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Posts posted by Stressfire

  1. Do you even have missle blast on your quickbar?

    As soon as I hit lvl 10 on a bh/trooper this flies right out of it and will never be seen again


    This is a PvE, perspective, but I sure do, the heat cost is atrocious, granted, but it mainly acts as my "healer rescue" attack, good for dropping regular mobs or at least getting 'em off of their current target. Admittedly, I haven't used it much since Cademimu, mostly due to the heat cost - but the knockdown comes in handy now and again

  2. Same here. Underworld metal just doesn't come up very often. I find that if I neglect things like companion gift missions, I get fewer options outside of gifts, and most of those are "moderate yield," which are mostly a waste of time unless I'm about to log off anyway. If I cycle a couple of the gift missions out, the queue tends to refresh with some of the more desirable metal missions.


    Not sure what causes missions to come up as the do (RNG?), but I almost always have at least 2 comps running metal missions.


    Was watching Game of Thrones last night while waiting (and hoping) for GF to pop and was running crew missions while idle - had both Gault and Torian running metal missions pretty consistently, at one point even had Blizz doing it as well. True, sometimes all missions will be gifts or fabric, but once I run one of those usually Metal ones come back.


    On JC server, blue and up mods are between 20-50k depending on stats - so there might be creds to be made doing it, but I got a bit soured on crafting from SWG (damn best on server mats that never ever show up again) and then pre-Cata WoW (crafting was just dull to me and kinda tedious)

  3. As an upcoming Tank still working on acquiring a set of Columi my beef is the fully Rakata geared Dps who refuses to let the Tank be a Tank. Constantly running ahead and starting pulls and leaving no time for anyone to place a cc. And all the while making snide comments about the Tank not rounding up the agro.


    Gets even more fun when it's the healer doing that, not the DPS:confused:

  4. I don't PvP, so it's not a huge problem for me.


    But, yeah, getting owned will be a regular thing if you PvP with an Arsenal Merc. The vast majority of our core, high damage abilities are channel-dependent and as such can be consistently shut down with interrupts and stuns. Especially in close quarters with a melee class.


    We would do OK with some backup to take some pressure off, but who wants to spend an entire WZ babysitting a DPS?


    Merc is a ranged class with no real ability to keep an opponent at range. One pushback (2, I suppose, if you count Missile Blast, but after 3 of those, you are likely overheating) and one channeled slow - not so great for keeping opponents away and not many abilities that can be used on the move.

  5. I'll list mine, feel free to list your reasons too.

    2. The tank doesn't guard or taunt, leaving me with 2 mobs on me while I fend them off and simultaneously heal the tank and DPS's attacking the same mob.


    Well, can't do much about the other two since i'm not a tank and i only need roll what I can use (or rip the mods out of - but it still has to be for my class at least)


    But #2? Well, that's the part where I (personally) do a couple things as DPS:

    1. CC if it's off CD and leave it for later (and hope no one breaks CC)

    2. Throw healer a few Rapid/Healing Scans til the tank figures out you're in trouble.

    3. If no cc, and my heals aren't doing enough - pop my defensive CDs and I throw everything I have at the 1-2 going after the healer.


    Only ever had 1 bad Heroic 4 while leveling - and that was a merc in all lvl 20ish greens on Balmorra who was going after anything and everything - we wiped about 4 times before we dumped him.


    They make 'em available as dailies, but TBH, if I do 'em, I do 'em once - because it is kind of annoying to find a group, kind of annoying to get all parties to the right location in a timely manner, and also, because I'm already on to another planet by the next day;)

  6. As others have said, as a healer - don't bother. Go for power or crit.


    Rough estimate: Even if you used +41 endurance crystals, you might get 800-900 more health - that's maybe 1 hit should you take boss-sized aggro - not gonna do much good.


    If tank and DPS are doing their jobs, you should be taking minimal damage. 1 main thing I try to do as DPS is ensure healer safety. If I can kill it, I will, if I can't I'll pop defense CDs and hang on as long as I can - if i die it's not huge deal, if the healer dies, it's usually a wipe.

