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Posts posted by AngelousWang

  1. ToR True Sith Empire > New Sith Empire > Brotherhood of Darkness > Rule of Two > Movie Rule of Two and Galactic Empire.


    ToR Old Republic > Militant-Reformed Republic > Army of Light Republic > Movie Republic.


    This Sith Empire will ether die outright and the New Sith Empire will rise from the ashes, or all the major figures will die and it will be taken over by a new Sith Lord and become the New Sith Empire.


    This Republic will ether die outright and be reborn into the Militant-Reformed Republic, or it will survive and just change/evolve into it.


    Sith Inquisator gets named "Darth Nox/Imperius/Occulus" based on how they act at the end of their story.



    And no there is no way set that as your name, for obvious reason of having 1000+ people running around with the same name.


    You can add the Darth title to you normal character name though, as both SI and SW.

  3. We've have has 5 ghost/essence Immortal Sith (Sidious, Vitiate, Ragnos, Kun and Sadow).

    We've have had 3 planet eating Sith. (Sidious, Vitiate and Nihilus).

    We've had one physically Immortal Sith (Sion).

    We've had one Sith that can create worm-wholes (Sidious).

    We've had one Sith that mind wipe and entire planet (Sidious).

    We've had one Sith that can turn people to the Darkside by being in the same room as them (Vitiate).

    We've had one Sith can create super-novas (Sadow).


    ... Seriously what is one up from that? Apart from destroying the galaxy?


    Which Vitiate isn't that far off from doing by the way, since he planning on killing all life but himself at some point.



    I can't think of anything.


    Sith are already way overpowered enough.

  4. I was just looking at the rear legs on the big republic walkers on Ord Mantel the other day when running around on my trooper.


    As I was running by I just happened to notice that the rear legs have no articulation...they're one solid piece of metal attached to the body at the upper axle. I know I know, picky runey, but there it was. They have no knees so they can't articulate = can't walk or crawl.


    It would be nice if they looked like they could actually move. Heck it would be nice if we could actually drive one.... that would be cool. Not going to happen, but it would be cool.


    Technically such a design could move, but it would be really slow, moving one leg at a time shifting weight from one to the other, and there like 90% chance it would fall over.

  5. and most believe him to still be alive.


    He won't be. Sith can survive things that would otherwise kill them just by feeding on pain, anger and hate.


    Vader is good example, he should have died on Mustafar, he should have died when he impaled himself and there were a few other times in the EU when he clearly wouldn't have survived without some other force keeping him alive.


    Sion is the most extreme example.


    Maul's an example too.


    However Jedi cannot do this, because they are Lightside and emotionless, so they die.

  6. Pureblood SI was last minute addition.


    Daniel Erickson the lead story writer did not want them because they do not fit the lore. But enough whining won out in the end and they added them.


    So there is no "Pureblood SI" dialogue instead they cobbled together other SI dialogues.

  7. Hello everyone, I don't get on the forums much but I need some info!


    I'm a light side Sith Warrior looking to romance dark side Jaesa Willsaam, I know you can get her as dark side while you're light side, but can you romance her?


    Also, if anyone knows, what are the specific steps needed to recruit her as Dark Side?




    Yes, though it will be difficult as you will need to talk Darkside to her and make up the points else where. Your also prorobly don't wan to take her out with you or you'll loose points like mad. Keep her on the ship and gift her affection.


    As for getting Darkside Jaesa that simple, just be Darkside when you are dealing with her, kill her family, kill her master and any other Darkside choice that shows up on Alderran and specifically relates to her.


    Also avoid the "we can change the Empire form within" speech, this is lightside Jaesa's goal. Darkside Jaesa is fine with the Empire the way it is, so don't pick options about "change".


    You are going to have to accept a fair amount of DS points to get and romance her, but you can always run some FP's to counter it.

  8. Kolto Bomb should have a HoT attached to it IMO (a 1000-2000 over 30 sec HoT).


    It our only AOE heal, yet unlike Sage it's limited to 3 people, weaker and doesn't have a HoT.


    And our Bacta Infusion which is on the same tier as Sages AOE healing ability, is equal Deliverance which Sages get at level 12 (*** is up with that).

  9. IMO Vanguard<->Commando there was mix up somewhere down the line.. Names should be other way around, but after classes names were released to public it was hard to change.


    Actually it's Mass Effect overflow, not mix up.


    In Mass Effect Vanguard is the more versatile close range specialist. Commando is the long range high damage spec of the Soldier class.


    To be honest they should have just ripped off both Soldier AC names and called the classes "Commando" and "Shock Trooper", Shock Trooper being the Tank spec as is in ME and left Vanguard out completely.

  10. Once you get 10,000 points ether darkside or lightside, and you make another darkside or lightside choice it will take away from your opposite points.


    Say you have 10,000 DS and 1150 LS (which makes you 8850 DS) and you make a 150 DS choice you end up with 10,000 DS and 1000 LS (which makes you 9000 DS).


    You just need to keep doing this until you reach 10,000 DS and 0 LS, then you be Dark V and can equip Dark V Armour.

  11. Katar was just a Miraluka colony. There have always been Miraluka around even before Kotor 2 came out.




    Darth Nihlius did not destroy Alpheridies the Miralukan homeworld, he destroyed Katar which was just an out-rim Miralukan colony.


    There race is fine population wise.


