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Posts posted by AngelousWang

  1. In the preview video for patch 1.2, it flashed 'Tier 2 Extractable Mods' or something like that. I know that armorings will be removable now, but my question is this:



    Will the gear from EV and KP have removable mods or not? The video made it sound like this is only going to be applied to future gear, and not current gear.


    It's going to be applied to all end game PVP and PVE gear, anything you can buy from the end game gear Fleet vendors (doesn't matter if you get it as a drop or buy it).

  2. Hi.


    I seem to be experiencing a noticeable lack of decent armour for my companion corso rees. I am level 19 smuggler and have good stuff but don't seem to be getting any good gear for the companion. I might be being impatient but I am sure My companion Kira Carson had better (ugradable) gear by this level with my Jedi Guardian. I have tried the usual sources commendation vendor etc. Any ohter ideas please or am I just being impatient? :)


    They prorobly have the same level gear, but Corso is a Tank whilst Kira is DPS, therefore Corso is much more Gear Dependent.


    Corso needs a full set of level appropriate (for the mobs you are fighting) gear and an appropriate level Weapon/Shield.


    Kira just needs a level appropriate weapon and focus, her armour does not need to be upgraded (though obviously it is a good idea to upgrade it when you can, so she takes less dmage when caught in AOE or aggroed).

  3. your fleets becoming instanced and you get booted char screen every wz?



    What? I;'ve been standing around on the fleet, send my companion off on mission and Warzones since the servers came up and had no issues, not even any latency in the Warzones, let alone get booted.


    I'd say that was ether your computer, your connection or your install being screwed up.

  4. SWTOR = Great Hero/Avater content and combat - Crappy space ship content and combat.

    STO = Great space ship content and combat - Crappy Hero/Avater content and combat.


    If you want a space game go play STO (or EVE if you love spreadsheets).


    And you can't have both in one game, just because of of the resources it takes, LA and EA won't shell out that much.

  5. It is less like a solid blade and more like a blowtorch, which is also why rapid cuts against resistant materials only leave scorches or shallow cuts in them even though you are striking them with the entire length of the blade, as witnessed in the movies.


    It's not like blow torch (well it is and it isn't), the Plasma in the blade is on a centrifugal loop it radiates up the center and down the sides (well there are no side, down the shell would be more appropriate). This very obvious is you in TFU if you use compressed crystal, but you can't see it on standard Lightsaber. Unlike blow torch were the energy is just released.


    As such only the plasma on sides/shell is used when touching the blade, however if you force the blade into something you create interaction between sides and center of the plasma loop (more force, more interaction) which causes the more plasma to come into contact with the touching surface quicker (more plasma faster burning), therefore destroying object quicker. Theoretically you could use an entire lightsabers plasma up in blow if you hit the thing hard enough.


    As such the Lightsaber work like a sword and like a blow torch combination (both physical force and combustion rate). And that is why it's so damn deadly.

  6. Debilitate, Flash Bang and Sleep Dart/Leg Shot (depending on AC).


    No, push backs, so that's all you can do as a IA in Huttball.


    Of the plus side if you stay in cover a Sith Warrior cannot charge you, as charge doesn't work to targets in cover.

  7. People will probably disagree wigth me, but I say it was Revan.


    Revan got beat down like a little girl by Vitiate, Scourge, and the TOR Heroes, how could he possible be the strongest when people clearly stronger than him?


    Luke has only ever really been beaten by Sidious, but that was before he became "Godmode" Luke.

  8. Han Solo cuts open taun taun... Your move.


    Force as in physical force (muscle strength), not Force as in the Force.


    Wouldn't Anakin's robotic arm only help him open pickle jars?


    He didn't lose his ENTIRE arm, just his forearm. Cutting through doors, the force (read: not "the Force") comes from his upper body strength, channeled primarily through his shoulder & upper arm muscles... not his forearm.


    No in the EU it describes how Anakin/Vader learns to use his mechanical wrists to produce power/force, rather than his upper-body strength. Which is why he become physically stronger, Ep 3 after loosing his arm in Ep 2 and then when he becomes Vader he become even more physically dominating despite loosing much of his own muscle strength and movement.

  9. A Lightsaber is only a strong as the force behind it.


    A weakling wielding a Lightsaber cannot cut through as strong an object as a stronger person (well not nearly as quickly anyway).


    If you watch the clone wars you'll see Kenobi and Asoka take anywhere from 10-30 seconds to cut through doors (Qui-Gon couldn't manage to get through a blast door in Ep1), however Anakin and his much stronger robotic arm cuts easily through doors in under 10 seconds and can cut through blast doors.


    However as stated above gameplay mechanics/balance is much often more likely the reason game designers don;t allow Lightsabers to cut through anything.

