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Posts posted by AngelousWang

  1. Hey, my question is this: Do Cybertech and Artifice have mods that go into the same slot on a piece of armor/gun/lightsaber or is it like Cybertech can craft 3 of the 4 mods we can slot into an item and Artifice is for crafting the 4th mod?





    Hilt/Barrel (Artifice/Armstech)

    Modification Mod (Cybertech)

    Enchantment Mod (Artifice)

    Crystal Mod (Artifice)


    Chest Armour

    Armouring Mod (Cybertech)

    Modification Mod (Cybertech)

    Enchantment Mod (Artifice)

    Possibly 1 Augmentation - rare from slicing/investigation.


    Other Armour pieces.

    Possibly 1 Augmentation - rare from slicing/investigation .

  2. Is there no point in taking Slicing instead of Underworld Trading if you're going for cybertech? I know you also get cyber schematics from Slicing, and I kind of like the idea of having slicing for flashpoints and for all the extra money, but if Underworld Trading is really important for Cybertech... then I guess I'm stuck with that. Anyone with experience have anything to say?


    You need both Scavenging/Underworld Trading for mats. Underworld Trading and slicing may both provide schematics but slicing does not give mats.


    You need to be able to farm your own mats, especially since Underworld Trading are the rarer mats (Scavenging are the normal mats). So you won't be self sufficient as you will ahve to buy them and buying them will be expensive.


    Diplomacy really for Biochem? Isn't splicing kind of necessary to build credits early on and other features?


    It only provides mats for Biochem, therefore it is Biochem only.

  3. There is no point taking any other combo, you will just gimp yourself.

    Biochem/Bioanalysis/Diplomacy = This creates reusable med packs, reusable stim packs and implants. This makes it pretty much the single best combo for Tanks as it basically gives you infinite consumables (though they have long cooldowns) and Implants give the best status bonuses for Endurance and Armour Rating.

    Artifice/Archeology/Treasure Hunting = This creates Colour Crystals, Hilt Mods, Enchantment Mods, Force Generators, Shield Generators, Power Generators and blank Lightsabers This make it fantastic for Force DPSers as they can create 3/4 of their need mods for weapons. Their off hand weapons. Plus Enchantment Mods go in both weapons and armour. At max skill you can create some rare Lightsabers if you can get the rare schematics for them.


    Armstech/Scavenging/Investigation = This create all blasters, all melee weapons (that arn't lightsabers) and Barrel Mods. This is great for non-force DPSers as they can create their own weapons, 1/4 Mods they need and weapons for their companions.


    Synthweaving/Archeology/Underworld Trading = This creates armours for all force users. You can create un-modable green and blue gear for force users. However you can only create the shells of (the best) modable armour, they do not come with any free mods (anymore). - This is best taken if you are part fo guild and have easy access to a supply of Mods, becuase you don't want to be stuck in un-modable gear and the shells are useless without Mods (though you can always stick them on the AH for others to buy and Mod themselves).


    Armormech/Scavenging/Underworld Trading = Same as Synthweaving/Archeology/Underworld Trading, but for all non-force users instead.


    Cybertech/Scavenging/Underworld Trading = This creates Armour Mods, Modification Mods, Re-usable Grenades, Driod Companion Gear, Ear pieces and fast travel items (teleporters/speeders). = This is great as Armour Mods and Modification Mods (which go in both weapons and armour), infinite Grenades, Ear pieces that provide good status boosts and at max skill speeders that sell for allot, if you can get the rare schematics for them.


    Slicing/Investigation/Treasure Hunting = This is the best for non-crafters.


    Slicing = This provides extra credits in the field as it allows you to hack safes that are scattered about enemy bases/camps.


    Slicing+Treasure Hunting Missions = Both provide lots of lockboxes and normally always put out more credits than you spend on them. Lockboxes contain random equipment.


    Slicing+Investigation Missions = Both provide rare schematics for other crew skills that cannot be gotten any other way, so you can stick these on the AH for large amounts. And they also provide Augmentation Mods which are a rare type of super Mod that can used on virtually any piece of equipment.

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