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Posts posted by AngelousWang

  1. I just started artiface after ditching Splicing


    I am now 52/400/400.


    how long can I craft low level pieces and continue to boost my art ranking?


    There is colour indicator next to each recipe, if it green, yellow or orange you will get exp from crafting it.


    If it's grey you wont.


    If it's red it's too high for you to craft and you shouldn't be be on your list anyway (this is a bug from a previous version, you should not be able to add a higher level recipe than you can craft anymore, but there are some that still can be added).

  2. Powertech is the best Tank right now, because it works well with both AOE and Single Target. Juggernaut is pretty much stuck as more of Single Target Tank and Assassin has Single Target/Boss Tanking problems.


    Powertech has Carbonize/Flame Sweep/Oil Slick/Death from Above/Sonic Missile all generating AOE threat, whilst Juggernaut just has Threatening Scream/Chilling Scream/Smash (though Chilling Scream is pretty much PVP only really), making it much easier to AOE Tank.


    Also Death from Above is fantastic group pull, which kill all weak enemies in the group before they get chance to move and will wipe entire weak enemies groups making leveling easier.


    Powertech has all the same Single Target threat as Juggernaut and all the same defensive abilities too. They also both have charge (though Juggernaut get his much earlier).


    Powertech also has a target pull, whilst Juggernaut has a push.


    PT Tank + SS Healer + SM DPS = Win.


    You'll be able to pick up any random DPS and do any group content with ease. Plus you won't have any gear conflict. Also the 3 of you doing story quests together won't conflict, you all being different classes.

  3. I've just recently rolled a juggernaut and am going to be levelling almost exclusively with a Sorcerer friend. We're probably going to be getting the majority of experience from questing, but I'm sure we'll do flashpoints occasionally-to-frequently.


    From what I've heard, juggernaut tanks have plenty survivability, but face challenges holding threat. Would it be viable to put points exclusively into Vengeance as I level, and just switch to Soresu Form for flashpoints/heroics? It seems like even if you ignore Shien form, the Vengeance tree still has quite a few really solid damage- (and therefore threat-) increasing skills.


    Additionally, having a devoted healer friend means that, in my mind, survivability will be less of a concern than aggro control (I know my healer won't be a huge moron, but there's no such guarantee for PUGed DPSers).




    Won't work. Switching forms does not work for Juggernaut. Soresu nerfs rage generation by 50% and then the Immortal Tree Talents un-nerf you.


    Vengeance generating 50% less Rage you would have to use 3-5 Assaults in-between every other ability use.

  4. If you press P the skill list will tell you which is force and which is not.


    However a quick way to tell looking at an ability is any ability that just does "weapon damage" is a Melee attack and anything that does "Kinetic/Elemental damage" is a Force Attack.

  5. Hey guys I was wondering if I could check something, basically since i did the Tatooine Bonus Series a lot of side quests (3/4) have been unavailable as i have to "complete missions" or something along those lines. I am Level 31 and I am just heading to Balmorra, i was forced to miss 4-5 side quests on Tatooine, and the majority of them on Alderaan.


    I accepted this, thinking I had missed a quest or something (as i had never experienced it up to this point) however post-Desolator quest i received quest marks with both Kira and T7, when I try to talk to them however i get the same message as other side quests which prompted me to think this may be a glitch, can anyone clear this up? Thankyou.


    You can only have 25 active quests at any one time.


    Press L to look at your quest list, go and complete or abandon some, then you can get new ones.

  6. According to ToR you can get from doing "Comrades in Arms: Repair; Heroic+4", thats the Lightside version of the quest, not the Darkside which is "Comrades in Arms: Reprogram".


    As it a Heroic quest it can be repeated.


    This quest is level 21-24 I believe, on Balmorra and is located on the north eastern path to the Balmorran arms factory.

  7. Maybe I missed something, but at the beginning of the Honor or Glory mission, the BH was told that he had to put credits into the bounty pot and if he succeeded in the kill, the pot would be his.


