layer 2 implementation.


    I am quite aware of the overhead involved. But it is not relevant to illustrating the effects of bandwidth on latency.


    So, an analog modem line has more latency than a 10Mbit ethernet line. A 10Mbit ethernet line has very slightly more latency than a 100Mbit ethernet line.

    Wait, after all that you are agreeing with me? Seriously?


    When you ask your ISP to upgrade you from a 10Mbit plan to a 20Mbit plan, do they come out and rewire you onto a new network implementation? Do they replace all the wires? Do they have to send a technician out to plug your cable into a faster gateway? No. ... Do you actually believe that when you upgrade from a 10Mb to a 50Mb plan with your ISP, that your local modem, the local wires, and the local routers start suddenly working faster than they had been the week before?

    On my first ugrade, I switched me from DOCSIS 2 to DOCSIS 3. On the next , the cable company increased the number of channels my DOCSIS 3 modem uses to send data upstream (to 4) and downstream (to 8). So yes, I do believe that I am seeing higher dps on the cable. More channels = more raw bps on the cable. YMMV.


    Also, you are ignoring the possibility that an "upgrade" is also a change in technology, such as when I went (long ago) from 1.5Mbps DSL to 25Mbps cable internet.

  4. That still doesn't make it a silly issue to me and a lot of other people.

    Well, you can't please all the people all the time. There are always people looking for another "EASY" button: trophies for everyone who shows up! But easy is boring and in the long run bad for the game.


    If a cosmetic issue like a change in look is so important to you, because you want to look cooler than all the other toons, go invest a little in-game effort in achieving it.

  5. If you're going to lecture and belittle other posters then you probably ought to get the facts straight yourself.

    Nothing I posted was incorrect. My facts are straight.

    Mako in dps stance will NOT out dps a pure dps companion, even if you turn off all her healing abllities and put her in gear that has stats optimized for dps.

    You are just making my case for me: even the current system of controlling companion abilities is complicated, and many players seem to not even know it exists. Yet they are asking for a more complicated system to replace it. Frankly, if a player needs that much control over their companions to clear the content that you can effectively use a companion doing DPS to clear, they are doing it wrong.


    That said, melee DPS companions in my experience out-parse all others except HK-51. Ashara in particular puts up some nice numbers. Nothing wrong with that: just like with PC classes, there are tradeoffs between lethality and survivability.

  6. In short: No.

    I was tired of writing this again and again: Bandwidth is not a Measure of Speed.


    Bandwidth does influence latency.


    First, because the first router in the route has to receive some amount of the header for each packet before it can decide where to send that packet, increasing bandwidth will decrease latency by reducing the time it takes receive the needed information in the packet.


    That is: Say the router needs to receive 100 bits of the header before it can start deciding where to send a packet.

    If you are connected to that router via a 56Kbps modem (an extreme example, just to illustrate), waiting for those 100 bits will add about two milliseconds to your latency. It you are connected to the router at 1Mbps, it will only add 100 microseconds. It you are connected to the router at 100Mbps, it will only add 1 microsecond.


    Second, if the router is doing a bit-rate conversion, which you would hope it is, it will typically wait until an entire packet is received before outputting the packet on the next hop. So if the packet is 1500 bits, this adds 30 milliseconds in our 56Kbps modem example, 1.5 milliseconds in the 1Mbps example, but only 15 microseconds in the 100Mbps example.


    So, switching your broadband from 1Mbps to 100Mbps could be expected to produce a slight (1-2 millisecond) improvement in latency, all else being equal.

  7. As it stands, it's far too expensive for me to change my armor set. Just augmenting 7 pieces is 210,000 credits.


    And yet you wrote:

    We've had a maxed out guild flagship for awhile now and have been expanding another flagship for our alt guild. Last I looked, there's enough credits to max out another flagship. There said it would be something to strive for. It's a fuge friggen ship! People pay that for a single person mount.

    and also:

    They said it would be something you would strive for. That means it doesn't come easy.


    I find these earlier two statements you made difficult to reconcile with your latest one. Flagships costs a minimum of 50 million credits, maxed out ones a lot more, and you are OK with that and maintain it is good that they are so expensive. But a mere 210,000 credits to install MK-9 augment slots into 7 pieces you consider "far too expensive," even though people routinely pay 20 times that much "for a single person mount."


    The mind boggles.

  8. This would be an amazing feature.

    It sure would be amazing, constructing an AI to take advantage of all those skills and procs, considering that most players don't know how to do so.


    You're asking BioWare to build an AI smarter than many SWTOR players.

    Even if that were possible, it's probably not a good idea.

    That AI would eventually make its way into every mob, making the game very difficult for most players.

  9. Currently, even if someone did spend the enormous amount time and credits to gear 50+ companions, they would have to start all over once the patch hits. Hence the biggest issue. There's simply no point in gearing any companions with the exception of your healing and maybe tank if you are a healer.

    What part of "Bound to legacy" gear do you not understand?


    And I generally make gearing my melee DPS companions my top priority. It makes fights go faster. If I need a tank or healer, I just use Treek In BtL aim gear, much though I loath the little varmint.

  10. RE:" SSD Reliability is abysmal"

    That was certainly an overstatement on my part.

    But so was claiming SSD are so reliable they don't even need to be backed up.

