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Posts posted by AngelousWang

  1. It depends on what keyboard you have, create a ticket is ether perma-bound to ` or \ depeding on your keyboard (UK/US/ and others).


    But here is a tip if you bind "open support pane" to that same key under IU keybinds, it will allow it. Which means you just open the help desk when you press it, rather than opening the help desk and opening a new ticket.


    Which makes it much more liveable, as you only have to close one window, and wont have to deal with canceling tickets.

  2. Reapers > Star Wars > The rest of the ME universe.


    Most of ME universe is pretty much on par with Battle Star Galactica/Firefly level of technology, still on bullets, slugs and bombs, but with some advance keneitc based technology throw in.


    Star Wars is energy weapon and shields.


    Reapers are impressive, they have ways of manipulating the laws of physics (mass effect fields) that allow for mind boggling maneuverability a Reaper (which is a very large capital ship) can on the spot turn going at max speed as if he were a fighter, this would tare the hull of any ship in half if tired, as physic do not allow for it. There weapons are speed of light projected super heated liquid metal guns (basically they shoot metal lava at the speed of light). As many a Sifi has taught me, energy shields do nothing against against lava for more than a few seconds, before they overload.


    The only problem Reaper have is their shield defenses are keneitc (rather than energy) so they would not be able to withstand a Star War capital ships turbo lasers.




    The Reapers fly circles around Star Wars ships, and slaughter them with their lava guns. Though the Reapers better make sure they don't get hit or it's likely a one shot kill.


    But other than that Star Wars destroys the ME universe.

  3. You don't have to worry so much until you hit 50 and start getting your final gear, but knowing what you need at 50 helps when picking tank gear at all levels.


    In order of importance.


    1. Shield Chance and Shield Rating, you want both of these even around 30-40% (say you have both at 38%, this means 38% of the time you absorb 38% of the damage of an attack). - This is your main source of damage mitigation (the cap is 38-40% anything over that won't count).


    2. Defense Rating, this is your chance to dodge/block/parry attacks (aka damage avoidance) - fill free to stack the hell out of this (you won't get it that high, as there is no real gear with lots on it).


    3. Armour rating (Damage reduction)- well you don't have to pay attention really, your in heavy armour anyway, and as long as your in the correct level armour you should be good.


    5. Accuracy - (you really don't need to get this until 50) you want 100% Accuracy (you have 90% standard), so you never miss, (missing a critical aggro pulling move is very good way to wipe your party).


    6. Endurance - Strength, Endurance increases HP, Strength improves all Sith Warrior attacks (moslty damage) for both AC's. Normally you should take Endurance > Strength. However if the Strength version has a better other status (Defense Rating, Shield Chance and Shield Rating) take the Strength version, having a higher damage mitigation/avoidance rating is much better than a few more HP's. More HP will help you survive one or two extra attacks, but mitigation/avoidance could (depending on you luck) make you last an extra 10. HP is more for healers - so they have more of cushion (time) to keep you alive.


    7. Power makes all you attacks stronger, if you can't get more of 1, 2 or 4, by all means go for it.


    8. Critical Chance and Surge (Crit Power), you won't really be relying on critical which is why more Power is more useful (as that makes crit and non-crits stronger), but once again if you can't get more of 1, 2 or 4, by all means go for it.


    We do not use Alacrity we have no casts.

  4. Thing is - the Sith are a ruling class, they are using the Empire to achieve their goals, sure. However, the Empire is not Sith. Just look at our average politician - you'd think your very own country is a tool for liars and hypocrites to become richer and to spread their economical and political influence beyond the borders of their country.


    The backbone of the Empire are regular people. The game shows them as proud, sometimes arrogant, but also patriotic, loyal and brave. To me (and my grey Sith character) those people are the Empire, not the paranoid crooks who plot against eachother in dark tombs.



    The Empire is a gun, the Sith are guys point and pulling the trigger. The gun has no say, while it may not be directly evil, it is an evil thing by proxy as it is being used for an evil purpose.


    So putting armour piercing bullets in the gun (helping the Empire), is always a bad thing.

  5. Disagree. The Empire was created by military men as a war machine. Strict discipline, subordination and order are pretty much in the blood and mother's milk of every imperial. If you're suggesting that it's democracy or you're EVIL, I'll be siding with the Empire on this one (despite being a pretty dedicated Republic player).


