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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. Is there some text combat log I should be looking at that says "Boss X is chargin' up his big huge attack right now"?

    If you open your Interface Editor and look around, you will see some small bars for your own and your target's casts. I think they are called cast bars. Make sure that your Target castbar is enabled, then make it large and put it somewhere obvious so you will notice it when it appears (it is invisible when the mob is not casting something.) The ability being cast or channeled will appear as well.


    That's how you see things (like potshot, snipe, final offer, terminate, and so on) that need to be interrupted.


    Note that some boss attacks cannot be interrupted. For those, try using a knockback or 4-second stun. Those may not work either, but sometimes they do (e.g. Palace Interrogators in Dread Palace).


    BTW I leveled 2-3 toons without knowing what an interrupt was, but I was leveling in a group with people who did.

  2. Clearly you don't understand the definition of gutless or coward. It doesn't apply in anyway to a video game. Ever.

    Sure it does. There's no activity so petty and inconsequential that you cannot be gutless and cowardly in the doing of it. That the stakes are so small just makes the cowardice that much more damning: if a person cannot be courageous when the risks are inconsequential, will they somehow find courage when the risk is grave? I doubt it.


    In a video game, you get to be who you want to be without much risk of any life-altering consequences.

    Apparently, some people want to be cowardly back-shooting jerks.

  3. Yea, he "popped" out of stealth alright, when OP let him have both barrels point blank :D


    No. The greifer popped out of stealth when the greifer killed the mob the Op had been fighting.


    Unfortunately, I checked the ToS, and telling lies on the Forums isn't a ban-worthy offense. :(

  4. Yes, but the timing for this is pretty narrow.

    Perhaps, but the negative consequences for the greifer trying to take advantage of it are zero.

    And it beats waiting around for a Q-pop only to get globaled by the PvPers who have actual skills.

  5. The guy who attacked you is a gutless coward who is too scared to do any real PvP...

    However...he didn't exploit anything other than player laziness...and there's nothing Bioware can do to fix that.

    ... except, maybe, change auto-targeting so that it only ever targets red targets?

  6. /facepalm


    It's not auto target, auto target only TARGETS it doesn't ATTACK.




    If this was a flashpoint and he caused a wipe by shooting mobs without looking everyone would think different, but since OP attacked a PvPer without looking that triggers the butt hurt witch hunt.


    OP was attacking a mob when "a shadow in full pvp gear un stealths and kills it right as I use one of my skills," and auto-targeting then "targeted the [yellow] shadow automatically and attacked him." Given the inherent lag of the Internet, this kind of auto-targeting happens all the time and even someone with inhumanly fast reflexes cannot prevent it if auto-targeting is on.


    Now, let me ask again:

    What reason can you offer for objecting to changing auto-targeting so that it only ever targets red targets?

  7. /facepalm

    It's not auto target, auto target only TARGETS it doesn't ATTACK.

    Auto-targeting is not tab-targeting. Auto targeting happens when you attack without a live target.

    A new target is automatically selected and the attack then executes.


    This can happen pretty often in an op where, pretty dang often, your current target gets killed by someone else an instant before you attack it (usually right before a cull or ravage, in my experience :rolleyes:). It's useful when you are burning large groups of trash mobs. It's a liability when it selects and attacks a CC'd target or a target in another group that has not been agg'ed yet.


    What reason can you offer for objecting to changing auto-targeting so that it only ever targets red targets?

  8. One really has to wonder what the art team is thinking when they design something that ugly at think it ok to sell.

    Any cartel pack with one ultra-desirable ultra-rare item (rancor, Shan armor, and so on) seems to sell well, regardless of how much ugly garbage it drops. That's not unusual behavior: for example, people keep buying lotto tickets, even though they lose money, on average, on every ticket they buy. Hope betrays them.


    If that's the case, BW need only pay one decent artist a competitive salary to design the gems, and can have interns and homeless drunks designing the rest for pizza and cheap beer. Picture that ...

