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Everything posted by SlimeyDoom

  1. Mastery augments are not useless. If you have an augment that has an item rating lower than the 236 threshold, it is bolstered as if it were a 236 mastery augment. When you put in a 236 mastery augment, it doesn’t add additional stats because you’re replacing the bolster with the exact same augment. That being said, it’s still usually beneficial to pick up mastery augments once you pass your alacrity, crit, and accuracy targets.
  2. Force stun builds the same resolve as any other four second hard stun, and operatives only have one hardstun. Please at least know what you’re trying to complain about before making nonsensical posts on the forums.
  3. I'm so glad you think you're such a good player. But I'll be here with my multiple 258 geared toons, while you keep spamming the forums
  4. The new gear is gated behind a hm raid boss. If you can't clear it, you shouldn't deserve the rewards. It's simple. It's like how the unique cosmetic items awarded by defeating nim bosses are only for people who can clear the content, or purchase a run. The new gear is no different. Do the content, earn your rewards, and for the love of God stop whining that something wasn't just handed to you on a silver platter.
  5. You clearly did not say master mode flash points. Please feel free to read your own posts before attempting to construct arguments. And if you really are soloing master mode flash points then you should have no problem with the Queen on HM. She's not very challenging at all, and many groups can clear it easily.
  6. The "advanced" solo content is balanced around one person in 242 or 248 gear. If you're so terrible at the game that you need 258s to finish solo content, then chances are that no amount of gear or snark on the forums is going to be able to carry you through it
  7. You don't understand what's going on. You can obtain 252 MH/OH from the ossus world bosses and dailies. The new Geonosian Queen is balanced around players having 252 MH/OH, and drops the stuff for 258 MH/OH. The 258 MH/OH is what Gods is balanced around, and the vast majority of pvers have not been able to full clear that operation without the 258 MH/OH. Therefore, the gear is really meant for them, as they do need it.
  8. Let’s get one thing down: the new boss is not hard. I’m a pvper, and me and a group of my pvper friends had the boss on farm around 4-5 pulls in. It’s not a mechanically heavy fight, and people don’t need super high dps. They just have to be competent. If for some reason you can’t clear this boss, then why on earth do you feel entitled to the rewards from it? They’ve even added an easy way to get there crystal otherwise, just queuing for solo ranked. That’s pretty much a solo player activity, just queue until you get it. It’s pre season right now, so there’s not even rating on the line. If after all of the ways to get the new weapons, you’re STILL whining, then grow a spine, do the content, and earn your rewards instead of asking for them on the forums.
  9. The main issue with team ranked is the same as it has been for years now, it’s the attitude of pvp players in this game. PvP players are, as a rule, competitive people. That’s why we aren’t satisfied by beating up npcs! But this also means that many pvpers want to win all the time, and get very upset if they lose. What does this mean? Well, in solo ranked people can blame their teammates for losses. You see this all the time, with people flaming each other because each thinks the other is responsible for the loss. In team ranked though, the only person who can be blamed for screwing up is usually yourself. This feeds into the big issue in swtor’s ranked scene: since people don’t losing all the time, there comes a team when one or two teams rise to the top and absolutely kill the queue. Everyone therefore makes efforts to avoid this team, or quit group ranked entirely since losses don’t feel good. Mat farming flooded the queues with new players, so even mediocre and intermediate teams could secure wins. As a result, the queues had players of all skill levels. When may farming became less efficient, those newer mat farmers left. The intermediate and mediocre plays started losing again and stopped queuing. In the end, average people queue on the dl every now and then against other average players, and the top teams have no one to play. That’s why group ranked is dead, on NA servers at least.
  10. Lightning sorc is a very strong spec in ranked, I play it all the time over madness.
  11. The "wild accusation" was when I asked for proof? :rak_02::rak_02: Let's just say, I wasn't there, you're lying for attention, and everyone knows it
  12. Clearly you don't know how resolve works, because there is no hack or bug that allows someone to be able to hardstun or mez through white bar. A white bar always has, every single time, granted immunity to those control effects. This is another one of your wild accusations of hacking on the forums, and to this day you have never provided a shred of proof to back up your claims. They're quite clearly just attention seeking behavior from someone who doesn't know how the game works very well. Oh wait. You don't need to provide proof? I'm sure you're right and every one else who plays this game is wrong right? I can't wait for the smug response I'm going to get, about how I'm crazy for wanting proof to back up a crackpot and clearly contrived claim. Or maybe, you'll block me for calling you out for lying like you have with others on the forum
  13. It’s impossible to be stunned when white barred. You’re probably sitting at very high resolve and thinking you’re white barred. Please stop making ridiculous claims without proof.
  14. SlimeyDoom


    They backfilled, which is a now-fixed feature that allowed them to gain rating even if they lost
  15. SlimeyDoom