    At the end of the mission, you are told again that you have won the bounty and we will credit you with the amount. My credits don't seem to have gone up noticeably so what was all the fuss about?


    Anyone else notice this?


    As with all story based credit rewards, the reward is very minimal amount. They did want to upset game/economy balance by giving one class a massive credit reward that the other class would not get.


    Sub-quest can give slightly better credit rewards at least, as everyone can do them (But it still nothing really).

  8. From what I recall reading in the past, you don't actually become the head of the new imperial intelligence....the Sith are in charge of it...but maybe that is incorrect. Also, I seem to recall that you can also join with Darth Jadus


    Well yes, the Sith are always in charge of everything, but you are in charge of it the same way the Minster of War is in charge of the Imperial Amry/Navy, but he still answers to the Sith.


    Head of the Organization but the Organization still answers to the Sith.



    And Whether Darth Jadus is killed or not is separate matter, you can run Imp Intel with him alive or with him dead, it just alters slightly who in the Sith you report to. Him or another Dark Council member.


  9. So according to the patch notes, there was a double heal occurring upon application of your salvation spell. But to my understanding, the double heal was a quick double tick that happened right as the "additional" heal starts as described in the skill tooltip. There is still supposed to be an initial burst heal for everybody in the aoe which before the patch would crit for around 1-1.2k for everybody in the circle. But now, after they supposedly fixed the spell, there is no initial heal at all, and i actually still see the double tick occasionally happening. However when the double tick does not happen, im losing out on a solid 2k+ of possible healing for everybody standing in the circle. *** is up with this skill?


    for a solution i would like to propose two things:


    1) adjust the tooltip so that we know exactly how much the initial heal is supposed to be.

    example: "Heals all allies within 8 meters of the targeted area [for 980]. Targets remaining in the area heal for an additional 3320 over 10 seconds."


    2) fix the damn skill so that it works properly.


    It now works identical to the Sith Sorcerer version, which has never had this initial/double heal that Sage version did.


    I guess it's now working as intended (whether or not you think it is) since they decided to fix the Sage to match the Sorcerer version version and not the other way around.

  10. Powertech (Shield Tech) is melee already, all you would have to do is swap the blaster talents for sword/staff talents and it would work perfectly.


    Though they'd probably want to add an extra low level charge or pull (because of having basic attack melee rather than range, hence charge is the first move SW/JK get).

  11. I would recommend always being Body Type 2, there are many bug area's that Body Type 3 cannot access or gets stuck in (Too many DEV's using Body Type 2 and females during design obviously).


    Sure they will all be fixed eventually, but why cause yourself the grief in mean time? Especially if your not set on being body type 3.

  12. You either destroy the Black Codex or give it to the two SIth Lords who give it to teh Dark Council.


    Me? I kept the Black codex and said screw you to the black council. :cool:



    Lightside/Noble-Good Intentions = Join the Republic.

    Neutral/Self Centered = Become a Star Wars version of the Shadow Broker.

    Darkside/Loyal to the Sith = Become the new head of Imperial Intelligence.



    No video's of it though on youtube that I know of.


    JK (TANK CLASS!! TANK TANK TANK!!!) hitting ppl for 7k AOE!!! AOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!! !!


    Did you not read the Video title? Focus Spec Jedi Guardian.


    Focus is a pure 100% DPS Tree, it's even shared with Sentinel a 100% DPS AC.


    Your mistake is you think all Guardians are Tank's, they are not.


    A Focus Guardian is not a Tank, a Focus Guardian is not a Off-Tank, a a Focus Guardian is not even a Tank-DPS hybrid, it is 100% DPS. Without Soresu Guardian dies just as easily as all other DPSers, and the guy in the video clearly uses Shii-Cho.

  14. I convince my brother to play this mmo, and since he has no prior experience in playing mmo's.


    I wanted to go dual Mercenary as a duo combo as we both can play dps while have mako heal us all the way through as for crew skills we can both split it up and craft armor and weapons for each other.