  9. Stop being deliberately obtuse. Grow up and engage in a dialogue instead of telling people "go away". Cuz I got news for ya, enough people take your advice? Especially subscribers?


    This game is in trouble.

    Perhaps, perhaps not. I am sure you understand that for any business or service, there are some customers the business or service is better off without.


    Most of us do not want to be that customer. Yet some of us are.

  10. I'm happy for fresh content, i could care less if my relative power levels are dropping or rising as long as the combat works.

    Agreed. I'm not averse to playing a game that challenges me as long as success can be obtained with reasonable effort. Numbers are for tuning your game play, they are not the game.


    "You got this. You got this.

    You're a Sorcerer. You're a lightning-throwing Sorcerer.

    You're a hero. And you look great."

    -- not from a commercial for a mobile game involving clans.

  11. The issue of this thread was that the OP didn't know you could turn off auto-targeting.

    Auto-targeting selects the "next enemy." Perhaps BioWare should simply change auto-target so that if you are not flagged for PvP, auto-targeting would not consider any non-red target an "enemy."

  12. Can someone explain this to me? Seriously? In an era when you can ride a cool, hovering motorcycle, why would you want to sit on an animal? They are bulky, get in the way, and offer zero advantages over more modern conveyances.

    The rythmic sound of tauntaun feet slapping the earth ... so relaxing ... no machine noise can match it.

    And your cloak doesn't sweep the road beneath you.


    Plus, it's one of the few mounts in the game from the One True Star Wars trilogy.

  13. Stealthed greifer got one of my Sorcs tagged in the Rakgoul heroic area. According to a group mate, the greifer dragged his/her companion into a Death Field targeted on the boss we were killing.


    I ran, like only a Sorc/Sage healer can run.


    Right over to a group of friendly tagged players.


    They burned him hard.


    Winning! :D

  14. What exactly did you say here?

    Getting angry because the devs did something necessary for the long-term health of the game seems pretty stupid.

    Exactly what I said, no more and no less. I suggest you stop trying to make it seem to mean anything other than what it plainly means; I believe the audience will find that such attempts are not credible.

  15. You specifically said that the decision was made for the health of the game.

    No, I did not. Go re-read whatever it is you think I wrote that claimed that. Is it this?

    I'd rather trust BioWare's conclusion on this issue that yours: they have the numbers, and they have a greater interest in the long term health of the game: it's their jobs.

    If so you need to re-parse it, because it doesn't say anything about the reasons for any particular decision, only about who I trust to make decisions about SWTOR and why.

  16. Then keep your comments to the thread title.

    You haven't.

    Don't participate in a discussion ...


    I can understand you may find my posts a bit inconvenient for your position,

    but No.


    To paraphrase the late great John Whorfin: "It's not your damn forum, monkey-boy."

  17. Since you have first hand knowledge of why a decision was made, I have no recourse but to assume you were part of making said decision.


    Since you can't even seem to remember what you've said even when quoting it, I'd suggest you're the one with the logic/language problem. Keep digging, though. That hole you've got yourself into is quite formidable.


    What "said decision" do you think "Getting angry because the devs did something necessary for the long-term health of the game seems pretty stupid." is referring to? Seems like a general statement to me.


    You said (factoring out the wishy-washy double-negative) players should get angry at a decision made for the long-term health of the game:

    in the interest of the long term health of the game, keeping old content relevant is a viable avenue for the devs. That doesn't mean ... that players shouldn't be ... angered.

    I said getting angry at such decisions seems pretty stupid. You don't have to be a dev to think that. Heck, I could disagree with the 3.0 damage nerf and still think getting angry about it is stupid.


    So it is your own words you are conveniently forgetting. And I have faith that other readers of the thread will see that too. After all, I write mainly to reach them, not you. Otherwise I'd use a PM.

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