    No the Empire was created by Sith, because Sith need an army to conquer the galaxy for there own self-centered and egotistical ends.


    If there was no Sith there would be no Empire.


    The Empire is just a tool, a weapon to for one man to get his way.


    ... If this were a normal Empire, maybe. But this is a Sith Empire.

  6. Anti-Villain's believe (somewhat delusion-ally) they are doing whats best, by doing things they know are bad.


    Like Ozymandias in the Watchman movie, who nuked every major city, to save the world from nuclear war.


    Or Saren, who believed he could save the galaxy by allowing the Reapers to enslave it, rather than destroy it.


    ... Light Sith are not like that.


    They do good things (well gooder than normal Sith anyway), but it's always for a bad end. Because helping the Empire is always bad.

  7. Galen Marek is Canon just like Star Wars: Galaxies. The Lightside events are canon for both TFU 1 and 2 per the books (and common since for the 1st one lol).


    Actually Gelen Marek is way more canon than Galaxies. Gelen Marek (TFU and TFU2 story in general) is GL approved (as he overlords over Vader uses), Galaxies is not.


    If it were there never would have been masses of Wookie Jedi and other stuff along those lines.


    TFU and TFU2 are almost on par with Clone War series in canon (though they are not written directly by him, just looked over and approved, so less).


    Galaxies was do what ever you want lowest-canon level.

  8. Tank + DPS

    Tank + Healer

    Healer + DPS


    These all work best, pretty much anyone can play these combos.


    DPS+DPS / Tank+Tank, depends on the player, some can, some can't.


    However even if you can do it DPS+DPS has the most down time, you will have to self heal after almost every fight.


    DPS + Tank can go 3 or 5 fights before down time.

  9. The ToR Sith Empire uses a perverted Bendu symbol - which represent unification of the galaxy favoring the Darkisde.


    The Galactic Republic uses a normal Bendu symbol - which represent unification of the galaxy through the force.


    The late Galactic Republic/Empire uses perverted Bendu symbol - which represent unification of the galaxy favoring the Darkisde - Sidious changed it during the Clone Wars.


    None of the Republic's or Sith organization's in-between them used a Bendu symbol.


    Sidious and Vitiate just had the same Idea.


    The Jedi were heavy influence when the movie Republic was reformed, so it is possible they are responsible for the Bendu symbol becoming used by the Republic.

  10. Just for a Topic Starter what about Jolee Bindo


    Jolee Bindo hated extremes and was all for doing darker things is necessary, but overall he was on the lightside.


    He would not just stand by and let Sith conquer the galaxy, he would not stand back let other be expolited, harm and killed (even living alone in woods, he still helped others - the wookies -)


    He may not have been a Perfect beacon of Light Jedi, but he was good moraled man.

  11. The Trooper is directly responsible for the war restarting.


    The war roughly starts at the end of chapter 2 for everybody, however it does differ slightly as some stories take place before others.


    The Sith Warrior story finishes quite a while before the Jedi Knight and Sith Inquisitor stories for example.



    This is obvious from the letters the Sith Warrior receives about the Jedi Knight ending after his own story is long over. And also the Dark Council he meets at the end of his story is pre- Inquisitor joining it.


  12. I think you might wanna bump up Minister of War as he is above Grand Moffs in rank according to Grand Moff Kilran when you talk to his holo in The Black Talon, he goes something like "Y helo thar, I am Grand Moff Kilran, second only to the Minister of War"


    Well that's confusing, because a "Lord" was able to give the Minister of War his "marching orders". Which makes him seem like he is lesser than Lords, and Moff are not under Darth control (as the Grand Moff reminds Malgus), let alone Lord.


    Though I suppose that Lord may have been acting on Dark Council Authority, which basically overrides all Rank (except the Emperor and his direct minions).

  13. You certain that's how it works? I've been wondering about who outranks whom because (Ilum spoilers):



    You see Grand Moff whatever yelling at Darth Malgus on Ilum who seems to just... accept it. They both acted like it was entirely proper for each other and themselves to behave in such a fashion. Confused me quite a bit, especially when he followed it up by yelling at my warrior and then 'I'm sorry, my lord'ing when she choked him for it. Even if Malgus is just really weird for a Sith, it seems odd that the Grand Moff would expect to be able to get away with such behaviour in general.


