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Posts posted by knowmyname

  1. I see nothing wrong with thanking the developers for adding in or improving a feature that I enjoy. I don't give a rat's *** if it's an industry standard. If they add in costume tabs for companions, I'll thank them for that. If you appreciate something show it! Life is better when people are friendly and polite. It's not like the developers are going to start slaking off because a few people expressed appreciation for their work. :rolleyes:


    Ps. I also thank waiters for bringing me my food, even though that's their job.

    I would love companion stats returned and costume tabs for companions. That's what should have happened instead of gimping companion abilities and making them all the same. They just reskinned pets now and are not important.

  2. Older version but does help with graphics issues.


    Captured with Shadowplay


    Nvidia Control Panel settings and in game settings for best frame rates while keeping the eye candy.

    Players have said these settings helped gain 10-20 FPS.


    I will be creating a new video for SLI setup. Since I have tweaked these since I shot this video.

    Only setting changed is the SLI rendering mode.

    -SLI rendering mode -----> Force alternate frame rendering 2 (AFR 2)


    I did see improvement using AFR2 for SWTOR. smoother frame rates and less tearing.


    Xsplit captured the recording thus the higher usage and drop in frame rates. I didn't run Shadowplay which does not have the performance overhead Xsplit has. I'll do another video later using Shadowplay to provide more accurate results. I was streaming at the time of this video.


    updated video with SLI settings I currently use. at the time of this post.


    Try those settings in the Nvidia Control Panel and in game settings.

    Download and install DirectX 9 June 2010 Redistribution.


    Make adjustments to the settings to your likings. I'm using GTX 7xx series video cards. Dual GT 755m SLI, GTX 760 DirectCUII, and GTX 780tiSC respectively. i7 4700mq and i7 4770K for CPUs. All 3 computers have 16 GB Ram. Games installed on SSDs.


    If using Windows 10 don't use the latest driver from Nvidia. I had crashes with it. I use Nvidia Driver versions 359.00 and 359.06

    Remember the latest and greatest driver is not always the best.




    Hope this helps.

  3. Older version but does help with graphics issues.



    Nvidia Control Panel settings and in game settings for best frame rates while keeping the eye candy.


    I will be creating a new video for SLI setup. Since I have tweaked these since I shot this video.

    Only setting changed is the SLI rendering mode.

    -SLI rendering mode -----> Force alternate frame rendering 2 (AFR 2)


    I did see improvement using AFR2 for SWTOR. smoother frame rates and less tearing.

  4. Rule of thumb, Tanks set the tempo.


    When I tank I move quickly but only as fast as my healer. So I change the rule of thumb and say,


    Healers set the tempo. If the healer is ready, tank pulls.


    DPS should not be pulling. It puts unneeded stress on the healer. When I heal and I see this, the DPS stop getting heals. They can lay there and watch the tank and I finish the pull.



    I've been runner no tacts and HMFP a lot recently. Both tanking and healing. There is a problem. It's the same problem as in every other MMO out there. Players are lazy and jsand t want to blow things up. It's fun! But there are never enough quality tanks and healers. We need to band together and run the group. Vote kick these garbage DPS

  5. Companions can wear gear with stats again. Yes your companion can wear Expertise gear if you want Nd spend the time gaining the WZ Comms to purchase/Upgrade PvP gear.


    I would also adjust the PvP ranges.







    This would even up the class abilities better. Putting everyone on a more balanced standard. Currently the split is too great. The abilities alone put the middies at a severe disadvantage.


    Adding 5 more War Zone maps would be a huge draw to the PvP crowd.

    Adding 3 more Operations with the KOTFE would be a nice addition too. Even just taking all the Star Fortresses and combine them into 1 Operation with new mechanics for a larger crowd would be something. Or adding 1 Star Fortress to the HM Flashpoints Queue.


    End game content is lacking and promises were made for PvE and PvP. Subs are bleeding off and this would help band aide them

  6. Let's talk PvP dailies and weeklies.


    Dailies don't change. Must still do the required WZs for the daily.


    Weekly changes. Require 3 dailies completed plus one of each War Zone map completed.


