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Posts posted by AngelousWang


    Only possible with the Agent, but he is a double Agent, so you are still on Empires side for all gameplay you just secret work and spy for the Republic.



    There is no faction switch beyond that, and given the nature of the Sith and Jedi stories, none of these will ever switch sides, it would completely defeat the purpose of their stories.



    As the Jedi spend their entire stories harming the Empire and the Sith spend their stories becoming important people in the Empire.


  2. Range + AI = screwed.


    NPC Healers only Heal you if you are in range of their abilities, they do not move into range to Heal you.


    For Coms/Vguard/Shdw/Sage/Scon/Gun, healer companions are much easier to manage.


    Coms, Sage and Gun = you start the fight at range, with the Healer by your side and you end the fight the same way.


    Shdw/Scon = You and your compaion stealth into melee range and both stay there.


    Vguard = you likely start the fight at range, and then move in closer, this can cause problems as companions wont move with you, but due to a combination of your long range moves and melee mobs coming to you, you wont have the issue often.


    Guardian/Sentinal = you force charge into every fight leaving your companion at long range and therefore you are more or less always out of heal range. So if you want to use a heal companion you need to drag the fight back so your companion is in range or drag him into melee range in the first place somehow.

  3. DPS companions are more or less comparable to players in DPS, but lack comparable utility and cannot avoid obvious things real DPS can that get them killed (like fire).


    Healer companions have weaker Heals than players and suffer some healing at range bugs.


    Tank companions are as good at threat (if not better) as players, but lack comparable utility and are now weaker than player tanks in defense status.




    Before companion Tanks had the same defensive status as player tanks, but this meant they could replace player Tanks, the lack of utility alone was not good enough make them inferior to players especially when paired with a Sorc/Sage (giving healer players a big solo advantage).


    So their Defense Status were nerfed to make them worse than players, and bring them into balance with DPS/Heal companions.

  4. Had the idea of giving Andy (or possibly Talos) a bit of a promotion by putting them in Imperial Guard armour. I know they normally fight with melee weapons but I figure a gunslinger would be nearly as good. Right?


    Anyway, has anyone got any hints on how to get that distinctive red armour? I gather it's all medium armour, and I noticed a similar helmet can be got from the Belsavis vendor (though it looked like it had a little too much black on it).


    Obviously, having it orange-quality would be massively preferable. Ta!


    There is tons of Red Sith Medium Orange Armour, but I don't think any of the sets exactly match the NPC versions.


    Most of the them start "Dread Marauder/Corsair [something]", but most of these are given as quest rewards so it would be hard to get them if your not a Sith Warrior.


    There is a red "Marauder Elite" Orange set that is craftable by Synth, but you'd have to find all the schematics individually, as they are not vendor schematics.

  5. If a Jedi Guardian or Sith Juggernaut is a Tank they will have Soresu on (check their buffs), if DPS they will have Shii-cho or Shien on.


    If a Sith Assassin or Jedi Shadow is a Tank they will have Dark Charge/Combat Technique on, if DPS they will have Lightning Charge/Force Technique or Surging Charge/Shadow Technique on.


    If a Powertech or Vanguard is a Tank they will have Ion Gas Cylinder/Ion Cell on, if DPS they will have Combustible Gas Cylinder/Plasma Cell or High Energy Gas Cylinder/High Energy Cell on.


    There are exceptions, some DPS will run around in Tanks stances (especially in PVP), but it works for the majority.

  6. Krayt rule of one dictates there is only one real "Sith" (himself), and that all others are not really Sith rather Sith servants. As he is the one and only Sith nobody has the right to challenge him for rule and he has no apprentice. Therefore there is no "Sith" to replace him upon his death or take the throne from him in weakness.


    The Sith Order dictates that conflict makes you stronger, by having no rivals or students to challenge or threaten you, you grow weaker. By not having an apprentice you show that you have not mastered your fear (training someone who you know is going to back-stab you one day is considered the ultimate test of fear mastery).


    The Sith Order allows for complete self-centeredness and might makes right, but it also demands that you ensure it's continuation and that the ruling Sith is always strongest possible.