    The Sith are above the Imperial Military. But so are Moff's, they aren't under direct Sith authority (below the Dark Council anyway) so they can kind of get away with talking to Sith like equals, if the Sith will put up with it. Your Sith was good example of Sith that would not, Malgus on the other hand does.



                                                      Dark Lord/Sith Emperor 
    Dark Lord's Apprentice/Emperors Wrath/Voice of the Emperor (anyone else working for the Emperor directly)
                                                            Dark Council
                      ............................................... | .............................................
                     |                                                |                                             |
                Darths                                         Keeper                              Minister of War
                     |                                                |                                             |
                  Lords                             Imperial Intelligence                         Grand Moff  
                     |                                                |                                             |
    Overseers/Trainers/Inquisitors                       |                                           Moffs
                     |                                                |                                             |
                   Sith                                              |                               Planetary Governor
                     |                                                |                                             |
               Acolytes                                           |                                             |
                                                          Imperial Military
                                                   Civilians given political titles.
                                     Nobles/Powerful force user producing Bloodlines.


    Sith only answer to each other and the Dark Council up. They can kill Moff's, Imperial Agents and even the Grand Moff, however they must be careful of doing this without reasonable cause as the Dark Council may have issue with doing this which can lead to repercussions. They cannot give orders to Moff's or Imperial Agents without Dark Council Authority, however they can order Planetary Governors about (and kill them too). They are free to kill and order about any Sith lower than themselves and Imperials for any reason. They can kill each other on the same rank with impunity too (provided it does not upset the order). They may only kill higher Ranked Sith and up to take their place.


    Acolytes can order and kill lesser Imperials only. They are not even allowed to kill each other without permission (except under orders or within Naga Sadow tomb).


    Moff is a political title (Governor of a sector of space) granted to exceptional high ranking Military personal, they have complete authority over Imperials within their space. They cannot kill Sith or Imperial Agents without Dark Council authority. Moff's do not answer to Sith under the Dark Council directly so do not have to obey them, but they do have to show them the proper respect or risk their wrath.


    Grand Moff is the Governor of the main/most important sectors of space, but is just a Moff in every other way really. "Grand" is just to point out he is better than his priers. (As the Empire is all about Ego).


    Planetary Governors have complete authority over Imperials on their planets (most Planetary Governors tend to be Sith anyway). If they are not Sith then have no power over Sith.


    Imperial Intelligence have complete authority over other Imperials, however they must be careful not to overstep their position on this as it may lead to repercussions from the Dark Council or other Sith. They cannot kill Sith or Moff's without Dark Council authority. (As Imperials they must still show respect to all Sith, as lack of respect is a valid reason for Sith killing them)


    Moffs/Admirals/Generals/Ship Captains - Emergency Authority - occasionally if the situation calls for it Sith and Imperial Agents can be ordered about by the commanding officer of a ship/space station/ground base. However this is in completely emergency situations only (if Republic forces invaded a Imperial ship and it had Sith on-board the Captain would be allowed to command the Sith to stop the invasion).


  14. This gear model is used repeatedly in Sith Armour, (especially the boots), but they all differ a bit (spikes, hoods, colours, textures and other stuff).


    Vokk uses one as does 6/12 lvl50 PVP gear.


    So finding that specific one might be a bit difficult.

  15. I've seen some (mostly in the operations/flashpoint forums),


    stated bring a DPS in tank gear,


    Do they mean DPS juggs?

    Can Marauders where tank gear and maybe be a little tanky?


    Jugg and Powertech only. Both DPS and Tank versions wear the same heavy armour, Tanks just have different secondary status and shield generator (rather than a power generator).

  16. Of course Strength is the main stat for a juggernaut, but what comes after that?



    Crit, Surge, Power?



    Defense, Absorb?


    Is alacrity of any use to any warrior specs?


    Thanks for the info. And if anyone knows a good theorycrafting site for SWToR please let me know.



    1. Strength - All SW abilities.

    2. Accuracy - (100% recommended - So you hit 100% of the time, can still be blocked/parried/dodged, having over 100% reduces enemies Defense Rating (block/parry/dodge rate).

