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Posts posted by knowmyname

  1. Any server will have the same situations. It boils down to what day, what time and who is online. There are times pubs own the imps.


    The Shadowlands is a PvE server. It has some very good pub guilds and teams. Sounds like they weren't online tonight. Perhaps they have lives and on a Friday night took time off for family and friends. Dirty imps don't do that, we have cookies.


    Get some friends and group up. Get on voice Comms and coordinate attacks and defenses. You'll have a more enjoyable time in SWTOR no matter what server or side you're on.

  2. Can confirm using the older 174 rated PvP armorings is nice.

    Getting 22K-26K heals on injection.


    Put on my PvE Recouperative Nanotech gear and it worked very well with the green 190 mod/enhancement


    I had to toss on some fort Augs for the HP but stats looked ok.


    Did do a personal best and third best HPS in an arena today running the double crit injection gear.

    Just keep an eye open for those props and stim boost for instant heal as needed

  3. Premades don't ruin WZ, they just have an inherent advantage because they can dictate what 4 slots will be.

    So, that team will have a guaranteed tank and healer, along with whatever tanks and healers the Pug brings.


    You get matches with 2 shank tanks, and 3 healers. It's a mess.


    Pre-mades aren't always the trinity composite.


    The more healers the less DPS. Healers hit like concealment operatives. Wet noodles and laughable. #NerfOperatives pre-mades are fine. No changes needed

  4. ...

    3. Change Guard so that the amount of damaged amount of damage transferred is related to defense rating. If you have no defense rating the amount x-fered from guarded target is 0%.



    Tanks are fine in War Zones except the Defense stat isn't used effectively. That would be the only thing I would request devs to look into.


    I like your thought on defense instead of adding to the general stats of the tank have it be a base for guard. This would have more tanks stack defense mods and enhancements rather than the DPS mods and enhancements currently used.

  5. Over 770 pages. Nothing has changed since this thread was started in 2012. Nothing will change. Get some friends, get on a voice chat, mark players and focus target. Roll into a war zone with friends and work together. Group up.


    Pre-mades don't ruin war zones. It is war zones. I solo queue a lot and you don't see me complaining. There are times I'll group up. Though not often. Win or lose I have a good time. When solo and against a pre-made it actually forces me to work at the game, improving my gameplay and helps me make better decisions adjusting to the war zone.


    Why is this lost on so many players? Are you all Bads? :rak_01:

  6. Good. People like you guys buying multiple hypercrates are driving this short bus to hell. BW listened when your wallets spoke and now we have seen this transition in the game.


    Look at the sub rewards. CC coming next month for subs. To spend on cartel, getting players hooked on the gamble of the next hot ticket item.


    I'd rather have content and bugs squashed than garbage Barbie items

  7. Good. People like you guys buying multiple hypercrates are driving this short bus to hell. BW listened when your wallets spoke and now we have seen this transition in the game.


    Look at the sub rewards. CC coming next month for subs. To spend on cartel, getting players hooked on the gamble of the next hot ticket item.


    I'd rather have content and bugs squashed than garbage Barbie items

  8. Tank companions melt during high burst DPS phases.


    Companions set as tank have the same Defense, Absorb and Shield ratings as their DPS and Healer stances.they basically higher HP lower DPS with no heals and a taunt. The extra HP means nothing. Even when they were "over powered" with 123K HP they couldn't hold their own in boss fights when compared to Pre-4.0 tank companions wearing tank gear.


    Tank companions can not hold agro.

  9. Very nice, I have some unfortunate news, I am not streaming Swtor anymore. It is the only game that I own that I cannot stream in 1080p. I would read through this thread to understand.




    Adjust your stream settings. You don't have to stream at 1080.


    My laptop I stream at 1500 bitrate

    My main rig I stream at 3500 bitrate (though doing PvE KOTFE yesterday, I had to drop it to 2500 to smooth things out) PvP it's 3500


    Both 1080 at 30 FPS


    Even try different encoding x264 vs h264


    There's things you can do to adjust and get a good steam. Remember steaming is all about the CPU. SWTOR is CPU taxing already. So pushing a stream on an already loaded CPU will hurt performance on both ends.


    I use Xsplit broadcaster for my streams. If I knew your system setup and which app you use to stream, I may be of some assistance.


    I also use restream.io to push 1 feed out to multiple stream sites. Twitch, Hitbox, YouTube , Ustream...just to name a few.


    Streampro.io is a free twitch overlay site. Though I don't use it, I will review it in the next week or so



    Welcome to view my past streams. Yesterday on my Operative you can see a crap feed when I had 3500 bit rate going during KOTFE runs. Today on my Jugg, I adjusted to 2500 and it had a much smoother playback. PvP doesnt impact as much as PvE does so that 3500 bitrate setting is used


    SWTOR.tv is a site that lists all 3 of my stream feeds. YouTube, twitch, and hitbox.

    YouTube has my last streams. I haven't updated twitch or hitbox it's the latest streams. Nor do I plan on that in the future.



  10. OP, Game mechancics 101:


    2x stuns fill up your resolve bar. Full resovle means you can't get stunned. So you can't get hit with 16 stuns.


    Additionally, a lot of the stuns in the game like Whirlwind, Intimigating Roar, Flashbang, Tranq dart, et cetera, break on DMG. So No-ne is using them unless they want to knock you out of commission.

    If your healers know what they are doing, they will just cleanse that thign.


    Key statement highlighted. Most healers or those that can cleanse don't know that. ;)

    Cleanse for me, is on a constant cool down at times.

  11. Hey folks!


    I have some updated information. We have a possible fix which we are now moving to test fully on the live servers. Best case scenario, the servers are live within an hour! That means that the next time you hear from me will be an update on the current status of the fix, or that the servers are live.







    You've been posting since this post... :mon_trap:

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