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Everything posted by SlimeyDoom

  1. No. If you get stunned when you pop evasion, you don't dodge any damage at all. Being stunned reduces dodge chance to 0% for the duration of the stun, that's why you always stun people during deflection, saberward, evasion, etc
  2. He's very obviously talking about queuing when known win traders are trying to cheat to break it up. This is not queue manipulation. If you played group ranked, you would know that's not queue manipulation. It's called queue sniping, and it made it harder for people to blatantly cheat. You don't know what you're talking about
  3. If you were actually a member of a top tier ranked team like either me or zurules were, maybe you could comment on what does and doesn't go on in ranked. But you don't, please just stop explaining to us what goes on in team ranked. We're well aware, as we've played it, unlike you
  4. So some people who have done team ranked on top tier teams for years are automatically wrong about the game mode they have experience in because someone who only does regs made a forum post. It's time to get rid of all the doctors in the world, people can just read WebMD and be just as qualified to make diagnoses
  5. It's just so amazing to me how a thread can be about ENTIRELY about group ranked but some people manage to find a way to bring their regs experience into it because they don't actually do team ranked. I'm actually impressed, 7/10.
  6. It's so funny cause we had a similar joke in Ruining Lives. I can honestly say I miss the Acklays, there aren't really fun matches on NA at least since they called it quits. As a side note, there are so many people in this thread that either only do solos or regs, but they're telling people who actually queued hundreds of team ranked games how team ranked works. What a joke...
  7. The irony of a certain poster suggesting someone else is wintrading... "Hello pot," said the kettle
  8. S9 was definitely a golden age in terms of group ranked activity compared to what we have now. That season we had hundreds of games against teams that were actually good, now we have like sporadic 40 matches against very mediocre players. There was cheating for sure, but it wasn't as blatant as the nonsense we had in season 10. The two top NA teams in s9 were the Caprica's team and Ruining Lives. There's literally hours of video of both of these teams seeking the other out and playing hundreds of matches against them. I was there, I played in them. Caprica's team doesn't play anymore, but Ruining Lives plays infrequently right now. This is because the quality of matches is just not exciting and not worth the time to log in. There are players that would love to farm mat farming teams, but those people are not top players, and they act like that because they know they can't beat good teams but still want to feel good about themselves. Just because you made a post on the forums about how good teams like us only play mat farmers does not make that claim true. I mean the players that got banned for boosting were mostly EU with some SS, but whatever floats your boat Neither of the two top teams in s9 would do this that often. It's like when you go into a reg match and straight up stomp the other team. It's not fun. Most ranked matches happened during server prime time anyway, back then Good for you buddy. Who are you again? You talk about the group ranked scene like you're some expert, and yet I'm pretty sure I've never queued against you. Reading about group ranked/watching you tube videos does not make you an expert
  9. Google what an analogy is and read the definition carefully
  10. Is this a joke? My team had literally hundreds of matches against other good teams in season 9, it was kind of a golden age for group ranked. I don’t think you realize that the best group ranked players have very little interest in playing mat farming teams. The main importance of mat farmers was that they incentivize intermediate skilled teams to also queue, which eventually results in a ranked queue that has a diversity of different skill levels in it. When the top players got a lot of rating, the match maker would put them against other high rated teams, so the whole active ranked scene actually ended up putting high rated teams against each other. The whole thing about teams taking turns farming mat farmers was something that mostly happened on EU servers, not so much on NA. On a separate note, there was also a great deal of boosting amongst certain EU and SS players, we won’t name names, but go look at s9 group ranked leaderboards and check out those characters that got reset to 0 rating
  11. This is like saying "“It’s such a shame that other people need a reason to get up and go to work such as getting paid, why can’t they just work without getting paid for the thrill and enjoyment of their job” It's not realistic and it's not how people play the game.
  12. LOL what?? I'm a healer main, so I will just say right now that DF/DP nim healing is many times easier than healing high end team ranked matches. Literally anyone can sit there freecasting during brontes burn and pull upwards of 14k ehps with very little struggle. It's not hard, it hasn't been hard for a long time, please stop spreading this misinformation.