    3. Crit Chance - Surge (Crit Power) - keep them sort of even, works best.

    4. Power (improves attack damage).

    5. Defense Rating (your block/parry/dodge rate).

    6. Endurance (more HP).

    7. Shield Chance - Shield Absorb - keep them sort of even, works best. (If for some reason you play a shield DPS Jugg lol).



    1. Accuracy - (100% recommended - So you hit 100% of the time, can still be blocked/parried/dodged, having over 100% reduces enemies Defense Rating (block/parry/dodge rate).

    2. Shield Chance - Shield Absorb - keep them sort of even, works best.

    3. Defense Rating (your block/parry/dodge rate).

    4. Endurance (more HP).

    5. Strength - Improves all SW abilities.

    6. Crit Chance - Surge (Crit Power) - keep them sort of even, works best.

    7. Power (improves attack damage).


    Alacrity reduces casting time, we have no casts, just two channels.

  17. Since when do vanguards/PTs have good AoE damage? average maybe but not "superior"


    not to mention mortal volley doesn't even work, the people you aim it at are long gone by the time it actually starts firing


    PT's Death from Above is instant unlike VG's mortar volley. And yes superior.


    A PT can clear an entire group of weak-normal mobs with one Death from Above, it takes (Tank) Jugg 3 or 4 Smashes to do the same.


    Plus PT has: Carbonize/Flame Sweep/Oil Slick/Death from Above/Sonic Missile.

    Jugg has: Threatening Scream/Chilling Scream/Smash.


    PT also has a "pull" and charge.

    Jugg has a "push" and charge.


    I'm all for being a Juggernaut, but seriously, the facts are the facts.

  18. Grand Moff was the title given to the Regional Governors of Oversectors. These sectors, also called Priority Sectors, were locations that were of special interest to the Emperor. These included the Imperial capital of Coruscant and the Death Star. The system was used by a number of governments: Odile Vaiken was the first Grand Moff of the Sith Empire, while Wilhuff Tarkin was the first Grand Moff of the Galactic Empire, and held authority over multiple Priority Sectors.


    Basically a Moff is the military governor of a sector of space (or a few) and a Grand Moff governs the most Important sectors of space. In rank they are equivalent to Fleet Admirals/Grand Generals but they have control of all military forces within their territory even on the same rank. Except Sith, who of course are above the Imperial Military, they would only get authority over Sith in emergency situations, and even then that's up to the Sith if he plays along or not.

  19. Immortal Juggernaut:


    Almost every fight easy:


    2.5K protection single life

    5K protection

    Killing blow


    Not hard, but take some effort or luck (I normally get about 3 of these per game) :


    10K protection single life

    50K protection

    75K damage

    1 v 1 kill

    10 kills

    75K damage


    Not impossible, but hard (long hutt-ball games):


    75K heals

    25 kills

    300K damage


    To get the 75K heals you need to use your out of combat heal, it takes about 7-9 health bars worth of healing (never got quite there myself the closest i got was 56k).

  20. Just that, possible or not? Seeing how I can get that little "resist" thing above my head from Force attacks, I was wondering if Lore-icly (made up a word, yeah) it's possible. "Cause otherwise how would I resist stuff, other then it's just a game thing.


    I know there are Lightsaber resistant armor...Mandalorian Armor called Beskar is...(Also called Beskar'gam (lit. Iron Skin) ) so it would make sense if there is such a thing.


    Indeed there are certain materials that are force resistant. If were to make some armour out of a Terentatek hide that would be force resistant as Terentatek's bodies are force resistant from the Darkside process/ritual that made them from Rancors.


    Khem Val is also for resistant, so you could skin him and use his hide too or make some bone plate armour out his bones.


    Also Sith Alchemy has ways of using the Darkside to make thing force resistant too (afterall it made the Terentateks).

  21. You want 100%+ Accuracy (Aim for 110%).


    100% Accuracy make all your attacks hit, but they can still be blocked/parried/dodged. Having over 100% reduces your opponents blocked/parried/dodged, NPC's rates are normally around 5%, so 110% Acc should be more than enough to completely stop them from blocking/parring/dodging.


    Next you want both Shield Chance/Absorb around 30-40% (the usable cap is 38% I think) and you want to keep them almost the exact same numbers, _ to be honest I don't know why they need to be the same, only that it works better.


    Then throw the rest in defense rating (which is your chance to block/parry/dodge).

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