    Increase WZ comm reward for weekly. Increase credit payout for War Zone completion and daily/weekly mission completion. Increase Valor ratings gained when completing missions and WZs. The more awards you get inside the War Zone the more WZ Comms and Credits you gain when COMPLETED. Early exits lose Valor, Credits and WZ Comms. If you enter a WZ its best to complete it. You are punished for leaving early.


    Put War Zones into a Qroup Finder Queue just like Flashpoints.

    You can select what War Zones you want to Queue for. But just like the daily and weekly Flashpoints, you must have all War Zones selected to complete the daily and weekly requirements. If you want the BIG Valor Boosts, Lots of Credits and WZ Comms, you must do all the WZ maps.


    Free to Play still has its limitations. You still have to buy a weekly pass to continue playing inside PvP areas. Cartel Market price for the pass receives a 25% discount from current prices. So it's easier to purchase and prices come down on the GTN. Remember subs, our F2P players have limited funds. Don't price these outside their credit range. LoL

  7. This is lost in the OT. So I'm adding to it and reposting. I'd like to read the community's thoughts on what you would do if you were in charge.


    Other games separate PvP and PvE abilities and stats.....


    Some games even have totally different characters just for PvP


    They did this so the balance in PvE does not impact PvP

    Which in turn the Balancing actions for PvP does not impact PvE


    This separation between PvP and for the most part end game Raid does not impact the overall community.


    Tweaked PvE abilities for Operation bosses does not take away or add to PvP DPS, Healing, and Tanking functions.



    You could build a new list of classes based on the current system. Or take the easy route and just copy and paste them over. Tweak everything for a balanced PvP gameplay. This would be the first step I would direct a PvP team to do.


    Insert a switch:


    IF PvP Flagged = Enable PvP Functions/Abilities/Expertise


    So even in Open World PvP, anyone flagged would use PvP actions and stats. Only Expertise matters. No bolster due to level sync.


    Now for gear. We currently have Expertise. Let's keep that. You gain PvP gear via completing War Zones, Daily Missions, and Weekly Missions. But bring the tier of PvP gear in line with PvE end game gear. I honestly wouldn't change anything here other than the gear ratings. Match PvE gear ratings minus 1 tier. Add 1 more tier to PvE. Make it a little bit easier to gain gear and prepare for harder content. Be that PvP or PvE. Basic PvP gear costs only common crystals to promote PvP activities.


    208 gear in Story/Tactical Flashpoints. No set bonus.

    216 gear in Hard Mode Flashpoints. Has set bonus.

    220 gear in Story Operations. Has set bonus.

    224 gear in Hard Mode Operations. Has set bonus.

    ADD 230 gear to Nightmare Operations. Has set bonus.


    The above are Boss Drops. The tier below the boss loot gear is common on golds. So 204 gear would drop off of golds in Story/Tactical Flashpoints. Hard Mode Flashpoints would drop 208 gear off gold NPCs. So on and so forth. So if you don't win the roll on a boss drop, you still get something out of the run that helps prepare you for the next progressive mission mode.


    See what I did there. Add a new teir. This keeps current end game raid gear over PvP gear while retaining current gear tiers. Not everyone does NiM content. A few more do HM OPs. While many more do complete SM OPs. This would ease the transition from SM to HM and HM to NiM content.



    For PvP gear let's match the PvE tiers


    208 = Basic PvP gear. Purchased with Crystals equivalent to 208 PvE crystal costs. NO set bonus but cost is PvE crystals. Accessible to everyone. Requires Valor 0

    216 = Tier 1 PvP gear. Crystals required for a full set + WZ Comms = crystals for the matched PvE tier 1. Requires Valor 1- 25. Turn in Basic PvP gear set. Has set bonus.

    220 = Tier 2 PvP gear. Crystals required for a full set + WZ Comms = crystals for the matched PvE tier 2. Require Valor 25 - 50. Turn in tier 1 set. Has set bonus.

    224 = Tier 3 PvP gear. Crystals required for a full set + WZ Comms = crystals for the tier 1 plus tier 2. Require Valor 50+. Turn in tier 2 set. Has set bonus.


    Valor is NOT Legacy. The reason is Valor is unique to the Class, not the account. I say Class because a few of us run multiple characters of the same class for weeklies. That Valor should carry over to the same class. You know the class and your role. Shouldn't you have access to shared Valor of the same class?


