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Posts posted by Stressfire

  1. Just curious,


    When is Vector's "guest" status as a companion supposed to go away. With as few spoilers as possible: I completed the class quest that he was originally accompanying me for and supposedly he has been reassigned to me.


    Class-wise I am done with Alderaaan, though I do have more random quests available. I have not yet gone back to my ship following the last class mission to do the holoterminal thing.

  2. Hmm, I may have just never noticed.


    I tend to toss a Frag Grenade when I first take cover and follow that with the Snipe freebie, so as not to squander the energy that would be recharged while casting.


    So...FG, Snipe, Snipe - then some other stuff


    Will pay closer attention tonight, see what happens

  3. I had a basic idea of what I was getting into when I rolled my Merc as my first toon.


    I don't really pvp, so no viability worries there


    Heck, if we're just being honest.....it was the dual-wield capability. Merc had me at "hello" with the twin blasters


    PT just didn't have the cool-factor for me. That, and I didn't want a tank


    Having said that, I have a short attention span - I'm currently enamored with Sniper;)

  4. Do you mean that there is a slight delay between pushing the key and the ability happening?


    Or is the cast/channel for snipe still occurring in spite of the proc showing up in your buff bar?


    If the first one, I have it too. Not sure what the delay is, but it's still shorter than cast time. But sometimes it happens instantly, sometimes it takes a millisecond or 2 to fire off

  5. Not trying to be trollish or snarky, but this isn't accurate, is it? I thought EP was single target.


    You may actually have me there:


    Nothing in details about splash damage (grenade toss/thermal detonator does damage multiple targets though)


    The knockback effect of both seems to drive tanks a bit crazy though, especially if they fly into enemies not being fought at the moment

  6. Mine is Darth Malleus Loktar, 'Malleus' being Latin for hammer as my SW is a jugg.


    Flows nicely as well, bit of an Imperial Roman flair I think: 8/10


    Don't have a Warrior, but want to play too;)

    My Merc - Stressfire Ironsky (Got the term from a book series on defensive shooting)

  7. Same issue on and off - tends to happen at the WORST times and when I can really use the absorption buff.


    So, mid-fight, I tend not to rely on it and either cover in place or run on my own to the nearest crate

  8. If you're searching schematics, you must also now put in a colon


    Otherwise you might be under the mistaken impression that you have found a very rare schem...until someone whisps you to ask why you have a 50k price tag on a 2k item:o

  9. That doesn't make sense. My merc was in full tionese and one death cost me approximately 8k. How is it more than your 6.7k?


    Just curious - does armor type make a difference? I.E. Heavy costs more to repair than light?

  10. Level 30 (at the moment) Sniper. My current skills are Underworld Trading (for Kaliyo's bonus) and Slicing (the schems sell well and the lockboxes offset mission costs a bit).


    I have no interest in crafting, but I'm looking for a good 3rd skill to round my crew skills. Anyone have any input as to a good credit-maker? I really don't want to have to go back to low lvl planets to farm gathering skills, but I suppose I can if there's a good reason to.


    Any good ideas?

  11. Look, I don't yet have a lvl 50, so I'm not doing Ops runs at all yet.


    But I spend a couple hours a night playing (some solo, some FPs) and I don't die very often. Between GTN sales and looting baddies, credits are always coming in.


    However - this is not the case for everyone. Some people may only have a couple hours a week to play, would any of you really wanting to spend those precious few hours farming credits? I sure wouldn't.


    So no, a couple thousand extra on my toons as they stand now is not a huge deal. But to the people who have very little free time to play because of RL obligations, and thus no real way to make credits, increased costs may be everything.

  12. I enjoy DPS, I also enjoy healing - to a certain extent. A lot of times it can be more stress than it's worth.


    My main toons I play are a merc and a sniper. Sniper is the newest and find that I'm really liking the pure DPS aspect of that class.


    However...with my Sniper there is nothing I can do to prevent a wipe, if the healer goes down for some reason, we are pretty much SOL. Also the main reason I tend to take cover near the healer to play bodyguard for them if needed.


    But I cannot count the number of times that I've been able to prevent wipes by swapping out cylinders on my merc and healing a group with a dead healer or provided some extra support should they be overloaded.

  13. You know, OP, I think you might be right.


    Just got to Alderaan, and for on-level enemies Kaliyo does seem to be pretty squishy - on all previous planets I found her to be a great tank.


    However, I do find that staying on top of interrupts and really bearing down on multiple opponents with a solid rotation helps keep her up. She seems to be pretty weak against DoTs as well, as I found out on Balmorra - not much you can do about those as a sniper.


    By interrupting where I can, and keeping pulls manageable (ie no more than 2-3 silvers and a couple 2-shotable minions or 1 gold + weak minions) she doesn't really go below 1/4 health very often anymore.