    Strawman, Who claimed that? I sure as heck never did.


    Since you seem to now feel obliged to fabricate false positions for the other side, perhaps is it time for you to quit the argument. No one is fooled, and all you are doing is discrediting yourself.

  11. So, then we would have

    Level 55 186 gear (NiM)

    Level 60 186 gear

    Level 60 192 gear

    Level 60 198 gear

    I expect there will be an intermediate gear level between 55 and 60, just as there is L53 gear now.

    Probably L58, and L58 purple will probably be enough for at least some L60 SM FP or Op content.

    I won't be surprised if the current Dread-Master/Dread-Touched 186 gear stays L55-NiM-drop-only, but the L58 gear may have the same 186 rating as the current NiM 186 gear.


    I have no idea what 3.0 Basic comms will buy at L60 or any level above 55, if anything. Like current Planetaries, 3.0 Basic comms may only buy gear up to 5 levels less than max -- that is, gear you can buy now, maybe including 180 gear. Who knows?


    Four tiers of top-level gear, as we have now (162, 168, 180 and 186) is a bit silly when you think about it.

    So Basic comms might not buy L60 gear of any kind. We'll see soon enough.


    I expect the new 3.0 Elite and Ultimate comms will buy first and second tiers of L60 purple gear, respectively, in a manner similar to how pre-3.0 Elite and Ultimate comms buy L55 gear.

    And I expect that if /when NiM L60 content is added, it will drop a third tier of L60 gear.

  12. These two are.


    But as for the rest, it often comes down to an almost-religious zeal with which people who have gone all-SSD try to label anyone using HDD inferior and explain how their storage needs are wrong, and a similarly near-religious zeal with which HDD adherents badmouth everything about SSD.

    Baloney. This thread was started by someone bashing SSDs. Since then we've seen lots of unsupported nonsense from the anti-SSD neo-luddites, and seen mainly published-analysis based facts from those who like SSDs. No one has said "you must have an SSD or you are wrong," but many have instead advised, completely correctly, that if you can afford it an SSD is one of the best ways to spend your money for an upgrade or new build.

    And it's almost religious-like to call me a "SSD-hater" simply because I disagreed with some of your arguments.

    The flaws in your posts on this thread include a complete lack of studies supporting statements you have made, which statements contradicted reputable published analysis. For example, you claimed "SSD reliability is abysmal," which contradicts every published study I have seen on SSD and HDD reliability, and you offered no verifiable evidence to support your claim. So what was your motive to make that statement?

  13. So it boils down to a religious issue.

    No, it doesn't. The benefits of SSDs such as shorter load times are provable and real, not based on belief.

    And some people's play style involves more load screens than others, alt-a-holics in particular.

    Try rotating through 16 toons doing crew missions with and without an SSD, the difference is huge.

    For SWTOR, anyone who hates waiting for at load screen should get an SSD if they have the spare cash.


    Anyone building a new system should get a 256GB SSD or larger for their boot and application drive, for the improved boot time, application load time, disk search performance, pagefile performance, and reliability. The extra US$100, if you are also putting an HDD in for bulk store, is money well spent. If you are not putting in an HDD and relying on the SSD alone, the cost difference is negligible. Plenty of supporting studies for these benefits are available on the net.


    The clear superiority of SSDs for anything but cost-sensitive bulk storage is a proven fact.

  14. Rofl, OP is complaining about Trooper companion gear...the one class in the game that virtually all your companions can share the exact same set of gear.


    Four out of five (or five of six if you include Treek) is not "virtually all."

    Droid companions like M1-4X cannot wear people-specific gears.

  15. I have 10 alts and counting.

    Gearing the companions with even green gear is a no go.


    Nonsense. I have more alts than that (see sig) and I have no problem providing gear for every companion.

    Most in endgame run in 168 gear these days. While leveling, I have new blues gear for them every 4-6 levels


    Bound-to-Legacy gear is your friend. Now if there was only a BtL electrostafff ...

  16. Re: a statement that melee and ranged should do the same DPS ...

    I am going to cut you off right there, because your logic is already dead in the water. Ranged classes do not risk as much as a melee class when it comes to their sustained damage. Range might have a cast time, but melee risks higher damage numbers by being in melee plus AEs, while ranged has more privilege to avoid such things. So your argument is dead in the water.

    Also, melee has to close with and then follow the mobs, which often means they will not get as high a DPS in a real fight as do on a dummy (with some exceptions, like Nephra). Therefore it makes sense that on an immobile target (like a dummy) melee should parse higher than ranged, so that they are competitive with ranged in real fights.


    Similarly, in pre-3.0 at least, a "turret spec" like Marksman Sniper should parse higher on the dummy than a mobile spec like Lethality Sniper, because the need to move that happens in many fights will hurt the turret spec's output more.

  17. Forged Alliance Arc was promised to be available solo with the expansion. That's how I plan to start it :) It is too hard to try to line up 4 Flashpoints through a GF in a proper order.

    Why? You can enter GF with only the one FP you want selected if you want. You just won't get the daily reward.

    • Imp side: do Tython, Korriban, Manaan, Rakata
    • Pub side: do Korriban, Tython, Manaan, Rakata

    Do the convos/quest pick ups before and after each of course.

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