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Posts posted by Stressfire

  1. Awhile back I queued my merc up for HM Foundry - got a group with a Jug tank, sorc healer, and a sniper. We all loaded in, did convo, and headed to the airlock.


    From that point it was like someone lit a firecracker in the butt-flap of the tank's armor - I've done some speedruns, but this was serious balls-to-the-wall moving. Healer almost wanted to bail and the sniper and I were doing all we could to get in attack range by the time he aggroed - even outran the healer more than a few times.


    No one died, not even him;) Thus far best tanking job I've seen and one of the most fun I've had on a run:D

  2. Well, if your sub was supposed to be charged automatically, I wouldn't necessarily say it's your fault. I would have assumed you would get some sort of confirmation e-mail though that your account/card had been charged.


    Mistakes happen though - had a sub with SWG for almost 2 years, SOE never actually charged me a dime


    /shrug - I sure wasn't gonna tell them

  3. I always went for the coms to buy modifiable gear myself. I run a lot of FPs for gear, so what I had was almost always better than what the quest gave.


    As for the Makeb greens? I don't know... I've just begun that content myself.


    They are OK. So far, nothing dropped has been better for my Sniper than her Tionese (which she snaked off the vendor the night before the servers went down:p). But it's been pretty good for filling in those hard to fill slots on some comps who didn't see much action.

  4. From what I've seen in similar threads, we are suspecting that the "idea" is to optimize stats youself by taking desirable mods out of other gear


    Have been seeing this with both my Merc and my Sniper, my only 2 50+ so far. Seems that a lot of the new gear is very heavy on Endurance, but the mods with a classes key stats are either lacking entirely or much weaker than what you had previously.

  5. Not that some of you aren't soliciting for this very thing...


    I know I have:rolleyes:


    When it dips low enough...I will. :p


    Lol - that will make for a nice little backfire.


    I really fail to understand how into the markets people get. I sell what I can't use (mostly mats as I don't craft) a bit below whatever the going price is. If I get undercut myself, I relist. If the price drops so low that it's not worth the effort - to the junk vendor it goes.


    BTW, I giggled at the tauntaun head crack a page or two back - getting strange looks at work now:p

  6. Well you are missing out on a lot of planetary coms that's for sure.


    Definitely this. Especially since you can't bank on getting free gear at 50 anymore. But I suspect that you could get decent moddables from FPs pretty fast.


    Storywise, I don't think you'll miss much. It may even help your story-line. You know, the B.A. who swoops in, saves the frickin day and rides off into the sunset before the bodies are cold:p


    I used the XP weekends for my Sniper. She was in the mid- to high-30s when dbl xp started. Mainly did my class quest and the main storyline for each planet and some bonus series - that's about it. I still hit 50 before I finished class quest. Which reminds me, I should probably finish that....

  7. I Pre-ordered RotHC, but I don't have early access. I noticed that I am 1 point away from level 51, if I continue to gain experience points will they go to waste or will they be applied when I gain access to the full expansion?


    Played a bit last night and ran dailies this morning - noticed that my XP stopped 1 point shy of 51. I just thought it was a weird happenstance - is it the case then that my level is once again capped until Sunday?

  8. :( :(


    Same here. So far only 1 SR I found in the whole game it doesn't clip on her butt ( think it's the Black Talon one, a rather short rifle ). The other one is the Bowcaster from the Nar Shadaa's event (don't remember its name ). That's it.


    Everything else I tried clips....


    * le sigh *


    It's slightly less noticeable if you use the shorter-tailed jackets as opposed to the trench coats. But still does it regardless. Sigh - just the price one pays for being a Body 4 girl in a Body 2 'verse ;)


    OP, I'm guessing you are opposed to a helmet to hide the lekku?

  9. The most recent one I can think of is the one between two shipping crates in Red Reaper. I'll see the whole rest of them run through.


    I believe it's Directive 7, I seem to have problems with the tents that hug the wall. Specifically, only one tent. The last one.


    I have seen some Male Body 3 & 4 have some trouble with tight spaces. Most recent one in memory was a Body 4 Powertech that couldn't fit through one of the shortcuts between crates to avoid the Jedi in Boarding Party. I thought he was joking with us until I watched him run in place trying to get his fat butt through:p My Merc is Male Body 1 - so no trouble with tight spaces and he fits in most overhead compartments.


    If it makes you feel any better, it usually takes me several tries to get up on those tents in D-7. I don't run it often enough to be very practiced

  10. I just started a Sniper, and I'm glad to hear I (probably) get to stick it to a certain Sith Lord that I hated on first site. :) But about light-dark not mattering, what about relics? Am I missing something, or am I right that my nearly neutral sniper right now (who's at lvl 21) can't use any relics because they all require light II or dark II?


    You just can't use those relics. IIRC, you can find some neutral ones on the GTN.


    Or, you could always go just light/dark enough to get them, then do whatever you wanted. I think - my sniper ended up staying pretty light, but I don't think that your relics become equitable if you switch alignment, do they?

  11. OK, I had to sign in just to say this to the devs:


    You better make my 1970's era Arnold Schwarzenegger bodied Khem Val F**kable, dammit! Yes there are females playing, and yes, there is a small percentage of us with twisted minds! To the guy who said sleeping with Khem Val is like sleeping with a hungry Tiger--CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! I'm gonna to have my girl bang his brains out!


    BETTER GET ON THIS DEVS, baby needs a new pair of shoes! :rak_03:


    Ok, I'm scared now:eek:

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