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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. And why do you participate in a discussion about NiM content then, when you actually don't care about said content nor have the experience to talk about it? :rak_02:

    Just curious...

    You may not have noticed, but "NiM content" is not in the title of this thread.

  2. So now you're a dev, and know what is best for the game I see. Careful, you're doing exactly what you accused me of.

    What part of "Getting angry because the devs did something necessary for the long-term health of the game seems pretty stupid. " would make anyone think I am a developer?


    I suspect that either English or logic is not your first language.

  3. AHH I see. That number you claim is clearing and farming NM content is no where to be found.

    But at least I based my number on some resemblance of an educated guess, unlike you..

    Nonsense. First, I have not put forth a number of guilds clearing NiM. I am in one that does, and I know of several others, but across all the servers, I have no clue how many or what percentage.


    As to your "educated guess," I don't see you providing any data that qualifies your "guess" as being "educated."

    Pulled out of your ... hat ... to justify your self-serving conclusions seems more probable IMO.

  4. And there's the rub; in the interest of the long term health of the game, keeping old content relevant is a viable avenue for the devs. That doesn't mean its not lazy, or that players shouldn't be disappointed or even angered.


    Getting angry because the devs did something necessary for the long-term health of the game seems pretty stupid.

  5. Its cool that this progression guild told you that a 3k parse is enough, but have you actually gone and cleared the content with them?

    As anyone who has run with me can tell you, all the gear and DPS in the world won't provide me with the skills needed to farm NiM DP. I am just not there yet, and if I keep playing as many different classes as I do as often as I do, I may never be there. Jack of all classes, master of none may be my destiny. Which is fine with me.


    I play SWTOR to have fun. I don't need to be great at it, much less one of the best. Just good will do fine.


  6. When asked to justify the claim that the number of guilds clearing NiM content is so small as to be "irrelevant:"

    It's probably similar to that imaginary so called large number of guilds you think are clearing and farming NM content.

    It doesn't happen that way in MMo games. It's all across the board. We see it in the largest of all MMO's and that percent is very small. SWTOR is no different in that regard.

    While neither of us have concrete numbers for SWTOR, you can bet it falls in line with other games similar in nature. WOW being one of them and the hardest content is not farmed by any large groups.

    Ah I see: you actually have no clue at all on how many guilds are clearing NiM content in SWTOR.

    Instead, you make a vague and unsupported claim about other MMOs, then assume it applies to SWTOR, which implicitly assumes that SWTOR is no more or no less out of balance, regarding player DPS, than those other MMOs.


    Sorry, but that's not even close to a valid argument. I'd rather trust BioWare's conclusion on this issue that yours: they have the numbers, and they have a greater interest in the long term health of the game: it's their jobs.

  7. Too small to dummy parse, OK there, hardcore.

    • I play this game for fun.
    • Parsing on a dummy in a cramped and ugly little hallway is not my idea of fun.
    • Doing it on, say, the landing pad of my Nar Shadaa stronghold, on the other hand, would be much better. I'd even invite my wife and friends to join me, we can help each other find problems with our rotations.
    • Until then, I'll just parse boss fights. And why not? I put out way more DPS than I need for HM.



  8. I bet there are no more guilds that clear NM content is SWTOR than guilds that clear the heroic content in WOW.


    The number is so small, it's damn near irrelevant in the grand scheme of the game.

    And what, exactly, are those numbers? Any clue? I know that BioWare knows exactly how many guilds, players, and toons have cleared all the NiM content, but do you? Or is it just a "damn near irrelevant" number because that suits your argument?


    Having run with a few of NiM raiders on alts they had not fully geared yet, I believe it is mainly skill, not gear, that differentiates those who can clear NiM from those who cannot. And that is entirely appropriate.

  9. With 3k dummy DPS, they won't even get past phase 5 on Draxus. :D

    Clearly minimum requirement to join is not the same as the team average.


    And please try harder to read: I was talking 3100 on bosses, not a dummy. I probably won't dummy parse until I get an ops dummy in my Strongholds, my ship is too small a space, and the Ziost Shadow too long a walk.

  10. Just an FYI, DPs checks should ONLY matter in nim ops. There shouldn't be DPs checks in sm, and hm should be more about mechanics than DPs. So what was your point again?

    I'm sorry, how successful many MMOs have you designed? Clearly you are representing yourself as being an expert on MMO design, so you must have architected at least a couple that were successful, yes? Please tell us which MMOs you worked on, if they were successful, I'm sure we have heard of them.

  11. The percentage of the player base that has DF/DP nim on farm is so small, that this bs about putting out "too much" dps is a load of s***.

    I disagree.