    Most of the cheaters got their rewards, quite a few were reinstated after being banned temporarily.
  16. Full 258 gear with 240 augments is 139,387 hp. Some classes, such as assassins, have increases to their endurance in their skill trees or utilities, so they may be over 140k hp. No one else who is running low endurance stuff is going to be over 140k hp
  17. 40k crits on sorc happen when death field or chain lightning bug out and count all of their separate hits on multiple people as one big hit. But that guy seems real proud of that screenshot, so let’s not tell him that
  18. SlimeyDoom


    Giving stun dr to classes based on solo ranked is a terrible idea. The game should NEVER be balanced around the matchmaking lottery of solo ranked, it should be balanced around trinity comps and group ranked like it always has. Some classes benefit more from being in a group, like powertech, whilst others are stronger on their own, like merc, but weaker in groups. It’s perfectly ok for classes to play differently and have different strengths. Powertech in particular should not recieve any survivability buff without eating a nerf in damage potential. Why’s that? Because that cancerous class has dominated the group ranked meta since like.... 2.0? Even earlier? The only reason they’re not dominating the meta right now for the first time in ages was because of the removal of stun dr and the nerfing of Pt tanks ridiculous cleave output. Despite that nerf, they’re still very strong in group ranked. I don’t agree with any “balance” ideas that screw over the rest of the game.
  19. You get bolstered to 252 gear, and max tier is 258. A lot of the gear complaints come from mediocre players who don’t realize the stat disparity in war zones is not that large.
  20. All the healing classes are fine in regs. In fours, operatives are by far the strongest healing class in the game right now. They’re so over the top right now that they’re meta healers against hard swap comps, even though that should be a niche that’s filled by sorcs or mercs. On top of incredible hps potential, they have a variety of tools such as a tech cleanse, on demand interrupt immunity from exfiltrate, evasion on a very low cooldown, stealth out to break focus/reset medpac, 30 sec hardstun, instant reposition... they’re extremely strong right now. Once you learn how to maintain hots, they’re also the easiest healer to play, as you can dump huge amounts of healing out with only a couple abilities. Mercs should be the best pvp healer, because their toolkit has so much potential. They have a lot of personal survivability, but their true strength comes from being the ONLY healer with cc immunity (on rocket out), lower cooldown tech cleanse and also lower cd mez, and a hinder effect through net. However, this is offset by their poor output when they are pressured. Merc is a very cast heavy healing class that falls apart under coordination. It’s a shame, because the class otherwise has a decent mix of burst and cleave healing when it can freecast. Speaking of low output, let’s talk about sorc. There’s a lot of misconceptions about this class, because sorc has the lowest skill floor. It’s the easiest healer to jump in and do healing with, and it’s the hardest to shut down. Because of this, a lot of people say sorc is easy. This may be true in regs, or in solo ranked, but in group ranked you learn real fast that this class is just as terrible as merc. This is due to one main reason: sorcs don’t have the output to compete with high damaging teams. The last nerf screwed with the class’s playstyle in high level matches. With the nerfs to roaming mend and innervate, your healing in these matches becomes increasingly reliant on revivification, which you can never instacast due to the ridiculous force costs associated with it. To have high uptime on reviv in a match where you’re being shut down requires shifting your ENTIRE rotation to set up a reverse corruptions proc prior to reviv, and then consuming that for the grand pay off of being slightly force negative unless you blow a force bending stack on it. Sorcs are by far the most difficult class to heal cleave on due to terrible force management and low output on your abilities. Tl:dr any healing class can work in regs, Operatives are the strongest in a fours settings. For solo ranked, output is not as important, so sorcs utility makes them the strongest here.
  21. Perhaps the thread was not originally about duelling, but the past few posts have all been about duelling.
  22. Lightning is extremely tanky, mobile, and has very high aoe damage and control potential. It’s fine right now in most game modes, there’s even instances of double lightning sorcs being run in fours and not doing bad. If you are having trouble doing damage or staying alive on it, it’s your fault more so than sorc dps being bad. I say this who has played all sorc specs for years. As for dueling a merc, why are you so concerned about dueling when your class is much stronger at other things? Some classes are better in 1v1 scenarios and that’s ok. Different classes do different things. If you are so concerned about dueling, I would like to direct you to a class such as jugg or op.
  23. I mean if people stopped complaining and just put a little effort in, they would be full 258 by now. It's not that hard, and it's much faster than the gear grind at other points in the game's history. Also, as a side note, if you're blaming gear as the cause of why you're not competitive in warzones, the gear isn't the issue 248 gear is fine for everything in this game besides the new nim op.
  24. The quest Flesh and Steel doesn’t get progressed when you kill the two bosses. Is anyone else having this issue?
  25. Shrouding a mez is a very big deal. If they have to blow 3 ccs for a swap instead of 2 ccs, that means they just swap less. Let's also keep in mind that if you shroud a cc, you can just swap guard to the swap target while shroud is still going and even if they do cc you again, you just messed up their entire swap and they blew 3 ccs into it. Juggs have no cc immunity like this outside mad dash, and that doesnt last nearly as long. AND to top that off, if you know you're playing a swap team, you can pick up an additional 6 sec of stun immunity like molra has done before in dark stability. So, yes. They can avoid cc MUCH more effectively than any other tank.
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