  10. Luke.


    Luke had the most potential (same as Anakin), 2nd strongest connection to the force (grandchild of the force), he learned the most about the Lightside and he was the most powerful ability wise (managing to achieve oneness with the force whilst still alive).


    Sidious was the most powerful in the Darkside only (connection, techniques, knowledge and usable powers, strength of powers).


    Anakin had the strongest connection to the force (being it's child) and had the same potential to become Lukes equal (if not slightly more powerful), but he never got there.


    Jacen Solo is a close second to Luke in the Lightside being the only other person to become one with the force whilst still alive.

  11. I've been playing Republic since TOR launched and I recently rolled a Sith Juggernaut. Is it just me or does it seem like Force Scream's animation is much shorter than it's counterpart Blade Storm? Not only that but Force Scream's stunning effect knocks targets down vs Blade Storm stunning targets on their feet. Doesn't the animation for enemies to come to their feet take longer than enemies coming out of a daze? I have a Guardian that I'm going back and forth trying to test this out and the more I do it the more it seems Force Scream has the edge :confused:


    There are tons of moves that have animations with different lengths causing the abilities to not mirror exactly (often this does indeed give a small advantage to one ability over another).


    The most obvious is Death for Above and Mortar Volley, death from above fires instantly and deals damage over 3 volleys (making it more likley to hit), whilst Mortar Volley takes a few seconds to set u[p before firing and deals damage over 2 volley.


    Force Scream and Blade Storm difference isn't that big compared to some others.


    As for stunning difference, that is because Blade Storm does a "dizzy stun" and Force Scream does a "terror stun" (which have different animations, and terror stun does often cause people to fall over).

  12. merc/commando is not the only class where armot debuff stack. guardian/jugg can also stack there armor debuff.


    Yes, thats what I am saying all armour debuff stacking is going to be nerfed, for every class.


    So Grav Round/TM are getting an indirect nerf.

  13. They are nerfing shared trees of Bounty Hunter, hence they put Bounty Hunter, not Mer/Comm.


    However Grav round and TM are going to be nerfed, because they are also going to stop armour be-duff from multiple users from working the way they do now.


    At the moment if you have 2 Comm spamming Grav the target suffers 40% armour pen from all attacks (if you have 5 in Op you do have 100% armour pen lol), as the debuffs stack. However they are going to change this so that you only armour pen the target for your own amount, if you don't have an armour pen effect you pen for the same amount as the party member with the highest armour pen effect.

  14. DPS Sorcerer - is the faster leveler, because it just pure easy long range mass AOE death.


    DPS Assassin. - stealth and more CC make it easier/faster than SW melee DPS.


    Tank Assassin/Heal Sorcerer - If you use the correct companion, very little down time and you still put out decent/good DPS.


    Juggernaut DPS/Marauder - good DPS, quick fights, but lots of downtime.


    Juggernaut Immortal - is slowest leveler, because you have very bad damage output which means you ether have a DPS companion and lots of downtime or a Healer companion and very long combat.

  15. It just the way they are designed for PVE.


    Juggernaut has more control of the situation with push/Taunt/Threatening Scream/Intercede/Chilling Scream and has more tactical approach of combat.


    Marauder on the other hand just run in a slaughter everything so it has more direct damage abilities.

  16. Nicer stats will indeed be powerful but they lack set bonuses from Rakata or Battlemaster lines.


    Is this opinion qualified with "orange gear will be won to fill out the 2 set or 4 set bonus"?


    That set bonus is the only carrot Bioware has to offer some players, to make sure they need to hang around and do HM/NM PvE or grind Battlemaster PvP gear so I wouldn't think they'd sell it out so easily.



    If you pull all armouring out of a set and put them in oranges the set bonus transfers too. This was in patch notes.


    Rakata or Battlemaster will be inferior and oranges, but you still need to get Rakata or Battlemaster gear first in order to get the Oranges superior. as you need to have it to pull the mods out.

  17. which is completely stupid to me. Why would a tanking class have a push back ability?


    Because Pull is now an Assassin ability (used to be ours in beta, but they stole it when they decided to make Assassin Tanks).


    Instead we have push linked to charge, push end the CD on charge.


    So now if you want to "pull" a target you push them and charge them.

  18. If I recall correctly, back in like 1.1.2 or so, they simply removed the initial heal on the Sage version. Now both versions are basically just AoE ground-effect HoTs, the only initial heal part is that it ticks twice when it lands.




    Revivification is working as intended, because they had the Socr version working as it does now and the Sage version working as you want.


    Then they purposely altered the Sage version to match the Sorc version, rather than the other way around.


    So, working as intended.

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