    For example: a group who cleared all the NiM content was looking to replace a DPS and set a minimum requirement of 3K on a dummy parse. In non-optimized 80% 180, 20% 186 gear (with 168 set-bonus armorings), my Sorcs in Madness spec often pull 3100+ DPS on real bosses, using a pretty simple rotation. I have not parsed the setup on a dummy.


    And this is with gear that is far from optimized for DPS: I just have a 4-piece DPS set (head, chest, legs, and boots) that I swap with parts of my healing gear to get the SB and necessary accuracy. So the gear has, for example, lots of Alacrity.


    Clearly, it is pretty easy to get to NiM-capable DPS levels with the current gear, if I can do it with a gear setup like that and a simple rotation. Now if only I had the raid skills needed for NiM ... well, maybe in time those will come too.

  12. Unless the new ops are coming with their NiM modes in place still, then NiM DF/DP will likely be on the same level as the new operation's hardmodes.


    And let's not forget there are several dimensions to an operation's difficulty: DPS checks you can solve with MOAH POWAH are only part of what makes Nightmare a nightmare. Just guessing here, but I wouldn't be surprised if L60 HM Ops require more DPS but less teamwork and less raid awareness than L55 NiM Ops.


    Some people here seem to be expecting L60 to give them so much POWAH that they can ignore mechanics, like a bulldozers wrecking a sandcastle. Well, I won't mind if they are disappointed. I think it's fine if some teams that can clear L60 HM may still be unable to clear L55 NiM, just as is the case with L55 and L50 Ops today.

  13. The most recent big update, Strongholds and Flagships, was better than I expected. It has been a lot of fun and added some nice QoL features.


    So 3.0 may be better than I expect as well, and I am looking forward to it. Especially, I am looking forward to 3.0.1, which is when I expect they will be when they really get the major bugs out. ;)

  14. New lvl tier makes 186 worthless anyway. Now they make a year of playing the game worthless.

    Well, if your goal is to get gear, and you suffer through playing the game to do that, yeah, maybe.

    Not me though: I get the gear so I can play more of the game, not the reverse. So since my current gear will probably allow me to level through the new content, and start getting the new 60 gear, I'm fine.


    And nothing they change in 3.0 can undo or diminish the fun I have already had in this game.

    How could it? And don't we play the game to have fun?

  15. So should we report all your insulting posts too?


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    Harass, threaten, embarrass, or do anything to another player that is unwanted. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated. (See also “Harassment Policy” below.)


    “Trolling,” which we define as posts or threads that knowingly lead to overly strong, negative, and emotional responses for mere shock value, is not allowed on the Service. Accounts created with the sole intent to “troll” will be immediately and permanently suspended. Constant personal attacks are also considered trolling.


    Emphasis added. See http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/rulesofconduct


    Forum Guidelines


    • Never insult another member of the community.
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    • Flag, don't fight. Use the "flag" feature to report posts to our Community Team if you see someone breaking the rules – don't respond to them!
    • Make constructive, on-topic posts that add to the discussion.

    Emphasis added. see http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=262

  16. I do. Others don't whenever I queue for this boss. That may be a failure to explain the mechanics on my part, but...

    So you want Tactical FPs nerfed because a few players don't have basic knowledge of how to fight a boss?

    And you apparently are not capable of carrying their sorry butts?


    How about, NO. This game is not and should not be "Every child gets a trophy."

  17. Just for clarity, can anyone please advise if ANY flashpoints or Operations are soloable? If so, are they relevant/worth it?


    Even if you could solo a FP, the reward for doing an FP through Group Finder is substantially better than what you'd get from soloing it. Plus, doing it in a group is much faster (once the queue pops for you), so if you have a lot of demands on your time ...

  18. I have done this a few times with success however the concern I have is not for me but whatever group I land with. Can you imagine how you'd feel if you have queued for 10 minutes only to have your tank leave 10 minutes in to change a nappy! (It's happened more than once :( )

    I do not have to imagine. We had a group member in a FP leave, with no warning or notice, in the middle of the Security Chief fight in HM Czerka Corporate Labs: seems his dog started throwing up in the middle of the fight. We wiped, although just barely: our lone DPS could only get the boss down to 2 percent, and our healer kept spending time on our AFK player, all the time wondering: "why does he keep standing in stupid?" Well, the AFK player came back, explained, we pulled again and easily cleared the rest of the FP. Lots of laughing, and no one was upset.


    None of us can guarantee we will be able to finish a SWTOR fight, much less a FP or Op, that we start. Real life, with it's illnesses, bugs, outages, and unexpected demands, doesn't always give you the option. I expect most players to understand this. Any who don't need to get a clue.

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