  7. I played SWG, loved it. I played SWTOR, and I love SWTOR. Should you mix the two? No.


    TL;DR (most of it)


    I was on SWG towards the tail end - picked up the demo in the Best of PC pack.

    Mix the two? I agree, no. But use some of what made the game good and make it new? Absolutely.


    I fully support giving classes something to do. I loved the bounty system from SWG - even though I always seemed to end up taking out bounties on the hardcore PvPers that wiped the floor with me. Smugglers had stuff to smuggle, Medics had medical missions, jedi's....well, probably had Jedi stuff to do - never rolled one.


    The ability to customize ships to a degree would be nice as well.


    Player cities/housing - meh, good idea, bad practice. I think it would be safe to say that player housing and cities covered about half of the settle-able planets in SWG, and 3/4 of them were ghost towns. And i can't quite describe the annoyance of searching for something on the GTN there, having travel across half of freaking Tatooine, only to find out that I can't get to the vendor inside because somebody locked their house:mad:


    But guild capital ships might not be too shabby.

  8. Why are you using PS when you have TM?


    Other than "because it's there," like Koyaanisqat said, it's an additional chance to proc Barrage. As an aside, with absolutely no hard data to back it up other than observational - PS actually seems to proc Barrage more often than Tracer. But also, if I already have a full stack of tracer locks, never hurts to mix in a little white damage (which for me is an all but guaranteed crit) if the target's armor is especially well debuffed.


    Seems to work for me - and didn't need to completely rewrite my playstyle. But like I said, with the full 3 points put into Barrage, it procs often enough that I'm essentially running with Unload being my main attack with Tracer, PS, and RS sewn in when available or as needed to proc barrage

  9. Whenever you do log out, do so in a cantina... make sure that you see a "You entered a resting place" on your screen.


    Actually, not a bad idea at all. Got bored with my Merc and rolled a Sniper for a bit. Played her for about...2 weeks maybe? Finally came back to the Merc, who I had left in Fleet.


    He was 39 a few days ago, now at 45. All I have really done is the class quest, some random stuff on Hoth, and FPs. The Rested XP bonus just ran out last night. So leaving your toon logged out for a few days coupled with some CM XP boosts? I'm not sure it those stack with the Rested bonus, never tried.

  10. I heard this a while ago but I don't think it's true, but I heard there is some crazy thing called, "crafting."


    I don't craft - mostly just sell the mats on GTN. Usually make enough to recoup what I spent on the missions with a little meat on the bone for profit, seems to be working so far.


    Was just curious if the missions changed or if I would get different ones as I approached 50

  11. ^^ This.


    I spent HOURS hunting marks on SWg..and loved it...one of the best things ever implemented into a game, stalking 1 mark for hours, following him from planet to planet and then pouncing when he least expects it.


    Great memories. I miss Galaxies.


    You and me both;)


    Never did look forward to the light-side jedis though.


    I really would like to see something like this added - Player bounty system would be awesome

  12. Tracer --> Tracer is silly.


    Use something as a filler. If your first tracer proc's barrage, don't fire another tracer. Use Unload.


    Only quoted this part - but you do make a good point.


    Was at lvl 43 when posted yesterday with only 1 point in barrage - so Unload really didn't proc that often. Hit 45 last night and put the 2 skill points into Barrage - your recommendation worked pretty darn well. Between Tracers and PS, Unload was procing all the time.


    Also, never even came close to 50% heat while running Collicoid & Reaper - so, nice!


    Still no heatseekers yet though - but with the vast reduction in heat generation, I may sacrifice improved vents for the time being

  13. Try turning sprint off on some off the jumps. Sprint tends to over shoot you on some of the tighter jumps. The pipes after you jump from the bridge, when you are on the middle turn of sprint to make the last jump.


    Never thought of that. Will have to try it


    By the way, still haven't gotten it, *sigh*

  14. Trust me, I feel your pain.


    I faced down Jaedus a little late level-wise so with some stims and medpacks I only died once (same cannot be said for Vector, poor guy). Interrupts helped reduce damage a lot. But was still a rough fight.