  13. My, my, my Weird flex, but ok. If you're not the top 5%, why are you making blanket claims about the game, when someone who is ACTUALLY the top 5% in what they do is telling you otherwise? I don't know what to tell you. I'm in Ruining Lives, we didn't do any pve content at that time, but that boss fight is insanely easy. It's literally just do dps + manage adds, there is nothing challenging about it whatsoever and we farmed it without having any raiding experience. We started raiding after we did that boss, because it seemed easy. I don't know how many times I can repeat one thing before you get it. We were exclusively pvp players who killed the boss on our second try then farmed it on alts for weeks. It's an easy boss, it's not a big deal. So you don't do group ranked, don't do alot of nim content, but if someone who actually does both of those game modes alot says something, you must be right and they must be automatically wrong. The logic There's plenty of wintrading in ranked. That's not high level team ranked, that's not what I'm talking about. Not sure what that has to do with your argument. My team doesn't cheat, we record our matches and post them online as proof. People also don't cheat in pve because nim content is not that challenging considering you can overgear for it, why would you cheat for such easy content You don't do ranked, you don't do alot of nim content, but you read about them alot on the forums so you're an expert compared to someone who actually plays those game modes. I love dealing with people who act like this when they're clearly wrong
  14. Is this a joke post? Let's get a few things straight. You say you're a HM prog player. HM in this game is so easy that if that's what your progression is on, you do not have the expertise to comment on the difficulty of NiM content. These operations have been out for years, being a "HM Prog raider" is not a flex. Secondly, high level group ranked is many, many times harder than nim content. I had NO experience with operations at all prior to a few months ago, and me and my ranked group were able to jump straight to nim content when we decided to pick it up out of boredom. As a healer main, I can safely say that none of the NiM content has hps checks that are particularly difficult to reach (I won't comment on NiM Gods, I haven't done that yet). The only thing that slows down good pvpers from clearing all the nim content with ease are the mechanics, that's the only thing that we had to pick up and learn. But having cleared almost all the operations on nim, and having been on the best group ranked team in North America for the past three seasons, I can straight up tell you that group ranked against people who know what they're doing is much harder. From what I gather from your post, you have barely done NiM content, and I know for a fact that you are not a member of a good group ranked team. Who here is more qualified to comment on which game mode is harder? As an end note, you seem to suggest that pvpers don't have the skill to clear HM Queen. We had it on farm after the second pull and got everyone in our guild plus some friends all the 258 MH/OHs they needed. I still have extra Monumental Data Crystals on multiple toons if I want to gear more characters. If you'd like some pointers, let me know.
  15. Generally speaking, as a healer in solo ranked you have to play and position carefully. Don't rely on your teammates to peel for you, as a healer you have all the tools you need to stay alive for long periods of time. Just practice and play smart.
  16. The issue with the rishi stronghold is that you can’t really get cxp or unassembled components from it. You’re right though, if there was a practice arena queue I would not touch regs lol
  17. It's fine for regs. I have a jugg tank in full mitigation gear that I play when a friend wants to farm hps numbers, and it's very good at keeping teams alive. It's a pretty trolly thing to do, however. The best way to gear a tank is to have the tank set bonus armorings and a shield generator, but replace everything else with dps gear. Tanks are beefy enough in the hands of good players, and extra tank stats are both a waste of resources and not particularly good at increasing damage reduction. If you want to learn how to tank properly, go the dps gear route.
  18. Some of it is manipulation of the queue, either having people throw for you or queuing at times of day when the queue is so dead that people can effectively win trade. A lot of people just get lucky and don't cheat, though. Solo ranked is essentially a lottery at this point, and people just get lucky.
  19. The main reason for this is that competitive pvp in this game does not revolve around objectives. It revolves around outplaying another group of pvpers in an arena. Objectives were only in ranked during the time of 8v8 group ranked; but that time has passed. For someone who does alot of team ranked, such as myself or other members of my team, we do regs when we have no one to play in team ranked. Believe me, I have very little interest in doing regs or anything like that. We're pretty much forced to play it because it's the only form of pvp that we can queue with friends outside of team ranked. Just like any other player that seeks to improve themselves, me and my friends practice our skills that we use in group ranked. This is why in regs, we don't sit on a node for 15 minutes guarding it. We try to seek out enemies and fight them, to practice skills that we need in arenas. This is why you can often see players with ranked flairs or well known group ranked guilds completely ignoring objectives, and preferring to fight enemy players. Practicing objectives gives no advantage outside regs, and we don't queue for pvp to twiddle our thumbs whilst watching a node. We queue to actually fight players. I'm sure I'm about to be bashed by everyone for saying this. But objectives have not been relevant outside of regs for a very long time, and very few of the experienced and competent players that I play against and with even bother with them anymore.
  20. Healers are actually very weak compared to how they have been in previous expansions. The main cause for increasing TTKs is everyone getting more and more dcds, and the fact that endurance pools now are much higher relative to damage output than before.
  21. People blatantly fly hacking is probably the most talked about on the forums, but the most prevalent and problematic issue with cheating in ranked has always been about manipulating rating rather than actually hacking. Back filling, q-syncing, queue decline bugs, and wintrading have been or are serious issues with ranked, and none of these things were or are "practiced in regs to perfect them". The main forms of cheating in ranked have very little to do with regs at this point with a few exceptions. Regs are, more so now than ever, a joke game mode that is basically a tutorial for swtor pvp. Players who want to better themselves will move on to ranked after a while, and those who do not care about bettering themselves will continue to play with other mediocre players in that game mode.
  22. People joke about powertechs being bad now, but at least now we see more than double carb cancer in group ranked. God bless
  23. Effects like diversion, flash powder, and obfuscate reduce force/tech and ranged/melee accuracy by 20-50%, so even if you have some accuracy, things can miss.
  24. People being bad at tanking/healing or straight up declining pops aren’t really thinks Bioware can fix easily
  25. Thank you for this timely and scintillating update on lowbie pvp on star forge at 3am on a weekday. The whole community thanks you for making this necessary and important post.
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