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Posts posted by AngelousWang

  1. People can never be satisified :( Its so sad




    1.It has pants for the "gib pants" people.

    2. it doesn't matter what it looks like oranges will be better, therefore few people will use it.


    With 1.2 you will be able to crit craft oranges and pull the armourings out of end game sets.


    Therefore as Oranges will be the best gear, as you can have endgame status+an augment.


    So you can look however the hell you want, just find an orange that looks that way.

  2. Hello all,


    my main is a sorc. I'm trying to figure out what's better for pvp in this game for an alt. A tank or AoE dpser.


    Ty for your comments.


    It comes down to Defense or Offense (and ironically it's the opposite of what you think).


    Assassin Tanks are much better for Offense, they make great Huttball carriers to score, and they are great sneak/stealth turret/door stealers. Of course they can defend, they have enough CC to Defend in Huttball and enough AOE to defend a turret/door, but without a pocket healer don't expect to hold it on your own for long.


    DPS AOE Sorcerers are much better for Defense, there amount of AOE makes taking a turret/door from you impossible while you still alive. And they kill entire Huttball Teams huddled around the ball carrier (meaning the ball carrier has no one to throw to before he dies), plus they have all the CC defense on top of that. And the range to keep out of harms way whilst doing it.

  3. There are twi'lek warrior npcs all over the place already though..


    But thoughs Sith Twi'lek were slaves before they became Sith, and it is always made clear, when you speak to one.


    The player Sith Warrior and his family since along, long time ago, has always been a noble. Having a Twi'lek noble is ridiculous.

  4. The point is your Sith Warrior is supposed to be a decedent to the ancient Sith species, part of long standing blood line of powerful Sith Lords.


    Which could only mean you would be Sith Pureblood or Human.


    Zabrak is already a huge exception.


    Of course with 1.2 coming in that will destroy it. I'm expecting Twi'lek Sith Warrior's everywhere.


    Slave species need to stay slave species ... there goes my immersion.

  5. Juggernaut/Assassin/Powertech -Tank- & Sorcerer/Mercenary Healer.


    The you can just pick up two random DPS (of which there is rarely a shortage, if you play at prime times).


    Probably best of with Jugg and Sorc.


    Ptech&Merc, Sin&Sorc have issues (shared gear, class story area bugs) as they are the same base class.


    Sin&Merc, Sorc&Ptech, start on different worlds, which means you'll ever have to clear two starter worlds or play separately for the the start.


    Sorc is probably the best healer in the game, Jugg has some AOE threat issues compared to the other Tanks, but nothing that cannot be over come by learning to play the class.


    Sorc&Ptech would be my second recommendation.


    Of your roiling Republic, mirrors are the same.

  6. Because every class has the same ability with a different name and they all work the same.


    So it's working as intended, it wasn't they would have obviously noticed by now.

  7. I do not mind new gear and new attacks etc. However, (to my understanding) I do not like that a trooper or BH, can now gain force attacks.(and vice versa) That being said, sharing attacks between faction and professions just ruins the game exp for me. You will just have characters running around with all abilities now. I mean whats the point of having classes?


    Gain abilities from legacy is one thing. However, to merges abilities with other classes and faction, seems scary. (big game changer)


    It's directly link to to the 20 min companion mandatory ability, the only time the majority of people pop this is when fighting champs solo or own story big/hard bosses - which are instanced.


    It not like your going to walk around every corner and see bounty hunters shooting lightning.


    It just something to make the "oh crap" button a little better I guess.

  8. The should add "Fear and other Darkside aura's" back in which are constant 15m AOE around the player de-buffs.


    We could have.


    Hatred: All target within radius gain constant threat towards the player and have reduced Accuracy - Immortal.


    -Reason more AOE threat, more survivability.


    Fear: All targets within radius suffer double DoT damage and have reduced Alacrity. - Vengeance.


    -Reason more sustained damage, more time to interrupt cast attacks.


    Enthrallment: All target within radius suffer double Armour penetration effects and are slowed -Rage.


    - Reason more burst damage, more chance to land critical super-smashes.

  9. rage and veng trees going toe to toe with each other ?


    Because that's not the point of Immortal.


    In PVP Immortals are Huttball carrying and Turret/Door Defending gods. They are not for mass killing or 1 on 1 fights (you can win 1 on 1, but your wasting a hell of lot of time for one kill).


    In PVE you stand in front of the hardest hitting thing and get knocked around, and make sure they keep knocking you around some more, whilst everyone else kills everything, because your the only one that wont die like a squishy little girl.

  10. Hey guys, I'm currently looking for modable versions of all my current armour. I much prefer its appearance to most higher level armour so I want to just keep upgrading these.




    At the moment it's the Gloves and Boots that I don't have modable versions of and I've not been able to find any. Does anyone know if these exist and where I might find them?


    For some reason all the higher level gloves are tiny in comparison to these; these are the only one I've seen that have elbow guards. This is pretty much the stuff that Malgus wears as well I think, except his is in black.


    Any help would be much appreciated!


    Reinforced Mullinine


    http://www.torhead.com/ - put the above in the serch bar and the drop down should list the parts.


    Seems to be mostly to be quest rewards from Nar Shadda and Tatooine.

  11. Well that would give her 2 advanced classes and require a different weapon for her (since sorcs don't use dual-bladed sabers). Fair enough to have her as a dps or tank; but not a healer.


    NPC's are fine using completely inappropriate weapons and attacks. Jaesa uses a Sith Warrior charge afterall. Plus she has basically the same move list as Ashara who dual wields.


    She could easily be a Sorc with double blade.


    And we sue as hell don't need another Tank, the two we have are the most widely unused companions by far.