    Krayt "Sith" Order was really just "Krayt's Order", because it begins and ends with him.

  7. Bara's.


    Bara's is weaker but not far off the "Emperor's Wrath".



    Aka, The Sith Warrior



    The Emperor's Wrath is stronger than any one of the Dark Council members, as he has to be able to put any of them down should they cross the Emperor.



    Yes that does mean The Sith Warrior is stronger than the Sith Inquisator, RP wise anyways, not gameplay wise - but they are never going to fight in the story, so point is moot.



    Thanaton was under the Dark Council completely, he couldn't take any of them on.

  8. Because that's the point of him.


    A True Sith hates everyone, hatred is unlimited well of Darkside power.


    Hatred of your master is vital to ensuring your succession of him.


    Any who didn't hate him just didn't get into character enough (well assuming they were going for "True Sith", if your going for "Lightside Sith", "Samurai Sith" or something else then you probably wont hate him).

  9. Force Lightning is just pure Darkside energy in raw form, channeled through the user.


    You can of course do the same with Lightside energy but it would be difficult and weaker (which explain why Electric Judgment never killed anyone, but rather sapped their strength instead rendered them unconscious) , as Lightside force energy isn't inherently destructive like Darkside energy is.

  10. Oh yes. I think Qui Gon wouldve have kept him away from Palptine more and Anakin would have listened to Qui Gon




    Anakin would have listened to Qui Gon over Sidious.


    Both Qui Gon and Palptine are father figures to Anakin, if Qui Gon had been around Anakin would never have formed the bond he did with Sidious in the first place.


    Kenobi is a brother figure to Anakin, and people tend to ignore, show up, compete and purposely go against what their brother wants, even if it is good advice.


    Father Figures > Brother Bonds. At least when it comes to listening and doing what you are told.

  11. Another word that is synonymous Assassin is Shadow (or more overall Darkness).


    Have you ever tried to harm a Shadow/Darkness?


    It cannot be done, they are immortal, the best you can do make them vanish by completely overpowering them (light from all directions), but the second that light goes away they are back.


    Darkness is Immortal/Eternal.


    Immortal/Eternal = Tank.

  12. Yeah, about that. Doesn't that mean that once 1.2 hits and assuming that it will bring the removal of armoring mods which carry over the set bonuses, the crit orange gear will effectively become Best in Slot? You can have all the mods from your tier piece + an augment.


    Yes, looks that way.


    And with all the new colour crystals incoming ect, Artifice, Armstech, Sythweathing and Armourmech are going to become hugely more popular.

  13. Hi I am Armormech and I wanted to know if its possible to crit on a modifiable gear (Orange gear)?


    Only possible to Crit on Orange Weapons.


    Orange Armour Crits are coming in 1.2, as you would see if you read the patch notes and/or DEV Q&A.

  14. So I'm level 39 and I've had the KICK ability for a while now. But it has never, ever been available for use. As in it is always greyed out. It says I'm supposed to be able to use it when an enemy is stunned or immobilized. Well when I knock an enemy down with my force scream, its not available, when my companion FREEZES someone, its not available. No matter what I do, I cannot use it. Can it only be used in a group when someone uses an ability that neither myself or my companion have? I'd love to be able to use it, but how? Thanks!


    Does not work on players/elites/champions/bosses or anything even more powerful.


    Can only be used on weaks, standards or strongs (at reduced power), can only be used on immobilized or slowed enemies.


    Both should be able to use it instantly after force charge (have to be very very quick).


    Juggernaut should be able to use it after using Chilling Scream on a target.

    Marauder should be able to use it after using Crippling Slash on a target.


    Note: immobilized is not the same as stunned.


    Immobilized = Stuck in one spot and cannot move from that spot, but is still awake and can still attack.


    Stunned = Incapacitated, cannot move or attack.

  15. No not really, Darkside = more people die, Lightside = more people live.


    But the end result is completely the same.


    The Sith Warrior is a personal story of his/her rise to power, so what happens is pretty limited/fixed.


    You are not really trying to preserve or change the Empire. You are not really trying to destroy or spare the Republic (Unlike the Jedi Knight for example who is out to save the galaxy).