    Reason in playing both mercenary would be easier for me to tell him what rotations and builds to pick up. Any thoughts?


    Lastly I already have a Lv50 Sorcerer so this would be an Alt.


    Thanks in advance


    Sure it will work. especially since you will both be able to throw weak heals around if needed, on-top to dual Mako's, just make sure to turn off the "only one Bounty Hunter in this zone" setting off.


    Though you might have some trouble finding Heroic+4/Flashpoints, as you'll need to find Tank and Healer which there are always less of.


    If you both play BH you won't be able to do the class quests together.


    You can, there is setting you need to turn off to do this .

  15. Lore wise he is weaker then Lord Scourge, Darth Angrel and Darth Bara's, who is weaker than the Jedi Knight and weaker than the Sith Warrior. The Sith Inquisitor is likely stronger than him too.


    The Emperor is the all powerful, only second to Sidious, lore wise.


    "Emperors Voices" - puppet bodies the Emperor uses.


    The Sith Warrior is strong enough to beat Darth Bara's who is strong enough to beat one of the Emperors "Voices"


    The Jedi Knight is strong enough to beat another one of the the Emperors "Voices".


    Lord Scourge is more powerful than the entire Dark Council combined. Which probably means the Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight is too (though I would exclude Darth Nox).


    Darth Malgus is not strong enough to take on the entire Dark Council combined, he has also excepted Darth Marr, Darth Angrel and Darth Bara's as his superiors (as he hasn't challenged their authority).


    So why does it take four people to kill him? Gameplay.

  16. Sorcerer/Sage keeps the party alive easily, but is more difficult to keep the main tank alive as single traget healing is the worse of the 3.


    Operative/Sawbones keeps the main tank alive easily, but is more difficult to keep the rest of the party alive due to bad AOE.


    Mercenary/Commando is somewhat in-between but closer to Operative/Sawbones, it's better at healing the party than Operative/Sawbones, but it still a very very good main tank healer.


    So really when you make a raid group you want:

    1 - Mercenary/Commando/Operative/Sawbones - Main Tank Healer.

    1 - Sorcerer/Sage - Party healer.

    1 - Juggernaut/Guardian/Vanguard/Powertech - Main Tank.

    1 - Vanguard/Powertech/Shadow/Assassin - Off Tank.

    1 - Sorcerer/Sage DPS (for the massive CC they bring).

    1 - AOE DPS for Boss adds.

    1 - Burst-Single Boss Killer DPS.

    1 - Random DPS.

  17. I would suspect everyone is 18-26, they are all exceptional top their class types, therefore they can achieve things earlier than most.


    The Sith Warrior is likely the youngest being that he/she became Sith before the proper age, due to Tremel.


    The Smuggler is likely the oldest, from the way he/she talks.

  18. Jaesa Williamson: There's a quest on Voss where you are given the option to force one of your companions to sacrifice a portion of their life energy to proceed to the next area. Most of your companions will give you a -1 affection for forcing them to do this. Jaesa gives you +34 affection. Do you know what she says? "I cannot resist your will, Master." I'm sorry, but that is ****ed up. This girl has all that power and is a very capable fighter magnitudes above the aforementioned Thana Vesh. So, to balance the scales, the writers turned her into a sadomasochistic sex kitten. Strong women are not like that. They have a sense of self-worth that goes beyond giving empowerment fantasies to keyboard clickers. Good god.



    Jaesa has two complete opposite personalities depending on whether she Light or Dark, the "sadomasochistic sex kitten" only happens if you make her go Dark. If she's Light she won't even romance you shes that independently strong.


    As for the rest you are playing Empire.


    Empire = All strong main characters = male = and Human for the most part.


    The Empire is not a what you would call a good example of real characters. It's a very fascism based society.


    The Republic has more strong and better female leads like Satele Shan and General Garza and allot more strong alien leads too.

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