  12. For us non-dual wield classes (Madness Assassin), should we aim for 100% on specials or non-specials too?


    You 100% on normal attacks (speical attacks always have higher acc anyway, so if you hit 100% normal you should be way over on specials).


    Accuracy is your hit and miss rate, at 100% you will never miss an attack. However you can still be dodged/blocked/parried.


    Having over 100% accuracy lowers the target defense rating (their dodged/blocked/parried rate), player and npcs have a 10% base rate, tanks will have much higher. Tank NPC's have about 35% max, players Tanks are normally around 30-40%. So you'd need around 140% Acc to stop them completely.


    Most people do not bother with this and stop at 100%.

  13. Alienware obviously ... and for SWTOR of course .


    I built a computer with the exact same specs as a top end Alienware which costs £3500 my self for £1000.


    Learning to build a PC costs allot less than £2500 (free).


    Save yourself from being ripped off and learn to build it yourself, it easy, a 10 year old could learn to do it.

  14. There is no god send PVE and PVP DPS spec with Juggernaut. And Veng-Rage Hybirds all suck, I've yet to see a single one match the pure specs.


    Rage is PVP as it is highly dependent almost completely on Smash, and these super-smashes take a bit of time to set up. When fighting elites or higher (even some strongs) this causes much trouble, because if they survive your super-smash (which they will) they will kill you before you get another one off.


    Vengance is PVE, because it's it a sustained damage (has 3 big attacks that are spread out in a rotation making strongs/elites pushovers), you need to spend much longer fighting to do the same amount as all burst specs other people use in PVP which puts you at a big disadvantage.


    Immortal ironically enough works well in both, but of course that's Tanking&Objectives, not DPS&Killing.

  15. The Jedi Knight story is save the galaxy.

    The Jedi Consular story is save the Jedi.

    The Trooper story is save the Republic (mostly from itself).

    The Imperial Agent story is complex, but comes down to: help yourself/Jadus/the Sith&Empire/the Republic.

    The Sith stories are both personal quest for power, with some big repercussions for the Empire, but nothing that saves or breaks it.

    The Smuggler and Bounty Hunter are personal.


    So the Jedi Knight is your Star Wars movie like story.

  16. when i try to use an attack it says i cant because i dont have enough focus....




    Compare this to your charterers bars,


    The abilities he has in slots 1 (strike) and 10 (force leap), both generate focus.


    If strike has fallen off your ability bars press P to bring up your abilitiy list and drag it back into the ability bar from there.


    Force Leap has to be brought from a trainer.

  17. Thats actually incorrect. The Jedi Order is way older than the Republic.


    I'm not sure if there is a book of how they first met, maybe thats the current Dawn of the Jedi series. But the Jedi Order is way older than the Republic.


    25,783 BBY

    The Jedi Order forms from the ashes of Tython's Force Wars.[10]


    c. 25,200 BBY

    A Major plague sweeps through the galaxy that kills only Rakata. As a result of this, twinned with subject species rebellions, the Infinite Empire collapses.[12]

    The Kitel Phard dynasty is founded on Atrisia.


    c. 25,130 BBY

    The reign of Xim the Despot begins.[7]


    c. 25,102 BBY

    The Battle of Ko Vari is fought between the Hutt Empire and the empire of Xim the Despot.


    c. 25,100 BBY

    The First, Second and Third Battles of Vontor are fought between the Hutts and Xim the Despot.

    According to Tionese history, Xim the Despot is killed at Vontor, but he is actually captured and later dies as a slave in the dungeons of Kossak on Varl.

    The Treaty of Vontor is signed.

    The Hutts gain control of the Si'Klaata Cluster.



    The Old Republic eraEdit


    c. 25,053 BBY

    The Rakatan Hyperdrive is adapted, manufactured, and widely distributed by the Corellians.[9][14]

    The Unification Wars are fought.[9][15]

    The development of the hyperdrive expands the known galaxy. To keep order, several star systems form a democratic alliance.[10]

    The Galactic Republic is founded.[16]

    The Galactic Constitution is signed.[17]

    Coruscant becomes the Republic's capital.[18]

    c. 25,000 BBY

    Jedi Knights establish a school on Ossus.

    The Perlemian Trade Route is founded, linking Coruscant with Ossus.


    24,953 BBY

    The Jedi Order swears loyalty to the Republic.[10]


    They are only 730 years apart, and it only took 100 years for the Jedi to realize they could only peace/justice to the galaxy if they worked with the republic.

  18. Sith always follow there own interests.


    They only serve the Sith Order and Sith Empire in their own interests, mostly this is their interest to stay alive, as disobeying stronger Sith will get them killed.


    But if any Sith got enough power to overthrow the Empire and create his own he would do it in a second.

  19. Because the Republic were (and often are) the only Galaxy wide government in existence when the Jedi were first formed. And the Jedi are mindless fools at following past (and often out of date) Jedi rules.


    If the Jedi want to bring peace/justice to the galaxy they would always have to work with the government in charge of it (or risk becoming vigilantes (hero-criminals) hunted by the Republic - which would be the opposite of what they want).


    And the only other Galaxy wide government that ever pops up now and then is a Empire, which of course is controlled by Sith, so they can never ally with them.

  20. I'd like a Cathar.


    Cather is possible for Republic, to be honest I am somewhat surprised it was not in at the start.


    Bioware have already stated that all species have to be "human enough" for romanaces and such to work.


    I just want my dang Kel'Dor....... :(


    BioWare has already mentioned adding new species down the road as playable characters. I would like to see, as a reward for something, a player being able to play as a Rakata.


    So you can forget these two.


    I expect Togruta (Republic) and Chagrian (Empire), when they finally get the head details sorted out.

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