    I too was having "what ifs" about whether I should have sided with him. Oh well, back to Chapter 2, which I could swear was written and directed by Stanley Kubrick.

  15. Mine varies, but at lvl 44 Arsenal spec mine generally follows this:


    Solo v Reg Mob

    MB - Railshot - Unload. If not dead a Rapid Shot or 2 will finish it off


    Solo v Silver and Up

    MB or Fusion - Tracer x3 - RS - Unload - PS - Alternate tracer & Powershot 'til Unload comes back or CD chance procs


    Group (heat generation is more of a concern for long fights)

    Same as above minus Missile Blast opener - too much heat and not at all CC friendly


    No clue if I'm maxing DPS with this, but it keeps my heat levels at or below 60%ish - every once in a while if my timing is too fast I have a tendency to pull aggro.\


    Just to keep my animations interesting I'll toss in a Rocket Punch or some other filler every now and again. I dunno, just something satisfying about making RP my "killshot" attack;)

  16. My merc is at 43 right now, I think I got maybe 2 of them. Aim on hutta and whichever one is on Dromuund Kaas on the ledge above the Revanite area (End, I think).


    That's about it, and I'm not really suffering any ill effects. I'm sorry, but some of those things are entirely too time consuming and infuriating to get to (imo).


    What can I say, I'd rather be hunting scum or killing the Empire's enemies than playing armored parkour around the rooftops of Tatooine. Referring to the Cunning one here - whoever put that there is just evil;)

  17. Pretty sure it resets anyways once you exit or log out of the game.


    Which FP? None of them are really that long or outlandishly difficult that they can't just be restarted with a fresh group.


    If you just want to complete it, you could always try to find a friendly higher level player to run you through. I've done this from time to time since I run the lower level FPs looking for companion gear (gotta keep Mako looking good) and tend to take others along to make look drops more variable.

  18. My Merc is level 43 at the moment. I hit 400 in Underworld Trading the other day (at 42)....but what happens now? I've got Gault, Torian, and the ship droid running crew missions pretty much all the time, but what happens at (or after?) 400?


    The missions do not seem to have changed at all, pretty much the same ones with the same drops (Grade 6).


    Is that it?

  19. Well, with Armortech, I'm guessing that you are using most of what you get from Scavenging and UT to level that skill?


    I make most of my credits from selling the mats from Scav and UT, since I'm not into crafting. There is some good money to be made, especially if the math is on your side: meaning the GTN prices allow you to recoup what you spent on gathering missions plus a bit of profit. The downside is that it's a lot of math, and a good bit of chance.


    You could always try selling what you make.

  20. I don't worry so much about picking up gear for my comps.


    Actually, more often than not I am over-level for the majority of planet comm equipment by the time I have enough comms to buy anything good. I do alot of FPs - which accounts for the faster leveling - so a lot of times the gear I get from those is already better than what I can buy with comms.


    So, what I try to do is get whatever orange gear I can find, either from FP greed rolls or comms, or whatever and just use my comms to update my companions mods or (in the case of Torian) just give him my old stuff when I upgrade.


    The only one I really go to great lengths to keep geared is Mako as I use her most often as an Arsenal Merc. With her healing me, there's not a lot I can't kill, though I've had some close calls:o

  21. It's not just your play style you need to look at if you are overheating.


    Specced as Arsenal, I can easily keep heat below 60%ish just using Tracer a lot + rail shot and Unload. Can even throw a missile blast in there every so often.


    Bodyguard, however, the demands are a little different - spamming Scans can generate a lot of heat. If you are having to do this with a group, it may be them - under geared, dps biting off more than they can chew, under lvl for an FP, etc.


    Then again, you may want to do a gear check of yourself. I.E. are you stacking to right stats to get the most out of your Scans?


    But, the idea of an extra method by which to dump some heat is not a bad one. That 2 min CD really can be the suck when the fit hits the shan

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