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Posts posted by Stressfire

  1. Please no houses - I'm enough of a packrat with just inventory and cargo hold. In SWG, I was pretty much a hoarder.


    Now, customizable ship interiors on the other hand, that would be nice. Maybe put a nice fern in front of my non-functional escape hatch. Perhaps a rug that really ties the room together.

  2. I really enjoyed getting to this datacron. I used a website that showed a picture guide on how to get them all, and with that I managed to get it first time. That said, without sounding like an ***, I consider myself a pretty good 'jumper' in this game.


    I enjoy getting to those hard to reach places. This datacron will challenge you, but it is not impossible.


    I was never that good at even Mario-style jumping:o


    But you sure are right about the challenge. I know its possible to do with enough time devoted, but what can I say, I'd rather be questing or running FPs. I did try some more the other evening, kept falling at the same spot, that damned right angled pipe after the scaffolding.

  3. Honestly, I am loving my sniper. There isn't a whole lot I can't kill with her (provided I have a comp to take the brunt of a beating).


    The cover system takes some getting used to at first, but once you adapt to a different fighting style it can be pretty fun.


    35m is not really what I would consider "sniper" range, but the extra attack range is nice.


    I started an Op a few months ago, but never really took to it. I leveled her to 20ish and haven't been back to her since. I like the blaster/blade combo and the stealth component, really makes you feel like an assassin. But, the play style needed just didn't suit me. I really liked the IA storyline though, thus the re-roll with Sniper


    I guess you could sum it up with: "I prefer a straight up fight to all this sneaking around";)

  4. Go to the Combat Training quarter of Vaiken Space Station. All the way at the North end is an NPC skill trainer who can reset your talent points.


    I think he's a Duros, if that helps. Big head, green skin - can't miss 'em


    It's free if you are a sub, not sure what the cost is for F2P or Preferred.

  5. *ahem*


    Kaliyo: Admit it, I saved your arse back there.


    Cipher: You punched my date in the crotch.


    Kaliyo: He wasn't good enough for anyway.


    Cipher: I asked him out!


    Kaliyo: He screams like a little girl.


    Cipher: You're wearing durasteel!


    Kaliyo: You liked it.


    Cipher: You're so far away from my type it's not even funny.


    Temple: Sir, am I interrupting something?


    When you're off duty and you just want drinks with a nice guy, don't ever let Kaliyo know what's going on.


    Lmao - nicely done

  6. Well, I have Friday off work so I may devote some more time to it then. I suppose I got a bit spoiled by the previous planets where finding the datacrons was more finding and less jumping around nimbly-bimbly from roof to roof to gutter.


    As long as I have a thread on this anyways - is there still one in Anchorhead as well? Is it accessible to Empire players without essentially rez-walking all the way to it, getting offed by NPCs the whole way? For the record, unless something changed from the videos on getting to it, it sure looks a lot easier to get to

  7. So, I spent about an hour last night leaping around rooftops and drainpipes in Mos Ila last night trying to get to the +3 Cunning datacron there (the long way, because someone put a rock in front of the easy way) and consistently failing to the point that I finally just gave up and kicked myself for spending so much time on it.


    But as tends to happen, not being able to get it is irritating as well.


    I may try again, but my question for those of you with more of a mind to game mechanics is: Am I really going to miss 3 cunning points? Are they likely to make a world of difference?

  8. Your right. My chiss is a type 4 body chiss as well. It fits the accent really well, and yeah apart from the weapon clipping, it's mighty good that way. I gave her the paler blue skin.


    The weapon clipping is somewhat irritating, but not a deal breaker. Gave mine a very gentle face, medium blue color, and small left cheek scar. Looks pretty good, I think and fits my play-style for her well, which is mainly light side but with a bit of a mean streak if you cross her

  9. Wait, 2 full Snipes? Because iirc, at that level 1 Snipe from me would drop a normal baddie to roughly 20% and a followup grenade or even basic rifle shot would finish them right off.


    I'm not going to assume that you are doing something wrong, but you may want to check your gear and stats and ensure that they are up to par.


    As far as the 90m shots? Never gonna happen, at least not without a huge reduction in the damage that we currently do - Sniper, as-is dps-wise with a 90m range would essentially be able to make just about any melee class its unwilling prison girlfriend without really batting an eye.


    ETA: not that you have many skill points at 16, but I believe all mine were in MM at that point

  10. I personally stick with male toons in MMO's. Just don't feel like putting up with "Many Men Online Role Playing as Girls" or "Guy In Real Life" comments.


    Oh, I dunno - had an Ent in SWG. Always got annoyed when I got pst's of the....adult...variety. Until they integrated voice chat into the game, that is. Lemme tell ya, it was hilarious. Bloodfin pop was small enough that it didn't take long before I was able to buff in peace:cool:


    And I went with a female Ent because let's face it: a male Ent was a broke Ent

  11. Shield would be what you would equip in your offhand. Somewhat like a Focus, but not. Should be searchable on GTN, though I would have thought you'dve gotten one as a quest reward by now - but then again, I haven't rolled a knight yet.
  12. Yeah, when you're really healing your butt off it sounds like 20 kids circling you on bikes - all with an entire deck of playing cards in the spokes


    You get used to it....or you go insane - I think I'm somewhere between at the moment;)

  13. Not sure who Rally Master Whats'isface is - might be the guy, but not sure, it's been awhile.


    If I recall, the guy you need to talk to is right around where you come off of the elevator from Hutta shuttle, OR he might be by the Drommuns Kaas departure elevator. Not in-game now, so that's about the best I can do


    Hopefully he will have the active quest symbol over his head - if not, I'm not sure what you have to do

  14. You know, I do tend to agree with you.


    I started as f2p and made it a whole, oh, 6 hours or so before I subbed. Got tired of not being able to get my quest rewards:o


    I think the limitations on f2p are reasonable - to a point. But, speaking as a DPS class who spends an hour or more in queues for FPs, I would like those opened up a bit more.


    IIRC, f2p can only loot a certain # of oranges per week as well. I never even made it to BT as f2p, I subbed before lvl 10, lol

  15. nothing better than a chiss with an english accent


    Sure there is. Female body 4 chiss with an english accent:D


    Hey, as I say every time I get asked why I play a female toon: If I'm going to essentially stare at someone's rear for hours on end I'd at least like to enjoy the view

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