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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. We have seen on the streams that there will be six-piece set bonuses coming with 3.0, with new bonuses at 2, 4 and 6 pieces. My questions are about old (L55) set bonus pieces and the Unassembled drops that provide them.


    First question:

    1) will old set bonus pieces be converted to providing the new set bonuses, or keep the old ones?


    If the old L55 pieces provide the new bonuses, I have two follow-up questions:

    2) will old L55 set bonus pieces work with the new L60 set bonus pieces?

    3) Will L55 Unassembled Waist and Wrist pieces provide a set bonus when redeemed, like the L60 ones?



  2. No you can't. Neither can anyone else. Hence why they trust Dulfy's "synopsis", because otherwise the ramifications are a bit damning.


    LOL. Has anyone ever seen a troll go up against Dulfy's site and win?

    Not saying anyone in particular is a troll, mind you. :p

  3. Because I can point to a time-stamp to corroborate my claim. Others point to Dulfy's "synopsis".

    LOL. What nonsense. You've just cherry-picked content from the streams to foster negativity. I doubt anyone is fooled at this point. After all, most people will trust Dulfy's synopsis more than they will trust you, not the least because she isn't anonymous.

  4. I've been selling cartel packs for credits for a long time and I usually sell them for around 350-370k each.

    And using the 1000 credits per CC conversion, that's given me a small profit on the packs compared to what they cost to buy.


    However, it seems that with these lowered prices, people are just throwing the long established cc/credit ratio out the window.

    There's cartel packs on the GTN for 200k when the packs cost 250CC to buy.

    I don't get why people do it either. Its not like the packs don't sell.

    Huge new credit sinks have been introduced into the game.

    Plus, people are hoarding credits in anticipation of 3.0, to pay for the new skills, augmentations, etcetera.

    Accordingly, deflation may have set in: credits may be worth more than they used to, and as a result the credit-to-CC ratio may have dropped.


    Alternatively or in addition, it may just be that certain issues with the new cartel packs (e.g. Jareal's tunic issues) may have decreased their desirability.

  5. [WRT leveling being made easier in 3.0:]

    This has yet to be corroborated. Every time I ask for a link I get provided a one hour twitch stream and told to 'watch that'. What I CAN tell you is that in the first 3:00 the two individuals in said stream definitely confirm damage is going down.


    With NO qualifying statement regarding MOB difficulty tacked on.

    I saw and heard the devs say leveling from 1 to 50 will be easier. I do not care whether you believe me.


    The streams are available. If you really care about the issue, and are not just trolling, go watch them. If the issue is not important enough for you to invest that amount of effort, why should anyone else bother to do your work for you? Why should anyone care that you refuse to believe all the people who report that the devs made that statement?

  6. It is sad that with the expansion a little over two weeks away, we are still playing guessing games with commendation conversion rates as well as gear availability.

    I think it's fun. You just have to consider all the possibilities and choose a comms strategy you think is reasonably certain to be beneficial. A little logic and a bit of gambling, like in most games.

  7. HDDs make noise when they spin up and down, and when they change tracks. So even if you leave it plugged in and active, it won't make noise unless you actually read or write data to it

    Incorrect. Windows will have all your HDD make noises just for its own stupid windows $hit. Indexing crap you'll never search, backing up crap you'll never need, in some cases defragging $hit that's not fragmented.

    So, you don't think indexing or defragging a drive involves reading or writing to it? REALLY???

    Stop embarrassing yourself.

    I've advised so many people not to buy a HDD and I still only personally know one person with a HDD-free gaming desktop.

    Given your demonstrated propensity to spout unsupported nonsense, like the OP in this thread, it comes as no shock to me that people do not follow your advice. OTOH, people who know me seek my advice on PC issues pretty often, and usually follow it. That's why four people I know have HDD-free desktop gaming systems.


    But then, maybe that's because I spent 15 years designing computers for a living at Intel Corporation.

  8. The removal of decimals also hurts the ability to be able to be competitive on the GTN on a price per unit basis.

    Within a group of sale items having the same integer prices (whether rounded or truncated), the maximum difference in total cost is 98 credits on a stack of 99 items, and less on smaller stacks of course. I doubt many buyers will be much upset if they happen to choose the fractionally-more-expensive-per-unit stack, and I doubt many sellers will mind undercutting the competition by 1 or more credits per unit.

  9. The point about noise was that only a very small minority of people who will buy a SSD are going to get rid of their HDD rather than use them together. Not enough space, need for a backup, just because.

    Once again you demonstrate a lack of understanding.


    HDDs make noise when they spin up and down, and when they change tracks. So even if you leave it plugged in and active, it won't make noise unless you actually read or write data to it (the noise from just spinning is practically zero). If you have a clue and put the right things on your SSD (OS, pagefile, Office, SWTOR ...) , leaving the HDD for, say, pictures from your Australia vacation and periodic file backup, your PC will be quieter because you installed an SSD.


    This is especially an issue with Home Theater PCs (HTPCs), where the chatter of a HDD can ruin movies that make effective use of quiet.


    And what makes you believe that "only a very small minority of people who will buy a SSD are going to get rid of their HDD" ? And once again you appear to pull "facts" out of nowhere. Where did you get that statistic from? Your nether backside region?


    And what about people who build a new PC and don't bother to get an HDD in the first place? While I am not necessarily representative, I've stopped putting HDDs in new builds: I'd rather spend the money on getting more SSD capacity. At current prices, the cheapest HDD you can buy costs about as much as 128GB more SSD capacity. I'd rather have the larger SSD.


    And if you are backing up your stuff to the Cloud (which has pros and cons, I just use a NAS myself) you don't need an HDD for bulk storage, do you?


    You've demonstrated your neo-luddite hatred of SSDs, and your ignorance about a range of issues related to PC hardware and statistics. But that's all you are demonstrating.

  10. I'd also recommend the Warrior. I don't like playing evil, mean characters either, but I played a lightside Juggernaut and loved it. I found him to be calm, merciful, and honorable (but still a force to be reckoned with, no doubt), and it was quite fun befuddling people by being willing to talk and be reasonable.

    And the voice is awesome, and he gets Vette. LS Warrior + Vette is one of the best romances, IMO :)

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