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Everything posted by SlimeyDoom

  1. Pretty much this. It mostly comes down to your preference of what kind of cc (awe vs lift) you want, and sins are able to avoid being cc'ed much more effectively than any other tank. Juggs are not indisputably on top at all. As for solo ranked, you really shouldn't be balancing around that game mode anyway. It's not a good way to judge class balance.
  2. Trixxie sweetheart, people are trying to talk about ranked in here. This really isn’t a thread that you can have a single ounce of meaningful input in, so can you just leave? Thanks honey!
  3. Yet another group of self obsessed regstars gone why bioware why
  4. What will you do? I’ve played you in group ranked several times, and you’re a mediocre healer with poor positioning, poor hps output, and nonexistent cleansing. To pretty much every good player in this game, you are a joke. Fire back with some snappy answer if you’d like, that won’t change the reality that you’re the very definition of mediocre, and you getting a top three makes us all laugh Now put on your rocket boots and get back to hosting tournaments that no one cares about buddy.
  5. You make several dozen posts a day on the quality of REGS in this game for attention, so I’m not sure you can say anything here buddy.
  6. When prum calls someone else bad LOL . At least he admitted to his flyhacking though...
  7. I completely agree with you trixxie. The gangs of hackers hacking everything in sight ruin the games for everyone and it’s quite bad now. Good thing our high ping training makes us better players to counter them
  8. Why is prum of all people complaining about people cheesing and cheating their way to top 3? It's like if Bernie Madoff started complaining about fraudulent business practices... like sweetie, pipe down
  9. Over the course of this absurdly long season, alot of people have recieved bans for backfilling, wintrading, and declining pops, especially in solo ranked. Anyone who has been caught and banned or otherwise penalized for cheating to gain elo should have their character's ratings reset, as right now it's just a slap on the wrist. Thoughts?
  10. SlimeyDoom


    It's pretty powerful in group ranked
  11. SlimeyDoom


    Yikes. Also, aren't you a solo ranked concealment main? And you're calling another class out for cheesiness? Double yikes
  12. Lol. Grim, you can call all ranked players cheaters all you want. It won't improve your lackluster marauder gameplay, and it's not like anyone respects the opinion of some trashy regstar mara with a loud mouth on the forums. No point in tryingto educate fools, I guess.
  13. Yaaaaas season two helmet is bac******k EDIT: apparently K is a naughty letter
  14. Kendra and Grim are the kind of regstars that are convinced they know all there is to know about the game. Facts are not relevant in the slightest to either of them.
  15. Ok. Let's play this game then For starters, almost all the players who do group ranked also do regs occasionally, as the group ranked queue doesn't pop the majority of the time unless you're lucky enough to be on Darth Malgus. Now for your second point, you keep saying I don't have "numbers" or "evidence". I'm not sure exactly what you want me to say about this: my initial post was calling you out for not knowing how ranked matchmaking works. If you're looking for evidence as to me playing ranked, here are some numbers for you I guess. My Sage: http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/character/4611689330592894075 My first Sorc: http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/character/4611689035381426743 My second Sorc: http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/character/4611689031953166235 My third sorc (work in progress): http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/character/4611689632653207283 My operative: http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/character/4611689645607507707 My rating isn't that high to be fair, but I don't cheat, I don't 2v4 boost (unlike some in the group ranked community), I don't backfill, and I don't wintrade. I just queue up. Now, you said I can't tell what kind of player you are, in response to me calling you unqualified to comment on ranked in this game. I've been operating under the assumption that you are the marauder from Star Forge called Grim'alkun, so let's take a look at your "ranked experience" that you claim to have. If this is not you, feel free to post your character's rating like I have done. Grim'alkun: http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/character/4611687857000985746 With a whopping 0 wins and two total kills in solo ranked, I feel that I was right in that you don't have the experience to comment on ranked in this game. I've also seen your regs performance, and it was quite disappointing to say the least. As for the dress, I'd love one in blue or yellow
  16. This kid has never set foot in ranked lmfao... I love it when bad players accuse everyone of cheating, as if getting high rating this season legit was hard or something. Are there people who exploited and cheated for rating? Yes. Is everyone who has high rating cheating? Queue up yourself and find out. Grim honey, you're a below average marauder who's been playing regs for years and years. Leave talking to the grown ups please!
  17. I'm gonna bump this piece of wisdom from a very good tank player, cause it was drowned out by regstars like KendraP blasting nonsense in this thread.
  18. The prodigy title is awful too rip all my tier one toons
  19. Yeah. I would say it's marauder more so than the other two, because they have so many low cd, high impact abilities.
  20. You have a poorly thought out suggestion that reduces tanking in pvp to being a meat shield with guard, you mean. Some people prefer tanking with dps stats, and they should give up survivability for that, but gimping guard unless you run full mit is just stupid. Healing and dps values aren't the issue anyway, marauders and snipers are.
  21. I still disagree with making tanks meat shields that can guard... Giving them the option to give up survivability to gain damage (or vice versa) is fine, tying guard to one of the two gearing system is stupid.
  22. Your proposal would force tanks to gear with mitigation stats and kill the dps that tanks do in group ranked. With the amount of cooldowns available to meta dps classes, this will make matches go to acid much more frequently and last longer for both pressure and hardswap teams.
  23. The accuracy is in that gear for pve, where you need 110% accuracy to ensure all your attacks hit. In PvP, enemy players don't have a base resist chance against yellow (Force/tech) damage. Since sorcerers deal mainly yellow damage, accuracy is not needed in pve.
  24. If they can't merge the EU servers, PLEASE MERGE THE US ONES. There's no language barrier for that, and it would improve gameplay alot imo.
  25. PvP in any game is a lil toxic. Just do your best, OP. Everyone who's good at pvp now was awful at it when they first started. And whoever gave you a tough time should remember that unranked warzones are for casual playing
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