    Tiers 1-3 have set bonus attached. All PvP gear has the exact same Expertise ratings. Only the stats increase with each tier. Every tier's stats increase by a base of 25%.


    As an example. Tier 1 has base of 100. Tier 2 would have 125. Tier 3 would have 131.25. Basic PvP set same as tier 1 but no set bonus. So if flagged expertise matters more.


    You are able to deal more DPS, heal more, and tank better. But now you're flagged and enemy players can attack you. Is it worth the risk? This works in Open world as well as Operations. Though you won't have enemy inside the Op but you still have to get there and exit back into Open world. So remember to switch off your flag or risk being pulled into PvP combat upon exiting. Promotes PvP interaction


    This would promote an attainable goal for PvP players of all experience levels. It's basically comm runs/grinds. Players are not gimped using PvP gear inside PvE areas. PvE players can use bolster to even the field until they have the WZ comms to purchase their sets. PvP gear is progressive with only stats increasing. All tiers have full bolster.


    End Quote


    Thoughts from the community?


    What would you do if you had complete control of PvP and PvE and how to balance the 2 play styles?

  8. Also enabling vsinc will lock the frames rate on good hardware..


    Why would you enable vsync? Only reason to turn it on is to prevent screen tearing




    Back to the OP


    turn off shadows. Move the trees and grass slider and shadow slider to the LEFT


    put shaders to medium. Put AA to medium. Enjoy better frame rates




    The above link is a quick video I made with settings I use to maximize frame rates while still having the game look good


    Nvidia Control Panel settings and in game settings for max FPS and good visuals

  9. I have the quest for the Alderaan star fortress and I did destroy the bunker on Alderaan. But when I go the the Alderaan star fortress the quest doesn't end. I don't know how to end that quest.


    Go to Odessa, talk to the star fortress guy. Enter the instance. You're on a ship with Theron. On the panel select alderman. Fly there and exit ship and enter the star fortress. Complete it and you're done

  10. I'm ONLINE now. Times will change in a couple weeks, when I finally return stateside. I'll be online a lot more on weekdays throughout the day.




    Vëttë my main Operative Healer




    Vádër my main Juggernaut Tank


    You can copy and paste the names from here and into chat in the game

  11. NGE


    Next Game Entitlements

    New Game Enhancement

    Nigh Game Enhancement

    No Game Entertainment

    No Groups Envisioned

    No Group Entitlements

    Not Getting Entitlements





    Character Upgrade

    Crazy Uprising

    Companion Upgrade

    Companion Unplayable

    Choices Unloaded

    Choices Uninteresting

    Cold Underpants





  12. First, this is a cool offer. Our community needs more of this.


    Second, I'm never afraid to learn.


    I've tanked and DPS'd my entire time here (since the start) but never worked the green buttons. My scoundrel is 65 and my operative is 60, so, either is on-level for HMFPs.


    What days and time do you plan to run these? I'm an expat now living in a far different time zone but I'll adjust for a run or two. I'd be game for a run where you are the 'model tank' and one where you ... aren't ('cause that's when green buttons get scary). I assume you have a TS, Vent or Mumble channel we could share so you can give pointers on how operative/scoundrel healing works?


    I'm ONLINE now. Times will change in a couple weeks, when I finally return stateside. I'll be online a lot more on weekdays throughout the day.




    Vëttë my main Operative Healer




    Vádër my main Juggernaut Tank


    You can copy and paste the names from here and into chat in the game

  13. UPDATE:


    Malavai Quinn: [huddled in an air vent, recalls Gault's invitation] "Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs..." Upon hearing Quinn mutter this under his breath, HK-51 and HK-55 have narrowed down Quinn's location and are moving to intercept.


    Com link traffic has ceased. An eerie calm has fallen on the Nakatomi Plaza building. There is no movement detected from inside the complex. An Imperial shuttle is seen is the distance hugging the ground and inbound at great speed...

  14. How to kill a prototype of 16 and 14? it's impossible!!! =(:(




    Fast forward to 1:11:44 for the fight. Notice the location I post up at with Pierce, my companion.


    Stay in the blue circle. Keep both bosses in that blue circle. It's a cake walk after you get that position.



    If the droid's are out of the blue circle, they will 1-2 shot you with a 76K crit hit.

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