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Posts posted by Stressfire

  1. What were you expecting exactly in a Star Wars game or a T rated game for that matter? I'm actually surprised that the implied sex even made it into the game.


    I dunno, the God of War mini-game maybe?:p


    Sad thing is, I had to have my fiance work the joystick for me on that part. No, that's not a euphamism....I literally could not please the two women on the ship to get the bonus orbs:o I suck at life:(

  2. Trust me, as a lvl 50 merc, we are a pretty stationary class if you use certain trees. If you go pyrotech, fine, but if you choose arsenal, you will be standing there just like a sniper cept you got no cover.


    Very true - both are pretty stationary. Sniper due to cover, Merc (Arsenal) due to need to channel.


    I have and play both - just to keep things interesting I do mix it up a bit at times and run to melee range for a Rocket Punch or Shiv finisher.


    I hear tell that the Engineering Sniper is a bit more mobile and hybrids a bit more so.

  3. I for my part like the merc armor


    If you want other armor get some from the cm and buy the campaign/wh armorings for the setbonus


    Might just be because of the body type I went with (Body 1). He looks great in the streamlined armors, less so in the bulkier ones. Tionese and Columi strike me as looking better on Types 2 or 3.


    Pre-50, I'd just rip out the mods and install in something I liked - but 15% crit chance on my core attack doesn't seem like anything to really scoff at.


    So, Campaign armoring? And what, that covers the set bonus?

  4. Hi all


    Hit 50 on my Merc a couple weeks ago - my first (yay!) I picked up my free Tionese, equipped it, and went: Eew! But, hey, it's free - I figured I'd get more "stylish" stuff from raid/HM drops.


    Thus far...I was wrong. I ended up keeping my Foundry helm (the fin on the Tionese one is just wierd, reminds me of the Rocketeer). I picked up a Columi chest and some other bits from HMs hoping for better skins. But, no, still have the 4 pipes coming out of my back and a gawd-awful blood red/olive drab color scheme.


    This isn't meant to be a QQ thread. Not even a venting one. But is there any way around looking like I shop at Space-Goodwill?


    Anyone recall all the SWG videos that were done to that Fett's Vette song? Well, I'm starting to feel like I should make one and set it to Macklemore's


    I had a pretty good look going with a lot of the Foundry (SM) drops - any way to get back to something tolerable?

  5. My favorite comparable experience was being kicked prior to the final boss of False Emperor not because of the stat distribution or quality of my gear, but because I had chosen shells that constituted an "ugly *** outfit".


    Being grouped with guilds (Immortal Guard on Covenant, in this case) has an unfortunate tendency to promote such behavior, in my experience. :( Some people seem to make the leap from 'guildies first' to 'non-guildies aren't people, and it doesn't matter how you treat them'.


    I would fully expect to be tossed out of my guild on my butt for exhibiting that kind of behavior. Were they planning to take a screenshot of themselves standing over Malgus' body?Yes, I know you toss him over the side:rolleyes:


    I have kicked exactly 1 person from an SM FP - which was a full DPS geared Jugg. It was either him or the healer who was leaving and to be fair, she was really trying to keep him up, as was I (DPS merc with support cylinder). Really only kicked him because he was nasty when we called him out on it and asked if he had any tank gear.

  6. Hmm, swear I just saw someone wearing that chest the other day or something with a similar front plate anyways - I think it's a CM thing


    The helm looks very much like the one on the Fleet Comm vendor (behind the ship parts vendor on imp fleet)

  7. Unfortunately I've been kicked several times by anouncing myself as a FP first timer. One guy even said, "CYA, I'm not doing this with you." But, I do understand how important it is to let everyone know so I'll continue to do it. My biggest fear is when I hit lvl 50. I heard people have little patients for first timers, even if they're geared correctly. This is my first MMO every so I'm a little intimidatied to begin with. The encouraging part is, I've never been the cause of a wipe!:D:D


    And that is when you find a good guild to run Ops with on the reg

  8. Imperial Agent RE: Hoth


    "Is there anything of importance on this planet not in some creature's freezer"


    I thought it was cute - almost like she was pre-empting my chagrin at yet another ice-cave spelunking adventure

  9. How over-level are we talking here, because you don't get the daily GF reward unless you queue for all eligible runs. Yeah, it sucks that I have to run FPs where literally none of the loot is useful - but hey, gets the daily taken care of on easy-mode and I can uncheck that box for the next group.


    Mob -skipping is a different story - personally, I go with whatever the group is doing, but it does seem a bit silly to pass up XP when every point counts.

  10. Near as I can tell, light/dark mostly effects companion affection.


    Though it does determine what relics you are able to purchase and use. Though, I am not sure offhand if "dark" relics have a light-side mirror and vice versa.

  11. Double check to see if she is in Healing stance


    Mako's tendency to electro-shock kinda drove me crazy to start with, but it can be helpful.


    She will usually shock the first target you attack, so if you a mix of leets and regs, firing off a couple quick shots at the leet will cause her to cc him while you take down the regs.


    IMO, Gault is more suited to a PT than a Merc and Torian does OK as a face tanker but doesn't really have the skill set to keep aggro or live very long against anything higher than a silver without heals

  12. Attention Possumcatcher:


    I have your companion, known as Kaliyo.


    She will be returned to you unharmed for the sum of 5 million Imperial Credits to be transferred to my accounts on Dromund Kaas.


    I suggest you do not cross Darth Jadus again or the bug-man gets it.





    Stick with the questline

  13. My first run in Battle of Ilum was on HM - was honest with the group about my noob-status. They were patient and showed me the way through. Yeah, we skipped a lot, but I already had my Tionese (which they explained when I asked why we were skipping so much).


    Since then I've done both the full run and the 12-minute version. I go with whatever the group wants to do.

  14. Just a suggestion (which may not always be feasible depending on how quickly the mob you pull can kill you), but if you do pull, see if you can wait until the tank taunts him back before dumping aggro.


    The taunt adds 30% to the highest threat (yours since you pulled), and assigns it to the tank. If you have Target of Target turned on, you can immediately see when the mob switches back to the tank then hit the aggro dump.


    Might be feasible - the only things I dps pull without planning to is usually the boss. Most adds I can handle. Will give it a try, I'm usually a bit delayed on my Chaff flares anyways - but like previous poster said, sometimes boss doesn't stay away, even with the aggro dump + dps lull.

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