    As for why Darth Nihlius is forgotten that is simply becuase so few were aware of him in the first place, only Kreia, the Exile, Sion and Viss actually knew him "Darth Nihlius". To the rest of the Exiles party he was just "The Sith that eats planets", they were more involved with Darth Sion.


    To the Jedi Masters he was "A Mysterious Threat".


    To the Mandolorans and anyone else who enountered him he was just "Another Sith Lord/ A" that the Jedi Exile eventually killed.


    But most of the galaxy didn't even know he was there at all. But that was the point, he and Sion lead a shadow war, not an open war. It was all spies and Assassinations.

  12. so you'll just accept if it they replace autocannon with an oversized cucumber.


    lol, why are you twisting words.


    You fully well know what he means. logical but technically unrealistic in a real world (like warp drive). Not stupidity unrealistic (unicorns that fart rainbows).


    Anyway it never going to change. Never, unless they introduce some kind of advance, advance classes down the road.

  13. I was under the impression Vette would only go for a Lightsider, and that Jaesa would only be romanced by a Darksider(or at least have a romance that would actually go anywhere). I figured that a Lightside Jaesa would simply view you as a better, more trustworthy master, and hold you in fond affection with no chance for romance(again, at least romance that would actually go anywhere).


    You can romance both Jaesa and Vette being ether Lightside/Darkside yourself (though it is harder due to the obvious character Likes-dislikes).


    However you cannot romance Jaesa if she is Lightside, only Darkside. Whether you get Lightside or Darkside Jaesa is dependent to how you act in-front of her prior to acquiring her.


    You cannot romance both Jaesa and Vette, if you try to you'll lose one or both depending on the conversation.

  14. Second - does your light/dark alignment drastically affect much of your story?


    For certain class yes, majorly.


    For others, not so much.


    The Sith Warrior for example, it doesn't really matter, if you go Darkside everything is as you expect, if you go Lightside, it adds some weird humorous situations but that's it really, the story ends in the same result.


    The Imperial Agent on the other hand has 3 different endings based on whether your dark/light/neutral.

  15. Going by the the lore.


    The True Sith Empire must lead onto the "New Sith Empire", which probably means the Emperor and all important Sith will be defeated, the empire crippled and then a New Sith will take charge and rebuild. - But it is unlikely it would be completely destroyed.


    The Republic leads on to a more "militant Republic" (a republic that eventually creates the Army of Light).


    Doesn't matter both are destroyed and rebuilt into the move versions 1000 years before the movies.

  16. You seem to like to argue... Dont know if there were 900 or 800 years, but that doesnt matter to understand what was saying.


    About that Emperor, we know that at any point will die / be defeated, so he hasnt inmortal/invincible XXXXL+ version at all.


    Anyway, can you say me where it says that Darth Sidious is the strongest Sith of all times? I would like to see an official source.


    Sidious was easily defeated, and easily the shortest-reigning "Sith" lord, allthough I don't view him and Vader as true sith.


    Darth Sidious was a moron that knew nothing about the force and murdered his master before his master could even teach him about it, which was his only link to knowledge. He was unwise, stupid and arrogant. The same goes for the Jedi Order as it became steadily weaker after being nearly obliterated time and time again.


    Darth Thanaton gets to power via wits, threats and knowledge.


    In otherwords, if you don't like it, you can go somewhere else with your QQing.


    DO yourself a favour and do some homework so you don't look as silly.



    Sidious did not die in Ep 6. He lived along time after and could do everything Darth Vitiate could do/Sith Emperor.


    He was Immortal (the same way as the Sith emperor, infact Bioware got the Sith Emperor Immortality from Sidious).

    He could devour planets (the same way as the Sith emperor, once again Bioware this from Sidious).

    He could mind wipe entire planets.

    He could destroy entire fleets or throw them through space.

    He could create balck wholes.


    And much, much, much more.


    Sidious is a Darkside god, you just need to have read the books to understand this.

  17. If I understand how things work at the academy, a master, of which there are probably at least several, will take on a handful of recruits and train them to be sith. Say, 5 people. He picks one and everyone else dies, or is killed along the way.


    Isn't that a tad inefficient? I know they're all about power but come on, 4 crappy Sith and 1 Elite Sith are better than just 1 Elite Sith. Don't they ever wonder why they're outnumbered 5 to 1 on the battlefield?


    Every Sith must be perfect, one failure, one sign of weakness and death.


    This is the Sith way, might makes wright, stronger survive the weak perish.


    This is they way the Sith have been since they were formed and is still the way they are in the last Sith Order (last that has been created in EU anyway, could still be more after the One Sith, who knows).

  18. How does the calculation work for orange armor with armoring mod, example is Saber Marsha'ls armor, I add Resolve Armoring 5 (44 armor rating) and it took that armor piece up from 7 armor to 125 ?


    Would the same formula apply to different orange armor but with higher required level ? Would it end up with higher armor rating by using the same Resolve Armoring 5...


    Thanks in advance !


    The base " Resolve Armoring 5 (44 armor rating)" is for light armour. If you apply the same mod to medium armour it becomes higher, and even higher if applied to Heavy Armour.


    Heavy and Medium have hidden (and unknown) multipliers that ensure Heavy > Medium > Light with the same mods.


    And no if you apply Resolve Armoring 5 to a level 19 req Orange and a level 37 req Orange, they will both have the same status (assuming they are both the same type heavy/medium/light). The Armouring completely controls the Armour status on Oranges.

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