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Everything posted by SlimeyDoom

  1. 1950 rated sorc with multiple 1800 rated sorcs too. Pressure comps with a Pt tank is the hardest counter to sorc healing right now. It wasn’t really as bad before the nerf where you could smash your face on the keyboard and do 10k hps, but the nerfs to innervate, roaming mend, and force management were pretty brutal. Sorc heals against pressure basically is playing on a timer. Your team is going to die eventually, and they need to get a kill before that happens. The real struggle comes with maintaining revivification 100% of the time while also managing force. Basically you consume once, and then hard cast reviv, then consume the vindicate buff to make sure you’re Force positive. That’s something I guess. With pressure, positioning is just as important as healing, if not more so. NEVER stack too much. You mentioned engi snipers, so basically stand in the very edge of the engi probe where you can’t be mezzed but outside of the Pt tank cancer trauma spam. There’s probably more I could say but I’d have to see what you’re playing against/how you’re playing rn. Tl:dr you have to play with a team that can get kills fast
  2. Powertech dps has been strong for a very long time because AP has incredible damage and carb is a thing stupid carb. That being said, meta sniper/mara comps usually nuke powertechs since they lost 30% stun dmg reduction. Solo ranked is a glorified lottery system rife with backfilling and q syncing and no one takes it seriously
  3. I really wish you’d make an effort to be right for once before blasting more nonsense across the forums where a new player who doesn’t yet realize to ignore you might pick it up. Juggernaut tanks in dps gear are very, very powerful especially in hardswap group ranked teams. Immortal jugg, corruption sorc, carnage/fury marauder, and marksman sniper are usually the classes brought in this . Not only do dps geared jugg tanks hit VERY hard, they have intimidating roar and peeling abilities such as intercede, along with a push and two hard stuns.
  4. SlimeyDoom

    Nerf Guard!

    Yup. Have you tried healing at a high level against teams that manage their interrupts? It’s very, very difficult
  5. Another sniper is the best counter for sniper because diversion. Top 3 titles go off of end of season ratings, but their tier 1/2/3 stuff is off of your highest earned.
  6. Does anyone seriously queue up for regs alone? The maps are so boring and stale and poorly implemented that I would literally NEVER queue if I couldn’t queue with my friends lol
  7. In group ranked, for hardswap, the tank is usually mezzed to stop them from moving guard. Cleansing mez is more important because mezzes delay guardswaps longer than four second hardstuns.
  8. Either make it like a 4 Second cooldown again or make it prioritize cleansing mez and stun effects over stupid accuracy debuffs. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to cleanse my tank against hardswap in group ranked and cleansed the debuffs instead of awe. It’s frustrating and stupid and instead of rewarding good playing, it turns cleansing into an rng game.
  9. Marauders are by far the strongest dps class right now. They have a wealth of mitigation based cooldowns that synergize well with healers, boast amazing damage potential in all three specs, and have extreme mobility. No other class comes close atm to how strong marauders are. Inb4 someone says “the solo ranked marauder q syncers are lower rated than the solo ranked sniper qsyncers “
  10. SlimeyDoom

    Nerf Guard!

    I’m so glad that the original poster has no say with the devs when it comes to class balance in this game.
  11. Caprica u better watch your mouth cause when they add offnodes into group ranked LOL snave is gonna nuke you:cool::cool::cool:
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