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Posts posted by Stressfire

  1. When I started my sniper - I had imagined her kind of like Kaliyo, but less psychotic. Killing or double-crossing people that deserved it? Sure. Seeking revenge? Alright. Killing the weak/unable to defend themselves? Meh, depends on my mood.


    This is not what happened:rolleyes: as she just got the "Pure" title the other night. Same thing with my Merc. Sigh, goddess help me if I ever roll a Sith - I'll be laughed out of the Academy (if they don't draw and quarter me first)

  2. Most people just stop attacking because there is no point in attacking...the fight is over. However, the other day I was running through it with an alt and right as Revan exploded or whatever, one of the guys in our group ran up and bashed him with the lightsaber. Ok, not so funny when typed out, but I got a kick out of it.


    Eh, I tend to give him a running Rocket Punch on my way to the loot box just for giggles


    But have seen lots continue to DPS after this phase starts - not sure if they know that they aren't doing anything?

  3. Since I have crouch (lvl 11?), I used cover roll maybe twice, just to see the animation when I had a suitable hard cover nearby.


    Or is there any benefit of using cover roll instead of crouch I'm not aware of?


    What the guy above me said - good defense behind hard cover.


    As for rolling - it does have some good utility as you can actually roll quite far

  4. Not to mention its only a matter of time using this that you'll roll into an unexpected direction, pull another group and cause a wipe.


    True. I have yet to do this, but have had some close calls. Didn't take long to be mindful of where that green silhouette is.


    But as others have said, it's a bug - happens a lot when you are rolling in a direction other than the one your character is facing. I've gotten used to it - so used to it that if it was fixed, it would really throw me off

  5. Falling = no med center trip.


    But as to the quest: yeah, it's a pretty big pain and the debuff sucks.


    I ended up gaining an extra level or two and trying again - worked ok. I also avoided unnecessary mobs and went straight for the guy I was supposed to kill.

  6. Fat pilot? Didn't Porkins already die in Episode IV?


    And Dak wasn't really confirmed as having died. May have just been knocked unconscious - in which case, Luke pretty much abandoned him to get crushed by the AT-AT.

  7. In the name of all that is holy - this is still going? - we are talking about collections of electrons and digital images here.


    It's not like you can't just run the FP/Op again and get another try at getting another chance at the Epic Warblade of Whosit Whatsisface.


    Get hosed by someone on a roll? Ignore them if you like, shame them in general chat if you think it was malicious. But seriously, these are not one of a kind, never to be seen again items.

  8. Once I had a guy start bugging me because my female character was in a dancing girl outfit, he kept saying I looked hot and how it was distracting for him.


    It wasn't even an RP server either. Some people really need to spend some time away from the game...


    It's only a "warning sign" when you keep trying to convince your RL girlfriend to paint herself blue, wear red contacts, and speak with an English accent.


    Personally, if male wants to RP a female toon, I really don't care and don't judge. The "creepy" factor is minimal, as there is 0% chance that I will be getting into any sort of adult-type situations in a damn game:rolleyes:

  9. I pretend everyone is a dude lol




    I play a female IA - I do not do the dancer girl outfits, just not my thing. Trench coat or jacket.

    Make no secret that I am male - but for the most part no one asks and I don't get Fleet-stalked at all.

    Only real difference I have noticed is that other players are much more forgiving of "bonehead moments" in FP runs with a female toon:D


    If you really find yourself getting harassed and it's not to the extent that you can report - do what I did with my Twi'lek Entertainer in SWG and invite them to voice-chat/Mumble/Vent/whatever and greet them with your best "Michael Clark Duncan goes to prison" impersonation - trust me, it works:D No need to ignore, they will never bother you again

  10. Hmmm, dunno about the mushroom trip - looks like they hired the animation team from Jak & Daxter though.


    Certainly looks interesting though.


    I really do wish our ships served more function than just transport, a place to talk to companions, and a holoterminal though.


    Dunno about any other SWG transplants on here, but my YT-1300 was decked out like the Taj Mahal:D


    Biggest issue with player housing/cities in that game though was the vast swaths of planetary real estate taken up with totally abandoned cities

  11. Personally, I like the double xp - mainly because I have a couple of toons in the 30s and 40s and would like to get them into my guild's raid/FP rotation. Only having one toon at 50 kinda puts a damper on being able to do different events.


    Caveat - I can definitely understand the desire to be able to disable the XP gain, however. All of my toons thus far have been over-level for a lot of planet/class quests simply due to frequent FP runs. Over-level I can deal with, even if it does make quests less challenging. But, due to frequent FPs I also had great gear - with the double XP, it is very easy to neglect your gear.

  12. Once you get Tracer Missile, you will use RS a lot more often.


    I don't recall what level you get it at but whenever you cast Tracer, an armor debuff will show up on your enemy's bar and a reddish buff will show up on yours - the buff increases RS damage

  13. My issue is that I get great looking ones that sound very off. More like air leaking out of a balloon than a Pinto;)


    Also had great sounding ones, but that looked like they were cobbled together from spare Pinto parts.


    Maybe I'm picky - but I'd really like one with a more authentic *crack* Would it be asking to much to "laserize" a 30-06 or .308 shot sound effect?

  14. EDIT: I misunderstood your post. :p feel free to pm me a character name and we can faceroll against some endgame mobs together. Maybe we can even pug a storymode raid!


    Lol, I know sarcasm doesn't do well in text format, but was gonna say....


    But to your OP, I don't know if it is just ignorance of the game or not. But possible that they don't know about the Tionese gear - I didn't until a guildie asked me why I was still wearing Foundry and Reaper drops (with updated mods of course, so I wasn't that bad).


    No one ever gave me a hard time about my gear at all in the few HMs I did before I got that info, but then again I wasn't doing anything dumb or dying a lot either

  15. Why wouldn't the tank have lead? From a couple other MMOs, it just became habit for me to pass it to them as in those games, only party leaders could perform ready checks, mark targets, set loot rules, et cetera.


    I suppose I can understand in a PuG, not really wanting to pass leadership due to looting concerns - but aside from that, why not? I certainly don't care if I'm the party leader or not.

  16. If you plan on or intend on doing any tanking then PT is the way to go. They still have good DPS as well. If you want straight damage or don't mind tossing the occasional heal the Marc is the way to go. I have one of each and like em both.


    Good part of each is that if you get tired of 2 hour FP queues, you can always respec to heals on Merc and tnk on PT.


    Helps to have a spare set of gear around

  17. bump for XXX servers

    sounds better


    Strangely enough...I misread the title as "x rated server":o


    Not that I'm into that sort of thing (nor that there's anything wrong with that).

  18. 1. Bane

    2. Malgus

    3. Bane


    I am assuming, however, that you were referring to Ep IV-VI Vader, who honestly wouldn't even be worth putting in the running. Seriously, his lightsaber form made him look like he had rheumatoid arthritis and his force powers were virtually nonexistant (to many prosthetic?)


    Young Vader? Maybe - he would have at least had a fighting chance



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