    I don't have her really well outfitted either, her shield I got from Mando Raiders, the rest is a mix of quest reward greens and a couple GTN blues - nothing really special

  14. I prefer ranged fighting over melee


    I started out with a merc because, well, who doesn't want 2 pistols:p Good survivability, decent damage, and the ability to swap to a heal spec if I get bored of DPSing FPs


    But I am really liking Sniper right now, made one last week and have played her consistently since rolling. Loving the damage output and the cover system adds a nice dynamic to play - unlike the merc where I could just run in guns a' blazing knowing that my armor and Mako would keep me standing, with Sniper I almost have to plan out a fight ahead of time. The extreme range is nice too;)

  15. I'm a DPS player who is relatively new the game and this thread has been helpful and informative for me. Thanks to the people who took time to explain it.


    I do have two questions about what has been said here.


    1. If an enemy switches to targeting me instead of the tank, is that my first clue that I was doing too much damage? Or are there earlier hints? Is there a way for a skilled DPS player to make sure they don't pull threat while still dealing an optimal amount of damage?

    2. I understand from reading this thread that if I pull threat as a DPS player I should stop attacking. What should I do while I'm waiting? Attack something else, or stop attacking entirely?


    It depends - if it's a non-elite, the tank is likely not focusing on it in favor of trying to keep aggro from an elite.


    For the most part, just kill it. If it's an elite or higher and is charging you or your healer, I will usually try to root/slow it so the tank doesn't have to chase it down and CC if I can, again so the tank doesn't have to run it down.


    Nice part about being extreme-range DPS is that you can get a very good view of the fight and kind of see what needs to be done.

  16. Just throwing this out as well - remember that some of your Sniper abilities have an AoE component (such as explosive probe, grenade, etc)


    I learned this the hard way when I first started FPs with my Merc - kept breaking CCs with the splash from my Missile Blast, which prior to getting Tracer was my standard high-power attack. Finally someone took the time to explain it to me. This was still around the level of Boarding Party, so not really up there, but not starting out either.

  17. All it takes is for the new people to be willing to listen, and a good teacher who is patient and willing to teach. I wish all the new groups I ran into read the same book these guys did. 3cheers!


    Very similar experience yesterday, was in a group for Hammer Station and our Tank had never actually tanked before. We did fine up til last boss since with an Op and 2 Snipers, plus the PT tank, we had plenty of CC and DPS to go around.


    We wiped a couple times on last boss, but the Tank listened when we told him how to position boss, how to get a hold of adds, and how to move to avoid AOEs without causing them to take out the rest of the group. We were nice and we were patient - he was reasonable and he listened and made changes accordingly.


    It's not a matter of learning to play - anyone can solo quest. It's a matter of learning to play in a group. That can really only be done by experiencing the FPs first-hand.

  18. You must be very new to this game. Welcome to The old Republic, you have one of the the highest registration numbers I have seen so far 6,329,218. It fills me with joy that you still not have experienced the downside of the lootsystem, but believe me you will in the future.


    Keep up the good work and always communicate with the group you are playing with if something is unclear :tran_cool:


    Been playing this game for a bit over a month, actually, but did SWG for quite awhile followed by a WoW stint from Lich King til just after Cata. Thus far I have had mostly positive group experiences - a few negatives, but that happens. Honestly, I just don't care that much - if a player is willing to loot in a way that gets them on too many ignore lists to even get a group anymore, then fine.


    So they ninja the chestpiece that I did the run for in the first place. IMO, so what? I'll just run it again, I'll have an easier time finding another group than they will - I'm heals, after all;)

  19. The loot system cannot be left as it is. F2Ps are rolling need on everything. Ofc ingore and boot, but the system must be changed to Need only on class appropriate gear.


    I was F2P for about a day before I picked up a sub, before I had even run Black Talon. But aren't F2P players limited on the number of rolls they can do per day? Makes sense, I suppose, that they would want to maximize their "take" even if they can only sell it to junk vendor.


    Why not just ask the group prior to or during a roll? Ex: "Anyone mind if I need on that for companion?" or "off-spec" or "for the mods." If something drops that no one else can really use, or they already have it, why not just ask?


    I have yet to be told "no"

  20. I tend to play this way myself - more grey than light or dark. Sometimes you just run across NPCs that need a good killing, but doing so is a dark side choice.


    The only downside I've noticed thus far is an inability to purchase items from the LS/DS vendors, primarily relics

  21. And how the hell are you supposed to now if someone is THAT bad (and yes, I'll call it bad since it really doesn't take much to simply read the info on the item)? Most people can manage a simple task like that, so it IS more than fair to assume that anyone rolling on what they shouldn't is a ninja (and they are - they're just not aware of it). Like I've said multiple times though - IF it turns out they made a mistake and fixes it I'll forget about it. This isn't a court of law, so "innocent until proven otherwise" doesn't apply.


    I don't know of too many ninjas who stick around to finish a FP after doing so. Most just log or leave group.


    As to knowing what relics do...I didn't figure it out until early 30s:o or thereabouts

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