    You are just to do whatever is necessary to get yourself more power and status.


    You do deal with helping the Empire and hurting the Republic or whatever in the story, but it more just a case of it just happens along the way as you further your own goals.

  16. Hey everyone,


    I'm a Rage spec'd Juggernaut in full Champion gear, and I enjoy myself thoroughly in pvp. The one class that can give me a lot of trouble, however, is a good Marauder (Annihilation spec'd). Instead of coming on here and starting a "QQ Mara is OP" thread, I thought I'd ask for some input on how to be successful at this match up.


    I can get all my big crits off (Smash, Force Scream, etc.), but they have that 99% damage reduction ability, along with a Vanish that makes it very hard to win for me.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,


    1 on 1?


    Catch him after he's poped all his cooldowns.


    Marauder is better at 1 on 1 (the game isn't balanced 1 on 1 after-all).


    However they are not unbeatable,

    Vengeance = correct timing with your 3 big hitters, you need to hit all 3 whilst his cooldowns are not active.


    Immortal = outlast him, use your cooldowns at better times than he uses his and make full use of your non-channeled Force Choke vs his channeled version, also make heavy use of force push > free charge > free scream [free static bubble].


    Rage ... I can't tell you, Rage is too heavily dependent on one move (force smash), any half-intelligent Marauder will see you set up can dodge/interrupt it or just pop cooldowns through it.

  17. Ya, I knew it was a mix of the 2 colors (like a fuchsia), I just wasn't expecting 100% pink. I always thought that fuchsia was closer to pink and that magenta was closer to purple. Thanks for the clarification. The actual purple blades I've been seeing must be from PvP.


    Purple + Red-Black are Empire PVP colours.

    Cyan + Blue-Black are Republic PVP colours.


    Republic cannot get purple ... unless it drops from a world boss, and has managed to stay hidden (or very secret).

  18. Because from a lore perspective all shield/power generators are crystal based (though that said all blasters use crystals too and get away with that).


    From a fair balanced crafting perspective, they (Aim/Cunning based) probably should be moved.


    Also the Artifcae cannot create sabers before 400, and there are lots more non-force user weapons than there are force user weapons (like 10-20x more) which why it balances out Artifice creating more different things.

  19. Chiss force sensitivity is unbelievably rare, less rare than Wookie force sensitively but allot more rare than human. But you can get Jedi/Sith Chiss, yes.


    Chiss society (although you'd never hear one say it to a Sith) look down on force sensitivity as if it's a curse/illness/madness/disfigurement. This is because they value personal strength/ability, so relying on an outside source (the force) for your strength/ability is wrong (as Kreia say's in KOTOR2, strip away the force from even the most powerful user and he is helpless as a child compared to non-force users).


    So even when force sensitive Chiss are born/found, they are typically told to ignore it, keep it secret and otherwise act/live as though they are not.

  20. The Sith Warriors story is the same regardless of alignment, you don't ruin or save the Empire.


    You always hurt the Republic, you always help/serve Emperor/Empire, the only difference is a few "key" people die or not.


    The thing is with the Sith Warrior's story is it's a personal story (rather than a save the galaxy story) about his/her rise to power, as such it doesn't really end (and it will never end really until he/she dies).

  21. Well.. when I gained weaken mind and mind crush I was really excited about them. I like the idea that my character can controls others minds... it's funny. But I was thinking... "And if I simple try to use it in a droig.. It wonk work anyway, but I would love to see the message in my window: No, you can't! It's a droid, dumb!"


    But, for my surprise... it WORKS! And as I could see, it does exactly the same things in living creatures and droids.


    Probably lots of players here already played KOTOR or KOTOR2 too, and if you tried to do such a thing there... it would not work.. simple! There were specific skills to deal with droids too.


    I known that this thing is not a main problem in the game, but.. it simple doesn't make sense... tragic.


    Because then they have to make two sets of abilities for the same thing (we've already got way too many).

  22. I've seen the Inquisitor version of his armor, but the helmet looked different, unless I'm looking at the wrong pictures...


    It has an extra "hat" bit too, yes. But that's the only player obtainable model.

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